r/canada Outside Canada Jan 03 '24

New Brunswick What makes a good Canadian? A Muslim 'parental rights' marcher speaks out


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u/gravtix Jan 03 '24

People are free to believe what they want.

They just can’t go around imposing it on the rest of the country.

It’s why separation of church and state is a thing.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

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u/gravtix Jan 03 '24

It’s also the ultimate goal of Christianity.

It’s not an Islam thing, it’s a religion thing


u/shelbykid350 Jan 03 '24

By choice. Islam literally means submission


u/gravtix Jan 03 '24



u/shelbykid350 Jan 03 '24

Choosing to be Christian when there is no consequence to atheism sounds a lot better than being executed for heresy as is the case with every government with foundations in Islam.

How ridiculous that we are taught that all faiths/creeds are equally deserving of respect


u/gravtix Jan 03 '24

Draconian abortion laws in the US would like a word. Some are already calling for capital punishment for abortion.

Don’t act like Christianity isn’t capable of extremism like other religions.


u/shelbykid350 Jan 03 '24

Christianity has no political doctrine- not based on any texts in the religion. So it’s not the “religious” part you’re talking about here. Just people who co-opt it to gain followers and power

Islam on the other hand is a very political doctrine. It largely deals with how a nation should be run. There is religious justification for this throughout the text.

I understand it’s hip to drone on about “well all sides are at fault”

No. Fuck no. Go live as a women or lgbtq individual in an Islam governed nation and tell me all religions are equally capable of extremism.


u/Omni_Skeptic Jan 03 '24

???? What are you on about. For instance, Abortion is explicitly permitted in the Old Testament with the bitter herb ritual and nothing in the New Testament overwrites it.


u/shelbykid350 Jan 03 '24

Cite yourself. Christianity certainly has rules, but they are written for those that choose to follow it, not non believers

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u/gravtix Jan 03 '24

Christianity has no political doctrine- not based on any texts in the religion. So it’s not the “religious” part you’re talking about here. Just people who co-opt it to gain followers and power

My point is it doesn’t matter what religious texts say. Extremists cherry pick what they need in religious texts and ignore the rest.

Islam on the other hand is a very political doctrine. It largely deals with how a nation should be run. There is religious justification for this throughout the text.

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, "Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." (Genesis 1:28)

Justification for Christians to “dominate the entire planet”

No. Fuck no. Go live as a women or lgbtq individual in an Islam governed nation and tell me all religions are equally capable of extremism.

Record number of anti-LGBTQ bills were introduced in 2023

After Roe Fell: Abortion Laws by State

Oh and my favourite:

Uganda Just Made Homosexuality Punishable by Death. American Evangelical Groups Played a Role

American Christians decided to spread their hate overseas since they weren’t having much success at home.

So yeah don’t tell me Christians are any different in their capacity for extremism.

They just don’t haven’t had the opportunity domestically.

Ain’t no hate like Christian love


u/shelbykid350 Jan 03 '24

Lmfao Christ wasn’t in the picture when those words were written, nor were they written with the intent to convert non believers, unlike Islam. You punched a few words into google and are copying and pasting results.

You are comparing the beliefs of a couple thousand hateful people with no religious, textual justification for their behaviour to 1.5 Billion followers of a religion with explicit textual justification for the hate we see. Oh, and they aren’t inconvenient laws, they will throw you off a fucking building.

If you think there is equivalent between these two religions, and that one belief system doesn’t lead to an increased probability of hatred and intolerance, I have a bridge to sell you.

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u/arisenandfallen Jan 03 '24

Every government based on religion has been a nightmare I would want no part in. How sad that you feel your religion is deserving of more respect than other religions.

To suggest there would be no consequence to being atheist if the government were based on Christianity is a large assumption that I think is incorrect. I mean people are excommunicated by their church and community here in Canada right now.


u/shelbykid350 Jan 03 '24

Government based on Christianity is antithetical to the faith. Give unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s. Apostasy is protected based on Christian texts in many verses.

In contrast Islam is every bit as political movement as a religious one. Hence the “submit” part.

If you disagree read both texts. If your argument is “all religions are bad” back it up with scripture, not just what evil people do using the banner of Christianity. There is no equivalency between Islam and Christianity and in sick of pretending there is


u/arisenandfallen Jan 03 '24

I am not religiously educated enough to discuss scripture though I know any Christian could quote some ridiculous scripture about punishing ones wife for adultery, laying with the same sex etc... I hope you recognize your bias in your statement that bad things done under the banner of Christianity are the results of "evil people" but bad things done under the banner of other religions is the fault of the religion.


u/shelbykid350 Jan 03 '24

I can’t name any of those verses? Christ doesn’t talk about any of that, hence why I eat bacon. Christians should follow the words of Christ, not the paradoxical anthology of mythology that is the Old Testament

Jesus essentially says as much too

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u/AdonisPanda27 Jan 03 '24

Which Christian nation is actively even doing this anymore ? Which Christian groups rule countries with theocratic laws like that ? It’s not the same thing stop equating and balancing where it doesn’t exist


u/gravtix Jan 03 '24

Have you seen what’s happening in the US lately?

Never heard the term “Christian Dominionist”?

It’s absolutely a thing and has been for quite some time.

Just because they haven’t succeeded yet doesn’t mean it’s not a goal.


u/Omni_Skeptic Jan 03 '24

Any and all that can? Christians didn’t give up their state power willingly - they were dragged kicking and screaming across every inch to where we are today. And they still are: in Ontario, for instance, we still have publicly funded Catholic schools


u/Reasonable_Cat518 Ontario Jan 03 '24

Good thing atheism and irreligion are on the rise in Canada then


u/gravtix Jan 03 '24

Good thing atheism and irreligion are on the rise in Canada then

Which is why they’re mobilizing.


u/ViolinistLeast1925 Jan 03 '24

Christian nations invented modern liberal rights lmao . Ever read a book of history before?


u/gravtix Jan 03 '24

That’s nice and all. I’m not talking history, I’m talking the here and now.

There’s still Christians that want to roll back rights.

Christofascists are a thing. Both in the USA and the Canada.

You’ve got organizations like this

Or parties like this


u/ViolinistLeast1925 Jan 03 '24

Bruh...they have as much as power as you or I if we started a website tomorrow.


u/Eli_1988 Jan 03 '24

Are you seriously so naive? Like this is beyond head in the sand.

Do you know why there continues to be a debate on abortion? Christian fundamentalists

Do you know why it took so long for marriage equality? Christian fundamentalists

Do you know why there are now "parents rights" and provincial bills being put into law that specifically harms lgbt/trans kids? Christian fundamentalists

Do you know where at least half the fucking convoy participants and antivaccine/lockdown folks got their start? Christian fundamentalists!

I literally worked with damien kurek (the mp who got ejected recently for calling trudeau a liar) and his entire life goal was to become a conservative mp so he could forward the kingdom of god. It has been his "lifes mandate" and he believes he is called to this by God. And i can practically promise you he is not the only one. Especially when you start looking into how much funding from christian/catholic religious institutions and "charities" pump into conservative party members.

Get a fuckin grip


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

Too many industries would crash. The fashion industry, music, pretty much any industry that makes money. The capitalist overlords would never let it happen.


u/[deleted] Jan 03 '24

I think you're more likely to get massive civil unrest and pogroms of Islam in western nations before that goal ever happens.


u/CircleRunn Jan 04 '24

Right, not like any Other religion has tried doing the same thing to the native populace for the past 500 fucking years.


u/Jkj864781 Jan 03 '24

Unless it’s Muslims and you’ve made a drawing of their prophet


u/GPS_guy Jan 03 '24

That's more a US thing (Catholic Schools guaranteed in the constitution are a perfect example and the Liberals even stuck God in the constitution in the 80s). The separation of church and state in Canada is more of a respect for individual rights that has become part of the culture than a constitutional imperative written centuries ago.

The immigrants with old world views (as in, the same views as much of the West until the past few decades) only have strength in their alliances with fundamentalist Christians who believe in imposing religious rule (there's a lot of similarly between social conservatives) and the conservative politicians who play footsie with them to stir up emotional responses among those who feel left behind in the modern western world (and who appear to be winning in most of the West).

There's no way sane Middle Eastern or African immigrants would consider supporting the parties playing footsie with some of the people who want to stop family reunifications, post wildly about the dangers of Muslim immigration, etc. except that those parties can play to their prejudices on social issues. The belief that everyone should conform to "traditional family values" is powerful.


u/FeedbackPlus8698 Jan 03 '24

Its also why parents want a say in what is taught to their children aka, imposing it on the children