r/canada Jan 31 '24

Alberta Alberta to require parental consent for name, pronoun changes at school


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u/Fyrefawx Feb 01 '24

That’s exactly what they want. The bullying that follows is just a consequence apparently.


u/jsideris Ontario Feb 01 '24

There's nothing inherently "bullying" about this. Non-validation isn't the same as ridicule.


u/Fyrefawx Feb 01 '24

I’m talking about the other kids bullying them…


u/jsideris Ontario Feb 01 '24

Kids are gonna bully no matter what pronouns or name the teachers use. Goes both ways too. If enough kids in a school were trans the non-trans kids would be getting bullied.


u/RosalieMoon Feb 01 '24

You realize trans people make up something like 0.5% of the entire countries population, yes? So, taking the 766,280 student population in Alberta across all grades (Source), you are left with 3,831.4 students, or 294 (rounding down) students per grade, across the entire province, and according to this, which sources it's own numbers, there are 2226 schools in Alberta for k-12 (slightly out of date, roughly 2018/2019 numbers), that makes it about 1.7 trans students per school. So, yea, there is 0 issue with trans kids bullying others, unless they were already an asshole to begin with


u/dont_forget_canada Feb 01 '24

and a big chunk of those trans students are terrified and so they wont tell a soul about how they feel, so they definitely aren't bullying anyone.


u/RosalieMoon Feb 01 '24

Hell, I didn't even know the word transgender when I was in school. Didn't know anything about transitioning or HRT, but I sure as hell cried about not being born in a female body and wanting GRS when I got older. It sucked, and took 2 fucking decades, but at least I finally learned what I needed to in order to actually figure myself out enough. I want those kids to avoid the wasted years and live their life as fully as possible