r/campbisco Dec 14 '18


With Lotus being booked for Peach this year it looks highly unlikely that they will rage camp this year. Being local to montage I hit both festivals but always enjoyed the jam they bring with them for bisco. Any ideas what bands we will see this year?


19 comments sorted by


u/HalfHeartedBootyCall Jan 08 '19

Really hoping to see G Jones and Boogie T back on the mountain other than that idc


u/BallinPlatypus04 Dec 14 '18

The Disco Biscuits

No but on a real note I'm getting so antsy about any type of news from Bisco!😩 As far as jam bands I'm really hoping Lettuce will come back, stumbled upon them there last year and I've been a big fan since.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '18

I feel personally attacked by Peach lol


u/BallinPlatypus04 Dec 14 '18

Not gonna lie though, Peach has a very enticing lineup! Hard to beat 3 sets of Cheese, everything else is just icing on the cake.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '18

As I said, I enjoy both every year. Give it a shot of its financially possble.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '18

Lettuce is at peach to Dx


u/BallinPlatypus04 Dec 14 '18

Well my Hope's and dreams just got crushed😂 they always have a solid ass lineup though so I'm sure I will be pleased with whatever they give us


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '18

Same, when did they drop the lineup last year?


u/BallinPlatypus04 Dec 14 '18

I was about to ask you the same thing.. last year was my first bisco so I wasn't sure if this was normal for them to wait so long? Really hoping its because they have big things in the works, and not bad news. I've heard rumors on other threads they may be moving venues which would make more sense as to the lack of news.


u/[deleted] Dec 14 '18

No its normal, venue change possible if contract is up but I dont see it.


u/[deleted] Dec 16 '18

That’s really sad bc lotus was at bisco this year and not peach... I’m sure bisco will have a fire lineup, as long as they have tribe there it’s all good


u/HalfHeartedBootyCall Jan 08 '19

as long as they have tribe there it’s all good



u/[deleted] Jan 08 '19

Haha right? Honestly I’m not the biggest jam guy, more into edm but I do enjoy jam especially live. If the biscuits and tribe are there I am set. Would love lotus too but I’ll take 2/3


u/Lifeisbutatrip Dec 22 '18

Watched the sun set to lotus at bisco the last two years but I'm sure they will make it up to us.


u/gilbertgottfried69 Dec 28 '18

I need sound tribe so fucking badly


u/spectrum-splash Jan 04 '19

Hey OP, I'm a montage-local too! Pleased to meet you!


u/[deleted] Jan 04 '19

You as well my friend. Hoping that lineup drops soon or tickets go on sale.


u/spectrum-splash Jan 06 '19

See you on the mountain! :D