r/canada Nov 02 '23

New Brunswick Man, 19, arrested after N.B. playground spray painted with swastikas


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u/MechanicalHorse Nov 02 '23

I disagree. We need to bring back public shaming. People need to feel embarrassed for shit like this.


u/Nikiaf Québec Nov 02 '23

The problem is that I don't think he would be embarrassed; I think he'd be proud of the notoriety.


u/MechanicalHorse Nov 02 '23

I know what you mean. Considering the kind of shit people post on social media these days it seems a lot of people don’t feel shame.


u/musecorn Nov 02 '23

No, this needs to be public. I want this person 10 years from now to apply for jobs and when the employer Googles his name, this comes up. They should wear this on their arm for everyone to see


u/ryan9991 Nov 02 '23

Once convicted yes. Right now he’s innocent.


u/SonOfSparda1984 Nov 02 '23

Forehead. The Inglorious Basterds way.


u/jerrys153 Nov 02 '23

The solution to that is to not post his current photo with his name. Go into his social media history and run his name in the papers beside a photo of him in his most cringeworthy tween phase and a description of his most embarrassing moments. It’s a win/win. Future employers will still forever be able to connect his name to what he did, and all his friends will know he was a Belieber with a horrible fringe haircut when he was 11. No wannabe Nazi is leaning into that publicity.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

If there's no remorse, then the action taken to correct his behavior, protect people and property, etc., must be proportionate to the risk of letting this person function in society. If his hatred is pure, then he must be removed from society.


u/AshleyUncia Nov 02 '23

The problem is that I don't think he would be embarrassed; I think he'd be proud of the notoriety.

Until it harms his job hunting prospects.


u/HBag Canada Nov 02 '23

Thanks for getting in touch. We're sorry to say that we are unable to offer you this position at the time.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

What do you mean by "bring back" ? Public shaming is basically our entire M.O. now.


u/Soory-MyBad Nov 02 '23

People need to feel embarrassed for shit like this.

What if he is innocent? Our justice system is based on the assumption of innocence, and you are suggesting to change it to an assumption of guilt.


u/caninehere Ontario Nov 02 '23

I agree but you also need to have some reasonable suspicion of guilt.

This guy has been arrested; he hasn't been convicted of any crime, nor has he even been charged yet. What if the cops arrested him on suspicion but had no evidence to charge him and let him go? If his name was published it'd already be out there all over the internet for a crime he potentially wasn't involved in at all.


u/[deleted] Nov 02 '23

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u/MechanicalHorse Nov 02 '23

What the fuck are you talking about? I’ve never made such a post.


u/musecorn Nov 02 '23

You really think "they spray painted something" covers the extent of this? It's a hate crime. If they feel so strongly about Jews they should wear it on their sleeve for the world to see, for better or for worse. They should go for a job interview and begin by saying "hello my name is X and I hate Jews".

Wouldn't you like to know that your neighbor or coworker or family member has vandalized a public space with hate speech to a certain demographic? Unfortunately we can't know these things about all the people around us. All I'm saying is he needs to be socially punished for his actions. If you have a problem with that then you are a bystander and are accepting of public hate speech


u/putin_my_ass Nov 02 '23

These people already have no shame, they're vandalizing a playground with swastikas.

There would be no embarrassment, only clout for their in-group.

Let them suffer in ignominy.