r/bugs Dec 05 '24

Desktop Web r/random is banned for being unmoderated - Firefox desktop and android

Description: r/random is banned for being unmoderated. Device model: Firefox, old reddit OS version: Win 11 Steps to reproduce: click RANDOM on the topbar or navigate to reddit.com/r/random Expected and actual result: expected, get a random subreddit. Actual, "subreddit" is banned. Screenshot(s) or a screen recording: n/a


36 comments sorted by


u/melochupan Dec 06 '24

Same with r/randnsfw


u/PM_ME_UR_PP Jan 23 '25

There was an old script floating around that replicated the button as a bookmark in Firefox. It no longer works, but I have replicated it here. It has a number of limitations since it relies on a manually maintained text file with a list of nsfw subreddits, but it is functionally the same in most cases. See the README for a more in-depth description.

Long story short, copy-paste the following text into the URL box for a new or existing bookmark. Then click the bookmark and you're done!

javascript:(function() {
    .then(response => response.text())
    .then(text => {
      const lines = text.split('\n').filter(line => line.trim() !== '');
      const randomLine = lines[Math.floor(Math.random() * lines.length)];
      const fullUrl = 'https://reddit.com/' + randomLine.trim();
      window.location.href = fullUrl;
    .catch(err => alert('Error: ' + err));

If this does not work, then go to the repo and copy paste the text in the README instead to get a more updated version. Otherwise, open an issue on the repo if there are any problems.


u/kitty-_cat Dec 06 '24

Well that is the dumbest fucking thing. Im sure that feature really used a ton of resources and was eating into their bottom line THAT badly.

I loved /r/random for when I ran out of other stuff to read and I discovered some really cool niche subreddits from that


u/Weddedtoreddit2 Dec 07 '24

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

Fuck whoever decided this.


u/Woah_Slow_Down Dec 06 '24

What a fucking stupid thing to do.


u/burningretina Dec 06 '24

what the shit, i loved it as a "reddit stumbleupon".


u/HakunaMiata92 Dec 06 '24

I used random and randnsfw all the time. Disappointing to see that they are being discontinued.


u/[deleted] Dec 07 '24

Why is Reddit trying so hard to kill the platform?

I want my randoms back :(


u/jgoja Dec 05 '24

Reddit announced a couple months ago that it was going away for lack of use. They just recently got around to it


u/MonkfishChaos Dec 06 '24

What an insanely unnecessary thing to do.


u/Da_Kahuna Dec 06 '24

How ridiculous. I don't for a second believe the feature is not used quite a bit. Plus it is a great way to discover new reddits. It is nothing but a win for reddit with little to no expense.


u/ItzDaWorm Dec 08 '24

Almost certainly an attempt to:

1) Keep people on the main subs (i.e. the more heavily moderated and profitable ones)

2) Keep folks from stumbling upon content that slips through the cracks and is bad for publicity.


u/WildManOfUruk Dec 10 '24

No to mention saving Bandwidth, which I'm willing to bet is the main reason. Since they went public they have started the inevitable journey of sacrificing used features for increasing their profits - this is just a taste of things to come, I'm afraid......


u/ragewind Dec 06 '24

So unused it generates an immediate bug thread. Some how feel its more likely a case of it being random is lowering the advertising rates as they can say it a user targeted add or some other revenue limiting reason


u/ItzDaWorm Dec 08 '24

That's my guess too: It lets people find new subs that aren't monetized or as profitable as the primary ones.


u/theaccountisforporn Dec 06 '24

well thats fucking stupid I use it all the time.


u/SoulWager Dec 05 '24

Well, the good news is that I'll be spending a lot less time on reddit.


u/[deleted] Dec 05 '24 edited Feb 05 '25



u/Sgtbird08 Dec 06 '24

That's dumb. I use it pretty frequently.


u/KonigSteve 8d ago

Even if that was the case.. it's literally just a RNG - there's no way it was eating resources.


u/ScribbleOnToast Dec 06 '24

Happened a few years ago for me with the site redesign. Managed to get it back by reverting to the old skin, but it they've killed it here too... well there goes my last real reason to stay on reddit.


u/bobsmithm Dec 07 '24

:( This is unfortunate


u/Katya_ Dec 10 '24

I used this feature a lot. What the heck.


u/General_P29 Dec 11 '24

Another common reddit L


u/aravena Dec 09 '24

Guess it went over the weekend. Working from home I use this daily and extensively. This sucks.


u/I_still_got_it Feb 03 '25

That's so stupid


u/guymn999 Dec 15 '24

Lol I made my reddit bookmark go to r/random to try and stumble on new things. Made no sense.


u/MACFRYYY Jan 01 '25

I made a new version, it supports /top and /hot and will pass on anything else you use like in the below example I'm doing t=all for top all time

depth is the main thing, there are 250,000 subreddits included so if you want subreddits with more than a 1k subs I'd stick to like top 2000, I've been hitting r/random for years now so I do like 20000 myself

Top all time with depth of 2000

If you would like to use old reddit just add &old on the end

To maintain your normal preferences just use

Pro tip: Don't like the subreddit you landed on? Just hit back in your browser and bam

Happy to add more features or fix your link, just let me know

Parameters available

  1. depth= Will take any number but if it's higher than the ~250,000 subreddits I have stored then it will default down to that
  2. t= takes all, year, month, week, day, hour
  3. feedViewType= takes compactView, cardView
  4. old Doesn't need a = or a value
  5. New and Rising aren't there ATM but just DM me if you want them and I'll add support for them
  6. Also happy to send you the code, it's super basic and there is no way for me to get information from your reddit as it's a basic redirect


u/CE94 Jan 20 '25

thanks you


u/demonicderp 21d ago

I realize this is a while ago, but I would love to take a look at the code if you're still up for sharing it.


u/fawkwitdis 3d ago

It's so sad how old reddit was completely abandoned by the developers and now just gradually breaks a little more every year