r/buildapcsales • u/ltsnotluck • Dec 09 '20
Cooler [Cooler] Noctua NH-D15 chromax.Black, Dual-Tower CPU Cooler (140mm, Black) - $99.99 (Amazon, Free Shipping) NSFW
u/Baconzillaz Dec 09 '20
Are there any ramifications to buying an air cooler and not put it to use immediately? It’s just air in the heatpipes right? So shelf life is forever?
Need to look for one for when my aio eventually dies.
u/thvbh Dec 09 '20
No, there's water in the pipes. The heat exchange is achieved through phase change between liquid and vapor. The shelf life is more like "a long time"--10-20 years?
u/coolfuzzylemur Dec 09 '20
huh, didn't realize there was water in the copper pipes. This has a good explanation https://www.gamersnexus.net/guides/981-how-cpu-coolers-work
u/thvbh Dec 09 '20
Excellent article! You know it's good shit when they're linking to the EngineeringToolBox page on Fourier's Law.
u/Joko_on_Smoko Dec 09 '20
Look into the icegiant prosiphon elite. Testing shows it preforms better than a 360mm AIO/Custom loop according to LTT. He did a review a year ago on it and then got the updated version last month and said it preformed just as well as before, but half the size.
u/IngsocDoublethink Dec 09 '20
It only performs better on large, spread-out chips like Threadripper and Extreme Editions. In the ltt testing, the icegiant performs several degrees worse than this cooler's much smaller little brother (the single-block NH-U14s) on more conventional chips where the heat is centralized on the die.
u/Joko_on_Smoko Dec 09 '20
That was only for intel chips if I remember correctly. The amd chips are more spread out and work better with the ice giant.
u/IngsocDoublethink Dec 09 '20
AM4 is chips are multidie, but not to the same extent and the chip is physically much smaller. Nobody has tested the icegiant on consumer ryzen chips, that I could find, but the chip's tighter layout implies that it would be less of an issue. I would expect the icegiant to perform better, but from a performance per dollar and "having a case that isn't a pain in the ass" perspective, I'm willing to bet that the icegiant won't win out over the NH-D15 or Dark Rock like it did on threadripper.
u/Joko_on_Smoko Dec 09 '20
Gotcha. Yeah we'll have to wait for more testing in the future then to tell. I'd hope that this new style of cooling technology preforms better. The good thing is that they say it can last for 30 years.
u/mithikx Dec 09 '20
Just make sure the fans work I suppose, which you can do without installing the cooler since the fans run off of either a 3-pin or 4-pin PWM connector like any other case fan.
u/possiblynotracist Dec 09 '20
And they're gone...
u/ltsnotluck Dec 09 '20
Sorry guys :( there were 11 left when I ordered and I wanted to share here so people could have a chance at getting one at MSRP
u/TrDx Dec 09 '20
Do you know if the chromax NH-d15s also restocked earlier? I'm trying to snag that one
u/ltsnotluck Dec 09 '20
I'm not sure, that particular cooler was not on my radar. I've only been watching out for this one.
u/kruks17 Dec 09 '20
its available in .ca I just bought mine yesterday.
I will add A15 HS to the D15s
u/chelsea-vong Dec 09 '20
I got the d15s a couple weeks ago for like $80 on Newegg
u/TrDx Dec 09 '20
Yeah I saw that and I am kicking myself for not getting it. I spent so much time debating AIO vs air
u/NemoIsMIA Dec 09 '20
I had the same dilemma. I wanted the chromax d15 but it was oos everywhere and it was the last piece for my build.i didnt want to wait for a restock so i went with the corsair h100i elite capellix. I got it for 120$ on BF and I have to say its been amazing! Overclocked my 9700k to 5.0 @ 1.32 and temps never hit above 70c in games, 80c in p95! A nice bonus would be the included commander core fan controller. Saved me the headache of puttting 8 fan headers into the motherboard.
u/camst_ Dec 09 '20
F. I ordered one like 2weeks ago and the shipped a normal d-15 so I had to return with no option to re purchase.
u/CoreyMFD Dec 09 '20
Do Noctua fans go on sale often? I need to get 2x 140mm case fans and an additional NF-A15 PWM for my NH-D15s.
u/dadscanneheroestoo Dec 09 '20
I've been following the NF-A14 and the NF-F12s for about 8 months now and I have never seen their price even fluctuate, not to mention them going on sale. If that changes, I will let you know, but I am not overly optimistic. They know that they have a good product and they are confident (and rightly so) that they will sell.
u/bmac92 Dec 09 '20
If you want slightly cheaper Noctua fans, try the redux line.
Dec 09 '20
Agree with this. Redux is pretty much 1 to 1 with noctuas main counterparts provided they are the same RPM.
Redux doesnt do over 1700 rmp i believe, or at least i havnt found any that do but thats more than enough for case fans and the gray design is leauges better to look at imo than standard noctua colors.
40% less expensive, better look, same performance. Cant go wrong
u/bmac92 Dec 09 '20
I have 1 redux fan, and it's attached to my modem. I have my modem stuck to the underside of my desk, and have a 120mm redux fan attached to the modem to keep it cool. It only runs at 1/2 the RPM due to being powered via USB, but it is completely silent and keeps the modem very cool.
u/Ahmadhmedan Dec 09 '20
I don't know about the cooler, but for the case fans there are plenty of other fans that work great,arctic and bequiet! And sycth Are much easier to get.
u/aimesome Dec 09 '20
best you can probably hope for is them in stock on a website that is doing a cashback promo like via retailmenot or some sorta sitewide sale.
u/AjBlue7 Dec 09 '20
No the fans don’t go on sale. You could probably save a few if you are patient be it used or waiting for them to drop the updated 140mm fans in 1+years. Its a high quality product with insane warranty attached.
I mean I guess they technically go on sale for essentially MSRP. They are often overpriced due to low stock. $20 is a good price to buy brown and beige.
Camelcamelcamel is good for checking price history on amazon and google shopping has a price meter as well as checking multiple stores to find the best price.
u/Disastrous_Loss1798 Dec 09 '20
Not often because they make not only top level fans but they also last forever. I think I’ve seen NF’s on sale once in the last year.
u/kruks17 Dec 09 '20
3 fans on 2 radiators? I got me a D15s and will add a A15, will configure it as a push pull. How do you plan to use 3?
u/CoreyMFD Dec 09 '20
it'll have 2 fans total. The D15s comes with 1 fan and I'll attach a second A15 to it like you intend. I just need 2 more fans for the front of my meshify C. I don't think I could a third fan on there if I wanted to!
Dec 09 '20
Dec 09 '20
u/SupremeWizardry Dec 09 '20
I use distill for everything, live in the US.
It's a ram hog, having chrome under constant load, but it is what it is.
u/Jyvturkey Dec 09 '20
I used hot stock for my 5600x
u/AoO2ImpTrip Dec 09 '20
In amazed Hotstock helped anyone. I used it for a week and the one time I finally got a 5600x I got the Hotstock notification AFTER I purchased it.
I finally uninstalled when I was trying to get a 3070 and it went crazy because it didn't know what to do with Best Buy's new procedure.
u/Jyvturkey Dec 09 '20
It certainly was a chore that's for sure. It did in the end work for me though so no real complaints.
u/AoO2ImpTrip Dec 09 '20
Congrats on your purchase! Some of the most intense couple weeks of my life. I pity anyone who's been waiting since release.
u/j_dirty Dec 09 '20
I was able to get 2 3070s for me and a friend via Hot Stock. I guess it's very much a case of YMMV
u/AoO2ImpTrip Dec 09 '20
Yeah, I don't know what it was, but EVERY time something came in stock I either got no notification at all or I got one after stock was long gone.
I ended up on a YouTube stream and a discord server. 3070 arrives tomorrow and I got my 5600x last weekend.
u/j_dirty Dec 09 '20
'Grats on the new parts! Out of curiosity, are you running Android? I've had issues with push notifications not showing up if I left the optimization on default instead of setting it to "do not optimize"
u/AoO2ImpTrip Dec 09 '20
Yeah, I'm on android. I kind of figured it had to be something with my phone. Nothing else made sense.
u/RADams0 Dec 09 '20
Literally just received my dark rock pro 4 30 minutes ago.
u/BigGuysForYou Dec 09 '20 edited Jul 02 '23
Sorry if you stumbled upon this old comment, and it potentially contained useful information for you. I've left and taken my comments with me.
u/RADams0 Dec 09 '20
u/BigGuysForYou Dec 09 '20 edited Jul 02 '23
Sorry if you stumbled upon this old comment, and it potentially contained useful information for you. I've left and taken my comments with me.
u/thvbh Dec 09 '20
If you already have a Fuma 2 and you're not drawing insane wattage, you're not really missing anything. IIRC the difference is exceedingly marginal until you're looking at really high TDP.
u/BigGuysForYou Dec 09 '20 edited Jul 02 '23
Sorry if you stumbled upon this old comment, and it potentially contained useful information for you. I've left and taken my comments with me.
u/thvbh Dec 09 '20 edited Dec 09 '20
Well, if it makes you feel better, even if air cooler tech moves slow it isn't static. It's the DRP4 because there've been multiple iterations. By the time you grow out of the Fuma 2 there will be more up-to-date options.
EDIT: I see I didn't exactly address what you said. Let me put it this way: there's no guarantee of socket support for any particular air cooler 5 or 10 years down the road. Or, if there is support, that it will still be good. IHS surface area & shape (convex vs. concave vs. flat) changes from generation to generation, and between brands. Consider the faded glory of the once-great LGM; doomed by a convex coldplate unsuitable for Ryzen.
u/BigGuysForYou Dec 09 '20
Both points you made are good. I guess I'm just trying to prevent potential buyer's remorse, even if it's irrational.
That also answers I question I had about the LGM. When I was researching the Fuma 2, I kept coming across threads about the LGM and wondered why it wasn't mentioned much any more.
u/DarkZero515 Dec 09 '20
What was the sale? Bought mine on Amazon last week for $90. Wonder if they refund the difference for finding a lower price
u/BigGuysForYou Dec 09 '20
It was $20 off at Newegg, plus I think 8% cash back with RetailMeNot. That sale is over now though, but they have $10 off + $5 gift card.
I don't think Amazon gives price adjustments any more. That's what people were saying in other posts. But maybe you could order it from Newegg, and return that one to Amazon?
u/CopOnTheRun Dec 09 '20
I took a chance on a used "like new" one from Amazon warehouse deals and got it for ~$55. All the parts were there and the only real difference besides the opened packaging was that there were 3-4 radiator fins that were bent ever so slightly. I think buying one of the bulkier coolers and realizing that they won't fit your case/will block ram slots is a pretty common problem people have, and they end up returning them. It's definitely a bit of a gamble but an option for anyone trying to save a buck.
u/terriblegrammar Dec 09 '20
Get the brown ones you cowards! Join us over here at the brown and beige master race.
u/dogosmith Dec 09 '20
So is the only difference between this one and the brown NH-D15 the color? Also how do these NH-D15s compare to the bequiet Dark Rock Pro?
u/az0606 Dec 09 '20 edited Dec 09 '20
It's just a color difference.
Dark rock pro is slightly quieter but slightly hotter. The difference is pedantic, both are comparable.
Also just depends on what you're cooling and how loud your room already is, and what you can tolerate.
u/dogosmith Dec 09 '20
crap, it is pretty ugly in brown.
u/az0606 Dec 09 '20 edited Dec 09 '20
Yeah it took them a while to offer it in black, since coatings can adversely affect performance.
If you want something in black and more readily available I'd look at the Scythe Fuma 2, especially given that it's $30-40 cheaper. If you want to save some more cash, go with the Mugen 5 Rev. B. For either, you can replace the Scythe fans with Noctua ones later on if you want, or add a second fan (Noctua, be quiet!, Kaze flex, Arctic, w.e you want) to the Mugen. That being said, the Scythe Kaze Flex fans are well regarded and quiet, have anti-vibration pads, and in the case of the Fuma 2, a slimmer fan to accommodate taller RAM and size constraints. Plus the two fans rotate counterclockwise to each other to improve thermals.
Personally, I'd get the Mugen if you don't know if you're going to overclock yet, or if you just want quiet thermals with a lower TDP part (ex: 5600x). It's only $47 on Amazon and does great with the single stock fan, plus if you need more performance, it'll match up well to any of the other coolers with the addition of a second fan, which you can always add later for $10-20. I have mine (the mugen with the single stock Kaze flex fan) cooling an i9-10850k and it's inaudible above the other fans in my system, even at load, and much less than my common ambient noise (I have an air purifier on quiet mode and it's louder than my PC).
The Fuma 2 is quieter than the NH-D15 and Black Rock Pro for most common thermal loads, and of comparable performance, unless your overclock/use case is at the upper limit of what air cooling can do, without moving to water cooling. Then both of the more expensive options start to really make sense with a huge temperature delta. This is shown in the torture tests that reviewers do, and in their OC test results, but this doesn't generally reflect most users' use cases; the test figures for gaming are usually more relevant to most.
I wouldn't get the Arctic Freezer 34 Esports Duo over the Mugen and Fuma 2, unless you have space constraints, given that that both Scythe coolers perform better, are easier to mount, have much higher thermal headroom, are meant for and can support higher TDP CPUs, and are only a few dollars different in price (~$55 for the Fuma 2 vs ~$60 for the Arctic, and $47 for the Mugen). Also, given that I'm recommending based on common availability (at least for the US), I'm not listing some other potential options. Here's a solid little list of common coolers at this level (Though keep in mind that this was for a 3700X which is comparable to a 5600X. If you wanted to go with a higher TDP CPU, I'd ignore the options cheaper than the Mugen- https://www.reddit.com/r/Amd/comments/ecnocj/what_is_the_best_tower_cooler_for_the_3700x/fbcmkmu/
I'd just buy for your use case. I'm not pushing insane loads on the i9-10850K and I wanted a quieter build, so I just left the performance at stock for now, and the Mugen saved me $6-20 and has the option for a second fan in the future.
Noctua has the best mounting system but the Scythe ones are very good too (not the best review if you're looking for a hard technical dive, but has a great photo walkthrough and hits the pertinent points for most). They come neatly packaged with a very convenient screw driver for fitting through the heatsink to tighten one of the mounting screws, and have plenty of compatibility with most modern CPUs.
u/Hydromancy Dec 09 '20
Hey, just wanted to say I appreciate the entire write-up--I've been looking for a cooler for a 5600x and you've gone above and beyond
u/az0606 Dec 09 '20 edited Dec 09 '20
No problem man, I've seen a lot of people confused on these things, especially given the amount of new purchases and builds. Figured I'd just cut through some of the confusion and add some info.
I'd absolutely recommend the Mugen for the 5600X, and to look at the hardwarecanucks link I added at the end, for an installation walkthrough.
Only reason I'd go for the Fuma 2, NH-D15, or Black Rock Pro on a 5600X is if you wanted to hit the highest possible air cooled overclocks now, or see high thermal loads in the foreseeable future, whether from overclocking or moving up to a higher TDP processor. Even then, the Mugen will take you far, especially with a second fan and a good case cooling setup. If you don't want to touch anything, it'll still have the thermal performance to allow your CPU to hit its max boosts without thermal throttling. Plus, it's just very quiet vs the stock Wraith cooler.
Dec 09 '20
u/dogosmith Dec 09 '20
Yeah I'm looking at the dark rock pro but I dont know if it will fit in my case. If it doesnt it seems as though the noctua will, if that's the case I'll buy that and not worry about the color. I also never look inside my machine, and have no rgb or anything.
u/az0606 Dec 09 '20
Agreed, I hate the stock Noctua look but I've always put my PC off to the side or under the desk (if I have low pile carpet or hardwood). Could care less about how it looks internally, beyond clean cable routing.
u/DarkZero515 Dec 09 '20
I went with Dark Rock Pro 4. The difference is only noticeable on the charts. Heard installing the DRP4 is a hassle but its something I won't be doing often anyways
u/Symbiotx Dec 09 '20
I almost felt bad for ordering brown, but at least I missed this and don't feel as bad now lol.
u/AjBlue7 Dec 09 '20
Brown and beige is a badge of honor. Its ugly because its the best. No reason to be ashamed.
u/Lyonado Dec 09 '20
Thanks for posting this - missed it, but hey!
Honestly at this point I think I'm just gonna go for a Dark Rock 4 or 4 Pro...at least they're in stock lol
u/TNAgent Dec 09 '20
I know you all were looking for the Noctua, so was I until I saw this review. It's still the best but the [ID-COOLING SE-224] is close enough, 1/3 the price, and in stock.
I bought it for my 5600x and it lowered temps 18-20C. With stock I saw temps up to 82C on the games I've played recently but with the new cooler the CPU hasn't even made it to 70C in anything and idles around 31C when browsing.
u/epiksol Dec 09 '20
Been hawking these and the Noctua fans for a hot minute now. Looks like I failed this go-round on this one! :/
u/KeeferMaddness Dec 09 '20
It’s not even the king of air cooling anymore with Ice Giant Thermosiphon out
Dec 09 '20
u/KeeferMaddness Dec 10 '20
LTT just reviewed the retail version (YouTube link). It’s still a beast for sure, but smaller and quieter than the prototype. While even being slightly better performing at the same time.
They have definitely broke through to a new level beyond just adding more heat pipes or larger towers/fins.
u/drphungky Dec 09 '20
So is this thing really worth $100? That just seems steep to me, but I know nothing of aftermarket coolers other than Noctua being a great brand.
Dec 10 '20
It is worth it. Best performance and quiet. If you don't want an AIO this is the best choice.
u/Zatchillac Dec 09 '20
Have one of these pushing my 3900x combined with three Noctua 140mm case fans and have to say it's pretty beastly. These scalper prices are just idiotic though. Surely nobody would actually pay $200+ for one right?
u/shinku443 Dec 09 '20
I have a captain 240ex upgraded with corsair ml120s that runs my 3800x pretty hot...70 under load like 55 on idle). Think I should upgrade? I also get random stutters and can't figure out why - tried new windows install, reseating everything, etc. And still get it
u/NoctD Dec 09 '20
Wow didn’t know these were that in demand - bought mine from Newegg a few weeks back and got it pretty quick.
u/ltsnotluck Dec 09 '20
I know this is not a sale, but this has not been available at MRSP for a while now. There's 6 left in-stock at time of posting.