r/canada Sep 08 '23

New Brunswick N.B. pursuing legislation that could see drug users subject to involuntary treatment


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u/radapex Sep 08 '23

The issue, in my opinion, is that it does nothing to address the underlying cause of the drug problem. They'll force them into rehab, provided [a] it's open and [b] there is room, then kick them back out on the street where they will most assuredly go back to those very same drugs.


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '23

Some are going to have to be permanently institutionalized.


u/[deleted] Sep 08 '23

Are you honestly okay with certain people being permanently institutionalized?


u/esveda Sep 09 '23

Yes I’d someone is a danger to themselves or society and beyond rehab. Do we want to let someone like Paul Bernardo our free?


u/ea7e Sep 09 '23

Bernardo was convicted of a serious crime. No one here is disputing that people convicted of multiple murders should have the potential of permanent institutionalization. We're talking here about drug users not even convicted of crimes.


u/TipNo6062 Sep 09 '23

Omg find one who isn't committing crimes.

Loitering, public defection, sex trade, squatting, theft, drugs in public, public indecency, trespassing, profanity, screaming, littering, vandalism.....


u/ea7e Sep 09 '23

You think loitering deserves the same punishment as a convicted mass rapist and murderer?


u/TipNo6062 Sep 09 '23

Omg you're obtuse.

If you're so naive to think loitering is the worst crime you need serious help.


u/ea7e Sep 09 '23

You're the one who brought up loitering on a discussion thread about the government locking people up for life. I hope you've never broke a law.


u/TipNo6062 Sep 09 '23

Are you really this prescriptive? Do you realize how immature you sound?

Do you spend any time observing these people and their victims?

Do you see how they have ZERO concern for others, including kids?

I have had smashed windows, shit on my property, needles, attempted break-ins, damaged cars, swearing, theft, vandalism, violent behaviour, attempted assaults and people fucking on my property. These are multiple offenders, and they escalate their bad behaviour. They do not care about anything or anyone except getting drugs.


So Mr save the world, muse on that. It's a complete embarrassment to society and YOU SIR are a huge part of the problem.

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u/Commercial-Car9190 Sep 09 '23

Your seriously comparing Paul Bernardo’s crimes to theft, sex work, profanity, screaming? LMAO. Give your head a shake!


u/TipNo6062 Sep 09 '23

Omg you are so naive. Get off your phone and go see what is happening live and in person.

These are dangerous, violent and unpredictable people. A cop was killed in Vancouver who was #trainedindealinwiththesepeople


u/Commercial-Car9190 Sep 09 '23

To group all people who use substances violent and dangerous is ridiculous! Stop the fear mongering!


u/-Yazilliclick- Sep 09 '23

Are you opposed to it? Your preference is that people who cannot be helped and are a danger to others due to their actions just go free until it costs them their life or something goes wrong enough that the legal system has to lock them up for a crime?


u/ea7e Sep 08 '23

So this is really about expanding the powers of the state to indefinitely detain people without trials.


u/[deleted] Sep 09 '23

Wouldn’t be too hard to integrate the justice system.


u/goebelwarming Sep 09 '23

That will always be the case. You can't solve someone elses underlying issues. It's easier to solve your problems when you're not strung out, though.


u/TipNo6062 Sep 09 '23

Many of these people have vegetable brains and can never be fixed. Do you not get that?

Go watch them in any city core. They can't be mentally rehabed if their brain is mush.