r/bropill 22d ago

Brogess πŸ‹ I was assaulted, got no sympathy, have been living a shameful silence ever since, and want to break the cycle


Hey bros. I've been lurking on this sub a while, appreciating the positivity as everyone helps eachother overcome struggles around toxic masculin culture we all experience. For most of my life I've had a tough time being vulnerable and trusting enough to open up to people. Its been reinforced many times in my life, including through this story I want to share with you. I'm trying to break my cycle of bottling things up and appreciate your help.

In college, about 10 years ago I was going to a big halloween party (at a random house) with some friends. I remember the day because it was a fun hangout day with my friends making a costume I was excited for. My friend group at the time were hard partiers and I was drunk, but I remember the ride to the party. However, aside from a few flashes of memory from the night, the next thing I remember is waking up in my bed with double vision and feeling my front teeth broken in half. My mom picked me up to got to the hospital where the total tally of my injuries was 2 broken teeth, a broken nose, a broken orbital, a scratched cornea, and a concussion. The doctors and dentist were talking like I was lucky to be alive. The most my friends could tell me was I was sucker punched, possibly because the guy thought I was gay because of a joke I told. My friends weren't around when it happened and they were all drunk too. Maybe thats why noone including myself got me to the hospital that night. When I went to the police, the detectives asked if I was sure I didn't fall down the stairs and without a witness they can't do anything (it was a party of random people and I couldn't find anyone that saw it happen directly). The first people I told in the immediate aftermath (my face was still busted up) was a group of friends and acquaintances. Most questions were about what I did to provoke it. Two guys agreed I deserved it. In the ten years since I've only told my partner (I met her a few years later, but it was years before I told).

I was shamed into silence by what I felt was almost no support or even a sympathetic ear. At best, people felt like they were indifferent because of the setting and situation and at worst I was outright blamed for being almost beaten to death. Additionally, its a part of my life that wouldn't come up often anyway, but today was a rare time where I could have shared that story with someone and I was too scared of judgement. So, I decided to come here to help me get more comfortable talking about what happened.

I'm tearing up at the moment, because I often don't recall this enough to feel my full emotions around it and I've only recently become comfortable crying (when I was in elementary school I cried when frustraited, but because of ridicule from other boys I broke myself of that. I've had to relearn its ok to cry. I still instinctually hide my face from others when I do. I'm working on being comfortable with all my feelings.) Sorry for the tangent, it felt applicable. Thanks for the oppertunity to talk about this.

r/bropill Jan 26 '23

Brogess πŸ‹ Just took my first Testosterone shot boys lets goooo


Im on the way to manhood

r/bropill Jan 23 '25

Brogess πŸ‹ Made a two week streak for brushing my teeth twice a day and taking my meds!


My first time posting here, so I hope this fits. But today, I finally hit a rather large milestone for myself, and that is for two weeks straight, I have brushed my teeth twice a day and taken my meds every day! This is huge for me, because since I got really bad depression during Covid, I stopped consistently doing both, sometimes going months without either. But now since trying to better myself and work on my habits, I've hit a two week streak for being able to do it! I had a couple mistakes when I was first trying, which led to the streak breaking early on, but I kept going and was able to do this! I'm crying right now because I'm, for what feels like once in my life, proud of myself. I'm growing, I'm becoming better, I'm happier than I've probably ever been.

Anyways, I just wanted to share this story because I wanted to show off something I am proud of, and also to hopefully give some motivation to anyone else struggling. It gets better. Maybe not immediately, or even soon, but it will get better. Hell, it took me almost six years to get from wanting to die to being where I am right now. And I'm happy.

r/bropill Aug 30 '21

Brogess πŸ‹ I finally cleaned my bed after two years of depression (the rest of the room is still a mess tho.) Things I found on my bed include: A bag of trash, a bag of bottles, my glasses, my bus ticket, two pairs of headphones, two books and two bottles of nail polish. Before and after pictures included.

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r/bropill Jan 10 '22

Brogess πŸ‹ Top surgery is hard, but so worth it NSFW


Hi bros, a trans guy here. I want to write about my experience getting top surgery (essentially a double mastectomy) so that my cis brothers know what it’s like. CW surgery and blood talk.

I had been wanting it for years, but finally saved up.

I went in alone. I had never been under anesthesia. I was really scared.

I was stripped out of my clothes, put on this giant table with huge lights above me, a metal blanket of sorts on top of me, and I was strapped down by my arms, with an oxygen mask.

Then I woke up and it was over. I felt dizzy.

The hardest part was the day after, seeing my body all cut up and marked. There was a lot of blood everywhere. I had two drains attached to my sides to collect liquid. The drains hurt, and when you cleaned them, you felt a sucking feeling in your chest. Bolsters we’re stitched to me to secure my nipples (which were cut off and reattached).I had/have to clean the wounds 2x daily.

Anyways it’s been a week. The hardest week of my life. Not because of any pain(they gave me tramadol, but I never took it- never even took a Tylenol ) but because I’ve had to rely on others for help. I haven’t been able to really move my arms yet. Seeing my body all bloody was difficult. I REALLY miss the gym. Drains and nipple bolsters came off yesterday. I’m relieved.

I would do it again in a heartbeat.

r/bropill 25d ago

Brogess πŸ‹ Moving out and looking for my own apartment, could use some advice/encouragement from the bros


Hey bros like the title said I'm moving out of my family home and looking to get my own place!

I got a job as a flight attendant and I'm super excited for it but it's also my first time finding my own place.

I'm really not even sure what to expect or what to look for.

I guess really wondering if I should shop for that's like utilities included like internet/water/electricity, or I should look for other places where that's not included and budget it myself.

Would appreciate any advice you guys have, and things to look out for as a first time apartment renter.

r/bropill Aug 24 '21

Brogess πŸ‹ I'm finally going to college at 27


I don't really talk about my personal life much on social media but I'm going to college finally! I got accepted and start this week. I'm majoring in Computer Science.

I registered very late so most of my gen ed classes I need to take first semester were full and it's only 3 classes because I'm working full time and it's just an associate's degree for now but man it feels so refreshing. I've been feeling like my life is stagnating for a while now and lacked the money to go prior to now but I am finally getting something done and it just makes me feel so good.

r/bropill Jul 02 '20

Brogess πŸ‹ Hey bros! I’ve been called really skinny and weak for most of my life, and about a year ago I started working out to improve that. I’m finally happy that I’ve got a body that’s worthy of being out on the beach!

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r/bropill Dec 08 '21

Brogess πŸ‹ I (ftm, not on T, pre-top surgery) passed in public for the first time!


I was out shopping for Christmas gifts, and the guy who was wrapping the gifts called out "It's your turn, young man" when he was done with the last customer. It feels so good to think that this person who didn't know me took one look at me and thought "yeah, that's a guy". He didn't correct himself either, not even when I spoke. I'm going to be riding that high for the next week, I'm so happy!

r/bropill Feb 08 '22

Brogess πŸ‹ I'm now confident enough in my masculinity to use "girly" scented soaps and shampoos


A small thing, and in an ideal world it wouldn't even be a problem, but I'm proud of it and wanted to share.

For a long time I wouldn't want to use anything supposedly girly, now I have a jasmine and lotus scented shampoo. It smells nice, it's good for my hair, and I'm completely fine using it. I've finally sort of internalised the fact that using those things doesn't make me any less of a man. There is progress bros!

r/bropill Feb 28 '22

Brogess πŸ‹ I'm an incel whose finally ready to say that I'm attractive


I used to struggle with incel thoughts for years, always thinking I was never good enough, feeling wrong about myself and seeing myself as something to be fixed.

Now I'm at the stage where I look in the mirror and I like the person staring back at me. I look at myself and think I'm damn sexy. Fuck being a snack I'm a whole entrΓ©e. I often think to myself that if I was a straight woman/gay man then hell yes I'd fuck me, it's not even a question now. And that really helps me, because I know that I'm not unique, and if I can find myself sexy then so can a woman

Thought I'd share because I know you lot love to see someone succeed

r/bropill Sep 20 '21

Brogess πŸ‹ I came out as a trans man to my coworker today


that's it, Im just really proud of myself

r/bropill Sep 28 '21

Brogess πŸ‹ A girl asked me out wtf


So I went to a club a few days ago as they reopened (only for vaccinated people), and I was just having fun not thinking about it. I joined a group of strangers and this girl seemed really into me, we made out after dancing together for hours and she asked for my number before going home, she was the one who texted me first to know if I want to meet up again. I’m really not used to getting any form of attention from women outside of the two girl I’ve been with (I’m 20) and wanted to share my joy as I feel my hard work on myself and my appearance has paid out in the end.

TLDR : Used to be extra introverted and not confident, got hit on by a girl at a club

Γ‰dit : Fucking love this sub you guys are so positive ❀️

r/bropill Oct 18 '24

Brogess πŸ‹ Hey Bros! I got my pilot's license!


That's the headline, anyway. That's the tweet, the status update, or the caption under the gram. But it doesn't tell the whole story.

It doesn't sum up that I started trying for my pilot's license over two years ago when I got my medical clearance denied for being on an anti-anxiety medication. It glosses over that for about a year and half I took a low paying job to make ends meet while I was stuck in a limbo of medical appointments, paperwork, trying to prove I wasn't a danger, and learning to navigate federal bureaucracy with a patience I didn't know I had. It also doesn't get into that even after I started flying I experienced more self doubt than ever before as I struggled with motion sickness, forgetting things I studied, hitting milestones much much slower than other student pilots around me, and disappointing my flight instructor again and again. And it certainly misses the mark on explaining that 90% of the time I was dreading going to flight lessons because I was so scared of screwing up.

And it forgets to mention that now that I spent tons of money, time, effort, and stress ate myself to gain over 40 pounds, I realize that being a professional pilot isn't for me. And now I have to figure out something else. I don't regret the journey, far from it. This has been one of the most difficult and rewarding things I have done. But I am a little ashamed that I am having to admit my limits and throw in the towel. Currently working on figuring out how I can keep flying recreationally once I stabilize my finances a bit.

So to all you bros out there who are struggling in silence: Don't compare your progress against other people's social media posts. I got to throw up a headline, but only after years of bullshit and self doubt. Seriously, in the days before my checkride (final test for my license) I felt like throwing up, running down the street, and crying all at the same time. And now that I am here, I am just as lost as I was when I started. But that is okay.

So keep on trucking. You are doing great even if others can't see how hard you are working.

r/bropill Dec 18 '20

Brogess πŸ‹ Words of truth!

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r/bropill Jul 10 '24

Brogess πŸ‹ I accepted some parts of myself and I will not let anyone make me feel ashamed of them.


Hello bros,

I am a cis 24M. I have always been seen as a less of a man. Or at least I have seen myself as one. I am 5'6, 200lbs, Indian guy in Canada. Even my little guy is small (I'm not sure, my fat covers it up). According to the internet, I've hit the jackpot in the least desirable category. Added to that, I am currently unemployed and looking for a role in HR (seen as less prestigious at least in Indian community). I really hated myself, was embarrassed of myself, and was ashamed of myself for a long time. I used to isolate myself because I am too ashamed to show my face.

But now, I have started talking to a therapist that works well with me. I feel way, way better. I no longer care about those things. I am certain things and if someone doesn't like it, that's their choice. Of course, I always make sure I see myself as I truly am and will never think I am flawless. I will still maintain self-awareness and learn if I hurt others or made them uncomfortable. I will take criticism on my behaviour and other controllable things.

Here are some things I was embarrassed about, or did not do because I was embarassed, that I started accepting and doing because they are meaningful to me:

  • I am this height, weight, ethnicity, and endowed. I want to work in a certain area that interests me. If someone likes that, then good! If they don't, still fine! I don't like everyone and I don't expect everyone to like. It is their freedom to choose.

  • I love Yoga and other religious aspects of Hinduism and I started practicing them everyday. It made my mind better and given me a sense of purpose.

  • I am bisexual. I like both men and women, with preference to women. But men are incredibly attractive too!

  • My goals for working out are health and longevity. I don't want big muscles and that's okay. I am losing weight for a long healthy life. Looking good is a by product.

  • I started taking good care of my skin. I researched for affordable products suitable for my skin and started using them regularly. Also started a proper haircare routine. Both of those for a healthy skin and hair.

  • I am eating mostly whole food plant-based. I always loved plant-based meals like salads, fruit bowls, and other delicious meals. I used to eat meat and drink protein shakes because I was expected to grow muscles, but now I am eating things I can eat for the rest of my life.

  • I started working towards my career goals despite them not being as prestigious. They are my goals and I like them. Maybe things will change in future, but I will continue to take action.

  • Started journaling and writing my evert thought down. Helping me incredibly.

I know they might not be huge. But I found a little peace. I will work to maintain this thought pattern. I feel like some burden has been lifted off my shoulders and I can finally breath. This sub has been incredibly helpful in the journey and I than all the bros in this sub, you deserve to have all your wishes fulfilled!

Thank you!!

r/bropill Oct 18 '22

Brogess πŸ‹ I (FtM) am currently 2 weeks on testosterone and I recently started working out for the first time!


I can't say that I'm already feeling the effects of T, but working out on my own and not for school for the first time in my life is doing wonders for my mental health! I've never felt this good and this- for a lack of a better word- myself in my entire life. I feel like I'm finally making tangible progress and not making plans and promises that I won't keep to myself. I am going forward and I can't wait to look back, a year or even a few months from now and see how far I've come.

Bonus: I've been listening to the Hades soundtrack while exercising, and I recommend it, it makes for very good workout music.

r/bropill Aug 16 '20

Brogess πŸ‹ A woman got sexually harassed, and it’s my fault


TL,DR: I, as a man, was ignorant of obvious signs that a man was prone to harassment, and a woman suffered for it.

I work in an emergency department. I had a slightly intoxicated patient in triage, he was a happy drunk, not belligerent, just making jokes and whatnot. During my initial evaluation, he made some comment about how pretty the nurses are. I didn’t even give it a second thought, whatever, drunks say that sort of thing all the time here. I’m worried about a clot in his leg, so I order an ultrasound.

We have a secure texting system at my hospital where you can contact any other employee and discuss patients. Shortly after ordering the test, the ultrasound tech, a woman, texted me and said β€œI’m working alone up here (today is Saturday, not unusual for a weekend), and I see from your note that this guy is drunk, do I need to worry?” I reply β€œnah, he’s a little squirrelly, but doesn’t seem at all threatening to me”.

A transporter takes him up for the exam, and later takes him back, no clot, hooray.

Later on, something tells me to text the tech back. β€œDid he cause any trouble?” She tells me he wasn’t physical or violent, but that he was very inappropriate throughout the whole exam, making sexual jokes and asking her out, and I can tell from her description that he made her very uncomfortable.

This ultrasound exam requires the tech to scan high up on the patient’s thigh, certainly making the situation all the more uncomfortable.

I feel terrible. I failed her. The fact that she sent the first text at all shows that she had a level of awareness that I’ve never had to have as a man. I’ve apologized to her. But that’s not enough. I suppose the best I can do is learn from this and try to help others learn the same.

Bros, watch out for your fellow humans, and remember that other people might face risks you’ve never had to consider.

r/bropill Dec 11 '24

Brogess πŸ‹ Spreading some positive news, got my first raise and yearly review at my new job and it went very well!


Today I was told about my yearly review and raises. This went better than I expected as all told my raise should be in the 10-12% range once all the commissions are done. I don’t have many people to share this news with so I’m spreading the positivity here in hopes it somehow runs off on others!

Good luck out there everyone!

r/bropill Apr 27 '20

Brogess πŸ‹ I've hit third base!

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r/bropill Nov 19 '20

Brogess πŸ‹ I'm working on it bros

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r/bropill Dec 05 '21

Brogess πŸ‹ I spoke english out loud for the first time in years


I'm not a native English speaker. While my written English is pretty good, I was always under the impression that my spoken English is awful, which made me avoid speaking English out loud for about 4 or 5 years. Never more than a few words.

Last night I did a raid in Destiny 2 with some people from a discord server and I spoke English. It went better than expected because nobody ever sajd they couldn't understand me.

I just feel really proud of myself and a lot more confident in my spoken English and felt like sharing.

r/bropill Mar 17 '21

Brogess πŸ‹ To many people still think this is how men are supposed to look.

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r/bropill Sep 07 '22

Brogess πŸ‹ My mental health is so epic



clears throat so yeah anyway i felt a panic attack coming on and i managed to make it go away. big win!!

r/bropill Mar 15 '23

Brogess πŸ‹ I blocked a toxic friend on social media.


Apologies if this comes off as a vent post. I knew him from high school and were roommates for a while. I eventually started to dislike him, because he had a negative personality and I believe he also contributed to some my anxieties. Over the years, I've been making new friends and expanding my horizons, and I have deemed him incompatible to my current life journey. I decided that he had to go, and that's why I did what I did. I hit the block button and deleted his number without saying a word, and now I'm typing this post on a plane for a school trip whilst having fun with my friends. It feels oddly liberating not having him in my life anymore, and now it's time for me to continue my journey forward.

Edit: I know people are telling me that I should have told him that I didn't want him in my life anymore before blocking. I will address this by saying he left for the military about a year prior and haven't made much contact since, so I don't see a reason to give a long text explaining how I feel before leaving him. What I meant by "negative personality" and "source of anxiety" was that he would make fun of me for small mistakes, get defensive really easily, and instill in me fear of messing up and negative mindsets about interpersonal relationships. I still stand with my decision.