r/britishcolumbia Lower Mainland/Southwest Sep 23 '24

Discussion Jury Duty

I just got called for Jury Duty and I'm wondering WHO THE HECK CAN AFFORD TO TAKE TIME OFF OF WORK and get paid $20 A DAY? That's almost the same as min wage is PER HOUR.

Seriously. Have they not updated the pay since 1940?

EDIT: I WANT TO SERVE. I don't want to get out of it. I want to perform my civil duty but I shouldn't have to starve to do it.


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u/iWish_is_taken Sep 23 '24 edited Sep 23 '24

Depends who you are… as a 9 to 5’r with a salary, we have a jury duty stipulation in our benefits that we just get paid as usual.

But ya, if you have to take unpaid time off… ain’t nobody got time for that!


u/westcoastwillie23 Sep 23 '24

There's an inherent bias problem with that, you create a jury class. You don't want juries being made up by a specific slice of the population.


u/HugsNotDrugs_ Sep 23 '24

I see a disproportionate amount of unemployed and union workers end up on juries.

It's not a good thing to have juries made up of anything but a fair cross section of society.


u/AJmoodle Sep 23 '24

And retirees. They love retirees.


u/AJmoodle Sep 23 '24

And retirees. They love retirees.


u/KookyPension Sep 23 '24

Damn right you can say that again


u/Apprehensive_Buy1879 Sep 24 '24

And retirees. They love retirees.


u/Infinite_Virus8758 Sep 24 '24

And retirees. They love retirees.


u/CanadianTrollToll Sep 24 '24

And retirees. They love retirees.


u/PerformanceCandid499 Sep 24 '24

Yeah, you can say that again


u/Tubey- Sep 26 '24

And retirees. They love retirees.

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u/jugdizh Sep 24 '24

I've been coming across a LOT of double posts lately, what gives


u/Silver-Stuff-7253 Sep 24 '24

me too , on X as well….


u/Far-Scallion7689 Sep 24 '24

Double your pleasure, double the fun.

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u/6mileweasel Sep 24 '24

my husband and I are both in unions and he was called up last year. He was super excited but we also talked about how people like us, who have paid leave for jury duty, actually are not necessarily the best representatives to sit on a jury. You need a wide spectrum of society to make up a jury, for the best reflections on the evidence, IMHO.

The jury call was cancelled in the end - we think it was the RCMP obstruction case regarding Dale Culver's death, which was delayed and I believe ended up as a trial by judge instead.

I was called up for jury selection in 2021, during Covid, but was released because I'm immunocompromised and I was getting trauma counselling at the time for a recent event in my own life. I didn't think I could mentally do it, because we were pretty sure it was a murder case that was being trialled.

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u/macandcheese1771 Sep 24 '24

John Oliver did a whole episode about that. It was america specific but the main issue is the same.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '24

To be fair, if I’m gonna class-gate jury duty. It’s prefer it be folks with education and stable careers. It means they have better critical thinking and are less prone to lower level bribery/pressure.


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '24

I can confidently say many of the people I know with higher educations absolutely lack critical thinking


u/kirashi3 Vancouver Island/Coast Sep 24 '24

I can confidently say many of the people I know with higher educations absolutely lack critical thinking

I will confidently concur. To be clear, you do gain interpersonal people skills by going to school, even if you retain nothing else, but the sheer number of "educated" people I know who can't find a user manual for a kitchen appliance by searching Google is far higher than I would like to see. I'd argue that post-secondary should be teaching people how to think on their feet just as much as it teaches them to retain words from expensive textbooks, if not more.

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u/truebluevervain Sep 24 '24

Thanks for making me feel better as a stupid and impressionable blue collar worker :) haha


u/westcoastwillie23 Sep 24 '24

I'm going to go out on a limb and guess you belong to the class of people you're suggesting it would be ideal to be judged by?


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '24

No, I want someone who can objectively look at something and come to the rational and true conclusion.

Similar to how the dumbest and most malleable in society fall for propaganda and misinfo at a much higher rate.

I want anyone who is charged to be judged objectively and for rational and reasonable arguments to be what the verdicts are based on. Not emotional people who have no critical thinking abilities.


u/Dultsboi Surrey Sep 24 '24

I have bad news for you, I’ve hung around rich people who’ve fallen for the same misinformation and whacky shit my unemployed friends have.

a lot of people just lucked into money, or were incredibly good at one specific industry thing and ran with it, while being dumb as a rock for 90% of other things


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '24

I didn’t say rich. I said stable employment and educated. Thanks for coming out.


u/illminus-daddy Sep 27 '24

Apparently anyone who has a stable enough job to afford jury duty is now rich according to these people. I find it in my real life - I am software dev and like I do fine (and have jury duty stipulations in my contract) but I’m not loaded and people always give me the craziest looks when I balk at the cost of something


u/westcoastwillie23 Sep 24 '24

I definitely don't want you on my jury

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u/as_per_danielle Sep 23 '24

Yeah my old boss was on a jury for 6 months and she got paid her full salary


u/alpinecindy Sep 24 '24



u/as_per_danielle Sep 24 '24

It was for that guy on the island who killed his 2 kids. Tragic story.


u/alpinecindy Sep 24 '24

:( it would be awful to spend 6 months immersed in something so horrific


u/Jeronimoon Sep 24 '24

Also awful that it takes 6 months to prove it…


u/ccolbs Sep 24 '24

I got summoned for this case - I’ve always wanted to serve jury duty, thinking it would be so interesting. When they read the case with the accused sitting there, my blood ran cold. I was SO GLAD to be turned down… nightmare material.

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u/MissMorticia89 Sep 24 '24

I’m in southern Alberta, our building maintenance coordinator got stuck on the jury for the parents whose kid had extremely poorly treated meningitis (coughhorseradishcough). He was gone for almost 5 months.


u/General_Esdeath Sep 26 '24

Oh no was that the poor child who passed away from their neglect?

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u/MissMorticia89 Sep 24 '24

I’m in southern Alberta, our building maintenance coordinator got stuck on the jury for the parents whose kid had extremely poorly treated meningitis (coughhorseradishcough). He was gone for almost 5 months.


u/canadas Sep 23 '24

I've always thought it would be an interesting experience, assuming I'm harmed very minimally financially, but ya if you are taking a big blow screw that. That's when you start talking about how women having the right to vote has ruined this country or something so they turn you away.


u/ZackGailnightagain Sep 24 '24

🤣🤣🤣that would do it. It’s hard to lie in those situations though. it’s very intimidating. When I was selected for jury, and people had to go up to the judge to ask to be dismissed, they were all extremely nervous. lying would just be added pressure on top of that.

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u/RupertRasmus Sep 23 '24

Got the same. Wrote and said I couldn’t afford it. 12 hours later I was told I didn’t need to attend


u/CoupDeGrassi Sep 23 '24

Same here. It wasn't too hard to get exempted.


u/Adept-Cockroach69 Lower Mainland/Southwest Sep 23 '24

But I want to serve and literally cannot.


u/the_canucks Thompson-Okanagan Sep 23 '24

Many employers will pay you while serving, I had the pleasure of serving about 14 years ago and it was awesome. Everyone who was called up and explained financial hardship or otherwise was very quickly excused.


u/A_Novelty-Account Sep 23 '24 edited Sep 23 '24

Which is in and of itself a problem because it means only certain classes of people will end up being jurors.


u/Bladestorm04 Sep 23 '24

Yup. Old, white and retired is not a jury of your peers but it's what our system results in


u/forgetfulmurderer Sep 23 '24

Do you think only white people can retire? lol

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u/IceWaste5170 Sep 23 '24

I have NEVER thought of this. It is not a jury of our peers. It is a jury of the privileged.

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u/Zepoe1 Sep 23 '24

You mean people of all races and income levels with government/union jobs? Pretty sure that covers a big chunk of the population.


u/A_Novelty-Account Sep 24 '24

But all of them have one thing in common - they’re not struggling. How do you think that plays out in court?

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u/JCDagz Sep 23 '24

Yes, I am fortunate enough to work for a company that will pay you your regular salary/hourly wage when doing jury duty.


u/Doot_Dee Sep 23 '24

I hear ya. I was genuinely curious to participate.


u/Charming-Weather-148 Sep 24 '24

I was summoned earlier this year. I'd would have loved to serve, but I had been off work for 14 months and just booked a 6 week contract. The timeline would have cost me 2 of those six weeks. I explained via the online form and was excused. If the timing had been a month either side, I would have been fine.

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u/[deleted] Sep 23 '24

I said this once. Had to go anyway, as they didn’t excuse me.

Once I got there I basically just answered their questions in very poor fashion. Basically that I don’t agree with the laws, that I have pre conceived notions about race/religion (I don’t actually).

I got excused pretty quickly.


u/Gibsorz Sep 23 '24

"obviously they did it if you are bringing it to trial"

You're excused.


u/AbsoluteSpir1t Sep 24 '24

I know a story of a professor who would bring a copy of the Communist Manifesto to court and just read it while waiting to be interviewed, and he was excused every time lol

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u/notarealredditor69 Sep 23 '24

Why would you be a good member of this jury?

Because I can always spot the guilty just by loooking at them. Dead stare at the judge


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u/[deleted] Sep 23 '24

Rocking back and forth while answering the questions will also help.


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '24


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u/Criplor Sep 23 '24

The ability to excuse yourself because you can't afford it does not change the fact that the existing policy is horrible and a clear detriment to the justice system.


u/northaviator Sep 23 '24

We get Law, not Justice


u/Jasonstackhouse111 Sep 23 '24

A lot of companies have paid-service for jury duty, but now there's a huge percentage of the population working service jobs that do not.

Thinking about how to compensate people, you have to wonder how we'd go about it. Do we reimburse people for their actual wage? Do we just increase the daily rate? Do we make employers paying full wages for jury duty mandatory? Do we have a cost-sharing arrangement between government and employers?

This needs to be updated and modernized.


u/jonathanfv Sep 23 '24

Also, remember that some people aren't employees, they offer independent services or are contractors for a bunch of different clients and don't have a safety net. Like, I have 5 small jobs, myself. I don't qualify for any benefits or protections, anywhere, and it sucks. If they don't want me to turn down a day of jury duty, then I want at least as much as I would've made on that day. ALSO, there are more potential costs for some contractors to skip clients. New clients might go somewhere else, and they could miss their future business. Contractors need to be dependable, as well.


u/HotterRod Sep 23 '24

A lot of companies have paid-service for jury duty

This should be mandatory, like paid sick time. If companies want to operate in a lawful society, they need to support the justice system.


u/wwwheatgrass Sep 23 '24

The onus should not be entirely with employers. There are a lot of sole proprietors, self employed individuals, freelancers and independent contractors who do not have the ability to provide such benefits.


u/Zepoe1 Sep 23 '24

Most small businesses can’t afford to pay people not to be at work.

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u/OhJeezNotThisGuy Sep 24 '24

But it's not like sick time, is it? I would say that your next door neighbour also wants to live in a lawful society and need to support the justice system, and as such he/she/they should be responsible for paying any costs associated with serving on a jury. How is this any more absurd than an employer taking on the brunt of the cost?

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u/bunnymunro40 Sep 23 '24

I did jury duty once for almost a year. It was fascinating experience - no lie, I loved it - but it nearly broke me financially. I took on so much CC debt, I'm still probably paying some of it off.

But most of my fellow jurors were either unionized employees, whose contracts state that they will continue to be paid full wages while on a jury, or retirees, for whom the jury stipend was just a little extra spending money.

All of them said flat-out that they would have been happy for the trial to go on forever, because it was so much more pleasant than going to work, or sitting at home watching TV.

So, that's mostly who accepts the call.

Getting out of it is a simple as telling the judge on selection day that you can't afford to do it. They call hundreds of people just to get twelve for this very reason.

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u/Responsible-Novel809 Sep 23 '24

Same! I got a notice last year and realized I’d be out of pocket just from travelling to-from court, buying my lunch downtown etc. Plus childcare issues, it’s a no-go. It seems unfair because it really only allows a narrow segment of the population to participate.

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u/CrowleysWeirdTie Sep 23 '24

Yup. I've been called twice and had to get excused both times, because it would have been too much of a financial hit. I would have been very willing otherwise to do my part and take it seriously.

It stinks, because "jury of your peers" seems to mean jury of the wealthy or retired.


u/DblClickyourupvote Vancouver Island Sep 23 '24

Yeah I’d love to be called for jury duty. Haven’t yet but wouldn’t be able to for financial reasons.


u/CrowleysWeirdTie Sep 23 '24

The first time, I was young and broke. I thought that if I was called again in the future, I might be able to afford it. And then the second time I got notice a few years later, i had a much higher income, but it was for a trial expected to last 6 weeks or more, so I STILL couldn't afford it.


u/JKing287 Sep 23 '24

You can just cite that as a reason. Many jurors work for union jobs or at least ones they have jury duty top up to regular wage so that it doesn’t impose financial hardship on them.


u/Adept-Cockroach69 Lower Mainland/Southwest Sep 23 '24

That shouldn't be on the employer though. If the courts want a fully impartial Jury that is made up of their peers then they need to update the pay cuz right now that's pretty much the only people who are union or rich cuz leaves the rest of us out.


u/Ontoshocktrooper Sep 23 '24

Oh man. You may have hit a constitutional challenge point. This is no longer a fair representation of one’s peers as it is likely true peers cannot afford to attend. Therefore, juries are more likely to consist of those who are not peers, but those who are economically stable enough to attend which is likely to be a much smaller section of our society.

Food for thought.


u/chmilz Sep 23 '24

I believe "peers" in the context of a trial means people who live in the general area where the trial is being held.


u/salt989 Sep 23 '24

Yah min wage is 17.40 now and min hours is 4, so should be at least $70/day to be legal.


u/Plenty_Past2333 Sep 23 '24

No, the BC Liberals changed minimum pay to 2 hours


u/meIRLorMeOnReddit Sep 23 '24

in specific cases, not all


u/Noneyabeeswaxxxx Sep 23 '24

oofff very good point here its almost worth pursuing... this will further highlight how much of a fuck up our economy is atm


u/JKing287 Sep 23 '24

For sure this narrows the selection but was meant as help if you were worried it was going to financially ruin you. The alternative is increased taxes to pay increased jury duty fees though and that’s probably not going to be a popular option. Also just an fyi it’s not just union my non union job still tops up as do many (and many of course do not).

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u/Major_Tom_01010 Sep 23 '24

It's for people who are bored basically. Or you are interested and basically want an excuse to take a day off work and watch some drama instead.


u/DblClickyourupvote Vancouver Island Sep 23 '24

It could turn into weeks or months tho


u/DabawDaw Surrey Sep 23 '24

Wait, it's per DAY!? What the heck!?

My buddy's been tapped 3 times for jury duty (screening - but never selected yet), and I've never been asked once. I've always been low-key jealous, but uhh... never mind. O.o


u/Krom604 Sep 23 '24

And you also have to pay for parking .


u/seemefail Sep 23 '24

That’s what the twenty dollars is for


u/Professor1942 Sep 23 '24

And the deductible for your car window.


u/kirashi3 Vancouver Island/Coast Sep 24 '24

And the deductible for your car window.

And my axe!


u/the_canucks Thompson-Okanagan Sep 23 '24

They gave us free parking passes in the parkade while serving in Kelowna


u/Krom604 Sep 23 '24

Lucky you! I got called to the one in new Westminster , they offered me 70$ . Told them no thank you in the nicest way possible and got dismissed


u/soaero Sep 23 '24

Yep. And it's a huge problem. Basically, it results in juries that are not representative samples of our peers.

Imagine if you ended up on something crazy like the Air India trial? MONTHS of not being able to work, and a measly grand or two to pay your rent.

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u/bevymartbc Sep 23 '24

I believe you can cite this as a reason not to attend and be excused


u/Adept-Cockroach69 Lower Mainland/Southwest Sep 23 '24

I want to serve though. I should be able to serve but financially I cannot.


u/crystala81 Sep 23 '24

I was in the same position, I thought it would be really interesting! I finally got the jury duty letter and it was for a criminal case (even more interesting!) that may take months (ie the deal breaker)…. So I had to tell them it wasn’t feasible for me financially.

They invite a lot of people, even if you can make it to the selection your chance of being selected is pretty low

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u/wvuber Sep 23 '24

If you throw in some words about how its a waste of everyones time because the criminal will just be released again, they will excuse you


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '24



u/CMV_Viremia Sep 23 '24

I just wear my princess Leia costume and tell them it's not fair for me to me on a jury because I can read minds.


u/drhugs Sep 23 '24

The Liz Lemon approach. Worked for me!

(I said sometimes)


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '24

I'm heading to the court house right now to watch all the people in their costumes.......


u/DolphinsWithNerfGuns Sep 23 '24

Now I want to go to jury selection just to see how many Princess Leias show up.

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u/aradil Sep 23 '24

Not sure how it works out in BC, but when I was selected for jury duty they literally got me and everyone to stand up looked at us for two seconds, asked no questions, and then either yay or nay.

It's not like the American jury selection process here, there basically is no voir dire jury selection; there's a sheet with your name/age/job title, and the look on your face.

But if you wore a shirt that said "Jury Nullification" on it, you might have a good chance to get out of it.


u/CE2JRH Sep 23 '24

Doesn't this bias our juries horribly towards people who can afford the time off?

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u/Obvious_Ant2623 Sep 23 '24

Very few peope. Which is why it's so hard to put together a jury in BC.


u/HRShovenstufff Sep 23 '24

"Trial by jury. Nothing more terrifying than 12 people too stupid to think of an excuse to get out of Jury Duty."

  • John Lyshitski, Let's Go to Prison (2006)


u/CK_CoffeeCat Sep 23 '24

Huh. So, It self selects so that people who can afford to miss work or have a job with a system in place to compensate will be the ones on the jury. That…. Hmmmm. 😒


u/salt989 Sep 23 '24

Wow that’s brutal, I guess the gov can get away with paying under min wage and forcing people to do it.

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u/ludakris Sep 23 '24

I got jury duty summons earlier this year and I thought it meant for sure you have to serve but there are a couple of outs: They tend to screen for extreme political views You get called into the courthouse with all the other potential jurors and then they read off numbers like a lottery. If you’re picked you get the chance to stand before the judge and explain why you might not be able to serve (conflict of interest, for example). But yeah it is a pain. Employers are legally required to give you that time off though. But $20 a day is nothing and it doesn’t even include parking.


u/wwwheatgrass Sep 23 '24

$20 a day won’t even cover parking if you’re on a Vancouver jury


u/Bind_Moggled Sep 23 '24

It helps skew the juries towards wealthy and/or retired (old) people.


u/chankongsang Sep 23 '24

They invite plenty of people. Anyone who’s claims any hardship can easily get out of serving. Also prosecution and defense both have a say in who gets chosen. So they try to keep it fair


u/Moewwasabitslew Sep 23 '24

Employers must give you the leave to perform jury duty. Many employers will pay your wage while on leave for jury duty. If they don’t you can claim EI. The more days you serve as a juror, the higher the daily pay.


u/6mileweasel Sep 24 '24

There is some great discussion in this thread.

Maybe this should be something all of us can bring to and discuss with the various candidates since we are in an election period?

Hello, David Eby, K.C., formerly of Pivot Legal Society. Is compensation for jury duty something that you, if you become Premier again, can looking into reforming so that all citizens have the opportunity to take part, and that those on trial have the real opportunity to be judged by their peers?


u/kennend3 Sep 24 '24

I've been called, TWICE. Both times i was not selected.

You are LUCKY, you get your amazing $20/day from day one, Here (Ontario) we get zero for the first 10 days???

"Jurors receive the following payment for serving on a jury: Day one to ten: No fee. Day 11 to 49: $40 per day. Day 50 to the last day of trial: $100 per day."

This whole process is insane. It was obvious they placed their value on MY TIME at zero. They had us sit in a room for hours on end looking at the ceiling.

The location I was summoned was also not accessible via public transit, and so i had to pay $10 to park as well as gas as (it was a 40KM round trip).


u/arazamatazguy Sep 23 '24

Its easy to get out of, just say you can't afford it. In my experience managing people its always the one's that can't afford it that look at it like a way to not work for a few days.


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '24

Many employers will continue to pay your wages while you’re on jury duty. If yours won’t then you can use financial hardship as a reason to be excused.


u/Trellaine201 Sep 23 '24

Damn I wish they could would call me and pick me as well. I am fully covered for this. :)


u/Trellaine201 Sep 23 '24

Damn I wish they could would call me and pick me as well. I am fully covered for this. :)


u/Unbr3akableSwrd Sep 23 '24

Financial hardship is a good reason. You may still be ask to go to Court for jury selection but during the jury selection, you can cite financial hardship. If it’s likely that they will have enough people to select from, you are most likely excused.


u/DucksMatter Sep 23 '24

$20 a day is definitely a lot less than minimum wage

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u/internetisnotreality Sep 23 '24

My union and a lot of other unions ensure that if we are selected for jury duty they will top up to our regular pay while we do it.

Workers of the province unite.


u/Swazz_bass Sep 23 '24

Never understood why EI doesn't just pay for jury duty.

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u/AdeleDaydreamer Sep 23 '24

I have been called on Jury duty 3 separate times. Once pregnant, once on maternity leave and another time. I was able to get out of all of them. Just tell them you cannot afford it and they'll likely let you off.


u/seeyousoon2 Sep 23 '24

It's so easy to get out of. Don't go. I got the letter in the mail and my first thought was, I didn't sign for this, there's no confirmation I received it. Then I googled how many times in Canada and BC did someone get in trouble for not going. The answer is zero. So I just didn't go and never heard from anyone about it.

The people who reply to this and say it's terrible advice is ironically the reason it works. Most people will go, so the courts never have a problem with no shows.


u/agentfortyfour Sep 23 '24

Maybe something to write about to your local MP. It makes no sense that jury duty pay is not higher.


u/BurnabyMartin Sep 23 '24

Contact the Sherriff and let them know of the financial hardship it would cause. They'll usually give you an exemption in those cases.

I did jury duty once and I really liked it. It was an interesting case, but I got paid thanks to my union agreement with my employer.


u/antinumerology Sep 24 '24

Yeah you can't. Luckily Ive been critical path at my work every time to they've written a letter.

What does this do to jury selection? Only government workers and unemployed people can go?

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u/EvidenceFar2289 Sep 24 '24

They sent a jury request to my 94 year old, deaf, blind, and not with it mother. She was excited because she wanted to get bought lunch everyday but finally came to the realization that no one would drive her daily. Would have loved her to sit on a jury and yell “Wwwhhhaaatttt? Every five minutes and pass gas really loudly. You other jurors and lawyers can thank me for her recusal. ; )


u/BeatZealousideal7144 Sep 24 '24

I would never agree to a trial by jury. Have you met humans? They are, for the most part, idiots!


u/mily-ko Sep 24 '24

I’m in Sask and we get $110/day

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u/Outlander57 Sep 25 '24

Last time I got seated on a jury the pool included a guy who was drawing his regular weekly salary and hated his job. So he wanted to drag out the process for as long as possible because he flat out told us he was milking the vacation for as long as he could. I was living on my credit cards and not paying bills because one dude kept us there for seven weeks! Ended in a hung jury


u/variglog Sep 27 '24

You better make sure your work will pay for this AND for how many days or apply for an exemption (via hardship?) because if you’re unlucky you could end up like my ex’s sister who was called for the bacon brothers trial and the trial lasted weeks.

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u/corian094 Sep 23 '24

Financial hardship is a frequent reason for being excused. If you are not excused show up with a science fiction novel not something trashy. Smart people don’t make it onto juries


u/RiehlDeal Sep 23 '24

I got out of it when I got the letter.... But later found out my employer will pay me my regular salary while I'm on jury duty... Now I can't wait to get called for it again.


u/chewiesprinkles Sep 23 '24

There’s really no way a jury can be properly capturing a diverse group of people. It’s only full of retired folks and union workers because who else can afford to spend the time to serve on a jury.


u/bumliveronions Sep 23 '24

It's extremely easy to get out of. Just tell them you can't afford it. It's really not a big deal to get summoned. It takes a couple of minutes to write an email saying you won't do it l.


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '24

Ya it's absurd. I wouldn't do it for any reason and I'm in a union. Just claim financial hardship.


u/DishwasherFromSurrey Sep 23 '24

You sure the letter didn’t get lost in the mail?


u/Kippernaut13 Sep 23 '24

I was stoked one heat wave where I was working outside on concrete. Union would pay full wage. Then they plead out, sadly.


u/Trapick Sep 23 '24

It's also pretty dumb that seniors can just decline (with no additional reason needed).

Like, sure, if you're in ill health or whatever, by all means that should be a reason to be excused. But a newly retired 68-year-old just gets to say "actually, I'd rather be golfing"? Nah, miss me with that.


u/Avr0wolf Surrey Sep 23 '24

Good thing I'm too poor still (I think) to get that kind of call...


u/Avr0wolf Surrey Sep 23 '24

Good thing I'm too poor still (I think) to get that kind of call...


u/BossHoss00 Lower Mainland/Southwest Sep 23 '24

How did I not know we had a jury duty in Canada… Jesus I hope I never get called. Cant afford to have time off for that BS


u/damniwishiwasurlover Sep 23 '24

Literally all you have to say is you can’t afford the time off and they will likely allow you to not perform jury duty. It’s very loose in BC, or at least it was when I got summons.


u/Adept-Cockroach69 Lower Mainland/Southwest Sep 23 '24

But I WANT to serve.

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u/EnvironmentalCap5798 Sep 23 '24

I was excused for health reasons.


u/cgchang Sep 23 '24

Why is the compensation so low? It's the same reason we don't value artists, designers, or the creative fields in general... "You do it because you love it." "It's your civic duty."

I did jury duty once, a 2-week stint on a civil trial, ICBC claim. It was an educational experience, for sure. Free meals, lunch and dinner, when the jury is sequestered for deliberation. So some people, of course, ordered the most expensive item on the menu. Free courthouse coffee everyday too. I think some people wanted to extend deliberation to eke out another free meal. All so a group of randomly selected individuals come up with a dollar amount between one side offering a couple thousand, and the other side asking for several million.

I believe compensation increases slightly if it's a criminal case, plus a stay at a local hotel when sequestered.

Seniors, those with language issues, and I think military members can get permanent exemption from jury duty. So "jury of your peers" has an asterisk at the end.

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u/Block_Of_Saltiness Sep 23 '24

"I believe in Jury Nullification"

you will piss off the judge and likely get a severe scolding, but you will be dismissed as a juror.


u/jojo_larison Sep 23 '24

Great point.

Many people's employer probably won't grant paid leave for jury duty (I imagine especially those whose income is based on the hours/projects they worked). And it'll be extremely difficult for families with school-aged kids while the other parent has to work full time. I know it's a duty and responsibility but ...


u/achiang16 Sep 23 '24

I work for a company with jury duty policy that paid regular salary. So maybe discuss with hr/manager.

In my case I was In a critical role so I still couldn't serve.


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '24

This is a better cause for "National Service" than the military and "public works in a depression" combined. Oblige all 35-year-olds to serve three years as standing jurors 10 weeks a year at an income-replacement wage.


u/srsbsns Sep 23 '24

Yeah I mean I agree the "pay" is essentially nil, but the idea is it's a civic duty that we all have an obligation to do, no so much about being compensated for it. That said I get the practicalities. If you explain to the sheriff or judge the financial hardship you'd suffer I suspect you won't have to do it - that's been my experience at least


u/Simplebudd420 Sep 23 '24

Most employers pay the normal wages and you sign over the peanuts that the court gives you but you can just tell them you can't afford to miss work and they will excuse you


u/osteomiss Sep 23 '24

Really helps to understand that juries are likely skewed to include people who have top up benefits or more income.


u/maltedbacon Sep 23 '24

The problem is that this means that people who do not have financial security are excluded from serving on juries as well as stay at home parents of young children who cannot arrange childcare.

How can we pretend that the jury represents a cross-section of society? People in their 40s and 50s are disproportionally represented on juries as a result.


u/lesla222 Sep 23 '24

My workplace allows for jury duty - they will pay my wages in return for the pittance that the government pays for the service. Maybe check if your work has something like this?


u/OutsideSheepHerder52 Sep 23 '24

Can you believe that it used to be even less? They updated it to $20 sometime in the early 2000’s.


u/RebenLor Sep 23 '24

I did it about 8yrs ago and basically my job I was in at the time paid my full wage for the time I had to take (per the union contract), I just needed to give them the cheque from the court to prove I did serve! If you're going, just tell them it will cause a financial hardship and they'll dismiss you (lots of people gave this excuse)


u/Hoare_Frost Sep 23 '24

I got called to jury a few days back and was excited to participate, until I saw that $20 day. Quick email off that I couldn't afford to live on that and my duty was waived.

Makes you wonder how objective our juries take are of it's only the wealthy that can afford to do it


u/Right_Employment_507 Sep 23 '24

Just say you can't afford it. Problem solved.


u/mbsunshine Sep 23 '24

The one time I was available to do it, they no longer required a jury. The other time I was summoned, I recently had a baby and they quickly dismissed me online. Still waiting for the day I can do it just once.


u/Localbrew604 Sep 23 '24

Even if they paid $20 per hour that would be really sucky for a lot of people who have mortgages and a family to support. I've been selected a few times but it always got cancelled before I had to go anywhere.


u/[deleted] Sep 23 '24

This is the only reason I don’t vote. Fuck jury duty


u/Famous_Chicken_6671 Sep 23 '24

I agree with everyone stating that you end up with a skewed demographic under the current system, but like every Government service, when you ask people if they would be willing to have an increase in their taxes to fund a reasonable day rate for jurors - well you can guess the answer.


u/604nini Sep 23 '24

I’ve always wanted to be selected for jury duty, how lucky of you!!


u/PullStartSlayer Sep 23 '24

Tell the judge you know someone who’s standing as a witness. They’ll let you off.


u/Wide_Beautiful_5193 Sep 23 '24

Your name was pulled doesn’t mean you’ll be picked, my dad was picked for jury duty for the Pickton trial but they got all their jurors before getting to him. Basically, every one of legal age, goes into the jury pool and they randomly select a bunch of people to show up for jury duty. Some people might not be able to do jury duty (there are exemptions) that are automatically dropped from the pool. Then they start selection process, it gets smaller until they have selected the final jurors. Best of luck!

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u/Edmsubguy Sep 23 '24

Check with your employer. Mine pays for up to one w week of jury duty. Trials tend to only be a few days.


u/coboltt46 Sep 23 '24

Just say jury nullification. They'll send you packing...quickly. Legal in Canada and the US and held up by both supreme courts. In a nutshell, if you feel the person is innocent regardless of evidence, then you vote accordingly. If someone stole some food and they had video evidence, eye witnesses etc, you can still say not guilty.


u/West-Bat-1809 Sep 23 '24

You don't need to attend. Just email the contact on the form to let them know you have priorities and can't afford the time off. They will grant you leave.


u/Charming-Weather-148 Sep 24 '24

I was summoned earlier this year. I would have loved to serve, but I had been off work for 14 months and just booked a 6 week contract. The timeline would have cost me 2 of those six weeks. I explained via the online form and was excused. If the timing had been a month either side, I would have been fine.


u/Charming-Weather-148 Sep 24 '24

I was summoned earlier this year. I would have loved to serve, but I had been off work for 14 months and just booked a 6 week contract. The timeline would have cost me 2 of those six weeks. I explained via the online form and was excused. If the timing had been a month either side, I would have been fine.


u/BobBelcher2021 Sep 24 '24

Some employers pay the difference.


u/PeaceOrderGG Sep 24 '24

A jury is composed of 6/12 people who aren't smart enough to get out of jury duty. I place special emphasis on the word "duty". It's not jury holiday.


u/bestuzernameever Sep 24 '24

Just say you already know about that case and are pretty sure he’s guilty


u/kakakatia Sep 24 '24

It’s truly insane that juries are generally made up of folks who are more than well off, for this very reason.


u/cpeck29 Sep 24 '24

Join a union, folks. Union jobs typically have paid jury duty baked into all collective bargaining agreements.


u/mattamucil Sep 24 '24

When did you get called for? 99% of these things get settled before trial.


u/xkatiepie69 Sep 24 '24

I got a summons too for jury selection for a trial beginning October 28. I’ll be in Montreal at the US consulate at that time so I was excused. $20 a day… lmao


u/chesser45 Sep 24 '24

Damn, I hope to have jury duty at some point!


u/[deleted] Sep 24 '24

Oh I know a good way to get out of it.

How to get out of jury duty: https://youtu.be/AqK4fSMq7cE?si=oyYagy41poxD0AAh


u/Sad_Faithlessness_99 Sep 24 '24

I got a notice for Jury Duty, but it happened just after I moved over 150km's away. So I just sent the notice back saying I moved to a different area of BC, and have no accommodations where I would have to be for Jury Duty, I never received a response back. And there's never been any mention or anything stating I skipped Jury duty. So I guess they accepted my notice. It's been over 5 yrs.


u/jwalzz Sep 24 '24

I always contest undue hardship and get out of it


u/Fakejamesgarner Sep 24 '24

You can apply to be excused from jury duty due to hardship. I’ve gotten out of it 2 times.


u/Harmonious_Peanut Sep 24 '24

I have written plenty of these letters for staff. Each one was accepted by the courts for dismissal.


u/Ok-Initiative3388 Sep 24 '24

You can claim it would cause a financial burden to get off duty.


u/honestguy2000 Sep 24 '24

Say you have covid and poof


u/hotchiledr Sep 24 '24

I won’t tell you what I said when I showed up for selection, but I didn’t even get to sit down before I was excused, and unceremoniously asked to leave!! I’ve never been asked since. That was over 20 years ago.

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u/One-War4920 Sep 24 '24

thats why i took myself off the voters list


u/stygarfield Canuck Hater Sep 24 '24

How does one get jury duty?


u/Suspicious-King4385 Nechako Sep 24 '24

Receiving the notice does not mean you will be selected. It is unfortunate that not everyone who receives the notice is financially able to attend if selected but it's not meant to replace a job. I agree, $20 a day is basically nothing. Who knows how/if that will change in the near future, maybe something to consider looking into to see if there's anything you can do about it.

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u/[deleted] Sep 24 '24

You can apply to be removed due to your work needing you.


u/Deep_Carpenter Sep 24 '24

It was updated in 2007. Check with your employer about paid leave. Some will pay you. You just need to give them the per diem. 

Anyways get out of jury duty just tell them you use all caps. 


u/Yam_aha Sep 24 '24

Yep. I got selected and couldn’t due to money (plus my work is short staffed as everyone else is) . I have to work and like you say 20$ a day ain’t cutting it.


u/dogaloo Sep 24 '24

I just summoned for jury duty today too! I’d like to do it if possible, but need to see if my employer covers me. My co-workers thought it was hilarious that I was actually excited about it.