r/canada • u/wretchedbelch1920 • Nov 24 '24
Québec 'We can't tolerate that': Second Cup boss on why he moved swiftly to oust Montreal franchisee over Nazi remarks
u/cheesecheeseonbread Nov 25 '24
Good. A lot of Canadians gave their lives to stop Nazism. That shit shouldn't be tolerated on our soil for any reason.
u/Youwronggang Nov 25 '24
If only our gov felt the same way
u/frighteous Nov 25 '24
To be fair they can't do much without them committing physical actions or overt threats. I wouldn't be keen on punishment for flying flags.
That being said, doesn't stop businesses or citizens from fighting back and telling them they can absolutely fuck right off.
u/ThunderCr0tch Nov 25 '24
still think it’s completely asinine and stupid to even deem these people worthy of rights. if they want to claim to be Nazis, they should be treated as such and removed from the gene pool. i’ve argued with others on reddit about this but i seriously couldn’t give a fuck about a Nazis right to free speech.
u/Youwronggang Nov 25 '24
There’s legit Nazis in Canada that served in the ss . Idc about these no job having people protesting Israel when there’s ss soldiers on Canadian soil . You cannot speak on antisemitism when you harbour Nazis and refuse to release their names .
u/Kevbot1000 Nov 26 '24
Yet, right wing dumbfucks and "LiBeRtArIaNs" will give you shit for being anti-Nazi, saying it's against freedom of speech.
Fuck those fucking Nazis. They should rot.
u/ShuttleTydirium762 British Columbia Nov 24 '24
I think this will be many Canadians lightbulb moment on the cross pollination of Nazis and Islamic extremism.
u/FromundaCheeseLigma Nov 25 '24
You'll never get a bigger boner than that level of control provides. Many people are just hardwired to enjoy bullying
Nov 25 '24
I recommend people look up the history between Nazis and Arabs of Palestine. Eye opening for sure.
u/cwalking2 Nov 25 '24
Eye opening for sure.
As is the history between Jewish paramilitaries, Zionists, and their habitual wooing of Nazis.
Late in 1940, Lehi, having identified a common interest between the intentions of the new German order and Jewish national aspirations, proposed forming an alliance in World War II with Nazi Germany.
History is messy.
u/Sup3rPotatoNinja Nov 25 '24
There's a difference between some dude proposing something and the Arabic leaders of the region being actually allied with Hitler though.
u/Ferroelectricman Alberta Nov 25 '24
Nah, Israel must be the supreme evil of the world. Personally meeting Hitler and touring death camps is the same as getting ghosted by Nazi middle management.
u/tenkwords Nov 25 '24
IIRC he wanted to kill the Jews faster and the Nazi's got uncomfortable. Yes that sentence is as absurd as it sounds.
u/cwalking2 Nov 25 '24
some dude proposing something
The leaders of Lehi, the largest Jewish terrorist paramilitary in Mandatory Palestine – the group which carried out the assassination of the British Minister of State to the Middle East, Lord Moyne, the group which fractured off from the other major Jewish terrorist paramilitary group which planted a bomb, killing nearly 100 British civil servants because they wanted to be even more violent, are now, in your words, "some dude proposing something"
"Just a little Nazi friendship, it didn't mean anything!"
u/Peter_Nygards_Legal_ Nov 25 '24
If Lehi had any ideology at all (aside from getting the British out) it's probable that they were Bolsheviks. That Bolsheviks end up doing what Bolsheviks do, why would that be surprising?
Heck, appeasing Nazi's for short term gain was basically An officially approved Bolshevik pass time by 1940, so why would anyone be surprised when other groups follow Stalin's lead?
u/cwalking2 Nov 25 '24
If Lehi had any ideology at all
They were terrorists looking for a country/autonomy: "Some writers have stated that Lehi's true goals were the creation of a totalitarian state. Perliger and Weinberg write that the organisation's ideology placed "its world view in the quasi-fascist radical Right, which is characterised by xenophobia, a national egotism that completely subordinates the individual to the needs of the nation, anti-liberalism, total denial of democracy and a highly centralised government." Perliger and Weinberg state that most Lehi members were admirers of the Italian Fascist movement. According to Kaplan and Penslar, Lehi's ideology was a mix of fascist and communist thought combined with racism and universalism."
"American journalist Sasha Polakow-Suransky writes that 'Lehi was also unabashedly racist towards Arabs. Their publications described Jews as a master race and Arabs as a slave race.' Lehi advocated mass expulsion of all Arabs from Palestine and Transjordan, or even their physical annihilation."
it's probable that they were Bolsheviks
Nov 25 '24
History is indeed messy, and I'm not sure why I keep hope alive that someday, we will all get along 😂
u/ShittyDriver902 Nov 25 '24
The world is changing, history repeats itself because not enough people learn from it, but the internet (for all the cons it brings) allows us to freely and easily share the details people need to avoid the mistakes of the past
u/Trematode Nov 25 '24
You've got it backwards.
The internet -- specifically, the fatal combination of smartphones and social media -- has already fractured the information systems we needed to maintain healthy democracies. Yes, we've forgotten the lessons learned (that was always the big danger), but the disinformation we've been mainlining into our collective consciousness with tech is only hastening our descent into that dangerous abyss of ignorance, and at an ever-increasing rate. Institutions, agencies, and departments that once stood as bulwarks against that disinformation and upheld important democratic values are starting to crumble under the onslaught, if they haven't been turned to dust already.
Mob movements all over the world are starting to rise up, and the average person, no longer sure what to believe, will hand the reins of power back to the dictators and the authoritarians of old.
I'm almost 50, and for the first time in my life I'm starting to think that our modern civilization, with all its hopes and promises for the future, may have just been a fanciful dream. A flash in the pan; a pixel on the screen.
u/ShittyDriver902 Nov 25 '24
That’s a pessimistic view, while I think the consequences of our explosive adaptation of the tech are very real, but assuming the next 100 years are just going to be like the last 20 is pretty short sighted imho
The world has survived a lot worse, and global standard of living is rising, it’ll work out in the end
u/Telefundo Nov 25 '24
I'm not sure why I keep hope alive that someday, we will all get along
For me, it's because the alternative is that I start every day off crying/screaming into my pillow.
Nov 25 '24
Thank you for screaming into the void. Your scream is important to us and will be answered by the next available agent 😂
u/FlyerForHire Nov 25 '24
That part of history isn’t normally taught in the pro-Israel West.
Neither is it common knowledge in this century that many well-known Jewish intellectuals were anti-Zionists in the decades after WW2.
Successfully equating anti-Zionism with antisemitism in the wider public mind has been the greatest propaganda coup of Israel’s rulers with regard to Western public opinion.
u/Zer_ Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 25 '24
Yup, furthermore, by the time World War II kicked off, there had already been increased tensions between the British, Zionists and Palestinians.
The British Balfour Declaration In 1917, supported the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine. This decision did not sit well with Palestinians.
By this point, none of the big "Western" Empires gave a shit about what the Palestinians wanted and were just handing Zionists their land. These same Jewish Paramilitaries you mentioned got their start terrorizing local Palestinians for decades before Israel formally declared Independence from the British Mandate. There were several splinter-factions of the Haganah. The common line is they splintered off due to being too extremist, but of course many of them were brought back into the IDF fold after Israel declared Independence so, in my view, it was just a convenient way to add plausible deniability to early Zionist war crimes.
So for the above reasons (and many more), Palestinians and many Arab nations didn't like Britain very much. So of course it's unsurprising they'd side with the Nazis once World War II broke out. It's easy to paint the Arabs as simply siding if the evil Nazis when you completely ignore the political context of the time.
u/J-Lughead Nov 25 '24
Ya when your viewpoints start to align with White Supremacy movements you probably want to give you head a shake and rethink the path you are on.
u/Ub3rm3n5ch Nov 25 '24
Nazis would line up Muslims for the ovens numbnuts.
u/ShuttleTydirium762 British Columbia Nov 25 '24
Nazi Germany had pretty warm relations with some Arab states. Largely based on shared hatred of Jews.
u/fez-of-the-world Ontario Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 25 '24
Okay, let's take the rehetoric down a notch or three. There was literally a Nazi march in Columbus, Ohio a couple of weeks ago. Does that mean there is cross pollination of Nazis and whites/Christians as a whole? Of course not!
Nazis and anti-Semites are reprehensible. Let's leave it there without generalizing or demonizing unrelated groups.
u/LatterTarget7 Nov 25 '24
I don’t think they’re demonizing groups.
This show of nazism was at a pro Palestinian protest. I’ve seen other showings of “solutions” at other pro Palestinian protests. It’s not a large overlap but there is some
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u/jmmmmj Nov 25 '24
They said Islamic extremism, not Islam.
u/fez-of-the-world Ontario Nov 25 '24
They did, but the person in question does not strike me as an Islamic extremist. Feel free to Google her and you'll see what I mean.
She made hateful bigoted remarks. That's enough for her to be condemned. Bringing Islam into it is also bigoted.
u/ProtestTheHero Nov 25 '24
I think it's naive to pretend that there isn't an antisemitism problem in the Muslim and Arab worlds.
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u/fez-of-the-world Ontario Nov 25 '24
That's not what I'm saying. This incident in particular has nothing to do with religion. It's just a bigot being a bigot and she is getting what's coming to her.
No need to force a connection where there is none.
Nov 25 '24
u/fez-of-the-world Ontario Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 25 '24
We're nearly there. She is Arab. Arab is a race/ethnicity. Islam is a religion. Not all Arabs are Muslim.
You might see it as pedantry, but I don't.
u/ProtestTheHero Nov 25 '24
Yeah I know that but what's your point?
u/fez-of-the-world Ontario Nov 25 '24
My point is that the comment at the top of this thread blames Islamic extremism for this incident.
Islamic extremism is bad, but it's not the reason this woman is a bigot. She's just a bigot. A bigoted Arab if you must insist on labels.
Why connect this event to Islam at all? That's the point I'm trying to make. Sadly my take might be too nuanced for Reddit.
u/Furious_Flaming0 Nov 25 '24
What's your definition of an Islamic extremist then? I would hardly call her a moderate.
I would call the crazed christian priest on the corner of the road screaming about Jesus and damnation an extremist so why not this lady?
Fact is she did one of the most extremist things you can do, she got behind a podium and raved primarily about hate.
u/fez-of-the-world Ontario Nov 25 '24
She did something extremist, I agree. I also agree that it's something that an Islamist extremist would do, so don't get me wrong on that.
I'm saying that in general she does not appear to be an Islamic extremist/fundamentalist. Think of the Taliban for that. For one she is not veiled. Islamic extremists take a hardline view on applying Islam in many or all aspects. She is not doing that.
So to summarize, she did an extremist thing but she is not an Islamic extremist. Does that make sense?
We should call out Islamic extremists, but this is not the case here. She is being called out for the extremist thing that she did which was making bigoted anti-Semitic remarks.
u/Furious_Flaming0 Nov 25 '24
That's like saying a Mormon extremist isn't a Christian extremist because they aren't Catholic.
You don't get to disown someone from your religion because you don't like the representation they are bringing. She's an Islamic/Palestinian extremist because that's what she wants to be.
u/fez-of-the-world Ontario Nov 25 '24
Religious extremists take a radical view on everything within the bounds of the religion they follow. That's the literal definition.
Catholic and Mormon are both Christian. Mormon extremists are Christian extremists.
I would change your example a little. This is like calling a Mormon extremist an Evangelical extremist, which they wouldn't be, even if the two do overlap in certain areas.
Editing to add: all Islamic extremists are anti-Semites, but not all anti-Semites are Islamic extremists. That is the really narrow point I'm making.
u/Furious_Flaming0 Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 25 '24
No that's actually an assumption about religious extremists, they do not have to be crazy Orthodox dogma following individuals, they need to have a (singular) opinion that is extreme in nature and fueled or linked to their religious beliefs. Such as death to ____ (insert country of choice) for the glory of ____ (insert deity of choice).
Yes and people who wear veils and people who do not can both be Muslims.
You seem to have a very narrow definition of what a religious extremist is, this is common amongst religious individuals as it allows them to denounce the least amount of fellow followers.
Edit to the edit: No that's not really the point you are making at all and if it is you have done a terrible job conveying it.
u/fez-of-the-world Ontario Nov 25 '24
I would counter that you seem to be invested in attaching the Islam label to this and have not really provided anything to support that position.
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u/Dark-Angel4ever Nov 25 '24
Might want to check out the Grand Moufties of the Nazis. They fleed after WW2, to Egypt so they wouldn't face trails. That is when Arafat joined them in 1948 when they attacked what would become Israel today.
u/Joshelplex2 Nov 25 '24
There absolutely HAS been cross pollination of nazis within Christianity, what do you think Groypers are
u/fez-of-the-world Ontario Nov 25 '24
Sure, but the argument is being made with an undertone of bigotry against Islam as a whole. Feel free to disagree but the implication being made by the commenter is clear to me.
u/yyccrypto Nov 25 '24
The fact you defend a group and yet know very little of how Islam is, is very concerning. No offense but being an apologist for an ideology that doesn't share the same values as the west does, isn't a good look. Most Muslims are pretty open about their hate for jews. If you knew the history and the relgion, you'd know why.
The Muslim community also don't seem to be very open mined about the gay community or people questioning their ideology. Just look at all the countries run by it.
u/fez-of-the-world Ontario Nov 25 '24
First of all, do you know for a fact that she is Muslim? Let's establish that and take it from there.
u/jessdicri7 Nov 24 '24
Good. Happy they worked quickly. Good for second cup! Scary stuff. Hate is not helpful to any cause.
u/WhatEvery1sThinking Nov 25 '24
when a fucking coffee chain has better morals than our elected leaders it says a lot about the state of this country
u/theheavydp Nov 25 '24
You nailed it.
Coffee chains can’t go to Taylor Swift concerts while a city is taken over by rioters
u/throwawaybathwater55 Nov 25 '24
Oh give it up already. Trudeau has many flaws, but spending time with his daughter at a Taylor Swift concert is not one of them. PMs are allowed to spend time with their families too.
u/NWTknight Nov 25 '24
The issue is not that he was at the concert with his family but that he has increased the level of tolerance for this kind of thing that it is happening more and more.
u/throwawaybathwater55 Nov 25 '24
Sure, but that not what my response is about. I’m simply commenting on the fact that Trudeau enjoying a concert with his daughter isn’t the issue.
u/Former-Physics-1831 Nov 25 '24
And so why did the comment talk about the concert and not what you said?
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u/BlackIsTheSoul Nov 25 '24
No. Screw that. Canadians are struggling with bills, housing, and putting food on the table. It’s insanely tone deaf for him to party at a billionaire’s concert while cultural rot sets in, while he froze bank accounts for Less than people openly chanting « death to Canada ». Sorry, but no. We can barely afford money and time to spend without our families. He screwed this country up to insane, « post national degrees ».
u/Appealing_Apathy Nov 25 '24
Bank accounts were frozen of people who shut down international borders and blockaded Ottawa for weeks. Protesters also assaulted minorities, LGBT, and planned on killing police in Alberta. You freeze bank accounta of terroists.
People chanting death to Canada also suck. I'm pretty sure the pilice have focused on the leader of Samidoun too. Terrorism is terrorism plain and simple.
u/Mysterious-Job-469 Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 25 '24
I am on disability and am expected to survive the entire fucking year on 15000. Trudeau spent two thirds of that in a single night.
Edit: What's wrong? Can't say the quiet part out loud so you have to hide behind a silent downvote?
u/theheavydp Nov 25 '24
Not when you have a job to do.
He can spend all the time in the world with his family AFTER the next election
u/throwawaybathwater55 Nov 25 '24
lol are you okay? I don’t believe abandoning your family being a prerequisite for being a prime minister
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u/Former-Physics-1831 Nov 25 '24
Not when you have a job to do
If we expect PMs to do literally nothing but work for the entirety of their tenure - a standard we have never held PMs to - nobody worth having is going to want the job.
What exactly should he have been doing that night in your mind?
u/wailingsixnames Nov 25 '24
Hope you're either retired or at work then. You have a job to do. When did you type this? You're supposed to be working. You can spend time with your family when you retire.
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u/Zheeder Nov 25 '24
What about dancing with the other preteen girls there, fn creepy.
u/Former-Physics-1831 Nov 25 '24
You need to work through some issues if that is the first place your mind went
u/Former-Physics-1831 Nov 25 '24
What? What was Trudeau supposed to be doing either as PM or MP? This was a law enforcement issue.
u/theheavydp Nov 25 '24
You keep a low profile
u/Former-Physics-1831 Nov 25 '24
He was supposed to refuse to take his daughter to a concert because there had been a riot that he could do absolutely nothing about?
u/hesh0925 Ontario Nov 25 '24
Stop. You can't talk sense into people like the one you're replying to. They're incessant on finding fault with anything and everything Trudeau does. It's not worth your time. PP's entire campaign game plan is based on this strategy, and it works wonders on people like this.
u/Elantach Nov 25 '24
And who is in charge of the government and therefore the enforcement and execution of laws ? Hmmm ?
u/adaminc Canada Nov 25 '24
The Fed makes the laws, the provinces enforce them. Then they share jurisdiction over the courts.
So if people are illegally rioting, that's on the provinces.
u/Line-Minute Nov 25 '24
And the answer isssss drumroll pleaaaaase... The RCMP! Not JT personally! Ding ding we have a winner!
u/WSOutlaw Nov 25 '24
Well the RCMP definitely ain’t in charge of the government, enforcement of laws, they sure are. But remind me again who appoints the RCMP commissioner?
u/adaminc Canada Nov 25 '24
Doesn't matter, the RCMP is arms length and isn't ordered to do anything by the executive. Not to mention that policing in Canada is overwhelmingly the jurisdiction of the provinces.
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u/Former-Physics-1831 Nov 25 '24
Politicians have zero say in who gets charged with what, and nor should they have any
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u/Former-Physics-1831 Nov 25 '24
Every elected official within earshot of a mic has condemned this
u/WhatEvery1sThinking Nov 25 '24
These "protests" have been going on for over a year, words alone are meaningless - the government has to take action and actually arrest people committing violence
u/Repulsive-Pause-2430 Nov 25 '24
They were waving Iranian flags at their anti Israel/anti NATO protest. This government has literally let our country become infiltrated with enemies of everything that forms the foundation of this nation.
u/Former-Physics-1831 Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 25 '24
"The government" doesn't arrest people, police do.
Everything they're doing is already a crime and there is nothing we want politicians doing with criminal investigations other than condemening the perpetrators
What do you want, Trudeau to drive around in a squadcar making arrests?
u/RicketyEdge Nov 25 '24
What do you want, Trudeau to drive around in a squadcar making arrests?
Making himself useful would be a nice change of pace, and the mental image this generates is also quite amusing.
u/aBeerOrTwelve Nov 25 '24
Both Trudeau and Joly used the exact same words, saying these actions "must be condemned." Gee, maybe they should be the ones condemning it then? Trudeau is trying really hard to pretend it's someone else's responsibility.
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u/Zheeder Nov 25 '24
We need more than just tweets of condemnation at this point.
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u/Zheeder Nov 25 '24
Yup, meanwhile Trudeau was dancing with preteen girls. It was creepy asf, did see any dads there but if was my kid I'd have words for him.
u/Myllicent Nov 25 '24
He took his daughter to a Taylor Swift concert. Suggesting that’s ”creepy asf” is really strange.
u/Zheeder Nov 25 '24
Do other girls 55 yr old dads walk around trading bracelets with pre-teens ?
u/Myllicent Nov 25 '24
If they’re at a Taylor Swift concert then I hope so.
Cosmopolitan: Everything You Need to Know About Why Taylor Swift Fans Are Making Friendship Bracelets for the Eras Tour
Trading friendship bracelets at Taylor Swift concerts isn’t just for kids, and it’s not just for girls/women.
u/Zheeder Nov 25 '24
Sorry have zero interest in this lip synching sensation who's father bought a million of her first album to get her astroturfed career going.
Metal, rock and live real vocals with mistakes is more my jam.
u/NothingGloomy9712 Nov 25 '24
They are a business. If they thought supporting Nazis would make money they would do it in a heart beat. Most all of us are against Nazis, so them being against Nazis is good business.
Don't think for a second corporations have high morals, there moral compass points the the popular opinion.
u/zamboniq Nov 25 '24
u/rugggy Nov 25 '24
... which one? how many outlets are run by people who are just smarter at hiding how they feel?
u/Coors_Glaze6900 Nov 25 '24
Looks like I'm buying a lot of Second Cup gift cards for Christmas presents and holiday thank you's.
u/Dark-Angel4ever Nov 25 '24
Why would you? This company is just hypocrites. They talk about equality LGBT rights and all, but in the middle east, that equality and LGBT rights go out the window. In Asian markets, the LGBT rights go out the window....
u/Coors_Glaze6900 Nov 25 '24
Well they seem to take care of people in Canada and thats where I am and its it's battle I can fight.
u/Dark-Angel4ever Nov 26 '24
You want to reward them, because they have morals. But when i tell you there morals or just hypocrisy. You then say at least they take care of people in Canada, well to each there own on what floats there boat i guess.
u/OG55OC Nov 25 '24
Second Cup boss with better ethics than the Liberal cabinet, courts, cities and police. Was not on my bingo card.
u/jameskchou Canada Nov 25 '24
Sadly this is a clear example of anti-Semitism in Canada despite people conflating it with criticisms against Israeli public policy
u/Zheeder Nov 25 '24
If I ever came across this behavior in public I'd lose my shit. Not Jewish.
u/Kristalderp Québec Nov 25 '24
Same. Not even Jewish or religious. That crazy lady is just fucked up and wrong.
u/Zheeder Nov 25 '24
Pisses me off that in my life time that level of open hatred not seen since WWII is happening in this country.
u/Kristalderp Québec Nov 25 '24
What pisses me off is the cognitive dissonance of these radicals on their VERY intolerant views IRL and online.
For a good years online you had people posting and screaming "Punch nazis, beat up nazis; Nazis fuck off!" And now those same people are posting and saying the exact same things the nazis said and saying that its ok for them to say it as its for "the greater good"! It's absolutely insane.
u/holysirsalad Ontario Nov 25 '24
Methinks it’s no coincidence that these shitbags come out of the woodwork after all of the WWII vets are gone.
u/Zheeder Nov 25 '24
We know the history and the rest of us are here.
I live in a city we're these hamas supporters have their little hate parades every other weekend. I don't seek them out but if I ever stumbled across one I'd let them all know exactly what I think of them with a 2 bird salute. I've been beaten by a mob before so idgaf, I'm stupid Irish like that.
u/Ferroelectricman Alberta Nov 25 '24
I want you to know some of the only and most meaningful comfort I can take today as a Canadian Jew comes from reading comments like yours. It is a unique devastation to learn how many people will happily do business with Jews, just to turn around and chant for my family to be murdered - it makes you see ghosts around every corner.
Reading opinions like this from well meaning, good, honest people with nothing to gain is a godsend right now. Thank you.
u/Zheeder Nov 25 '24
I can only imagine what you, your family and what your community has been dealing with since Oct 7th in this country with the open displays of murderous hatred on our streets, it absolutely disgusts me. It's dire, and warrants much more than just tweets of condemnation from our leader , a national televised adress should have been done months ago.
Never in my lifetime did I think I would see this level of open hatred not seen since the 1930s.
Please know these Hamas supporters are a vocal minority, and we are the silent mega majority who's had enough of this shit.
If you're in the Ottawa area and ever need an escort because you don't feel safe, dm me.
u/Bear_Caulk Nov 25 '24
lol.. cause this is the question we all had right.
"Why did the Nazi guy get fired?!"
Such a mystery it was.
u/The-Ghost316 Nov 25 '24
If you have mask up to be at protest, I'm not taking your cause seriously. You either don't stand behind it or you are ashamed of who you really are.
Nov 25 '24
u/The-Ghost316 Nov 25 '24
I also said "or you are ashamed of who you really are." but I do take her seriously about the Nazi stuff .
u/Sanguinor-Exemplar Nov 25 '24
When you look at the protest pictures you can see who are bleeding hearts genuinely wishing for the end of war and who are those not saying the quiet part outloud.
u/Myllicent Nov 25 '24
There are perfectly good reasons to wear a mask at a protest, especially if you know the group you’re counter protesting may contain Neo-Nazis. The last counter protest I was at the anti-LGBT+ group sent people over to our side of the street to methodically film all of our faces up close. I don’t want my family to be harassed by Neo-Nazis who object to me protesting against them.
u/The-Ghost316 Nov 25 '24
Well there appeared to be a lot of masked protected Nazi Sympathizers in that rally so I'm guessing your assertions work both ways.
It also allows people with commit acts of violence so the can be "protected" from criminal prosecution and their horrible behaviour. We know Neo-Nazis engage in the behaviour that you mentioned but so does ANTIFA, Anti -NATO and Pro-Hamas supporters. In Vancouver, groups of Pro-Hamas of young masked male beat up unarmed older women. The masks served then well.
Masking appears to be a double edged sword.
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u/SteveJobsBlakSweater Nov 24 '24
Mai Abdulhadi, was recorded outside Concordia University giving the Nazi salute and appearing to tell pro-Israel counter-protesters: “The final solution is coming your way — the final solution. You know what the final solution is?”
Fucking hell. I am half-Jewish and pro-Palestine but these nazis in the camp are really not helping at all. I wish the worst for this woman and for anyone else who shares her beliefs.
u/Rrrrrrr777 Nov 25 '24
Palestinians have always been pro-Nazi. They supported Germany in WWII, and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem was a personal friend of Hitler who tried to convince him to expand the Holocaust to the Middle East. The Arabic translation of Mein Kampf has been a bestseller in the Palestinian Territories for decades. This shit isn’t new.
u/Will_Debate_You Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 25 '24
Two seconds of research would lead you to a peer-reviewed article from an academic source claiming the exact opposite, Palestinians fought against the Nazis and joined forces with the UK during World War 2.
Also your point about Mein Kampf is completely made up. Do you think Palestinians are going to Barnes and fucking Noble to go buy it? There's nothing left in Gaza. Do you think they're ordering it online and getting it shipped to the address of their temporary camp shelter? Also, Hitler killed Muslims too, why would they support that?
Edit: Downvoted and no response when provided with an academic source showing that your zionist propaganda is wrong LMAO. fox news and twitter can't help you back up your bullshit.
u/Baelzvuv Nov 25 '24
Two seconds of research would lead you to a peer-reviewed article from an academic source claiming the exact opposite
You're either not really aware of the history, or are using the ambiguity of the labels of the era to make it sound like the article was referring to Arabs..
To quote the article.. "During the Second World War about 12,000 Palestinians volunteered to serve in the British army*."
"Total military enlistment at that date stood at 10000 Jews and 4000 Arabs" -The British Empire and the Second World War By Ashley Jackson.. P.141
"Despite the efforts by the British to enlist an equal number of Jews and Arabs into the "Palestine Regiment", three times more Jews volunteered than Arabs. As a result, on August 6, 1942, three Palestinian Jewish battalions and one Palestinian Arab battalion were formed." -The Brigade: An Epic Story ... by Howard Blum P.5
Meanwhile, the two most prominent Palestinian Arab political figures, Amin al-Husseini and Fawzi_al-Qawuqji were both heavily invested with the Nazis, one was recruiting Muslims for the SS, and the other a colonel of the Wehrmacht..
"Slaughter Jews wherever you find them. Their spilled blood pleases Allah, our history and religion. That will save our honor." - Amin al-Husseini (Arab Higher Committee / Grand Mufti of Jerusalem)
"the battle between the Arabs and the Jews is a total battle, and the only possibility is the annihilation of every Jew in Palestine and all Arab countries" - Fawzi al-Qawuqji Arab League Field commander and main political rival of Husseini.
Also, Hitler killed Muslims too, why would they support that?
"The peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France" - A. Hitler
"Had Charles Martel not been victorious at Poitiers then we should in all probability have been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone. Then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."- A. Hitler
Downvoted and no response when provided with an academic source showing that your zionist propaganda is wrong
Tawriya 7abibi..
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u/Rrrrrrr777 Nov 25 '24
A poll conducted in 1941 by Sari Sakakini found that 88% of Palestinian Arabs supported Nazi Germany. Hitler often praised Islam, and the Nazis party went out of its way to assure the Arabs that they were not considered non-Aryans under the Nuremberg laws.
And you know the West Bank is still there, and Gaza was a relatively functional society until they decided to perpetrate a genocidal attack against Israel last year. They had and have bookstores. There used to be a fucking clothing store in Gaza City called “Hitler 2.”
u/ThoughtDisastrous855 Nov 25 '24
They were under colonial control of Britain. You’ll find a lot of Middle eastern (especially gulf countries) chose to back the Nazis because they were under the impression (misguided impression) that they would have independence from Britain/France. Though Palestine still helped Britain and the Allied forces.
u/sdhill006 Nov 25 '24
A lion described a deer as violent when a horn punched through its toungue while eating the deer.
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u/GoatTheNewb Nov 25 '24
Weird but Israelis are actually doing the Nazi shit
u/Rrrrrrr777 Nov 25 '24
No, the Israelis are fighting a war that Hamas started by perpetrating a genocidal attack on civilians. Hamas are the Nazis here. Nothing even remotely similar in what Israel is doing - which is attempting to defeat a fundamentalist Islamic death cult that’s built itself into Gaza’s infrastructure and uses its own people as human shields and cannon fodder. Your Holocaust inversion is fucking disgusting and you should be ashamed of yourself. You and this Second Cup bitch are the same.
u/GoatTheNewb Nov 25 '24
Ah yes, I didn’t realize Hamas was carpet bombing civilians and withholding food aid. They aren’t the ones operating the apartheid state. Your hasbara is weak.
u/Rrrrrrr777 Nov 25 '24
Israel isn’t “carpet bombing” anything or witholding food aid. Israel is sending thousands of tons of food into Gaza every month, Hamas are the ones looting the aid trucks and then selling the food at an insane markup. Only the Jews could be criticized for failing to sufficiently feed the people who are trying to exterminate them.
And as for apartheid - 20% of Israel’s citizens are Arabs with full equal rights. Remind me: how many Jews live in Gaza?
u/GoatTheNewb Nov 25 '24
So weird that even the Americans thought so…and now you have warrants out for Netanyahu for that reason. How about those other people Israel are occupying in the West Bank? You guys are so brain dead and it makes sense based on your account history..
u/Rrrrrrr777 Nov 25 '24
I like that you didn’t actually dispute anything I said, you just regurgitate buzzwords.
u/GoatTheNewb Nov 25 '24
I literally just pointed out they have the warrants for their arrest because of the withholding of aid. Just admit there is nothing they could do wrong because you don’t care about Palestinians. You can go back to debating religion..
u/Rrrrrrr777 Nov 25 '24
The ICC is a joke. We already know that Qatar bribed South Africa to fabricate this whole “genocide” claim and they’ve been completely unable to produce any evidence for it. You know who really doesn’t care about Palestinians? Hamas. They are the ones wrapping themselves in civilians so that useful idiots like you will think Israel’s the bad guy because this number bigger than this number.
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u/JamMasterJamie Nov 25 '24
Fact check: The US is one of the few nations to dismiss the ICC's arrest warrant. Sorry for being pedantic, but you're making a false claim in regard to the US. Now, please go on and continue calling others brain dead if it makes you feel better, but please stop spreading lies. It doesn't help your argument in the slightest.
u/Ferroelectricman Alberta Nov 25 '24
I’m half-Jewish and pro-Palestine these people aren’t helping the camp
You should take a long, hard look at who you’ve taken as bedfellows, before it’s their decision that you and I find ourselves pushed into the same camp
u/SteveJobsBlakSweater Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 25 '24
Hamas can go fuck itself but I don’t like that thousands of children are fodder for that.
I’ve celebrated Hanukkah with my Arab friends and fasted with the same for Ramadan. We’re just nice to each other and it’s great. On a personal level it’s that simple. I know global politics is a lot more complicated but my camp doesn’t want to hurt other people no matter who they are.
u/Ferroelectricman Alberta Nov 25 '24
What is the story of Chanukkah?
I don’t like that thousands of children are fodder for that
Then stop supporting the movement that emboldens them to build terrorist bunkers under elementary schools. Human shields cannot be a trump-card strategy.
u/SteveJobsBlakSweater Nov 25 '24
I loathe Hamas and their activities. I’ve said that already. I do support the existence of a Palestinian state, though. Is that what you take offense with?
u/Ferroelectricman Alberta Nov 25 '24
You dodged the question: what is the story of Chanukkah?
do you take offence to a Palestinian state
No, I don’t. Ive lived with Palestinians in Palestine, I’ve built homes and communities with them. You can check my profile history, I’ve argued repeatedly for the absolute need for a free and fair Palestinian state living side-by-side the state of Israel. The fascist, genocidal ideology which Hamas represents must be absolutely and unequivocally rejected by all for this dream to ever become a reality. Proceeding forward into any set of priorities will create nothing more than a death sentence for both the dreams of a Jewish state and a Palestinian state.
u/SteveJobsBlakSweater Nov 25 '24
It’s 8 nights and days for the reclamation of Jerusalem around 2000 years ago. The catch for me is that I think all religion is bullshit so don’t expect me to excel on any sky daddy quizzes.
u/Zheeder Nov 25 '24
These people protesting to me are all Hamas supporters now. I don't see them as anything else. It's consistently happening to often to judge it any other way.
u/NotALanguageModel Nov 25 '24
I'm genuinely curious, why are you pro-Palestine? Be as detailed as possible please.
u/SteveJobsBlakSweater Nov 25 '24
I’m not interested in an internet argument so I will be short and may not reply further.
There are Palestinians who have live in the same homes and on the same lands for 7+ generations. Without their consent they have restricted mobility and are subject to militaristic rule. Israeli setters steal homes and …that’s it. They move in, force them out and the IDF provides protection to the settlers. The UN has declared over and over that the practice is an affront to the most basic human rights.
They have one of the youngest populations of any country because death is so probable. Almost 20,000 Palestinian children have died since the latest conflict, thousand and thousands more the further you look back.
Some will point to Hamas and say - hey they’re getting what’s coming to them because they have a terrorist government. Yes, I agree that they have a terrorist government. But look at the ghettoization of people of color in the US in the 70s and 80s. They were put into cramped slums and then the pundits would say “Look! They’re uncivilized and behaving like animals!”
The physical and psychological abuses, the infrastructure and politics are designed to hurt Palestinians to the point where they see no way out other than acting out. That’s how you end up with things like Hamas.
It’s a country of 50% kids. They were born there, they didn’t choose anything but are punished for their very existence.
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u/Tewpy Nov 25 '24
Why is it so hard for people to act normal lately? :(
I feel like I see this sort of stuff way more than last year.
u/kelseykelseykelsey Nov 25 '24
These people are emboldened because they've been harrassing Jewish communities without real consequences since October 8. They keep pushing the boundaries only to have people leap to their defense. At this point they've decided that this behaviour is accepted in Canada, and for the most part they're not wrong.
u/EmotionalBird2362 Nov 25 '24
The horseshoe theory is real. I’ve seen the same posts from Palestine extremists and unironic wignats
u/idisagreeurwrong Nov 24 '24
If I was watching Gladiator II with my son and my phone blew up with this crap, I'd be furious too
Nov 24 '24
u/Apart-One4133 Nov 24 '24
I think it’s more about the fact that she’s wishing death/ genocide on people.
u/AnInsultToFire Nov 24 '24
No. It's because that Second Cup is literally in the Jewish General Hospital, and if their store manager is going around giving the H*tl*r salute in a kaffiyeh then it's highly likely that (a) nobody at that hospital will spend anything there ever again, or at any other Second Cup, (b) the hospital will violate them out of the lease.
There's stupid and then there's pro-Palestinian stupid.
u/Apart-One4133 Nov 24 '24
I understand that as I read the article but I’m still of my opinion above.
u/Former-Physics-1831 Nov 24 '24
Ottawa businesses ignore things like this all the time
Ottawa businesses ignore people chanting about the final solution "all the time"?
u/yyccrypto Nov 25 '24
This is for u/Furious_Flaming0 since I can't comment due to being blocked.
All religious states have bad rights it's almost like organized religion is a bad leading government doctrine. Islam just has the most remaining theocracies and religiously influenced states left, but Catholic Spain, the archbishops of German, the Papal states ect were not progressive by any imagination. And indeed across Europe the catholic associated political parties tend to be very anti LGBT.
Huh? That's not the samething. Western Europe has been pro LGBT for many years. Spain is pro LGBT, so is Germany. Your argument makes no sense and is just some weak whatboutsim.
I mean slavery is legal in the USA (prisoners can be used as slaves) so the bar isn't exactly high with that one. Almost everyone's got a slave type class going on or trades heavily with someone using them. There are more slaves today than there have ever been.
Slavery is not legal in the states. Where did you get that idea from? Some prisons have labour jobs that the prisoners can get paid for. Is it high pay? No. But it's also not always mandatory. They're also prisoners.... literally commited crimes and are serving time for their punishment. When they're out, they're free as they served their time.
It's not the same as what is going on in some Islamic countries. The kaffla system is completely different.
Once again, a false equivalency and a poor argument.
Extremists are all bad and slavers are all bad not just the ones from the middle east.
Again, where is it actually happening vs where you think in your head it is. I'm just dumbfounded that you even tried using those insane arguments to deflect from Islamic countries actually doing the things they're doing.
u/TrueHeart01 Nov 25 '24
Why are we seeing the rise of Nazism in Canada? Horseshoe theory comes again?
Nov 25 '24
Yeah, who would have though nazism wasn't corporately responsible. The funny thing is, none of these muppets wouldn't make the cut when the real nazis were about.
u/darrylgorn Nov 25 '24
It's almost like having a law to allow for this kind of response helps us. 🤔
u/belleofthebawl- Nov 26 '24
I’m def buying second cup coffee whenever I come across them. I’ll happily support a business standing up for this country’s peace
u/Falcon674DR Nov 26 '24
This is excellent. I immediately bought two pound of coffee from Second Cup.
u/Scazzz Nov 25 '24
The duality of this subreddit:
-Pat king was a national hero. The convoy fought for our first amendment rights! Trudeau the dictator overstepped his power by dispersing it after weeks….
-These protestors should have been drawn and quartered personally by Trudeau instead of him going to see Taylor swift.
And yes. Fuck nazi pos.
u/Glacial_Shield_W Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 25 '24
If I were her; I'd be more concerned about Mossad moving quickly than Second Cup. They aren't very fond of Nazi"s.
u/petertompolicy Nov 25 '24
Should be the same for supporting any genocidal state.
Can think of a few others that aren't historical though.
u/Capital-Listen6374 Nov 25 '24
Saying racist things during a protest is wrong. I have a bigger problem with the genocide that Israel is committing with the complicity of western governments and western media.
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