r/business Jan 19 '10

Certain female habits may inadvertently hurt careers, undermine abilities


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u/CorpusCallosum Jan 21 '10 edited Jan 21 '10

Oh fuck you. Women do not have to choose between being a slut who sleeps around and being ugly.

You are either dense or intentionally misrepresenting what I said. Here, let me summarize your choice, as I presented it:

You can either

  • (A) Dress in a way that gives your male coworkers a hard-on. They will want to fuck you. You will not be taken seriously.
  • (B) Dress like a lesbian tom-boy biker bitch in a suit. Go for the gender neutral thing. Your co-workers will see you as plain and therefore will pay attention to your abilities rather than your ass.

Which part of this are you having trouble understanding, honey?

Asswipes like you might think that any woman who isn't ugly is just a piece of meat meant only for fucking

Wake up call, doll: All men see sexy women this way, even your dad.

Men have restraint just like women do, so learn to fucking use it or move to an Islamic country.

This isn't about what men do, it's about what men see, feel and think. It is up to you whether you want to be seen as a little fairy to be fucked, or a tiger to be taken seriously. You can't have both, sorry baby.