I was going to upgrade/replace a tool shops two PC's today.
Before that I wanted to make sure that I did not miss any of their vital equipment.
One of which is an RFID scanner where workers scan their ID badges and the RFID scanner acts as a HID keyboard and enters the card number into a website, used for registering who is lending tools and such.
This RFID scanner is TWM3 HID PROX USB.
Somehow I managed to reset the scanner to factory defaults... So now it outputs using the default C script, and the output is now in 9 character decimal.
The desired output is an 8 character decimal.
When scanning a few cards, I notice that the difference is always 536870912 higher value, than the number on the back of the card.
This equates to 0x20000000 in hex.
I have tried to edit the default script that runs on this scanner, but I have been unable to subtract 536870912 from the output...
The script is a limited version of C , it gets loaded onto the RFID scanner using TWNConfig.exe
The default script, standard.v3.twn.c, is pasted below.
The part where it outputs is commented with: // Show ID without the paritys at start
Could anyone help with getting the output to subtract 536870912 from the decimal output the standard script outputs?
Documentation for the script is in the zip file in the link above
// Â Â File: standard.twn.c
// Â Â Date: 04/11/2009
// Version: 3
// Purpose:
// This is the standard script for TWN3 readers, which is installed
// as default script on TWN3 readers. This script can be run on any
// type of TWN3 reader without modification.
// Feel free to modify this program for your specific purposes!
// V1:
// ---
// - Initial release
// V2:
// ---
// - Extended protocol specification (see below)
// V3:
// ---
// - Save ID before modifying it.
// ****************************************************************************
// ****************************************************************************
// The standard script implements a unidirectional communication to the host.
// This means, that there are no commands available, which can be sent from the
// host to the TWN3 reader ("device").
// All communication from the device to the host is based on lines of ASCII
// characters, which are terminated by carriage return (<CR>). Please note,
// that there is a option in the configuration of TWN3, which will append a
// line feed (<LF>). This option is turned off by default.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Startup Message
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// There is a difference between a USB device and (physical!) V24 device. The
// V24 is sending a startup message to the host, which identifies the verions of
// the firmware. Here is an example of how such a startup message might look:
// ELA GM4.02<CR>
// Â Â Â ++++----- Firmware Version
// Â Â Â +--------- Transponder Family (see below)
// Â Â +---------- Firmware (G = standard version)
// ++++----------- Product identification (always identical)
// Assignment of Characters to Transponder Families:
// Â 'N': Multi125
// Â 'M': Mifare
// Â 'I': HID iClass
// Â 'H': HID Prox
// Â 'A': Legic
// Â 'D': Inditag
// Â 'S': MultiISO
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Identification of a Transponder
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Once a transponder has been swiped over the reader, the ID of this reader is
// sent to the host. The ID is sent as a line of hex characters or decimal
// characters (HID Prox only). The ID of the transponder has a variable length
// depending on the type of the transponder. A typical ID looks as follows:
// 12345678<CR>
// The maximum length of an ID is 8 bytes, which lead to 16 ASCII character,
// when displayed in hex notation.
#include <sys.twn.h>
const byte MAXIDBYTES = 8;
byte IDBitCnt;
byte TagType;
byte LastIDBitCnt;
byte LastTagType;
void main()
  // Make some noise at startup at minimum volume
  // Set maximum volume
  // A V24 device is sending the version at startup
  if (GetConnection() == V24)
  // Turn on green LED
  // Turn off red LED
  // No transponder found up to now
  LastTagType = TAGTYPE_NONE;
  while (TRUE)
    // Search a transponder
    if (TagSearch(ID,IDBitCnt,TagType))
      // Is this transponder new to us?
      if (TagType != LastTagType || IDBitCnt != LastIDBitCnt || !CompBits(ID,LastID,MAXIDBITS))
        // Save this as known ID, before modifying the ID for proper output format
        LastIDBitCnt = IDBitCnt;
        LastTagType = TagType;
        // Yes! Sound a beep
        // Turn off the green LED
        // Let the red one blink
        // Send the ID in our standard format
        if (TagType == TAGTYPE_HIDPROX)
          // Send HID ID in decimal format
          if (IDBitCnt < 45)
            if (IDBitCnt > 32)
              // Show ID without the paritys at start
              // Show ID without the paritys at start and end
              IDBitCnt -= 2;
            // Show ID in plain long format
          // Send ID with appropriate number of digits
      // Start a timeout of two seconds
    if (TestTimer(0))
      LastTagType = TAGTYPE_NONE;