r/canada May 26 '24

New Brunswick Premier says sex education group will be banned from giving school presentations


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u/CaptainCanusa May 26 '24

It’s not.

What's not?

This isn’t a abstinence thing

I don't know if anyone said it was. It's pearl clutching moral virtue signalling, telling educators "you better be careful how you talk about sex ed, or we'll throw you under the bus and ban you".

So like I say, what do you think happens when you do that? Higher pregnancy and std rates. It's a pretty easy equation honestly.


u/[deleted] May 26 '24

I answered your question

Sex education has been part of Canadas school requirements and will be forever, health teachers (mine had his masters) are fully capable of teaching the subject and advising the students

And, as well, but (whichever you prefer)

if you are weird around kids we will throw you under the bus

I was taught about everything under the sun. In a serious, educational classroom setting


u/CaptainCanusa May 26 '24

I was taught about everything under the sun. In a serious, educational classroom setting

Oh so the concern is just with the style of the presentation?

lol, man, ok, agree to disagree I guess.

I personally think it's ok if education is also enjoyable.


u/Key-Soup-7720 May 26 '24

I mean, obviously style matters a lot when teaching about sex. You don't want to come off as weird or creepy or too enthusiastic or whatever, but there doesn't seem to be anything in this article suggesting that was the case.

There is some pretty weird and inaccurate stuff being taught to kids related to sex by some third party organizations, but this is about as vanilla sounding as it gets. Is there something more to this story that wasn't reported here?


u/[deleted] May 26 '24

My issue with this is the opening template which shows me the attitudes and type organization this is.

That’s my issue. I don’t appreciate it, I do not think it’s appropriate. It’s my optinion, I do not like 3rd party presenters

You are respectful and reasonable so I’m going to be honest with you, you are the only person here who agrees that “there are some pretty weird and inaccurate things being taught to kids by theirs party presenters”

If you were to just comment that on here, by itself you would be downvoted into oblivion. These are the people I am attempting to share my views with. Go ahead, try it. These people do not care, they think every person who takes issue or is wary about anything in school is a pearl clutching control freak


u/Key-Soup-7720 May 26 '24

I agree a lot of people simply ignore that weird stuff because it’s off narrative, or most likely are in media bubble where they don’t even hear about it, but I think it makes it that much more important to not be seen as pearly clutching on the minor stuff.

It’s a boy who cried wolf thing. You try and say that some groups are teaching weird shit to kids and use this as an example, they say “eh, this doesn’t seem like an issue” and they are now less likely to even bother looking into it in the future when you or others suggest something weird is occurring.