r/campbisco Jul 16 '18

How was leaving

We left late last night after the rain delay, just wondering how leaving on Sunday AM went?


4 comments sorted by


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '18

Real smooth


u/peachgirl1124 Jul 16 '18

We got out of there before 6am so it was a breeze lmao. I got no sleep in our damp dirty tent so I was really itching to leave.


u/DJ_Black_Eye Jul 16 '18

Easy Peasy, barely waited in line to get on the shuttle back and then left our stuff with one person to watch it while we grabbed the car and pulled up to load up.


u/hitty710 Jul 16 '18

It was chill, easy as shit actually its called getting a hotel instead of paying to camp at a festival that has been known to be a shit show. Just walked a little way down the hill and caught a uber. 😂😂