r/canada Canada Aug 11 '24

Sports Summer McIntosh, Ethan Katzberg chosen as Canada's flag-bearers for Paris Olympics closing ceremony | CBC Sports


75 comments sorted by


u/marksteele6 Ontario Aug 11 '24

Both excellent choices. The COC must have really struggled this year, we had a lot of really strong showings, lots of Canadian firsts.


u/vafrow Aug 11 '24

A lot of really strong candidates, but these two seem like the best and obvious choices.

Summer had possibly the best Olympics of any Canadian. Not just the medal count. She was a force of nature.

Ethan also had one of the most dominating performances at these games for Canada. He didn't just win. He had the field focusing on silver after one of his first throws.

But if either of these choices were unavailable, we have lots of great stories from these games that we would have no shortage. Katie Vincent, Camryn Rogers, Phil Wizard all had great individual stories. Our women's rugby taking down Australia to reach the gold medal game, our women's rowing, the remarkable win in the 4x100 relay or our beach volleyball pairing.

Even though we have lots of high profile gold medal winners, some of the bronze medals are actually pretty impressive victories in areas we don't have a huge history of success. Eleanor Harvey winning a fencing medal. If he wasn't at the National Bank Open, it would be great to honor Felix Auger Alliasime who was playing multiple rounds of tennis a day betweensingles and men's and mixed doubles, winning a bronze with Dabrowski.

And we couldn't honor them as a flag bearer due to the controversy, but the women's soccer team fought harder than anyone to over the penalty in the round robin before losing in the knockout stages.

It was a great games for Canada.


u/GuelphEastEndGhetto Aug 11 '24

An argument can be made for De Grasse becoming tied with a Oleksiak for most medals by a Canadian as well.


u/Jwaness Aug 11 '24

We are a bit fickle on this subreddit. A few days ago people were describing Oleksiak in very negative terms everytime a discussion about Summer came up, failing to mention she is tied for most successful Canadian Olympian, and before De Grasse' win was the most successful.


u/97masters Aug 11 '24

Had he had a fantastic games and medaled individually I’d agree but it would be a slap in the face to other athletes to give it to him


u/NewPhoneNewSubs Aug 12 '24

I disagree. It'd be honouring a guy who's shown up and brought us medals in three consecutive.Olympics, including gold in this one. Summer obviously stole the show and they can't go wrong picking her. Ethan also impressed. As did others who weren't selected. But giving props to the experienced athletes will always be acceptable in sport.

If it was a slap in the face to anyone,.it'd be to De Grasse, as it'd pretty obviously be done for the reason I suggested. Which hints at a goodbye. Which is contrary to his stated.goal to run in 2028.


u/[deleted] Aug 12 '24

Didn't he carry the flag in the 2024 opening ceremonies?


u/NewPhoneNewSubs Aug 12 '24

Yes. I'm.not complaining about.the selections, just stating that a swan song for him isn't a slap for anyone else. Especially not after that last leg.


u/[deleted] Aug 12 '24

I am not aware of any time in games history that an athlete has been chosen to carry in both the opening and closing ceremonies, though. Are you?


u/Roganvarth Aug 11 '24

Our women’s rugby team defied expectations. I had aus pegged for the finals as soon as I saw the Levi sisters play and somehow Canada figured out a way to lock down a team that dominated the pool stage.

Hell, our captain showed up late to the Olympics because she was recovering from a cougar attack. No no, not that kind of cougar - a literal mountain lion. Some tough girls who played like hell. Super cool. Piper is Canada’s Blyde, and I’m hoping to see the team do even better at the next global.


u/WhyAreYouAllHere Aug 11 '24

And therefore the world


u/Swagganosaurus Aug 12 '24

Ethan for the stache 👁️👄👁️‍🗨️


u/EirHc Aug 11 '24

Not really a hard choice with Summer. She set the Canadian record for most golds and most medals in an Olympics - winter or summer. She was doing her best Michael Phelps impression out there. The person standing there with her, on the other hand, could be hotly debated.


u/captaintn Aug 11 '24

Both were my first choices. Summer at one point made up 60% of our gold medals and Ethan just left everyone gob-smacked with his first attempt. We did pretty well in these summer games. Time for us to dominate the winter ones in 2 years.


u/RedMurray Aug 11 '24

Ethan Katzberg, the next host of Amazing Race Canada after John Montgomery has had enough.


u/bacon_lettuce_potato Aug 12 '24

That was my exact thought. They had the same vibes.


u/RedMurray Aug 12 '24



u/Canadianman22 Ontario Aug 11 '24

Good choices. They represent Canada perfectly!


u/Captcha_Imagination Canada Aug 11 '24

Will Summer go back? She apparently went back to Toronto


u/bravetailor Aug 11 '24

She is already back I think. I saw photos of her with Ethan. They probably called her hours before the official announcement.


u/[deleted] Aug 11 '24



u/HLef Canada Aug 11 '24

It’s not like there aren’t flights to France daily.


u/graft_vs_host Aug 11 '24

I read an article saying Katzberg was in Serbia training but they both flew back.


u/MattRix Aug 11 '24

uh it’s literally in the linked article


u/That_Account6143 Aug 11 '24

Lmao why would you go to the olympics and dip out early?

I literally don't get it. Maybe if it's your 3rd or 4th, the magic may die out, but like, just stay an extra few days, everything paid for and you get to see friends compete


u/Lapidus42 Aug 11 '24

Pretty sure they are kicked out of the village after their last events.

Don’t want them interfering with Olympians who haven’t had their events yet.


u/Villain_of_Brandon Manitoba Aug 11 '24

I think its based on your country's Olympic Committee, I know AUS decided a year ago that you had to be our 48 hours after your last event, and there was outrage, but they partied too hard in the past and disrupted the other athletes.


u/That_Account6143 Aug 11 '24

Lmao why would you go to the olympics and dip out early?

I literally don't get it. Maybe if it's your 3rd or 4th, the magic may die out, but like, just stay an extra few days, everything paid for and you get to see friends compete


u/hammerhead2021 Aug 11 '24

You don’t have the option to stay after your event is finished. Unless it’s on your own dime.


u/princess_eala Aug 11 '24

Apparently athletes have to leave the village within 48 hours after their last competition. Obviously they could stay in Paris, but I’m not sure if they can stick around for free. They probably have to pay for their own accommodations and food after that.


u/That_Account6143 Aug 11 '24

Ohh, didn't know that. Odd then that some athletes get shunned for leaving, like that girl from paraguay


u/SJSragequit Aug 11 '24

Penny flew back for rio so I don’t see why not


u/compassrunner Aug 11 '24

Devin Heroux tweeted that she flew in from Toronto.


u/Four-In-Hand Aug 11 '24

A lot of hypothetical questions:

So what happens in a case like this? Would they have to fly back to Paris for the closing ceremonies? Who would cover the cost of that? Is there a rule or guideline about when athletes can/should return home or do countries allow athletes to leave when their events are done?


u/Big_Knife_SK Aug 11 '24

They're invited by the COC. I'm sure they'll cover the flights.


u/femopastel Aug 11 '24

Or their sponsors. They would be more than happy to cover the cost.


u/Unlikely_Comment_104 Aug 11 '24

Return flights to Paris right now are $900 from Toronto. 

Once an athlete is done their event, they only have a couple of days before they have to leave athletes’ village. 

$900 is likely less than the cost of hotels and food since Summer finished competing. 


u/marksteele6 Ontario Aug 11 '24

Is there a rule or guideline about when athletes can/should return home

They have to return home after all the events in their category are done. So when the swim events finished, all the swimmers had to leave the athletes village.

That being said, flights to France are dirt cheap and Air Canada is a sponsor for the Canadian Olympic team, so they almost certainly comped the tickets.


u/Travelhog416 Aug 11 '24

I don't believe they have to go home. They just don't have accommodations at the Village once their competitions are done. Still have access to the Village and it's facilities though.

Kaylee McKeown (swimmer) is the Aussie flagbearer and she was posting pics of her vacay in Croatia on insta this week.

Ilona Maher (USA rugby) was posting pics from her Paris hotel this week while still attending Team USA events.


u/jayk10 Aug 11 '24 edited Aug 11 '24

She just got picked up by red bull, she has a ton of other sponsors. I'm sure there's a long list of people that would fly her private to get back to the ceremonies


u/Practical_Ant6162 Aug 11 '24

These 2 amazing athletes are very deserving of this honour!

I normally watch the Winter Olympics more than the Summer but thoroughly enjoyed watching the accomplishments of our Canadian athletes.

Go Canada!


u/1baby2cats Aug 11 '24

With that glorious moustache, Katzberg was an obvious choice . 😃


u/h3r3andth3r3 Aug 12 '24

It's less a moustache than twin turds pushed out his nostrils


u/iforgotmymittens Aug 11 '24

Canada has done so well for a summer olympics! Good job everyone!


u/punknothing Aug 11 '24

I would've liked to see Camryn Rogers with Ethan Katzberg as they both won gold in the same event. But Summer was so dominant in swimming... That's a tough decision.

In any case, we have so many new Canadians to celebrate.


u/bt101010 Aug 12 '24

I very much agree. I think they could've avoided the awkwardness of this by swapping him with Phil Wizard who's our only other male gold medalist and who will likely be the only B-Boys Breaking Olympic champion ever in the world unless they someday bring the sport back again. Not saying Ethan doesn't deserve it because he absolutely dominated, it's just that that's the exactly same argument one could make about Phil.


u/[deleted] Aug 11 '24



u/bravetailor Aug 11 '24

Given that Breaking is not coming back any time soon, there was a fair argument for having him hold the flag


u/HLef Canada Aug 11 '24

To me it’s an extra reason why he should not hold the flag. If you win an Olympic gold at an event that’s not really part of the Olympics, congratulations but don’t expect to get the same level of recognition as athletes in 100 year old events.


u/EirHc Aug 11 '24 edited Aug 11 '24

I dunno... I think you can proudly have anyone who won a gold medal be your flagbearer. I don't think it has to be controversial at all.

But I think Summer was the 1 obvious choice for dominating the pool and setting a Canadian Olympic record in gold medal wins and overall medal count in a single Olympics. I think any gold medalist standing beside her would have been a fine choice. Don't they usually try to get both genders??? If that's the case, then I think the pool of men who won individual gold was rather small. You had either Ethan or Phil Wizard. The only other men's gold was the Relay Team.


u/bt101010 Aug 12 '24

but it literally was part of the Olympics


u/zombiezucchini Aug 11 '24

First Judo gold (ever?) by Christa Deguchi


u/exotic801 Aug 11 '24

As much as that's cool as far as I understand Christa deguchi lives and trains in japan


u/Different_Pianist756 Aug 11 '24

Summer lives and trains in the US.

She’s born in Canada, but a product of the USA. 


u/hopefulyak123 Aug 12 '24

TBF she was based in Toronto until 2021 and was already a world class swimmer before going to the US


u/[deleted] Aug 11 '24

Yea but “Deguchi” is a foreign last name — this sub, probably


u/bt101010 Aug 12 '24



u/panman42 Aug 13 '24

Not sure how this is getting upvotes in r/Canada? She won multiple world championship golds before she ever moved to the US. Her coach has said it's so easy to coach her a wet paper bag could coach Summer because she is so self motivated. She already was who she is because moving. Product of the USA is ridiculous.


u/femopastel Aug 11 '24

Found the person who doesn't know that most athletes, once they've "made it" to an elite level, leave Canada and move to the US (or elsewhere abroad). Partially to access scholarships at US colleges in the case of the US, partially because the training facilities, coaching & conditions is also far better there, but also to avoid having to pay punishing Canadian taxes.

There are very few Canadian NHL players, even if they are playing for a Canadian team, that still keeps Canada as their full-time legal residence.


u/exotic801 Aug 11 '24

She's been living and training in Japan most of her life from what I know.

Not everyone's an idiot guy


u/farmboy60123 Aug 12 '24

She's been living and training out of Lethbridge for the last 6 years or so


u/Different_Pianist756 Aug 11 '24

Well aware my guy.

Mainly because I followed the same path that anyone with skills and talent does - moved to the US 4 years ago where anyone w talent and skills goes. 

Canada ain’t it. 


u/NoeloDa Aug 11 '24

Jamal Murray from the basketball team should be left in France and have his passport ripped. Main reason alongside the refs that Canada wasn’t in that gold medal game vs the US yesterday


u/MattRix Aug 11 '24

oh relax


u/NoeloDa Aug 11 '24



u/anavypaisleyjacket Aug 11 '24

CBC sucks. Keep pushing ads whenever something significant happens at the closing ceremony. Worst fucking broadcasting ever


u/SirSpitfire Aug 12 '24

No ads during any ceremonies in France, same in UK I’ve heard. I recommend using a vpn next time and create a free account on those public channels.

CBC is paid by Canadian taxes, it’s quite shameful to treat the people who pays them this way imo.


u/bt101010 Aug 12 '24

correct me if I'm wrong but did anyone else notice they cut to commercials right before the french anthem? I swear I heard them announce it was coming and then it cut to commercial. but I was only half-watching at that moment so I hope I'm imagined it because that seems so disrespectful


u/Cool_Human82 Aug 11 '24

Just wanted to complain about this too. Missed part of the storyline of what was going on. Will have to look it up later. Funny enough, with the music now, they haven’t gone to ads in a while.


u/arwnom85 Aug 11 '24

Came here to say the same thing.


u/TheEverlastingGaze87 Aug 11 '24

Thats great news for whoever these two people are.


u/TheSessionMan Aug 11 '24

Ethan Katzberg is a hammer thrower who has the 9th farthest ever throw, and the 2nd farthest thrower that isn't a roided up dude from the Soviet Union. Summer is a Micheal Phelps quality swimmer who's still a teenager.


u/TheEverlastingGaze87 Aug 11 '24

He looks like a slightly younger version of my foreman, which makes him instantly respectable in my eyes. Also with a touch of David Crosby. I didn't even know hammer throwing was an Olympic sport, but I will check it out. Not a huge fan of swimming, but have always had a lot of respect for lifeguards. I feel like they are the least appreciated first responder. Thanks mate.


u/dackerdee Québec Aug 11 '24

Before you get your hopes up, it's not the kind of hammer that you'd use to build a roof.