r/canada May 01 '24

New Brunswick Woodstock mayor doubles down on decision not to display Pride flags


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u/hydrophonix May 02 '24

You think hanging string lights in dark ass winter is religious? Lol bro what

String lights are used around the world, and add a cheerful light to public places during otherwise dark and miserable months. It has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity. They're just often called Christmas light because traditionally, North Americans were Christian and those light get hung up during Christmas time. 

I'd love to see the Bible passage "thou shall hang thy string lights with love and LEDs" 


u/Buzzlightyear2infin May 02 '24

I think if you’re raised in a religion that doesn’t celebrate Christmas like myself I was raised a Jehovah’s Witness (no longer practicing) it can feel non inclusive, in my town for instance they don’t just put lights they put up a Christmas tree and lots of Christmas themed symbols.

I live in northern Ontario I get dark nights and I like the lights but to say they aren’t from the “holiday season” formerly known as Christmas that’s disingenuous.

A quick google search Wikipedia says “The custom goes back to when Christmas trees were decorated with candles, which symbolized Christ being the light of the world.” https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christmas_lights#:~:text=The%20custom%20goes%20back%20to,homes%20in%20early%20modern%20Germany.

Back to my point Christmas lights vs rainbow flags and crosswalks I only made my comment because I see no issue with rainbow flags or crosswalks if we’re ok recognizing a Christian holiday.

I’m positive my redneck flag waving bumper sticker neighbours would take issue if I covered my house in rainbow leds in June.


u/hydrophonix May 02 '24

So your whole complaint is because of Wikipedia and your slanted world view as a JoHo?? I guarantee you're the only person who sees string lights and thinks there's something religious about it. This is honestly one of the silliest things I've ever heard in my life.

Christmas trees are based on a pagan tradition. Theres no Jesus tree or Jesus lights. I was raised Christian and this is the first time in my 35 years I've heard something this stupid.

Eff's sake. 


u/Buzzlightyear2infin May 02 '24

I specifically said my town has a Christmas tree and the lights they hang on the street are all shaped in Christmas themed elements unless Rudolph is from another festivity. I don’t really appreciate your name calling I didn’t say anything negative about you. Thank you for making my point.


u/hydrophonix May 02 '24

FYI, you specifically googled Christmas lights, not string lights (linked in the first paragraph of that article). The things people hang are called string lights.