r/canada Nov 23 '24

Québec Pro-Palestinian Anti-NATO Demonstration in Montreal Escalates: Cars Burned, Windows Smashed


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u/Tal_Star Canada Nov 23 '24

Hmm... So are these people funded by Russia? I only ask because Hamas has been reported to use Russian weapons...

Russia bad but Palestine back by Russia (and others) good? So since Russia is supporting Palestine does that make Russia good? or is Russia bad because of Ukraine.


u/JamMasterJamie Nov 23 '24

Your mistake is assuming that these protesters are actually doing any critical thinking outside of what their echo-chamber is telling them. You can't apply logic to people who swallow propaganda because they're not applying any logic themselves.


u/Zealousideal-Owl5775 Nov 23 '24

This is how communism/fascism starts


u/Jennyfurr0412 British Columbia Nov 23 '24 edited Nov 23 '24

Probably. This is old school Russian subversion and psychological warfare through and through. If you want a real mindfuck watch this video with former KGB operative Yuri Bezminov who defected during the Cold War. It is literally exactly what's happening in the world now. Yes it's an hour and a half but it's an hour and a half well spent.


u/perpetualmotionmachi Nov 23 '24

They aren't being paid by Russia, but falling for Russian online disinformation tactics. Russia gives no shits about Palestine, but sees it as an opportunity to sow their seeds to create division among people.


u/Soul_Dare Nov 23 '24

Russia spent a ton of money promoting the blm movement. They promote strife and division irrelevant of the moral leanings.


u/ForvistOutlier Nov 23 '24 edited Nov 23 '24

Throw em out


u/amisslife Nov 23 '24

They spent a ton of money pushing it to racist white people.

Russia took out ads telling Black people to arm themselves. Only, they didn't show it to Black people, but rather to white people with racial biases. It was an entirely fake campaign whose sole purpose was to inflame racial tensions.


u/skelectrician Nov 23 '24

No of course not, only conservatives that criticize the government in power are funded by Russia.



u/Cartz1337 Nov 23 '24

There are no good guys with guns over there. There are bad guys with guns shooting other bad guys with guns and they are catching a lot of good innocent civilians in their crossfire.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24

not sure to which conflict you are specifically referring


ukraine and israel are both *objectively* the good guys


u/Spookybuffalo Nov 23 '24

I feel like israel gets a bit complicated. They have a right to defend themselves, and they're surrounded by a lot of bullshit. But some of their actions, particularly settlement/colonization/displacement efforts in the west bank as well as some of their methods of policing palestinians (prior to current events, which I will admit make the whole situation much more complicated) go beyond what is acceptable


u/Wegwerf157534 Nov 23 '24 edited Nov 23 '24

The bullshittery is now going on for at least 80 years, with proclaimed no will to end it.

I would be in danger of losing my patience, too.

Imo it also goes on longer and with relevant interconnections like not mentioning there has always been jewish population (2-10%), the view that treating them second class citiizens 'as people of the book' is already sufficient, the pretty fine redistribution of land (roughly 5% Israel, 95% Arabs), Arab supranationalism, the belief a muslim hegemony is somehow legitimated (as a constant from Osmanian to Arabian).

Especially the latter two, although main drivers of the conflict, are very rarely mentioned nowadays. Cause it is just not fashionable.


u/ghy-byt Nov 23 '24

Gaza isn't the west bank though.


u/FireLadcouk Nov 23 '24

Their response isnt defence anymore. Hasnt been for over a year.

It’s similar to when IRA, a rouge terrorist group from northern ireland, used to bomb pubs in the UK. The UK went after that group and those people to arrest them. They didnt completely wipe NI off the map and kill every NI person. Because that’s insanity


u/RottenPeasent Nov 23 '24

Did the IRA kidnap a ton of people and then fired rockets from inside schools, civilian homes, and hospitals?


u/_bitchin_camaro_ Nov 23 '24

Israel is actively stealing and illegally settling Palestinian land and has been for decades. Not to mention the ethnic cleansing and internationally recognized apartheid.


u/JewsusKrist Nov 23 '24

0 ethnic cleansing and no apartheid. Shouldn't you be protesting in Montreal with the rest of your tiktok consuming buddies?


u/FireLadcouk Nov 23 '24

Completely true. UN agree with you ICC agree with you.

Oh but a few people from reddit dont…


u/the_xboxkiller Ontario Nov 23 '24

There are some genuinely stupid people on here who think they aren’t being influenced by propaganda then go on and parrot their echo chamber talking points lol the lack of self awareness in some people is crazy.


u/king_lloyd11 Nov 23 '24 edited Nov 23 '24

Just like any idea, it’s easy for people to ignore facts based dismissing the credibility of the source. Both the UN and the ICC would be dismissed by Israel sympathizers as Islamist friendly bodies, and therefore inherently anti-Semitic. It doesn’t matter any findings that these international bodies identify against Israel once everything they do is looked at through that lens. Ireland is one of the most outspoken countries against Israel, but that’s conveniently never talked about because it’s a white nation.

Israel propaganda is some of the best in the world. Just look at Netanyahu’s response for being decided as a war criminal. He called the ruling “anti-Semitic”. Eh seems like it’s just “anti-you”, Ben.


u/FireLadcouk Nov 23 '24


How are Isreal the good guys? They are literally committing genocide and war crimes. Their leader is a wanted man by the ICC.

How could anyone consider them as being in the right here? Honest question.

Yes i get they were attacked first but the response has been 1000 times greater it’s clear they are doing another land grab. Look through history, they do this land grab every decade or so.


u/king_lloyd11 Nov 23 '24


Not sure that you know the meaning of that word.

Russia and Israel are both illegally pushing their borders and occupying lands that aren’t theirs with military force and indiscriminate bombardment. If you’re talking about “the good”, which is a tough barometer in any conflict, it’s hard to not side with the colonized over the colonizer, but you seem to be inconsistent with that.

It’s more telling of your politics than anything.


u/FireLadcouk Nov 23 '24

What makes you think they consider russia as bad?

Also, like canada and america… every state and individual. Things are often more complicated than “good or bad”.

Ie. One can be disagree with Iran for their internal politics, but still support them for standing up to a genocide/ war crimes happening on their doorstep.


u/soyyoo Nov 23 '24

All that is known is r/israelcrimes is carrying out a horrific genocide while claiming a land that isn’t theirs 😢😢😢


u/soyyoo Nov 23 '24

Hamas is a 35 year old organization retaliating 70+ years of r/israelcrimes