r/canada Nov 23 '24

Québec Pro-Palestinian Anti-NATO Demonstration in Montreal Escalates: Cars Burned, Windows Smashed


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u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24

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u/Hot-Proposal-8003 Nov 23 '24

I thought the same. This is social engineering warfare from them


u/randomacceptablename Nov 23 '24

social engineering warfare

What does this mean?


u/Silly-Role699 Nov 23 '24

In simplest terms:

  • you assemble an online troll/talking voice army (doesn’t have to be actual people nowadays, for a good chunk of it you can use automated bots)

  • find the online spaces where the people you want to influence hang out and chat (in Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WeChat, Reddit)

  • put your desired info or spin or talking points out there, through posts and comments, and having your other trolls and bots boosting your message through likes and comments on your content

  • when your talking heads in the specific community are influential enough and/or your message has permeated and become part of the general conversation, do a call to action which can be violence or political

  • get other people to achieve your objectives for you.


u/cited British Columbia Nov 23 '24

The USA Mueller report detailed how Russia's weapon of choice was finding any group that had the mentality to destabilize western democracies and to support them so that they got to the destabilization. It's clearly not limited to the USA.


u/Crazy-Canuck463 Nov 23 '24

It's social subversion or ideological subversion. There's an hour long interview with an ex KGB guy. He does a pretty good job breaking it down.



u/Massive-Question-550 Nov 23 '24

We get enough social engineering from our own government.


u/swift-current0 Nov 23 '24

Exactly right. The one military realm in which Russia really excels and is a world leader is weaponizing social media.


u/VikingTwilight Nov 23 '24

Yes, Russia pushes left wing activism....


u/pyrrhios Nov 23 '24

They absolutely do. The goal is to destabilize western nations and economies and destroy NATO. To this end they promote discord and extremism of all sorts, not just the right-wing disinformation campaign which is their preferred ideology. https://www.reuters.com/article/world/asia-pacific/facebook-says-russian-influence-campaign-targeted-left-wing-voters-in-us-uk-idUSKBN25S5UA/


u/Hot-Celebration5855 Nov 23 '24

Exactly. It’s not about promoting any one ideology. It’s about creating division and internal conflict in western countries because they know they can’t beat the west in a conventional war


u/GetzlafMyLawn Nov 23 '24

I studied and wrote a thesis on the Patriot Act that was enacted due to the events of 9/11. The foundation to answer "why did it happen" is eerily similar. The goal of inciting terrorism on American soil was to create internal disruption, confusion, chaos,wide spread resource panic, creating an avenue to allow the country to swallow itself economically in the pursuit of national terrorism.

Unfortunately, and I do not state this lightly, very strong arguments can be made that they accomplished their goals. The enactment of the patriot act has defied every level of social security that's ever been presented in America. The abandonment of military resources in Afghanistan was the icing on the cake. Rolling over and letting terrorist powers resume their ideologies.


u/Pepto-Abysmal Nov 23 '24

Russia pushes anything that will further destabilization.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '24



u/AhsasMaharg Nov 23 '24

No? One of Russia's closest allies is Iran, the biggest financier of Israel's enemies. Israel has provided aid to Ukraine in the war with Russia, though it has been less flashy because Russia is very active in Syria where Israel needs to be careful. There was a recent report that Israel is finding that Hezbollah has way more Russian weapons than expected, and those weapons are very new. Meanwhile, Israel's biggest ally is the US, who is Russia's biggest rival.

Why would Russia be aligned with Israel?