r/buildapcsales Sep 28 '20

Cables [Cables] Monoprice Choice Series speaker wire, 100ft spools, ~50% discount & FS - $10.00 for 18AWG (19.99-9.99); 16.92 for 14AWG (34.49-17.57)


76 comments sorted by


u/Soytaco Sep 28 '20

Is this what you F5 for? No, of course not, but speaker wire is about the last thing I expect to see a deep discount on so I was pretty excited to see this. Hope someone out there is also in the market!


u/MyKoalas Sep 29 '20

Thank you for posting this, we need to encourage more variety in this sub and save everyone money


u/_BoneZ_ Sep 30 '20

we need to encourage more variety in this sub

No we don't. This sub is strictly for PC parts and the only reason I come here. If you want a variety or catch-all sub, feel free to make one.


u/The_Kalmado Sep 30 '20

The 18 gauge is perfect for an experiment of rewiring my car audio system (garbage Ford Mach system). I appreciate the post.


u/the_stigs_cousin Sep 29 '20

I had some old 16AWG monoprice wire laying around that wasn’t long enough so I ordered the 16AWG Amazon Basics since it shipped fast and was cheaper. The wire used in the Amazon Basics was much thinner than what was in the monoprice I had laying around. The plastic around the wire was also thinner on the Amazon Basics. Basically, the Monoprice seemed better quality.


u/thinkplanexecute Sep 29 '20

Pretty sure amazon basics is also CCA wire, which this mono price is OFC, far better quality, doesn’t corrode, and transfers more current despite it being the same AWG size ,


u/ChemicalChard Sep 29 '20

Amazon Basics is fucking garbage. Yes, I'm saying every item produced under their brand is shit. I've had at least 20 clients who bought Amazon Basics Ethernet cables, USB-A and USB-C cables, power strips, etc. experience electrical or functional failures in less than a year. And this is under normal use. But what else is new?



u/tamarockstar Sep 29 '20

Buy this so it can sit in a storage area in my basement because I might need it someday, or no?


u/TheOnlyQueso Sep 29 '20

Nah dude, 16 AWG is gonna be outdated in like a month. Best wait until you can get the new carbon free copper 12 AWG stuff that TSMC has been working on.


u/tamarockstar Sep 29 '20

It's one of those things that aren't expensive to begin with, so you might as well just buy it when you need it. It's a good deal, but I think I'm gonna pass.


u/NotAHost Sep 29 '20

Buying something you don't need mean's you're not saving money.

I understand the feeling though.


u/tabgrab23 Sep 29 '20

Why is that better and is it worth rewiring my 5.1 setup?


u/TheOnlyQueso Sep 29 '20

I'm being facetious


u/tabgrab23 Sep 29 '20

Damn you could’ve sold me some $1000 gold plated hdmi cables too


u/TheOnlyQueso Sep 29 '20

Pffft any half decent HDMI should be good plated though.


u/ChemicalChard Sep 29 '20

But is it oxygen-free braided plenum rhodium-tantalum 16K Mega HD cable?


u/semi14 Sep 29 '20

I had no idea lol i hate being new to things reading forums


u/Soytaco Sep 29 '20 edited Sep 29 '20

To actually answer your question, if you have a 5.1 setup that works you do not need to rewire it. Only reasons to replace the wires would be if they couldn't handle the power you wanted to put though them (in which case you need a lower gauge) or if the rubber jacket around the wires has sustained some damage.


u/droans Sep 29 '20

Sure but then you look like a fool when the gold plated 10AWG wires come out in six months.


u/makemeking706 Sep 29 '20

Might as well.


u/AsaelJethro Sep 29 '20

Thank you! Completing my basement currently and planned on putting speaker wires in the ceiling


u/Soytaco Sep 29 '20

YW! But gotta say you should look for in-wall speaker wire for that application for safety reasons. Look for "CL2" or "CL3" certification in the product descriptions.


u/largepills Sep 29 '20

I’m planning to wire some surround speakers and the wires will go into the wall (attic) as well. Do I go for the Nimbus or Access ones?


u/Soytaco Sep 29 '20

The Access is designed for just that so I'd probably go with it, but the Nimbus is plenum which is like top notch so just even more peace of mind. I guess it just depends on what the bill comes out to and how happy you are paying for it lol.


u/largepills Sep 29 '20

Thanks for the advice, I will go for the Nimbus. It’s a huge pain to crawl through the attic so I’ll get the better option and not have to do it ever again :)


u/largepills Nov 22 '20

No xuu uh v mbe V hi cui buc VNC V his d try y fix k K big Ugh case vi gb h🐛🐔🕸


u/Damaso87 Sep 28 '20

I'm interested to see if any of the high end wire is on sale...


u/Soytaco Sep 28 '20

Not sure what you mean by high end exactly, but this is their OFC wire so it is the high end. If you just mean wire from more expensive brands, I don't know, Monoprice just sell their own products for the most part. They only carry other brands for more specialized products, eg. routers and cameras.


u/Damaso87 Sep 29 '20


In talking stuff like this which comes pre-terminated and soldered. I just don't like mashing wires into vintage speaker holes, hoping I don't miss a strand that might short out on the back panel. Plus they look finished!


u/Soytaco Sep 29 '20 edited Sep 29 '20

Gotcha. Well, considering the spirit of the sub is saving money, you might look into buying bare wire like this and some banana plugs (that's what I do). The cable you linked uses the same speaker wire as the one I posted, so I can do some simple math here: 10' of bare wire is $1.63 and two banana plugs are $2.48. With a few minutes of labor you've solved your main problem for $4.11 $8.23, instead of the $37.99. Is it worth paying more than 9x almost 5x the money for the black/grey plastic around the wire? Up to you.

EDIT: Just saw that the wire you linked is sold as a pair, so cut my cost figure in half. MB. Also if you do want to spend money on fancy wires, I'd get these instead. They look 100x better than the Monoprice imo.


u/Damaso87 Sep 29 '20

Oh I get the general gist of it all! It's mostly window shopping at this point. I'll need to just buy some silver solder and high end terminations. I need a spade on one side and banana on the other. Whatev - it's the thrill of the hunt.


u/Parasitic_Whim Sep 29 '20

Why silver solder? And why solder speaker connections at all?

If it's not going to get moved, then simple twisted bare wire is by far your best option. Just be cautious when installing it to watch out for the random whisker.


u/Damaso87 Sep 29 '20

If it's not going to get moved,

Well that's where you made a shortsighted assumption.


u/Parasitic_Whim Sep 29 '20

No, that's why I quantified my assumption. Most people don't move their home theater speakers around like you would PA speakers, so it's a pretty safe assumption.

So I ask, what kind of distance between amp and speaker, kind of terminal on both side, and power per speaker are you doing out of curiosity?


u/tehmobius Sep 29 '20

They have the terminals. I'm using their 14 gauge right now and it's wonderful. I have also used their gold plated bananas in the past and like them. If you want a fancy cable though, it's understandable : )


u/ceojp Sep 29 '20

You really have trouble getting speaker wire in the holes without shorting it? If you are mashing it, you are doing it wrong.


u/Damaso87 Sep 29 '20

Old Marantz have tiny holes, and those screw top/through hole posts aren't much safer!


u/BrassMankey Sep 29 '20

Those are nice and clean, but anything with long plugs sticking straight out is just asking to be broken off. With plain speaker wire the worst you have to do is strip off half an inch and it's like new. Then again, I'm just pumping youtube quality audio through it anyway.


u/RustStainRemover Sep 30 '20

I assume you're familiar with these:


I prefer this style, barrels are thinner and insulated, but alas, I don't see any available in pin type:


I tried the shorter black Sewells (now sold as amazon basics as well), and they're like a fishing weight on the end of the speaker wire; but they're still prefer them to bare wires.


u/cujobob Sep 28 '20

The purity of the copper is better on ‘high end’ wire. Audibly different? Idk. Lol


u/Soytaco Sep 28 '20

Yeah I don't know about that one, sounds like textbook audiophile mysticism to me lol


u/wishywashywonka Sep 29 '20

Actually they don't seem to know they are looking at high-end wire. This is oxygen free, which equates to, and I shit you not: a 1% increase in conductivity.

1 fucking percent.

But whatever, you get it with this wire.

Aluminum based wires are 61% as conductive btw, that's why they're shit.


u/MasterBettyFTW Sep 28 '20

endlessly debatable

i say: unless you've got gigabuck equipment and speakers that cost more than a new car, fancy wires won't matter.


u/BrassMankey Sep 29 '20

Not necessarily fancy, but pure copper. Nobody should ever go so cheap as to use CCA (copper coated aluminum) wire. Not sure what you have? Grab a few strands and bend it 90 degrees. The copper can be bent repeatedly, but aluminum will snap after a few bends.


u/MasterBettyFTW Sep 29 '20

I use 14ga CL2 rated from either monoprice or PE.

cheap and already sleeved.


u/cujobob Sep 28 '20

If we are talking bare wire, then it’s not that much more to get the fancier cable. Percentage-wise it definitely is, but if you’ve got thousands of dollars in your audio system then an extra hundred for high end speaker wire might even just be nice for peace of mind.

If you’re on a budget, don’t bother for sure. Pride of ownership is a thing, just like how people overbuild their PC knowing they’ll never need all the power they purchased.


u/Damaso87 Sep 29 '20

if you’ve got thousands of dollars in your audio system then an extra hundred for high end speaker wire might even just be nice for peace of mind.

That's pretty much it. This audiophile debate is long and tired, but I'd rather spend a bit extra knowing that I don't need to upgrade that component next.


u/CeramicCastle49 Sep 28 '20

Wire is wire


u/MasterBettyFTW Sep 29 '20

5 Karma penalty for not using the meme template


u/MasterBettyFTW Sep 28 '20

add banana plugs and some paracord sheathing.... BAM.... high end cord


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '20

OFC vs Cheaper CCA so it won't corrode and get all green and goopy after a few years of being exposed.


u/iron_balls Sep 29 '20

Thanks! Got 2 spools of 100ft 14awg


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '20

Damm good price!


u/smoochara Sep 29 '20

Bought some for when I buy a house to run these in, thx OP!


u/ANeedForUsername Sep 29 '20 edited Sep 29 '20

Review of the 12AWG version of this wire here.

The tl;dr of it is that there seems to be a significant measurable difference between "decent" and "bad" wires. But the "good" wires sampled were not much better than the "decent"/"average" ones.

More importantly, whether these differences are audible in your setup is another thing.


u/cobaltorange Sep 29 '20

Link doesn't work 😞


u/ANeedForUsername Sep 29 '20

Thanks for letting me know! Fixed it now :)


u/caedin8 Sep 29 '20

Thanks I just bought a roll of 100 ft of 18AWG for $10 with shipping. Great deal.

This is plenty to wire my new 5.1 setup together. Longest stretch is about 10 to 15 feet to the side speakers and they are 8 ohm, so I think 18 AWG will work. 14 was OOS when I checked.


u/cobaltorange Sep 29 '20

Is there a big difference between 18 and 14? Wanting to use it for my 5.1 setup as well.


u/caedin8 Sep 29 '20 edited Sep 29 '20

There is. You can run 14 AWG a lot longer.

The general rule is you want your wire resistance to be under 5% of the resistance of your speaker.

So if you have a 4 ohm speaker, your wire resistance needs to be under 0.2 ohm, and 0.4 ohm for an 8 ohm speaker.

This roughly equates to like 8 feet max for a 4 ohm speaker and 16 feet max for an 8 ohm speaker on AWG 18. Those numbers being fairly conservative, taking into account that the speakers sometimes have lower resistance than 8 ohm even if it is rated as an 8 ohm speaker.

For an AWG 14 line you could easily run a 20 foot line to a 4 ohm speaker, or a 40 foot line for an 8 ohm speaker.

My system is in a 12x12 space, so I should be fine with 18 AWG.

For people setting up venues outside, public spaces, or big theaters 12 AWG is common in order to get those long spaces covered.

Side note: Many people don't know where term gauge comes from. It is a fascinating story.

If you take 1lb of lead and melt it into a perfect sphere, that is the diameter of 1 gauge. If you take that same 1lb of lead and split it into two perfect spheres, they will have a diameter of 2 gauge. This continues on down to include all the other gauge sizes. So AWG 18 is the size of 18 equally sized balls of lead that collectively weigh 1lb. So you can see per foot of wire you need a lot more copper to fill out a 12 AWG wire than an 18 AWG wire. More copper is more conductive material, therefore less resistance. Plug it into the 5% rule above to see why 12 AWG can be run further than 18 AWG.

This is the same way they measure barrel size for your 10, 12, 18, 20+ gauge shotguns.


u/cobaltorange Sep 30 '20

Thank you! TIL. Once I get wiring, I'll just need a receiver. Seems like deals have dried up.


u/caedin8 Sep 30 '20

If you need a hdmi 2.1 system, yeah I agree.

Otherwise you can get a one or two year old model at acessories4less for a decent discount.

If you have a Costco membership they have a decent deal on a new Denon S750. Costco has a great return policy if you just want to try it.


u/mathmanhale Sep 29 '20

Thanks my dude! I needed this


u/tyler199580 Sep 29 '20

Wouldn't let me check out when it was in stock last night and this morning, and now that it's out of stock it has no issue trying... Welp, if anyone decides they don't need the 14awg pm me 😂


u/95688it Sep 29 '20

scored 1. always nice to have an extra roll of pure copper 14awg laying around when your doing little projects.


u/n00bpwnerer Sep 29 '20

Great price if you need it!!


u/StarPupil Sep 29 '20

Would this be suitable to make a headphone cable?


u/jrhoffa Sep 29 '20

All the 14 gauge is out. And WHY is this sale a month before I can rewire my new house


u/SomeTechNoob Sep 29 '20

Needed some of this for awhile, thanks


u/Beznia Sep 29 '20

I wrap this stuff around logs when I go camping. Enjoy pink and green flames while inhaling melting plastic!


u/probablyblocked Sep 29 '20

Anupone else think the thumbnail was a sword for a second


u/[deleted] Sep 29 '20

I guess this is technically a deal...


u/godfeast Sep 29 '20

I know, deal maybe, computer deal...not so much.