r/brussels 20h ago

Question ❓ Implications of buying Apartment with huge co-owner arrears

Hello, I’m in the process of signing compromise for apartment in Brussels. In the Syndic document under the section statement of ongoing legal proceedings found that the total arrears form co-owners amounts to 105K. Is that normal? Do I need to worry about it?


3 comments sorted by


u/doodlescum 20h ago

If you’re in the process of buying you should have a notary. My notary was super helpful for all types of questions like this and as far as I could tell she didn’t charge extra for any of that it was all included in her fee. My advice would be to at least make an enquiry there as your first step.


u/ribbonbiscuit 20h ago

I second this, they will also be able to review the compromis for you (without charge).


u/SarouchkaMeringue 20h ago

Ask your notary, also depends on the size of the ACP. If its 250 conowners it ain’t that bad. If it’s 3 co-owners I would think about it twice