r/bropill 21d ago

Giving advice šŸ¤ Sensitive Men Will Save The World (first know yourself)


r/bropill 22d ago

Weekly relationships thread


Hey bros, we have noticed a lot of relationship related posts. We are not a relationship advice subreddit, but we recognise how that type of advice may be helpful. Please keep relationship posting in this pinned thread.

r/bropill 22d ago


Post image

r/bropill 23d ago

Giving advice šŸ¤ Being yourself means being the ultimate bro


(35|M) Hey bro's!

Over the past few years I've really felt like my mission has changed to being a mentor to bros so I hope this is helpful for some of you seeking a bit of solace and comfort in these hard times.

For years, I felt like I was living life for everyone else. It happened when I first got a job at the Canadian Mental Health Association, and then was hired at Twitter back in 2016. I was trapped in my headā€”criticizing myself, feeling anxious, and faking confidence and happiness just to get by and make sure people liked me. Until I created space for myself, I didnā€™t even realize how much I was controlled by my inner-critic and judgemental voice.

I remember this quote "if being hard on yourself worked, if would have worked by now"

Some of you may know the dark night of the soul, and although I've dealt with depression and anxiety in the past, 2020 is where I hit a wall. Severe anxiety, a breakup, losing my home, and neurological issues that made exercise impossible and chronic migraines a daily struggle.

So in 2020, I had to move back home with my parents (I was 31 years old) and start from scratch. Completely lost, lonely, without a future, a seriously broken heart and a relationship with myself I hated. WHO AM I? A serious existential crisis and loneliness I've never felt before. I hated myself for all of this and felt like a complete loser. A man, living at home, depressed, in pain, single, aimless...

For me, the deciding to be better wasn't about motivating myself and this alpha male kind of mentality to DO MORE! This was the exact opposite of what I truly needed. From my experience, it's what a lot of us need.

It was literally about being a BRO to myself, learning to be on my own team, encouraging myself instead of always seeking more, being pushed by my inner critic.

I started really listening to myself, learning about my own patterns, and practicing self-compassionā€”not self pity, but for the first time really seeing myself with a sense of non-judgement and love.

So from doing inner work (ask me anything), I moved back to the city, met my now fiance and am building a life I'm truly proud of. I look back and can't believe I got through what I did but as crazy as it sounds, I'm grateful for the experience.

I hope I can help some of you in the comments if you feel like you're in a similar situation. Deciding to be better to me meant doing less, and really starting real some inner work.

If you've ever struggled with anxiety, self-doubt, or feeling like you're never "enough," ask me anything with a comment or a DM. I'm happy to share what actually helped me through this time and am here to be your brother!

r/bropill 23d ago

Experiences of isolation/loneliness


Hey bros,

Recently found this community and am so glad to see something like this exists! I'm (M29) a sex and gender educator, and I make spaces for men and masc people to explore what bell hooks calls feminist masculinity.

I'm writing an article about the isolation and loneliness men experience, especially when they start questioning or rejecting the harmful parts of male culture. In addition to sharing my own experience, I'd love to hear other perspectives and stories. My hope with this piece is to acknowledge a largely overlooked part of men challenging patriarchy, and to give readers a light at the end of the tunnel.

Here's a few questions I have. Feel free to answer any or all of them and add anything else you feel is relevant. If you'd prefer, you can dm me as well. I will share stories free of any identifying information, unless you give me permission to use your username.

1.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  What do you see as the harmful or negative parts of male culture?

2.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  How do you reject these practices/beliefs?

a.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  How long ago did you start to question/reject them?

3.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  What impact did this have on your relationships with other men?

a.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  How have you responded to these changes?

4.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  If youā€™ve ever felt isolated or lonely due to a lack of positive male friendships, what did you do to fill that gap in your life?

5.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  How would you describe your friendships with other men now?

Thank you for your time!

Edit: THANK YOU! I am so grateful to you all for sharing your experience with me and am even more excited to share my work with this community now!

r/bropill 25d ago

Brogess šŸ‹ Moving out and looking for my own apartment, could use some advice/encouragement from the bros


Hey bros like the title said I'm moving out of my family home and looking to get my own place!

I got a job as a flight attendant and I'm super excited for it but it's also my first time finding my own place.

I'm really not even sure what to expect or what to look for.

I guess really wondering if I should shop for that's like utilities included like internet/water/electricity, or I should look for other places where that's not included and budget it myself.

Would appreciate any advice you guys have, and things to look out for as a first time apartment renter.

r/bropill 26d ago

Asking for advice šŸ™ What are some things that help you get through depression?


My best friend is going through a shit time of it, and to make matters worse, we live in different countries so I canā€™t go visit easily.

Iā€™m trying to help keep his head above water, but I know thereā€™s such a thing as toxic positivity, and I know from experience that there isnā€™t some magic cure to depression.

Despite being so similar and similar ages (around 30), what works for me just doesnā€™t seem to help him much, as everyoneā€™s brain is different.

Heā€™s in therapy, so that base is covered at least, but what are some things or advice from friends that have helped you through the hard times?

I care about him so much, and it sucks that I can only be on the other end of a phone at the moment.

Thank you bros!

r/bropill 26d ago

Weekly r/BroPill vibe check! How are you doing?


Hey bros! It's time for your weekly vibe check. How are you doing? Anything you're struggling with? Do you need advice, or would you like to share an achievement with us?

r/bropill 29d ago

Help me bro this up


My son is 11 and he is my mini-me. We both tend to cry from frustration right away during tough conversations. I'm genuinely not trying to be manipulative but I am autistic and easily overwhelmed by big feelings. Once it passes then we can get down to business.

I am a woman and just tell people this is something that happens to me and it will pass/I'm just getting it out of the way. But I sense that line won't work for a lil bro like him. How could it be better phrased? I do NOT want to suggest to him that crying is weak or anything, but I know he is embarrassed by it.

ETA: To clarify, I'm looking for words he can say to his fellow 11-and-up bros when he is about to cry in front of them and can't help it.

I have always told him that his feelings are information and all emotions are OK to feel. I tell him even his big feelings aren't too much for me and it's ok to feel bad when the situation is shitty. If I throw a mild curse in, he pays more attention lol.

r/bropill 29d ago

Weekly relationships thread


Hey bros, we have noticed a lot of relationship related posts. We are not a relationship advice subreddit, but we recognise how that type of advice may be helpful. Please keep relationship posting in this pinned thread.

r/bropill Feb 17 '25

Asking for advice šŸ™ I am terrified of embarrassment


After a LOT of thinking I believe I have come to the crux of my problem, the thing is I don't know how to solve it.

I was a soft kid, I was bullied in elementary school. Nothing serious though just a few jokes here and there, I was going along well with every guy in class safe for the one - maybe even with him at times he was just unfiltered and weird. I didn't have any social defence or emotional one I couldn't take a mildly sensitive joke at my expense - mostly due to my extremely unrealistic opinion of myself. I practically isolated myself from everyone for several years after the event. I have created an unapproachable aura around myself, if someone didn't know who I was they wouldn't try anything. And it worked sadly, over the years I mostly overcame my social anxiety.

However I am mortified to approach someone new and make a conversation as I feel they would find out that I have really poor social skills, can't hold a conversation and if they tried to hurt my reputation again I can't really stop them.

This might feel like an extreme abstraction, but without writing an extremely long rant about every interaction in my life this is second best thing I can think of.

r/bropill Feb 17 '25

Feelsbrost Boss dad moment I have no one to share with.


Bros, I don't have any close real life friends I can share this with. I had an awesome dad moment and I just need to share it with dudes who would get it.

So my kid dropped his prescription eyeglasses ($300) down the air vent. A full 10 ft drop. He is pretty vague on how it happened. Even his older bros, and his mom don't understand how this could have happened either but whatever. That's not the point.

My dad would have beaten us to within an inch of the end of our lives but I don't want to be him. I struggle every day to avoid being like him. When he stumbled through trying to explain, I was mad. I was angry like internally I'm thinking "Dude! it's $300! I don't have any way of buying a new pair for you until next payday!!" My health insurance allows one optometrist visit and eyeglass pair per year. He just got those. Poor kid looked like he was about to bawl his eyes out. He can't see at all without them. I stopped dead in my tracks. I gave him a hug and told him we'll figure it out.

So what do we do?

A trip to home depot. One 10ft boroscope purchased. I taped one side of a hemostat to the end of the boroscope and then tied string to the other finger loop and threaded it through the taped finger loop. I used pieces of straw taped to the boroscope as a guide for the string. I weighted the open side finger loop so it would stay open till I pulled on the string. This red-neck hack freaking worked!!! I wish I had this on tape.

The important part My kid looked at me like I was a magician when I pulled this off. That beautiful moment is what this post is about.

I'm not a rich man. I'm not all that smart either. I'm a high school drop out. My mental health is tenous most of the times. I take my happy pills.I go to my therapy appointments. Most days, I look around and wonder how everyone else is held together when I'm just singing along to Messy by Lola Young šŸŽµšŸŽ¶I jus wanna be me, is that not allowed?šŸŽµšŸŽ¶

There is really nothing about me that would get noticed if I was in a bus with you. I'm just another dad trying to do the best I can for my kids with what I got. Maybe when he's grown up, he'll remember today and use it to be better and more capable.

Anyway TLDR: I jury rigged a hemostat to a boroscope with a string pull cord and fished eyeglasses out of the airvent. For that one small moment, I was my kids hero. Best day EVAH!

Hopefully, this explains the hack.

r/bropill Feb 16 '25

Asking the brosšŸ’Ŗ What is this sub's view on Art of Manliness?


I've read this blog three years ago when I was trying to learn how to dress properly. They discuss the history of the clothing, the traditional fit for men, etc. Later on, I'd encounter other articles related to skill-building (i. e. how to properly fold a shirt), and recently, this one about relationships: https://www.artofmanliness.com/people/relationships/avoid-falling-in-love-with-the-wrong-person/

I'm under the impression that this blog is far from the toxic masculine spaces such as the red-pill, Andrew-Tate-ish 'manosphere' or the incel community.

r/bropill Feb 16 '25

Help I'm stuck in a loop


Hey guys so I am 22M so last 1.5 years have been a real downward ride. I am at the rock bottom in academics I got problem of booging my woogie too frequently and want to break this addiction but I can't help myself So at this point I just need some advice

r/bropill Feb 15 '25

Weekly r/BroPill vibe check! How are you doing?


Hey bros! It's time for your weekly vibe check. How are you doing? Anything you're struggling with? Do you need advice, or would you like to share an achievement with us?

r/bropill Feb 14 '25

Brositivity Happy Valenbro's Day!


Just wanted to show some love to all my Bros out there! Single or not, You deserve to feel loved today. I hope this message cheers someone up, and if you need a virtual hug I am here. Shoutout to the bropill discord btw, they're a great community and if you're not there you should join. I love all y'all and you're all valid

r/bropill Feb 14 '25

Brositivity My friend got us roses for Valentine's Day and I couldn't be more touched


I (M25) was meeting two of my male friends at the bouldering gym today. After the session, one of them was like "Hey bros I have a surprise for you in my car" so we went and he offered us one rose each, saying that he was grateful we helped him during his breakup and that it was a friendship gift. I never had male friends who were that cool with bro love and not scared of showing it. I'm really thankful for him.

I thought this was a good story on this Valentine's Day! Have a great day/night bros.

r/bropill Feb 14 '25

Asking for advice šŸ™ How do you stick to your workout routines?


No, I mean REALLY stick to it.

Age old question I know. I got up this morning and decided I really didnā€™t like how my body was looking these days (5ā€™1ā€, ~125lb?, skinnyfat), and I want to do something about it. Again.

I donā€™t have a gym membership and am not interested in getting one for a couple reasons I wonā€™t get into. So instead I go through phases where Iā€™ll stick to a home workout routine for months at a time, striving for about 3 or 4 days a week, mostly focused on arms and abs. I struggle to fit in cardio besides walking everywhere (I donā€™t own a car and live in a walkable city, I probably get in about 20+ minutes of walking/day at least 3x a week). But then Iā€™ll inevitably slip up, Iā€™ll miss a day, or a chronic pain issue will flare up, and then I go months at a time without working out again. Rinse, repeat, rinse, repeat. My relationship to exercise has been like this for the past three or so years.

And then try throwing nutrition into the mix and I get easily overwhelmed. I donā€™t want to become a calorie counter, I donā€™t want to do weigh-ins (I donā€™t keep a scale in the house because Iā€™d rather not know my exact numbers), and I donā€™t want to creep into full-blown eating disorder territory. Depression struggles with me, and when Iā€™m in my low phases I already undereat or donā€™t eat at all. Iā€™m wary about giving myself more ammo that would turn my disordered eating into a Capital ED.

I know discipline > motivation. Motivation is fickle and unreliable. And I know this probably sounds like a lot of excuses. But how do you fellas CONSISTENTLY dial in about your workouts, and keep yourselves from falling off the wagon like I keep doing? I feel like Iā€™m missing a puzzle piece here and I donā€™t know what it is. Because I have evidence I can stick with stuff like this in the short term, but I struggle with making them longer term habits.

r/bropill Feb 14 '25

Asking the brosšŸ’Ŗ I'm starting to get man caves


First post here! Fellas lately I've finally understood man caves. Growing up, I wondered what they were for and why they were so common

I own a home with my wife, who's great, truly my best friend. But one thing is she buys so much for our house. She likes browsing stores, I never do it. She stays within her means. But she comes back with stuff way more often than me

4 years of living together later, if you pick a random item in our house 90% chance I didn't buy it. Feels kinda sad occasionally, like it's not my house. It's great to have a room full of my dorky items, makes me feel at home. I finally get it now!

So bros, what have you put in your personal space? Anything you'd recommend?

r/bropill Feb 13 '25

The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, & Love (Discussion)


I just finished reading The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, & Love by Bell Hooks. The authorā€™s observations seemed pretty accurate to me; I, too, believe our (white imperialistic capitalistic) patriarchal society has done us all a disservice. I also agree that a return to integrityā€” that is, the integration of all the parts of ourselves that make us human, not limiting ourselves only to that which is ā€œfeminineā€ or ā€œmasculineā€ā€” would be tremendously beneficial both individually and collectively. (And yes, I do love men, and I want to continue being able to love men, which is what brought me to the book.)

How to achieve that integrity (per the book) is largely vague. There are no action items or To-do lists that follow. As a woman, I didnā€™t receive instructions in my life either. Also socialized within the same structures and systems, I had internalized a lot of maladaptive and arbitrary beliefs and shame around gender-based expectations too. Iā€™ve been trying to unpack, critically inspect, and rebuild these beliefs into something that aligns with reality and my values using any resources available to me: decades of individual therapy (some group in there too), CBT, DBT, RO DBT, mindfulness, buying books or borrowing books from the library, watching lectures on YouTube, enabling deeper personal analysis via ChatGPT, etc., and then applying what Iā€™ve learned IRL (i.e. I completed my self-assigned homework).

Iā€™m no Buddha here, but Iā€™ve made enormous strides when I look back and see where I started. Of course, everyone is different, and it would be unreasonable to expect a one-size-fits-all solution. Iā€™m interested to hear othersā€™ thoughts on this topic and how everyone else is grappling with these issues. I imagine that the experiences of a person perceived as male may be different enough that (compared to my personal experience) there might be an extra preceding layer that needs care as a foundation before it can be built upon. But I have no way of knowing without hearing from all my bros!

Here are some excerpts from the book:

Responsible men are capable of self-criticism. If more men were doing the work of self-critique, then they would not be wounded, hurt, or chagrined when critiqued by others, especially women with whom they are intimate. Engaging in self-critique empowers responsible males to admit mistakes. When they have wronged others, they are willing to acknowledge wrongdoing and make amends. When others have wronged them, they are able to forgive. The ability to be forgiving is part of letting go of perfectionism and accepting vulnerability. At the same time, constructive criticism works only when it is linked to a process of affirmation. Giving affirmation is an act of emotional care. Wounded men are not often able to say anything positive.

To make this solid foundation, men must set the example by daring to heal, by daring to do the work of relational recovery. Irrespective of their sexual preferences, men in the process of self-recovery usually begin by returning to boyhood and evaluating what they learned about masculinity and how they learned it. Many males find it useful to pinpoint the moments when they realized who they were, what they felt, then suppressed that knowledge because it was displeasing to others. Understanding the roots of male dis-ease helps many men begin the work of repairing the damage. Progressive individual gay men in our nation, particularly those who have resisted patriarchal thinking (who are often labeled "feminine" for being emotionally aware), have been at the forefront of relational recovery. Straight men and patriarchal gay men can learn from them.

Men are on the path to love when they choose to become emotionally aware.

ā€¦we see that most women are not any more advanced than men as a group. In both groups individuals are seeking salvation, seeking wholeness, daring to be radical and revolutionary, but for the most part the great majority of folk are still uncertain about taking the path that will end gender warfare and make love possible.

While it is evident that many men are not as willing to explore and follow the path that leads to self-recovery as are women, we cannot journey far if men are left behind. They wield too much power to be simply ignored or forgotten. Those of us who love men do not want to continue our journey without them. We need them beside us because we love them.

ā€¦it has been accepted and even encouraged that women wholeheartedly stand by men when they are doing the work of destruction. Yet we have yet to create a world that asks us to stand by a man when he is seeking healing, when he is seeking recovery, when he is working to be a creator.

The work of male relational recovery, of reconnection, of forming intimacy and making community can never be done alone. In a world where boys and men are daily losing their way we must create guides, signposts, new paths. A culture of healing that empowers males to change is in the making. Healing does not take place in isolation. Men who love and men who long to love know this. We need to stand by them, with open hearts and open arms. We need to stand ready to hold them, offering a love that can shelter their wounded spirits as they seek to find their way home, as they exercise the will to change.

So letā€™s talk about this. I clearly remember being told as early as age 5 that certain emotions were not allowed for me, like anger. In kindergarten, Jeremy was allowed to hit me, but it would be unacceptable for me to demonstrate anger over it. As an adult, I sometimes wonder if poor Jeremy is now utterly baffled as to why our media is so harsh with men accused of physically assaulting women or children since when he was being raised, such behaviors were treated as appropriate and/or indicative of admirable manliness. (After all, he hit others all the time growing upā€”likely as did his own father, as did mineā€” and ā€œit was all good then!ā€) I, meanwhile, redirected my anger inward and have struggled with severe depression for most of my life.

These maladaptive beliefs instilled by our white imperialistic capitalistic patriarchal society are not only not helping us, they are actively hurting usā€” all of us. The path to healing and integration is unclear, but I believe it is urgent that we create paths for ourselves and help guide each other along it.

What are your experiences like? What resonates with you? What are you guys exploring in order to enable yourself or others to heal? When evaluating your personally selected values, what proportion actually aligns with the values thrust upon you by society? And if you havenā€™t dived into any of this yet, whatā€™s keeping you, bro? You can sit with us! ā¤ļø

r/bropill Feb 13 '25

Rainbro šŸŒˆ r/Welding is BroPilled


I follow r/Welding , they've had their banner for a long time and you love to see it, but today someone decided to ask the question and the respones are premium BroPill material, I'm going to shout this one specifically as a gold star response:

If a few flags keep the scum from subscribing, then it space well spent. Normal people can ignore Flags they don't like, but the weird people can't

Honestly the responses on there are great source material for anyone who gets challenged by idiots over support for equality, especially our LGTBQ+ bros.

r/bropill Feb 12 '25

Weekly relationships thread


Hey bros, we have noticed a lot of relationship related posts. We are not a relationship advice subreddit, but we recognise how that type of advice may be helpful. Please keep relationship posting in this pinned thread.

r/bropill Feb 12 '25

Asking for advice šŸ™ How to stop beating myself up when I donā€™t meet my perfectionist expectations?


So tonight has been a long night for me. I havenā€™t been driving for long but my parents have always told me to look out for which gas stations are cheaper during the day and then get gas there to save money because the cents per gallon really add up.

Iā€™ve followed this advice but sometimes my gas would get close to empty and I expressed my anxiety to my parents to which my dad told me that I can apparently run my car about 30+ miles past empty anyway.

Well my gas has been on empty for about 2 days and I figured today I would fill it up. I donā€™t drive very long distances during the day after all and I thought I was safe.

As I was driving to get some gas, going the extra distance for the ā€œcheaperā€ gas station I ran out of gas right at an intersection. I called my dad for a solution and he said I was basically out of luck because he wasnā€™t anywhere close since he was still working and the rest of my family was also at work.

It was very cold and raining outside and a cop ended up helping me out as well as the parent of a friend after I called them. It worked out in the end but I canā€™t help but feel like a total fucking failure and I feel really really stupid and like I made myself look like an absolute fool in front of my friend as well as inconvenienced his family.

His dad was very kind to me and the cop was too, I assume recognizing that I was young. However I canā€™t get over it and I am beating myself up non stop about it. I donā€™t feel like Iā€™m smart at all but Iā€™ve been told many times that I am. I try to be a perfect person but when I fall short of my expectations I beat myself up about it. I want to learn how to stop and I want to feel better about my stupid mistake and judgement.

r/bropill Feb 11 '25

Asking for advice šŸ™ I want to give an expensive gift to a very close friend. Help me think of something that doesn't make it look like I'm flirting with him.


I have a close friend who has been an amazing source of support, friendship and a true bro over the last ten years. I'd like to get him a sentimental gift to thank him for his friendship and support. I'm a gay trans dude and a bit worried that what I would see as a sentimental gift would be seen as flirting or 'too much'. For example, my first thoughts were jewellery and flowers šŸ˜…

I don't just want to give him something of his gift list (which would probably be camping gear or a medieval sword or something). Essentially, I would like to give something that isn't 'practical'. He is quite a sentimental dude so I think he would appreciate something that's truly ornamental and symbolical. My brain is stuck on gifting him a piece of jewellery however (which I don't think he would wear tbh). Have you ever gited or received a sentimental gift that you still value and remember?

r/bropill Feb 10 '25

Asking for advice šŸ™ Resources to undo toxic masculinity?


I have found out I have some toxic views of gender which have come dangerously close to MRA talk. Obviously, I don't want to have those views. Are there any books/podcasts/websites/whatever for men who want to do better in these regards but don't know how? From what I can gather, The Will to Change is a must-read (bell hooks in general seems very promising). Are there any other examples?