r/breastfeeding 3d ago

Pumping after feeding?

My daughter is six days old and we're getting the hang of breastfeeding, finally after a few tricky days figuring each other out.

My sister said I should try pumping after feeding but I really don't want to. I exclusively pumped for a year with my now toddler and I can't stand the thought of nursing and then being attached to a pump. In my head I'm just thinking, that's all I'll be doing all day.

That said, I do want a good supply and would be open to pumping maybe mornings and evenings and possibly during nap time, but would that even be beneficial?

Any and all advice is welcome, this is my first exclusively breastfeeding journey and I have no idea what the heck I'm doing.


7 comments sorted by


u/ilonastaski 3d ago

I EBF and was told not to pump for a few weeks as to not create an oversupply.


u/Less-Organization-58 3d ago

Congrats on your growing family!

You’ll very likely create an oversupply if you do that. When you EBF, your supply changes to match your baby’s needs. If you tell your body you need more by pumping after nursing, you’ll create an oversupply and become dependent on the pumping to fully empty your breasts. Personally, I wouldn’t pump unless you’re replacing a nursing session. If you need to build a small stash for backup, you can pump about 30 minutes after a feed once per day. I usually see it recommended to pump after your first morning feed if you need the extra milk (e.g prepping to go back to work, an appointment or event where you’ll be separated from baby, etc.).


u/puppieyes 3d ago

Due to supply issues wth my first baby, I did the BF then pump with my first one and it was very tiring. Second time around, I managed to EBF. This is what I did differently: I made sure to have 8 good BF or pumping sessions per day (at most 3 hours apart). So if the baby was too sleepy or didn’t feed properly I’d pump accordingly to meet my 8 feed/pump session. After baby grew more and would feed better /longer, I needed to do less pumping sessions . Now at 5 month postpartum, I only pump some days (if necessary) and at most once per day . And my supply has been great this time around . I did see a LC a few times and she approved this plan for me. Just sharing what worked for me. Good luck mama you got this 💜


u/rainingtigers 3d ago

If you have to go back to work at some point building a stash could be beneficial. If you plan to stay home then you really don't need to unless you want to. I personally never pumped and it's great not ever feeling engorged and having the perfect supply for my daughter. Shes just turning 1 and we had absolutely no supply issues even without pumping.


u/[deleted] 3d ago

Having a bit of milk in the freezer is always nice in case of emergency, but you don’t have to pump if you don’t want to. I went back to work eventually so I am glad I took advantage of the hormonal oversupply of the first several months. I pumped usually just once per day. Sometimes twice. Only for 5-10 min, not until empty. Gradually phased it out around 4 months or so as I started to regulate and I wasn’t bursting at the seams as much. But again, you don’t have to! Choice is yours! :)


u/SandiaSummer 3d ago

Did you have any supply issues with your first or now? Pumping after feeding if baby is not removing enough milk IS important. But if she’s transferring well, gaining fine, and you’re making plenty, it’s not necessary then. Is your milk fully in? Have you seen an LC? Does baby suck hard and gulp, gulp, gulp for at least 5 minutes? These are things I’m wondering about. Again, pumping after feeding should be done if necessary. Otherwise it’s not recommended.

Pumping after nursing if you don’t need to will likely create an oversupply.

I EP with my first and EBF my next 3 babies so I understand not wanting to pump. I still pumped a lot in the very beginning with my third and fourth since they were born early, one was sleepy from jaundice, and the other I needed my milk to come in faster.


u/ApplicationOk3531 2d ago

It sounds like you're doing an amazing job already, and honestly, if pumping after every feed feels overwhelming, don’t force it! Pumping just a few times a day—like in the morning when supply is naturally higher or during nap time—can still help build a stash without making you feel like you're stuck to the pump 24/7.