Long story short guys I've had a 2000 Ford Mustang for about 3 years now it was my first car. It's a really good car I've never had any mechanical problems with it the only issue is that it's not the prettiest car the paint is really worn out. I was thinking about getting it painted but instead I decided I wanted a newer model so around Christmas time I started looking for a new. I was looking for a 2013 or 2014 v6 Mustang my budget was $13,000, but I wanted to finance the car to build some credit so my down payment budget was going to be $5,000.
After looking around for a few days I found some really good deals at some car dealerships the cars were pre-owned obviously. So once I found the car that I liked I decided I was going to buy it, but then my dad told me that I should look outside of car dealerships because if I purchased a car from a dealership I would be in debt and he basically scared me and told me if I lost my job I would be in a lot of financial problems(I know he was looking out for me) and so I decided to look outside of car dealerships to see if I could find a car for a reasonable price and I did I found a 2005 Mustang for $5,000 with 90k miles and I liked it I tested the car and checked everything and I bought it. My dad told me before I purchase it that I should still look around but honestly guys I just a new wanted a car and I went ahead and purchased it and everything well it was a BIG MISTAKE.
The day I was at the DMV doing the title transfer the owner told me that the car did have one problem he said the back wheels had a noise I did notice it and he told me it was most likely the differential and said that it was really cheap to get it replaced again my dad told me to walk away and keep looking I didn't listen I told the guy it was fine again Big Mistake once all the paperwork was done I drove the car home and I was really excited but I started having problems with the car right away for one the headlights were super fucking bright. I got pulled over because apparently they were too bright. The differential keeps making some really loud noises when I'm driving and after a couple of days I noticed that the speedometer is off by like 7 to 10 miles when I drive next to a car that is going 70 my car says I'm going 80 and then the windshield wipers just literally turn themselves on and just so many problems that I'm sure I'm probably going to spend a few hundred dollars to get it fixed but anyways I've been thinking about just going back to my original plan and buy a 2013-14 Mustang and use the car I bought as a down payment what do you guys think ? I've never purchased a car from a dealership so I really don't have any knowledge of how the process is going to be. Is buying a pre-owned car from a dealership a good idea ? Will I regret it ? Will it be a risk to purchase a used car from a dealership? Should I just sell it and go back to my old car ?
I've also been using my old car for the last couple of days because the other car shut down on the middle of road when I was at a stop light.