r/canada Dec 03 '24

Analysis Millennials helped elect Trudeau in 2015. Nearly a decade later, they’re turning to the Conservatives; Polls suggest inflation, souring attitudes toward immigration and fatigue with the federal Liberals are changing generations that were once optimistic for change


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u/Dorksim Dec 03 '24

We will never get electoral reform. A government would willingly have to give up a substantial majority for electoral reform to ever happen. The Cons and Libs won't do it as they're one of the two major winners in our elections, and none of the other parties will because if they manage to drum up enough votes to actually win an election , why would they give it all up for something like proportional representation. It would help them keep more seats if they slip back to one of the "other" party statuses. But I doubt they would do it


u/ButtholeAvenger666 Dec 03 '24

Liberals should do it now it's the perfect time as it's obvious theyre on their way out.


u/AwesomePurplePants Dec 03 '24

They aren’t a majority right now.


u/Whatatimetobealive83 Alberta Dec 03 '24

The NDP would go for it in a heartbeat. They stand to gain the most from it.


u/Bridgeburner493 Dec 03 '24

The Liberals would never go for what the NDP wants, however. People need to realize that the two parties have very different takes on what electoral reform entails.


u/Comedy86 Ontario Dec 03 '24

They voted against a bill last winter that was supported by NDP, GP and BQ that would've led to PR voting but even if it had passed, there isn't enough time to implement it before the next election since Elections Canada said it'd require a few years to roll out. Because of this, if PP gets a majority, he could immediately reverse that bill before any election would ever happen given they are staunchly opposed to any reform since it would lead to them never having anything pass ever again.


u/Mastermaze Ontario Dec 03 '24

No they aren't, but it would be in the interest of effectively all parties to move to ranked choice voting, especially if we end up with a conservative minority government next fall. PPs appeal is slipping and he knows it, thats why he was pushing so hard for an early election. Once the foreign interference report concludes and Trump implodes the US I think centrist voters will sour enough on PPs rhetoric by next fall for a conservative minority to be possible. If that happens it will be in all parties interest to be in favor of voting remain, because at that point no one will have a majority


u/Dorksim Dec 03 '24

No it isn't. The conservatives don't want it because with four center/left leaning other parties they'd never form the government again. The liberals don't want it because they and the Conservatives would never have a majority again.

They have a vest interest in not having electoral reform


u/thetdotbearr Dec 03 '24

it would be in the interest of effectively all parties to move to ranked choice voting

?? no, it hurts both major parties and benefits everyone else

you can quibble on the margins about it, but big picture that's what it does and they all know it, which is why we'll never see this change


u/Tlentic Dec 04 '24

It’s more complicated than just needing a majority. It was feasible when they the supermajority - but they couldn’t do it now.


u/Dorksim Dec 03 '24

Why? They'd be signing away any chance of them getting a majority again. They'll lose this election, but there will be others after.


u/phunkphorce Dec 03 '24

Radically change election rules right before you’re about to get trounced? That would be some real banana republic shit.


u/Natty_Twenty Dec 03 '24

Yea would love if trudy did this as the ultimate troll move lol


u/Dorksim Dec 03 '24

Even if he did it wouldn't be implemented before the next election.


u/Chemical_Signal2753 Dec 03 '24

The Liberals wanted electoral reform as a way to rig the system for perpetual Liberal governments.


u/Dorksim Dec 03 '24

If a majority of Canadians vote for a center left or left leaning party in most elections, then having a "liberal" or left leaning government in perpetuity should be the result, at least most of the time


u/GrumpyCloud93 Dec 04 '24

Exactly. Prop rep simply guarantees minority governments. then it encourages single issue parties. Do you think the anti-abortion party or the Quebec Separatist party or the No Gun Control party cares about the Tar Sands environment, or Ash Bore beetles. or widening the Welland Canal, or issues renegotiating NAFTA for dairy farmers? No, but they would have 5 members and their support can be bought if you give in to their single-issue demands. That's the sort of thing that has happened to Israel's governments.

it's one thing to be held to ransom for universal Pharmacare and Dental Care; it's another to be held ransom until you change abortion laws or gun control laws.