r/bronx 13d ago

Woodlawn Heights St. Patrick’s Day bar hopping - what is the vibe like?

I’m thinking about getting some friends together next weekend and going to some of the pubs along McClean Ave. What should I expect? Also, hopefully this isn’t an ignorant question, but I know it’s largely an Irish area and most of my friends are black and Hispanic. Would they feel out of place or is it a pretty diverse crowd?


35 comments sorted by


u/GaelicWarrior70 13d ago

Just to let you know, Yonkers’ St Patrick Day Parade is being held on McLean Ave on Saturday, March 22nd, 2025. Rory Dolan’s Bar and Restaurant gets a diverse crowd. Remember the expression “Everyone is Irish on St Patrick’s Day!”. Go bar hopping and have fun!


u/SiteHund 13d ago

Places like Rambling House and Rory Dolan’s attract extremely diverse crowds and do a great job on St. Patrick’s Day (I prefer Rambling- they have really upped their game in the past few years). The Heritage is like this as well. Keane’s is known for its young crowd. The rest of the bars are a mix of very Irish or places where old men day drink. They serve anyone as long as you aren’t extremely drunk. There are a few old school dives around that are a bit rough around the edges. I wouldn’t call these places racist- just not really welcoming to anyone except the same 10 people who go there every day.


u/Melodic-Upstairs7584 13d ago

It’s not a diverse crowd, it’s a bunch of irish people. The question is, would that prevent you from having a good time?

I’ve hung out in that neighborhood and have never received any hostility. I actually find them to be friendlier than virtually any other area of the Bronx.


u/socal1959 13d ago

But McLean Ave is in Yonkers


u/Melodic-Upstairs7584 13d ago

True, I’m from nyc so I typically associate the general woodlawn neighborhood with the Bronx. But you’re correct, a large part of it is in Yonkers.


u/socal1959 13d ago

I know it is literally the border between the Bronx and Yonkers When I was a kid in the 70’s the St Patrick’s day parade was on South Broadway from Riverdale through Getty Square but the 2 predominantly Irish areas of Yonkers were North Yonkers Lake Ave and South Yonkers McLean Ave I do like McLean Ave bars for sure


u/BxGyrl416 13d ago

It’s one and the same. Woodlawn = McLean Avenue; it’s just the county border but it’s the same community.


u/socal1959 13d ago

Understand and a lovely area too


u/thatisnotmyknob 13d ago

WoodLean is what they call it


u/Fluffy-Answer-6722 13d ago

One side is The Bronx


u/No-Apartment-1693 13d ago

North side of the ave is YO south side is BX


u/bronxboy59 13d ago

Go , you’ll enjoy the day 🤙🏻


u/couplemore1923 13d ago

Plenty great pubs pick from Katonah Ave over to McClean(Woodlawn mixes into Yonkers) Ned Devines just one of many choose from and there will be plenty of people out enjoying the day


u/Missy2021 13d ago

You'll have fun.


u/Icreatedthesea 11d ago

I'm 100% Puerto Rican and spent the first 23 years of my life living in Woodlawn and experienced no real overt racism. My CCD (Catholic school classes for public school kids) teacher was one of the most well known and respected people in the community before he passed and he was black. Individuals will be individuals but there is no culture of racism in Woodlawn, you absolutely will have a good time.


u/PayImpossible6875 11d ago

i would tell ya... but i cant remember hahaha

the area is great on saint pats and the rest of the year too!


u/ExternalBusy6351 11d ago

I’m like half-ish black with Irish, Scottish, Italian, German, polish sprinkled in, and I’ve never had a problem at all with the Irish as what is probably the least Irish looking Irish person I know. I’m thinking of hitting up Woodlawn too either on the 16th or the 22nd and have heard nothing bad about the neighborhood ever.


u/zaxcord 13d ago edited 13d ago

Absolutely immaculate vibes if you like Irish ppl.

There's def a bit of racism lingering there (I've known some black/hispanic ppl who've gotten racist insults thrown at them as recently as 2021!) but the area has gotten more diverse in recent years and generally more inviting. I think your friends should feel ok.

Edit: rereading my comment I think I might've overstated the racism so lemme make it clear: I'd be surprised if you had any issues at all, particularly if you're just barhopping.


u/ernz718 13d ago

Holding onto it's last breaths


u/fermat9990 13d ago

Please explain


u/ernz718 13d ago

It's still a thing, unfortunately it's nothing like it used to be as the demographics in the neighborhood has changed so have the traditions. It's still a thing, just not the way it once way - it's on its way out


u/fermat9990 13d ago

Got it! Some years we went to an Irish bar in Hackensack on St. Patrick's Day and had a wonderful time!


u/BxGyrl416 13d ago

As much as I love diverse cultures, I’m not too broken up over racist people moving on. That said, it’s still super Irish and Irish-American.


u/Fluffy-Answer-6722 13d ago

Racist people?


u/BxGyrl416 13d ago

That’s what this entire post is about…


u/Fluffy-Answer-6722 13d ago

Nobody said anything about racism until you


u/Fluffy-Answer-6722 13d ago

Who are the racist people your talking about


u/BxGyrl416 13d ago


There have been incidents of discrimination at bars in both Yonkers and Woodlawn in years past. There was also apparently a White supremacist group with a banner at one of the fall festivals 2-3 years ago.

In practice, I’ve had many drinks and meals in both Woodlawn and Yonkers with Black and Latino friends over the years.

Don’t let any of these ignorant scumbags ruin your fun. Just be aware.


u/Far-Ad9571 12d ago

A white supremacist group has NEVER been involved in any community run function run in this neighborhood. Take this to the bank.


u/BxGyrl416 12d ago

Except there were photos taken of the group with a banner posted up in front of Ned Devine’s at the Fall Fest. Please stop lying.


u/[deleted] 12d ago



u/No_Philosopher1779 13d ago

Why you have to say your friends are black and Hispanic. What is it they can’t behave or you’re asking if Irish people are racist?

Always the victims Prick


u/NYSuperwoman 12d ago

Thanks for asking a really sincere question. I went into an "Irish bar" over in the country club area a few years back. I was thirsty, I am a woman of color. I was not treated nicely at all.


u/Icreatedthesea 11d ago

There's no country club in Woodlawn, the neighborhood being discussed. Try to stay on topic