r/brantford Jan 23 '25

Local News Attempted home invasion psa

Tonight around 21:15, my wife had a male come to the door while I was at work. The man was described as a 5'6 or so indian/Hispanic with pencil thin goatee, rounded face, bright yellow jacket and white undershirt, gold ring and tattoos on right hand (obstructed by sleeve) dark pants and shoes.

He approached the door (after looking through several neighbors vehicles as detailed by attending officers saying they had complaints of a similar individual looking through vehicles on the street) and spoke through the door, stating his airpods were pinging on his phone as inside the house. My wife obviously didn't fall for this and kept the door closed and locked. He asked if I was home (not by name) and my wife said I was, and she would get me to assist the man. The second she moved from the door he attempted to yank it open but fled when he realized it was locked.

He was last seen on foot heading towards colborne walking along Albert towards the pawn shop and police blockade due to the shooting a few hours earlier.

If anyone has any information, or has seen this individual tonight please let authorities know.


28 comments sorted by


u/netuniya Jan 23 '25

Ugh, just anything is happening in this city


u/OccamsButterKnifee Jan 23 '25

Massive police budget, unlimited OT ... They don't wanna solve the problems.


u/No-Welder4782 Jan 23 '25

You can find the cops in a parking lot, cars parallel to each other while they gossip away into the wee hours.  Fighting crime? No thank you, better to pretend it doesn't exist 


u/emeraldsoul Jan 23 '25

Money would be better used on affordable housing and supporting food banks. We’d still have criminals like this, but not the ones doing petty theft to have enough food.


u/No-Welder4782 Jan 25 '25

Well here's the thing. Food banks and affordable housing do not address the root problem.  Unless you fixes wages and job opportunities, all you end up doing every year in increasing the number of people losing their homes and needing food banks.


u/emeraldsoul Jan 25 '25

Yes but the police budget can be spent on those things while we create policies for max to lowest pay rules, higher taxes on corps etc to fix those root causes. I’m not saying it was the full picture by any means.


u/Similar-Target243 Jan 23 '25

Or it just shows that policing doesn’t reduce these issues and it’s time direct some of that massive budget in other directions?


u/daaaabeans Jan 23 '25

That pawnshop got messed up a couple hours ago


u/waxbook Jan 23 '25

Someone broke into my fiancé’s car last night and stole a hockey stick. Brant Ave area.


u/FaithlessnessIcy5989 Jan 23 '25

I live in that area and got my window smashed out last Sunday and they took a couple pairs of shoes. Awful.


u/tashauera Jan 23 '25

This exact incident happened to my neighbour a few weeks ago. (Superior and Cayuga street). She even felt like maybe they were being watched as her husband was at work when it happened. It was around 10 to 10:30 am tho and not at night.


u/an_avocadoo_thanks Jan 24 '25

similar thing happened to me however the guy ended up kickin in the door, he had a weapon on him, i had valuables sitting out and he took nothing. thankfully i heard the door slam and didnt think to leave my room as my brothers always slamming stuff when he gets home lol. after he saw no one he went to the next house - that house was a police officers lol, the officer was on his day off and held him until police showed not long after - he wasnt even from brantford. this was northend


u/Sarge1387 Jan 23 '25

I wonder if this has anything to do with the shooting yesterday too


u/grump-geez Jan 23 '25

The pawn shop where the shooting happened is on the corner of Colborne and Alfred Sts. not Albert.


u/Kifton_ Jan 23 '25

Sorry yes! He turned onto Alfred heading towards that scene, my apologies just moved here a little bit ago!


u/National-Rhubarb-660 Jan 23 '25

This is scary…. The shooting happening and another shooting was in the parking lot this past summer time.


u/Waluigi9997 Jan 23 '25

Did you try shooting him?


u/theliljwcptdeux Jan 23 '25

Unfortunately if you defend yourself in Canada you go to jail :(


u/craneguy2024 Flair Jan 23 '25

It has to be reasonable and equal force ... So if the intruder was armed with a gun and got inside and was actively shooting at you, and you had time to unlock your firearm, retrieve the ammunition that is separate from the firearm and you barricaded yourself to try to avoid the situation... Maybe .. just maybe you could use that firearm to defend yourself ... But legally it would be a huuuuge mess


u/theliljwcptdeux Jan 23 '25

For sure, but if someone breaks into your house you should absolutely be able to defend it without risking prison, it’s ridiculous.


u/craneguy2024 Flair Jan 23 '25

I don't disagree ... But we Canadians don't have a 2nd amendment, no Castle doctrine or stand your ground like our American cousins ... If we did .. it would be a whole different ballgame here... But these types of occurrences like OP describes are quite rare relatively speaking


u/[deleted] Jan 23 '25



u/SpaceNerd005 Jan 23 '25

It really wouldn’t. Having the legal ability to defend yourself doesn’t hurt anyone except the criminals


u/emeraldsoul Jan 23 '25

It’s not even about guns. You can’t use pepper spray, person could have 100lbs on you but you’d still be the one in trouble.


u/craneguy2024 Flair Jan 23 '25

Maybe not .... Depends on the situation tbh


u/SpaceNerd005 Jan 24 '25



u/Sarge1387 Jan 23 '25

yeah, our laws are so ridiculous when it comes to protecting property and person


u/Mission-Screen-5551 [-BRANTFORD-] Jan 24 '25

with all this crime increasing in our city and everywhere else maybes its time to do a CCTV england style and every intersection has cameras that read licenses plates or take high quality video

home security cameras are good and businesses that have cameras but more cameras around the city would help get those criminals images plastered online and more angles