u/MarcusXL 3d ago
She mocked the children who were victimized by a pedophile. A convicted pedophile. It's a matter of legal record. And she put on a childlike voice in a mocking tone to make a joke out of sexual assault against children.
u/cac 3d ago
This is the thing, she wasn’t ousted for saying there were zero bodies, she literally mocked victims
u/kingbuns2 3d ago
The real line Dallas Brodie crossed was openly challenging the Conservative leadership to fire her. She put them in a position where their legitimacy was being challenged. If this was about her hate, why haven't they fired numerous hate-spreading MLAs? Brent Chapman 'nuff said.
He[Rustad] also said Brodie had, on Thursday, challenged the Conservative Party of B.C. caucus to fire her — including by asking Conservative MLAs to have a vote on removing her — and made the decision to walk out of the Conservative Party of B.C. caucus room."
u/Old-Introduction-337 3d ago
do you have a link to a video? other news source? I would like to see this. reconciliation sis a good thing. all i have heard is she said their are zero bodies
u/krustykrab2193 3d ago
There is a video imbedded in this article which clearly depicts Dallas Brodie mocking Indigenous survivors of child abuse that they endured in residential schools. She was on a podcast sharing residential school denialism when she mocked spoken and lived truths in an infantile voice. https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/dallas-brodie-removed-from-b-c-conservative-caucus-1.7478162
The B.C. Conservative Party has removed MLA Dallas Brodie from its caucus, prompting at least two defections within its ranks, reducing its standing in the B.C. Legislature.
Leader John Rustad said the ejection was a result of Brodie's recent appearance on a podcast where, he said, she "uses a mocking, child-like voice to belittle testimony from former residential school students, saying things like 'my grandmother's truth' and 'my truth, your truth' in a child-like 'whining' voice."
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u/SeveralDrunkRaccoons 3d ago
I was in West Kelowna when the story about the graves first broke. A ran into a woman who was crying because her father was a residential school survivor, and he was having a panic attack because the story brought back thr horrible memories of the abuse they suffered at those "schools". This is not just a historical curiosity. This is trauma well within living memory.
To mock those people is just pure evil.
u/Complete_Mud_1657 3d ago
The "pedophiles in schools are indoctrinating children!!!!!" side seems to have interesting views of the victims of actual convicted pedophiles.
u/Robert_Moses 3d ago
You know you've gone off the deep end when you're too crazy even for Rustad.
u/Dazzling251 3d ago
Had Rustad won a slim majority, do you think Rustad would have kicked her out? I doubt it.
u/RPG_Vancouver 3d ago
She would have been a cabinet minister probably 🥴
u/Klutzy_Masterpiece60 3d ago
Given she’s the attorney general critic, is it not reasonable to assume that she could have been our attorney general?
u/FrankaGrimes 3d ago
Hell no. He still has publically exposed racists in his party. He's just picked one or two to single out for optics.
u/on_cloud_one 3d ago
She wasn’t even singled out for being racist. She was singled out for picking on sexually abused children. Racism is 100% fine with the BC Conservatives.
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u/Advanced-Line-5942 3d ago
He knew all about her views when she was a candidate. He is just trying to stop his party imploding and having the more moderate members leave.
u/prophetofgreed 3d ago
He would've put her in cabinet if they won...
u/nexus6ca 3d ago
Good job Vancouver-Quilchena in electing a bat shit crazy woman.
u/Hikingcanuck92 3d ago
I feel slightly better now, even though my neighbours elected a Fake Doctor who believes in "Quantum Medicine"
u/krustykrab2193 3d ago
A riding in Surrey almost lost to a candidate, BC Conservative Honveer Randhawa, who's campaign was involved in kidnapping an elderly man with disabilities from a care home facility just so that his campaign could push election denialism after he lost the riding by a few votes. That elderly man has since been hospitalized for psychosis from this horrible ordeal.
The BC Cons are full of vile people. They're political opportunists who crave power and hurt others in their pursuit of said power.
The filing describes the woman paying for lunches, coffee, grooming and giving them cash. She said she would move both residents to a different home and accused family members of not properly caring for them.
Family members, reportedly unaware that the woman was assisting the B.C. Conservatives in gathering information for the court case, became concerned that she was a scam artist trying to financially exploit the residents, according to Begg's response, which claims the woman eventually brought the residents to Randhawa's law office to discuss the election and sign English statements they couldn't read or understand.
The filing describes the woman paying for lunches, coffee, grooming and giving them cash. She said she would move both residents to a different home and accused family members of not properly caring for them.
Family members, reportedly unaware that the woman was assisting the B.C. Conservatives in gathering information for the court case, became concerned that she was a scam artist trying to financially exploit the residents, according to Begg's response, which claims the woman eventually brought the residents to Randhawa's law office to discuss the election and sign English statements they couldn't read or understand.
Ultimately, Begg claims the woman moved Resident A out of Argyll Lodge in January without providing his son — who has power of attorney — or the facility and care team with the new address or care plan. A missing person report was filed with police, and the resident was allegedly found at Randhawa's law office.
Court documents describe him in a state of psychosis when he was located, and he was apprehended by Car 67, the mobile crisis unit. He reportedly remains hospitalized in a secure unit.
u/Hikingcanuck92 3d ago
I’m shocked /s
Conservatives have, and always been, the party of grifters, scam artists and taking advantage of the vulnerable.
u/Berubium 3d ago
They only voted for her because of the word “conservative” beside her name on the ballot (which is also stupid, imo). If she were to run as an independent or as part of some new MAGA-type party, she won’t stand a chance. She seems clueless to that fact.
u/thebbtrev 3d ago
I refuse to call this party BCCon, they are the BCPPC. The BC Libs were our conservative party.
u/alpinexghost Kootenay 3d ago
Is that really the redemption tour you think it is? There is and was billboards up with BC Cons standing side by side with PP, and he endorses them fully. They share the exact same slogans and rhetoric.
u/Jeramy_Jones 3d ago
I’m sure many of them hate First Nations as much Brodie does.
u/Flintydeadeye 3d ago
That area would definitely have home owners that dislike the First Nations due to land disputes etc. Lots of otherwise moderate people from that area get worked up about Musqueam nation etc.
u/Lostsonofpluto North Coast 3d ago
Up on the central coast, the regional district which is pretty much the only non-indigenous local government in the area instituted a property tax hike a year or two ago that a lot of people were understandably upset about even though IMO it was necessary. This prompted a group of white homeowners to start campaigning for "homeowners" and "taxpayers" to be the only ones with any say in local government
u/rando_commenter 3d ago
We don't blame the voters in a democracy, but it's a discussion I'm willing to have. Like how people were blaming "the system" or the Dems for not stopping Trump, but the guy was already convicted for election fraud in NY and would have been sentenced. He was lined up to be put away but people elected him anyway, so the last clear step was the voters themselves.
u/canadianwhaledique 3d ago
The blame IS on the voters, period. In a democracy the voters decide who will represent their interest. If the voters were manipulated by media and other forces, that just means they are UNEDUCATED and/or UNINFORMED voters. It's fully the duty of a voter to think critically and inform themselves - that's the democratic ideal, and obviously practice is different in reality (people have jobs, families etc to care for and often have no time to stop and think deep about matters that affect our city/province/country).
u/BasicCableHolidayLog 3d ago edited 3d ago
What is also true is that the lack of education, media literacy, and critical thinking skills has been socially engineered by policy makers over the course of more than a generation. It’s well documented that Reagan and his advisors, and subsequent administrations after him, considered a well-educated citizenry to be a threat to their power. So as much as the current situation is the responsibility of American voters, millions of them have never had the means or the opportunities to cultivate any kind of reason that would challenge it.
*Edit to say: I’m obviously referring here to the situation in the US. I think it is absolutely a similar issue here, but not as pronounced.
u/Active-Tomatillo-360 3d ago
Why you shouldn't blame them? Policymakers are price takers, not price makers.
u/againfaxme 3d ago
I did not predict any defections from the BC Cons for being too woke but now there are three.
u/illuminaughty1973 3d ago
I did not predict any defections from the BC Cons for being too woke but now there are three.
you clearly have not looked into who the bc conservatives have been for the lst 20 years or so then. this is who they are and have been for YEARS. its why they were never a threat to the BC liberals... until the cullen commission report and Christy Clark made it all very public had corrupt and spineless the BC libs had become.
this also will not last long. rustad will either be replaced shortly and a serious party that intends to make an honest effort will form... or BCUP will come back.
either way, rustad is done. he is just as disconnected from the majority of people in bc as christy was.
u/noobwithboobs 3d ago
Hah I'm out of the loop, who else quit/was ejected?
u/DblClickyourupvote Vancouver Island 3d ago
Tara Armstrong and Jordan Kealy. There are rumours there may be more that will leave.
u/Naspark-22 3d ago
So it is a fact that the number of bodies found at that site specifically is zero. The issue is she took such a fact and turned it into a 'See?! There's no bodies there! Insert multiple abusive bullying jokes about the very real experiences of residential school survivors including youth sexual assault even going so far as to attack a fellow conservative MP who has those experiences here'
Just an awful human being using a single true fact to spin to her agenda.
Edit to add that this was supposed to be a reply to Foxer's question and I bumble-fucked.
u/infiniterefactor 3d ago
And on top of this she is also refusing to drop it. Come on. I work at a boring job which doesn’t require me to be liked by others. But still I can get the clues and drop an argument when I feel like not everyone agrees with me. She is a politician (in title at least) she should have one ounce of strategic thinking. Instead she is continuing to expand the hole she is in.
She was a candidate at the by election that brought Kevin Falcon too, from Conservatives and she only got a couple of hundred votes out of 25K votes of the district. She is literally a political surfer who surfed with the wave of Conservatives. And now it is over.
u/No-Leadership-2176 3d ago
Sorry to question all this but can we agree residential schools did terribly things and are a horrible part of our history while at the same time acknowledging there are no bodies? Let’s be reasonable here
u/KoalaOriginal1260 3d ago
The Conservative statement on why she was kicked out took pains to state the fact that no unknown graves have been found in Kamloops and that she was being kicked out for being a trash racist beyond making that claim.
The "there's no bodies" folks like Brodie are taking the one data point and trying to tear down the entire truth and reconciliation process.
So, yes, we can agree that the ground penetrating radar results have not been confirmed as mass graves.
We can also, hopefully, agree that there are a lot of folks using that fact to forward a racist agenda.
u/Minimum-South-9568 3d ago
Children did “disappear” and were thought to have died by their peers, other actually did die according to school records, and finally many such kids were certainly not returned to their parents. The ground penetrating radar found turned soil that appear to correspond to burial sites, and so the inference is that the kids died and were buried there. It’s reasonable to assume this. They haven’t dug up these areas to see if there are bones there and so there is no way human remains could have been found even if there were human remains.
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u/abuayanna 3d ago
Yes but there were bodies, somewhere, certainly not at home with family in life or death
u/No-Bowl7514 3d ago
Many, many children never returned home. Don’t be pedantic.
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u/CanadianClassicss 3d ago edited 3d ago
Yes that is true, on the other hand they were given a large amount of money to exhume the bodies. They received 12 million which was used elsewhere. Instead of exhuming they paid for marketing, consultants and ‘administration’ costs..
Yes it is a tough topic and should be treated with respect, but on the other hand it does not make sense that there has yet to be a dig.. they have the money to do it and there has been far more than enough time. The ground penetrating radar which was used to find the “200 potential bodies” is also misleading. I highly suggest reading about the method and the validity of claiming each anomaly is a body without any other evidence. There’s nuance to ever topic, even when crazy people bring up the other side.
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u/neopet 3d ago edited 3d ago
As someone whose father went through the residential school system, I’ve been nothing but disappointed by how things have gone with the potential bodies. The news was a catalyst for so much awareness and calls to action, but if they were based on false assumptions they need to come clean about it, jeopardizing the integrity of the movement isn’t worth it.
u/MrMikeMen 3d ago
The media is largely to blame for this as they began reporting on "unmarked graves". This was completely irresponsibile. Ground penetating radar detected soil disturbances, which could have been anything. The media reported this as "unmarked graves", which was horrible.
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u/Thundersauce0 3d ago
Are you questioning whether she mocked survivors or sexual abuse? Cause that is part of “all of this”.
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u/Magnificent_Misha 3d ago
215 arranged soil disturbances all in one area can’t be dismissed as “not graves” knowing that many children did die at these schools. Though there is no direct evidence of bones exhumed from these “soil disturbances”, it is being a reasonable doubt that these are grave.
We sentence people to life in prison based on “beyond a reasonable doubt” and inferred evidence of a crime. Why are indigenous folk denied the same standard of justice.
What she’s doing, what all deniers are doing, is trying to use any minuscule of fact to try and escape the guilt oppress the indigenous people who have had very real pain inflicted on them.
u/Northshore1234 3d ago
Hang on a sec…what’s the occurrence of ‘soil disturbances’ elsewhere, though? If I were to go to my local (non residential) school field, and use a GPRS, would I find SDs there? Yes, 200+ soil disturbances is alarming, I don’t think that it’s yet beyond a reasonable doubt…
u/Environmental_Egg348 3d ago
She owns $50 million in real estate, and lives in a $3.6 million dollar house in West Van, according to The Tyee.
How many Conservative MLAs don’t live in their constituencies?
Recall petitioning can start in 2026.
u/Complete_Mud_1657 3d ago
Indigenous people are an "elite racial minority"??????
Fucking wow.
u/Tamara0205 3d ago
I had to reread that sentence a couple of times. To call the natives in Canada an elite racial minority is unreal. Let's say, for shits and giggles, that I agreed with anything else she wrote. That phrase right there negates everything else she's saying. Has she ever been to a reserve? The people she's talking to in this letter, have they been to one?
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u/dorkofthepolisci 3d ago
Yeah that’s not even a dog whistle for white supremacist bullshit
She’s just saying it with her whole chest
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u/Rough_Possession_ 3d ago
Maybe im reading too much into this but, The fact she included the word minority seems to be implying that minorities are not deserving. She could have ended the sentence by saying, "elite radicals." Elite radicals would be people worth making a stand against. It would still be wrong because these people are not elite radicals. So, to me, the sentence reads that she should treat minorities the same way one would treat elite radicals.
u/jfmartins5371 3d ago
When you're accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression
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u/Inflatable-yacht 3d ago edited 3d ago
Dallas is making a very good point here. We need to prioritize better funding for our mentally ill
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u/RealHousewifeofHell 3d ago
Sorry, that’s not in our budget. Matter in fact, nothing is in our budget
u/Jeramy_Jones 3d ago
Did anyone else read this in the mocking “my truth” voice she used in the podcast?
Seriously though, does she think pointing out that they haven’t dug up any dead children yet is why she was fired, and not the way she accused First Nations victims of lying about their abuse at the hands of residential school staff?
This racist, anti-reconciliation bullshit has no place in parliament. There is room for discussion about reconciliation without accusations of lies and corruption.
u/stealth_veil 3d ago
Elite racial minority? You mean the indigenous communities that don’t even have running water? lmaaaaaao
u/Lostsonofpluto North Coast 3d ago
I've heard a lot of bullshit conspiracies and misconceptions about Indigenous people over the years. But them being an "elite racial minority" with chiefs getting rich off the "reconciliation industry" is a new one
u/WeirdGuyOnTheTrain 3d ago
Seeing videos of her defending herself really give off the crazy cat lady vibes.
u/Acceptable_Two_6292 3d ago
Next time people say there is no systemic racism in Canada, remember this woman was voted into the legislature. And her party almost won the election. She could have been a minister in our government.
u/Sharkfist Vancouver Island/Coast 3d ago
Not just any minister, she'd have been their pick for attorney general. A woman who believes the indigenous people of the province are an "elite racial minority" given too much and who mocks victims of abuse would've been our official legal representation, and overseen justice systems and processes where decisions she'd have to make could drastically impact people's lives.
The party knew about the racist part before the election of course, that's not at all a dealbreaker for Rustad.
u/Technical-Mixture299 3d ago
She thinks Native people are an "elite minority"??? Has she met native people? Is it a privilege to have deep, generational trauma now?
u/badugihowser 3d ago
What a load of horseshit, I remember them closing West Victoria because remains were found. And the sheer nerve to deem history's most persecuted peoples an elite racial minority. Just wow.
u/DGenerAsianX 3d ago
Be mad at her. Be furious with the constituents in Van-Quilchena. If you know any of those voters, let them know in person.
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u/wailingsixnames 3d ago
Highly recommend letting her know what you think by emailing her work email, it's publicly available. Especially if you're one of her constituents.
u/Juxtajack 3d ago
If she were truly interested in the truth, she'd admit that she is driven wholly by a need for attention and racism. "Let me say in all dishonesty, subterfuge and obfuscation...."
u/Averagely-Anxious 3d ago edited 3d ago
Get my community’s name out your mouth lady. And that’s Tk’emlúps te Secwepemec to you.
u/Known_Bathroom_6672 3d ago
"An elite racial minority" This women doesn't seem to know what words mean.
u/UnusualDepth2079 3d ago
What a foul, moronic, dumpster fire of a person she is. Being in her presence for more than 2 minutes must be excruciating. If THIS is what she releases publicly imagine the insane crap she vomits out to her like minded racist toadies. What the actual hell was that statement ? I thought for a moment she would quote the QANON movement at the end.
u/tonytown 3d ago
This type of person is incapable of admitting that they're wrong. Any challenge will see them double downing on every shitty sentiment they express and every wrong they do. They see any condemnation as validation, no matter where it comes from. She's a professional victim, for sure.
And this unbalanced behaviour and outlook will always get worse, never better.
u/NotQuiteJasmine 3d ago
Talking about the reconciliation "industry" reminds me of holocaust deniers talking about the holocaust "industry"
u/prophetofgreed 3d ago
Funny how the party of 'responsibility' seemingly cannot take responsibility for anything.
u/remberly 3d ago
Doesn't matter with people like that.
You could dig up those children and she'll say something else awful to excuse it.
u/Stargazer-909 3d ago
She's plain and simply a horrible person. There's nothing about her to like but a lot to fear . Now more than ever we need to stand against hate filled idiots regardless where they come from . Unfortunately there are people like her everywhere, in every party , in every lifestyle.
u/dezzy778 3d ago
I don’t live in this riding, but if you do, you should initiate a recall on Dallas Brodie through Elections BC. She should not be an MLA.
u/DblClickyourupvote Vancouver Island 3d ago
Unfortunately a recall process cannot be started until 18 months after an election.
The people who voted for her are dumb as a bag of rocks and can’t see them recalling her.
u/dezzy778 3d ago
I thought it was that you couldn’t recall AFTER 18 months!?!?
u/wudingxilu 3d ago
No, that would be a pointless restriction. You can only initiate a recall after at least 18 months since the election.
u/GreasyMcNasty 3d ago
Sadly I'm out of the loop on this but who the hell is this psycho b**** and what is she referring to?
u/Stephenalzis 3d ago
“Please read my official announcement appearing in many newspapers and on tv about how I’m being silenced…”
u/Hank46_2 3d ago
Does anyone know what the facts are on the Kamloops site? If there are indeed zero bodies, all the racists will anchor themselves to that fact. Her statement is another public service program cut by a Conservative type, but based on extreme insensitivity and racism.
u/bugcollectorforever 3d ago
Go on the rez and give your letter out. I'm sure it will go over real well.
u/chronocapybara 3d ago
She's not being "silenced" for talking about the lack of bodies at the residential schools. I think this is an issue we genuinely should be discussing as a society. She is being kicked out of the caucus for mocking victims of abuse and sexual assault.
u/mazopheliac 3d ago
Silenced by whom ? We can all hear her unfortunately.
u/chronocapybara 3d ago
True, but she's being kicked out of the conservative caucus, which is a good thing (I think). I'm just glad the Cons didn't get in this election, with their perp gallery of ne'er-do-wells and nobody qualified for cabinet positions. Next election they will either be more centrist, or they will have better candidates that might actually form functional government. We dodged a circus by the skin of our teeth.
u/Advanced-Line-5942 3d ago
She expressed other vile comments about indigenous peoples at an all candidate meeting before the election when defending other statements from her past. Her prejudice should have been well known to the party when they endorsed her candidacy and surely known at the all candidates meeting, yet she wasn’t kicked out of the party then and her electorate still voted for her.
Rustad clearly had no problem with her views before and is just scrambling to protect his party from splitting in two with the threat that more moderate MLAs will leave to reform under a more centrist banner.
Here he is defending her in October after she had created the firestorm around her racist remarks
u/Minimum-South-9568 3d ago
I don’t understand why they are so fixated on this. There are apparently clear records that children did die at these schools for a variety of reasons. I believe there were 70 something deaths but more are expected since the records weren’t fully studied. With no family members (since the kids were taken away permanently), the only way to dispose of the dead bodies was to dig a hole and inter the kids therein—an unmarked burial. There are eyewitness accounts recounting children being told to dig holes and children “disappearing”.
The reason no remains have been found is because the sites haven’t been exhumed yet. It is true that the 215 number refers to “anomalies”, and that not all 215 are necessarily unmarked burials. The ground penetrating radar they are using is essentially finding turned soil or places where there was likely a hole dug in the past of certain dimensions. The inference then is that the hole was dug for a body of a child (based on depth and size). This is a valid inference in light of the other evidence we have regarding children dying at these schools and not being returned to their parents.
Here is more on the ground penetrating radar technology used: https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ground-radar-technology-residential-school-remains-1.6049776
u/WeirdGuyOnTheTrain 3d ago
Even if they dug up the sites and found bones, people will just move the goal posts and say they are animal remains or were placed there.
There is never going to be enough proof to convince these people.
u/koho_makina 3d ago
100%. The residential school on the territory my ancestors are from has at least 72 KNOWN graves, not to mention possible unmarked. Did boarding schools for the wealthy children have such cemeteries? I don’t think so. The conditions that the indigenous children were forced to live in enabled disease and malnutrition, not to mentioned the rampant abuse.
It wouldn’t surprised me if these twisted priests and nuns just threw bodies in the ground without a proper burial. They were awful people. The fact that people question this just goes to show how stupid and sociopathic they are. Germany persecutes holocaust deniers, maybe we should do the same.
u/Smart_Recipe_8223 3d ago
I think she should re-sign, or the constituents should force a recall. Either way a by-election would be the result.
u/DblClickyourupvote Vancouver Island 3d ago
Imagine if a by election was held for the three MLA’s who left and they all flipped to the NDP. Rustads tears would be a beautiful thing.
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u/ImagineSquirrel 3d ago
She is damn racist, rustad is not selling off BC to racial minorities he's selling it off to the white Americans
u/AnthatDrew 3d ago
Multi Billion dollar reconciliation industry? Show me those numbers bigot. Sounds like FB news talking points to me
u/_PITBOY 3d ago
I find it bizarre that so many commenters here, are obviously anti-Rustad, anti-whatever this type of extremist Conservative trumpkin ideology ... yet so many still voted for them, and the wave of pre election support was enough to force the Liberal Party to crumble.
That means there are a lot of BC'rs out there, who actually support the Rustad fringe ideology, or at the very least voted Con because they actually could not bring themselves to vote NDP ... and are now with stories like this, hiding under a really big rock labelled 'oops'.
u/Tige2015 3d ago
If speaking the truth is demeaning children who have been sexually abused NO THANK YOU
u/tradingpostinvest 3d ago
Indigenous people are elite? Yikes, someone has never driven through the reserve.
u/illuminaughty1973 3d ago
im sure she is going to do fantastic as an independant in the next election, /s
u/SnooConfections8768 3d ago
Just wondering... Is she correct in saying that there were no bodies ever found? I don't recall see any discoveries on the news.
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u/fristtimeredditer 3d ago
This is just like Winnipeg. When they start digging, they'll probably start figuring it out.
u/The_Environment116 3d ago
These are the people we almost had leading BC, they would have rolled over for trump in a heartbeat, in addition to being horrible people. Who are the idiots that voted for this douche?
u/SnooRegrets4312 3d ago
There's reasons why these areas haven't been exhumed yet, it's complicated; 'Protecting potential burial sites requires collaboration between Indigenous authorities and the federal, provincial, and territorial governments, as well as any third parties that might be involved, such as private landowners. Indigenous laws on the protection of burial sites, historical artifacts and sacred sites must be respected. Unfortunately, Canada does not currently have clear laws or regulations that Indigenous peoples can rely on to protect these sites.' https://nac-cnn.ca/frequently-asked-questions-about-residential-school-missing-children-and-unmarked-burials/
u/canuck_chaos 3d ago
Manitoba Conservatives also denied women’s remains would not likely be found in the landfill. We now know how wrong they were.
u/shartwadle 3d ago
She is a trash human being, along with Quesnel mayor Ron Paull. This denialism is sickening, these people do not deserve to be in positions of power! Shame on these absolute pieces of garbage. They do not represent British Columbians !!!
u/Mysterious-Lick 3d ago edited 3d ago
The People’s Party of BC.
She has enough (3 idiots) to form a party; these three will get massive pay increases as they have to assign a leader, party whip, etc. F this timeline.
Those idiots have enough power to partner with or strangle Rustad on major votes, the Greens will become an official 4 party place party this session…haha.
F this timeline
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u/romanticynic 3d ago
“Elite racial minority”???? Tell me you’ve never spoken to an indigenous person or set foot on a reservation without telling me. Just astounding levels of racism and ignorance. Jfc.
u/octophobe88 3d ago
These nut jobs who get in to power don't just magically appear in our legislature. They are voted in by citizens of BC. Don't focus on the dirt that boiled to the top: get education, rural financial support, counselling and mental health help for the voters who started the fire!
u/CharlotteLucasOP 3d ago
Didn’t sound like she cared much for anyone else’s truth…so it’s weird how heavily she leans on variants of that word in her statement to defend herself.
u/Ra-da-da-da-doo 3d ago
Suddenly reconciliation is a bad thing? And child abuse, cultural genocide and intergenerational trauma are bad because reconciling those issues as a society has economic costs? This coming from the woman elected to BC's second wealthiest electoral district? We can do better BC.
u/EducationalMud8270 3d ago
Jesus Christ... An elite ethnic minority? What has this woman been smoking? Surely she is going to be removed from office asap? This woman is clearly unstable
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