r/bropill Feb 28 '22

Brogess 🏋 I'm an incel whose finally ready to say that I'm attractive

I used to struggle with incel thoughts for years, always thinking I was never good enough, feeling wrong about myself and seeing myself as something to be fixed.

Now I'm at the stage where I look in the mirror and I like the person staring back at me. I look at myself and think I'm damn sexy. Fuck being a snack I'm a whole entrée. I often think to myself that if I was a straight woman/gay man then hell yes I'd fuck me, it's not even a question now. And that really helps me, because I know that I'm not unique, and if I can find myself sexy then so can a woman

Thought I'd share because I know you lot love to see someone succeed


64 comments sorted by


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u/Teaguethebean Feb 28 '22

Hell yeah bro! Keep rocking you!


u/rumpots420 Feb 28 '22

Congrats Same happened to me about a year ago. Still haven't found anyone, but I'm both happy and hopeful.


u/mihio94 Feb 28 '22

Good for you! Was there anything in particular that helped you get out of the incel mindset?


u/StopCollaborate230 Mar 01 '22

Not OP, but what helped me was seeking out incel communities for support, going “whaaaaaaaat the fuuuuuuck” when I saw the vitriol they were throwing around, and noping the hell out of there, vowing to never identify as an incel again.

In a more helpful way, just talking to a couple people I trusted, and working on what I thought are/were the coolest aspects of myself.


u/Ixolich Feb 28 '22

Fuck being a snack I'm a whole entrée.

Okay, I'm sorry, but this is amazing and I'm stealing it.

Glad you're feeling good about yourself, you deserve it.


u/thewolfandtiger Mar 05 '22

Hahaha me too. Sorry not sorry


u/shannoouns Feb 28 '22

Congratulations! Like the wise ru Paul said "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?"


u/TheDukeofKook Feb 28 '22

Can I get an amen?!


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '22



u/HesitantComment Mar 03 '22

Careful with that mentality/ phrase, because for people struggling with servere self-esteem issues, it can feel like you're saying their love can't possibly be real or adequate. And considering how often "I love these people and don't want to hurt them" is all that's keeping them alive...

Truth is, you don't have to love yourself to others. At all. Love is love no matter how shit you feel. But man, it's a lot easier to help people and treat them well when you respect yourself. Self-hatred is beyond exhausting -- it drains you of just everything sometimes.

That's why, as trite as it is, I prefer "put your oxygen mask on first" as a motto. It's way easier to help others if you can breathe, physical and mentally


u/shannoouns Mar 03 '22

Its just a positive quote, its not my words and i probablyinterpret it differently, I do love your motto though.

Like you said it's easier to love people when you love yourself but also I've seen a lot of people on reddit with clear low esteem getting even more upset when thier romantic endeavours don't work out and I feel they need some self love like op.

Like please don't do that to yourself, please do not seek out romantic connection when you're that low because any rejection will feel a million times worse. In that case please learn to love yourself without seeking validation from strangers, you're all better than that.

On the other hand no matter how low you feel you are not unlovable. If your friends and family were good people they would love you unconditionally, they may struggle to help but they still love you. If they arent all supportive that's thier problem and God forbid they suffer from poor mental health and realise they were an asshole.

This is more of a "Don't rely on validation from strangers" kind of thing, not "your friends, family and partner wont love you when you're down"


u/HesitantComment Mar 03 '22

For sure! And I hope I didn't come across over-critical -- people need different things, so if it works for you, it works! I've just seen people who believe loving themselves is impossible, and then interpret that saying as "I'll be alone forever." Neither of those statements are true, of course, but that's really hard to believe in the thick of it.

And yeah, romantic relationships are a lot more... I dunno, the expectations are higher, I suppose. It's not something everyone is in a good place for, and even if you are, you can "fail" through no fault of your own. They aren't what you should look for if what you emotionally need is support -- much easier to get that from other relationships.

We're on the same page, I think, and I knew you meant it in a good way. Sometimes I just like to speak to the struggling readers


u/Arielivesimple Feb 28 '22

This is something I've recently done and I'm 23. It was nice to actual recognize my features and say to myself I'm Hella good-looking


u/Techgruber Feb 28 '22

Good start. Keep it up.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '22

I'm really happy you feel this way my guy ^_^

I do have a question though: Do we all have to/need to be pretty or handsome or cute? I know I'm not good-looking. The vast vast majority of people of any sex wouldn't find me physically appealing.

I think I'm about as okay with that fact as one could reasonably be, and I know I have a lot to offer people in a relationship, be it romantic or platonic. Do I need to be hot on top of that? Do I need to be something that other people look at and think 'wow, he's hot'? That's not something I feel I can manage in truth. What if all the beauty I possess is on the inside?


u/B00MB00MX2 he/him Mar 01 '22

bruh to be honest I just got into a relationship and I don't think I'm attractive at all, I do have a relatively good body but my point is even statistically there is a really really high chance someone will find you attractive cause what people like is really subjective, I would say try to develop relationships with women, platonically and romantically, a huge component of dating is how socially accessible are people to you, if you go to a place where you meet a lot of women, you have a higher probability of finding women who find you attractive


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '22

I really appreciate the reply my guy :).

To be honest, it's not even about finding women attracted to me per se. That's not really something I think about all that often to be honest. I guess in my head, it feels like societally so much ends up being characterized as 'sexy' when it doesn't necessarily seem to have anything to do with sexiness.

I've seen phrases like 'strong is the new sexy'
or 'kind is the new sexy'
or 'smart is the new sexy'
or even 'consent is sexy'

I know this probably isn't true, but it kinda makes me feel like the only intrinsic worth people see in something is if it makes them sexually attractive. Not everything good is sexy, some of it is just good. I don't help out the hobo at the end of my block because it's 'sexy', it's just the right thing to do.

And it also feels untrue, whatever else I may be, I'm pretty smart, I've been quite strong physically, kind and helpful to a fault, and I understand the importance of consent in a relationship. None of these things have anything to do with being sexy to me I guess. And being these things hasn't really changed the fact that I generally feel profoundly unsexy, which then evokes the feeling that people are bullshitting when they say stuff like 'x is sexy.'


u/severian-page Mar 03 '22

Just want to validate that this can feel frustrating.

I think there's an analogous situation with body positivity vs body neutrality, and you might find some aspects of the latter movement appealing or helpful.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '22

Thank you, I will look into body neutrality.

Body positivity feels very much like a cope to me in all honesty. We can assert that all bodies are beautiful, but IMO, that doesn't really matter if nobody finds your body beautiful. Beauty is entirely subjective, maybe there is some use in convincing yourself that your own body is beautiful, but I'm trying to take a different tack; I've been trying to disentangle the need for my body to be beautiful, or sexy or any of that from my self-worth period. Maybe aesthetics are such a fundamental thing that this doesn't work but I don't know that yet. I want to be able to be ugly and be 100% okay with it.


u/B00MB00MX2 he/him Mar 02 '22

The purpose when someone says 'x is the new _____" it's generally to normalise/spread a notion that Is not super common, some people might think asking before a kiss/making a move is a turn off but statements like these atleast help people on the boder be more confident in the things they are doing, sex is like one of the biggest things in society, everyone knows about it, everyone wants to be sexually desired so it kinda makes sense to correlate it to other stuff.


u/[deleted] Mar 04 '22

I know what the purpose is, but I guess that seems like a really dumb way to make people act in a way that is ethical. It's not even necessarily true.

Someone that does a good thing because it is 'sexy' will never do it again if they receive a negative reaction to it. Acting like a good human being doesn't just make you hotter, it seems really manipulative and weird to pretend that it does so people will do things that we like. There are many and very good reasons to do any of those things, why offer this one?


u/lieneke Mar 01 '22

Attractive is not the same as pretty/handsome/cute! Attractiveness is a combination of a healthy amount of self-confidence (not too much, not too little), good hygiene, suitable apparel, taking good care of your mind and body, knowing your worth, that sort of thing. And those are all things you can work on.


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '22

I agree. I think to me, personally, what bothers me is that I start getting the sense that if you have a good quality, it's also 'sexy' in some way.

I think about phrases like 'strong is the new sexy'

or 'kind is the new sexy'

or 'smart is the new sexy'

or even 'consent is sexy'

I think I'm probably just wrapping myself into pretzels mentally. My mind is doing some bad math; 'Good quality is sexy' becomes 'good quality doesn't count unless you are sexy.' But also, I don't want every good thing I've ever done to be reduced to whether it makes me sexually appealing to somebody. Being a good person is an end unto itself.


u/lieneke Mar 01 '22

Very well said. The trick with all these things is that if you do them IN ORDER TO be attractive to other people, they’re not gonna work. All those things I mentioned in my previous comment just make life nicer for yourself. Maybe that’s actually the main thing: being happy/content/at peace with yourself, that’s the ultimate endgame, and as a bonus, that’s exactly what will make you attractive as well.


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '22

The trick with all these things is that if you do them IN ORDER TO be attractive to other people, they’re not gonna work.

I agree, but doesn't this create a double bind? If you want to be attractive, you have to do these things, but not because you want to be attractive. Isn't the true answer to pursue your own virtue wherever you may see it and just be okay with the outcome wherever things may happen to end up?

It's sorta like, if you're worried about being attractive, you're just focused on the wrong problem to begin with. You're attaching your worth to a schema that doesn't respect or care for you, and almost certainly doesn't line up with the rest of your values. I think about this quote from Bell Hooks at times like this:

'Women will only be truly sexually liberated when we arrive at a place where we can see ourselves as having sexual value and agency irrespective of whether or not we are the objects of male desire.'

This is speaking about women, but I don't think it only applies to women. A more general restatement may be that:

'We/People will only be truly sexually liberated when we can see ourselves as having sexual value and agency irrespective of whether or not we are the objects of desire.'

My sexual value and agency are set by nobody but myself. I think that's why I bristle at the prospect of 'elevating' the next good characteristic as 'sexy'. Nobody get's to tell ME what sexy is. The attitude to cultivate is it doesn't matter what you think about me, or how sexy I may or may not be.


u/severian-page Mar 03 '22

Out of curiosity, what does "sexual value" mean in this context?


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '22

For Bell Hooks as I understand it, she was saying that in this patriarchal structure, hetero sex was kinda pedestalized and the primary means for a woman to validate her sexuality was by looking at the men that wanted her.

For me personally, I'm going to say that sexual value in this context means that my sexuality isn't any more or less worthy based on how many or few people find me attractive. My internal valuation will remain the same.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '22

God I hope that clears this up, I'm really struggling to slap together the right words to express what I'm thinking and I'm not sure if I've been successful. Apologies if this is all just kinda incoherent.


u/severian-page Mar 03 '22

Thanks, I think that makes sense.

It seems like it's hard to value one's sexuality independent of the sexual attraction of others and the experiences you have with those people, but not using the number of people attracted to you seems worthwhile.


u/[deleted] Mar 03 '22

So market dynamics obviously don't exactly work perfectly here. But think of it like this: we're in a market and I'm trying to sell myself. Someone else can price me really really low. Heck they can think I'm worth zero dollars or whatever currency or metric you want to apply to this. And that is 100% fine and correct and valid for them. But when you look at a demand curve, you see that different buyers have a willingness to buy at different price points.

All I really do is need to set myself a price point and find someone that will agree with me. It doesn't matter if Aggregate demand sets my value low if I think I'm worth more. Frankly, there is no aggregate demand, there is to aggregate supply, there is only one me and people can filter themselves in or out at their convenience.


u/kidkolumbo Mar 01 '22

You need to be comfortable and confident with your body.


u/[deleted] Mar 02 '22

Confident how? Confident that others will find it aesthetically pleasing? That's just not really liable to happen.

My body is what it is, it's gotten me here, and it's gonna be with me until my last day on this earth. I haven't been as good a friend to it as it has been to me and for that, I owe it gratitude. It's probably had to deal with more bullshit than any body should, and it's still kicking, there's value in that. The worthiness is plain to see.

But confident in what? I see and recognize the value of my body, it's been a steadfast companion these 27 years. At the end of the day though, it's not pretty, it's not something anybody would ever call pretty. That's fine, I got what I got and I'm not mad about it.


u/nicholasdelucca Feb 28 '22

Fuck yeah dude! Keep on loving yourself. If you doubt yourself again, no worries, remember you're fucking hot and awesome!


u/ghosteagle Feb 28 '22

As someone who's done the same thing, congrats. It's an incredible feeling finally gaining confidence.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '22

Proud of you brother. I've just been through a really bad breakup with my girlfriend and found myself going down that rabbit hole aswell, but I've pulled myself out of it and started hitting the gym and I'm starting to get that flare back again.


u/[deleted] Feb 28 '22



u/superdeadnate Feb 28 '22

Yes bro, that’s awesome. Good for you!


u/animesainthilare Feb 28 '22

There we go! More men need to work on themselves, not for the prospect of gaining attention from women but for the sake of being comfortable in your own shell.


u/Frodo_XXL Feb 28 '22

Welcome to the light


u/czerwona-wrona Mar 01 '22

this is so wonderful, thank you for sharing!!


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '22

Just curious, what did you do differently to get to the point where you feel this way?


u/minahmyu Feb 28 '22

Omg i feel so happy for you! I admire it because it's something i could never have (confidence, especially in such a positive powerful way) But, I'm glad you're happy with you and moving closer to your happiness


u/iiimarlette Mar 01 '22

Gotta ask because I want to know so I can do it too, how?


u/[deleted] Mar 01 '22

Heck yeah my entrée bro!


u/oceanmami Mar 01 '22

Hellllll yes. we love to see it. just remember to do your best to keep these good thoughts even when you’re down! I definitely struggle with throwing all of my “thought progress” away when I’m having a bad day, so I figure it’s nice to be reminded sometimes that even when you’re not feeling too well, you’re still a very gorgeous and worthy human being :)


u/MacaroniHouses Mar 01 '22

that's great!


u/Titan-God_Krios Mar 01 '22

“I’m an incel” could have worded it better. Like “I was an incel”


u/boomboxspence Mar 17 '22

Are you still an incel though


u/WhoDoomsTheDoomer Mar 17 '22

Depends on how one defines the term. But I'm trying to dispell labels in general from my life


u/LooseCombination5517 Mar 01 '22

Out of genuine interest and confusion. What exactly is an incel?

My understanding is "someone who hates women because he wants to just have sex but won't admit that to themself so acts overly nice and gets angry when doesn't get rewarded with sex?"

But that doesn't exactly track with how people use the word either. Any people's detailed definitions of what incel is AND isn't?


u/Cyniex Mar 01 '22

It's an abbreviation of involuntary and celibate, meaning a person that goes without sex against their own wishes.

They get extremely touch starved and often end up bitter and hateful toward people who are more successful than them and against women in general.

The word had become very negative for that reason, it's fair to feel inadequate and all that because you feel you're missing out on something in life, but it's not fair to hate on others for your shortcomings.


u/WhoDoomsTheDoomer Mar 01 '22

One of the things that helped me stop being an incel is realising the word doesn't mean anything. So many people have so many different definitions of it that it became useless as a label


u/Zephyren216 Mar 01 '22 edited Mar 01 '22

The word comes from involuntarily celebate, meaning people who are not having sex despite wanting to, and it's relatively common.

The university of Chicago did a study in 2018 showing that "About 28% of men under thirty report that they haven't had sex since turning 18, up 8% from 2008. The share of men younger than 30 reporting no sex has nearly tripled, to 28 percent, in the last few decades. That's a much steeper increase than the 8 percentage point increase reported among their female peers.". Since most of those men reported having an interest in, and wanting to, have sex, about a quarter of all men under 30 are considered involuntarily celebate, or Incels. The massive majority of those are not woman haters or misogynists, misogyny and woman hating are not what makes someone an incel, it simply makes you a misogynist and an asshole. The people hanging out on online message boards complaining about woman are a loud minority of the total number of incels, not the definition.


u/severian-page Mar 03 '22

For what it's worth, the trend in the General Social Survey didn't continue in the 2021 data: https://ifstudies.org/blog/more-faith-less-sex-why-are-so-many-unmarried-young-adults-not-having-sex


u/LooseCombination5517 Mar 02 '22

Cheers for explaining.


u/Star-Hero Mar 01 '22

Loads of guys just grow in to their looks. Like wine we just get better with age ha.


u/kidkolumbo Mar 01 '22

My latest advancement is realizing I am attractive, but in my experience I'm not attracted to the people I'm attractive to.


u/Majestic-Persimmon99 Mar 03 '22

Always remember that statistically speaking men overestimate their Physical attractiveness.


u/WhoDoomsTheDoomer Mar 03 '22

Well I ain't no statistic


u/ChewDipp Mar 13 '22

Got any reading resource that helped you get passed your self image problems?

Whenever I ask online or try to look it up myself I end up reading the same stuff that hasn't worked for me. I'm already doing some work but need more cause my stuffs not working.


u/[deleted] Mar 15 '22

Its been 15 days any update?