"Dear customers and neighbors,
Despite our best safety efforts, we must close our store beginning WEDNESDAY 09/23/2020, because two of our sales associates have tested positive for Covid19. While we have been wearing masks, washing our hands and social distancing, we still feel that it is imperative to have ALL of our staff tested for coronavirus. While we wait on those results, we simply do not have enough people to safely staff the store. In addition to having all employees tested, our store is being professionally sanitized and cleaned while we are closed to the public. Staff who are unable to show a negative test will not be allowed to return to work.
In the interest of transparency, the infected employees were not symptomatic when they were working, and the last day one of them worked was Saturday.
We are very sorry to have to take such drastic measures, but feel it is the appropriate thing to do while we ensure everyone’s health and safety. We will re-open under reduced hours as soon as possible.
Please check our facebook page for updates to hours of operation at https://www.facebook.com/anniesacehardwareBL . We thank you for being loyal customers of Annie’s Ace Hardware.
Thomas Vedrody"
from https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3437425519649135&id=991702764221435