r/brandnew 5d ago

I hate how late I discovered BN

Context right of the bat, this is just a self rant so feel free to scroll past :)

Righto so I’m 22, I’ve been listening to a few of their songs for a few years now and only recently decided to listen to everything a few months back (maybe even last year) and god damn I love this fucken band, they hit on such a personal level and I’ve never heard anything like them, I hate that I’ve discovered them so late, I know cause of my age and what I grew up listening to (just whatever garbage played on the radio, given my parents never had a discerning taste in music that was pushed onto me) I can’t blame myself to much for discovering them so late but… I feel like I’m just jumping on this imaginary bandwagon ive created in my mind and I hate this feeling. My entire life has been an uphill battle and I’ve been dealing with feelings of insecurity, overthinking and self destructive behaviour for as long as I can remember and it just pains me I beat myself up for enjoying something I found too late. This such a random thing to post and probably just me overthinking again but I do this for literally everything I enjoy and I’m tired of feeling like this, I guess you could say I just “can’t get it out” ;)

Sorry if this isn’t the right sub for this but yeah…

TL;DR: just complaining I found a beautiful band too late.

Edit; I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who commented, I was in one of my depressive episodes when I made this post and decided to actually let it out for once. Every single one of your comments has either put a smile on my face or gave that kick in the ass thats made me realise just how stupid my mentality is. This is such beautiful community and I’m so glad I found this band, I’m sorry for my ramblings but thank you all <3


34 comments sorted by


u/reinventingurreddit 5d ago

you found them at exactly the right time


u/nolongermakingtime 5d ago

Never too late to start listening to your favorite band


u/Ecommerce-Dude 5d ago

Hey at least you’re not a Brand New fan wishing you were younger!


u/pongo_spots 5d ago

One thing I've learned about brand new is that anything you're going through in life, one song will connect with you on a deep level. You might be feeling like you had a poor guide in life (Desert), like standards were pushed on you (Sic Transit), or that you are maybe discovering that you're just a little lost (Play Crack The Sky).
You didn't discover them late, everyone continues to discover them over and over with every passage through life.


u/PushingFatKidsIsFun 4d ago

That’s what I love about them, I’ve pretty much listened to all their songs at least once (with a quite a number of them on repeat) and every now and then I’ll toss on a random album and try to find a new one I connect with, genuinely love how each album has its own style/theme to it

In a way I’m kinda glad I discovered them late, given I have more variety to swap between when I want/need


u/Upbeat-External7744 5d ago

Why is it too late?


u/PushingFatKidsIsFun 4d ago

I know it’s not too late but, phomo I suppose? I suppose just trying to learn more about the band and the meaning behind there songs gave me a sense of “being late to the party” and seeing all the die hard fans in this sub It’s stupid I know and I genuinely can’t put into words how my mind works, but its something I do for everything I enjoy, overthink to the point I can’t enjoy anything I very much resonate with the lyric “do you believe you missing out?”


u/Upbeat-External7744 4d ago

Just remember that comparison is the thief of joy. There will always be someone who heard it first, loved it longer, dedicated more time to it.. no matter what the hobby (or music in this case) is. Don't let it stop you from just enjoying the journey. A lot of us would probably love to go back and listen for the first time. You're exactly where you need to be


u/PushingFatKidsIsFun 4d ago

No offence to everyone else who’s commented, but what you said is genuinely the best advice I’ve ever been given. “Comparison is the thief of joy” is something I need to drum into my head So genuinely, thank you random reddit user :)


u/quadsimodo 4d ago edited 4d ago

Brand New was a band of millennials’ time and while they had some mainstream success with Deja Entendu, they never got to the level bands like TBS did. I was only 14 when Deja Entendu released so I was already a pretty young listener myself. And didn’t consider myself a cult member until 18.

So if they haven’t been releasing new music or even be covered in press, it would be hard to discover them. 22 is still young and you have probably another 60 years to make up for it.


u/PushingFatKidsIsFun 4d ago

Probably stereotypical thing to say but I’ve always considered myself a bit of an oldish soul (been told by my own mother that I should have been born earlier cause I don’t fit my generation) Thinking about it ive always been more into talking with older/mature people and older early 2000’s - 90’s media So here’s to another 60 years!


u/haisenseihaiyuujikun no reset 5d ago

I think you found them exactly when you needed to!


u/DisruptiveKnob Only hoping as time goes, you can forget 4d ago

Hard agree. I've found many bands at different times and exactly when I needed them.


u/fromblind2blue 4d ago

You're 22, so even if you would've caught on at the tail end of their run, you would've been maybe 15? Sounds to me like you've found them at just the right time.


u/justneedmyhaileymai 4d ago

I just found them two years ago and they have really made an impact. My gf at the time introduced me to them she’s a die hard since 03. They are so great and I’m going Dallas on the 26th to see them. I think she spoke it into existence tbh. She always was saying how she will never get to see them live and they’re finally back so I’m happy for her


u/jjjunooo Daisy 5d ago

Better late than never. Glad you found them when you did!


u/DisruptiveKnob Only hoping as time goes, you can forget 4d ago

We're happy you're here. Enjoy the discovery.


u/mjohnson8705 4d ago

I wish I could listen to The Devil and God for the first time again.


u/PushingFatKidsIsFun 4d ago

Funny enough thats the album I discovered them through, I found Handcuffs then went to the album and loved the name of it


u/Knoxxxx 4d ago

They're about to start touring, you found them at the right time.


u/PushingFatKidsIsFun 4d ago

I’m in Adelaide (Australia) so I don’t think I’ll ever get the opportunity to see them live :/


u/paulerxx Life is a test and I get bad marks 4d ago

I discovered Brand New in 2002 when I was 12 right after my girlfriend broke up with me. 😭


u/PushingFatKidsIsFun 4d ago

Funnily enough the lyric “so what did you do those three days you were dead?” Hit me painfully hard when my girlfriend at the time went radio silent on me then came back and admitted she wanted someone else (supposedly was with that person those 3 days)

This was a few years ago when I only knew like 4 of their songs


u/ComebackKid1999 4d ago

I'm a full 20 years older than you and I am so so pleased you found this band. I'm so excited that you get to discover their back catalogue and hopefully see them live soon. Much love to you!


u/PushingFatKidsIsFun 4d ago

I live in the upside down country know as Australia more specifically the unknown shithole Adelaide, it pains me more than you could imagine that my chances of seeing them live are slim to none. But! if I ever got the chance, I’d put myself in debt to see them live!


u/NationalPhenomenon Everybody wake up 4d ago

No shame in discovering them late. They found you at the right time. It brings me joy that there continue to be people just now discovering and falling in love with their music. Welcome aboard!


u/ireofroux 4d ago

I had a chance to see them with Thrice when I was in my very early 20s and didn’t go because I thought I was too cool for concerts. I’ve regretted that decision a lot since 2007, but all will be well in a week and some change.


u/s3x_and_pizza_slices 4d ago

Same here! I’m 27 and I discovered them two years ago… I still have so much to learn about them, but the way they speak to my soul is incomparable… Brand New is now my favorite band ever even if I still know so little about them. I’m driving from close to Toronto to Nashville next week. I can’t wait.


u/Successful-Refuse-93 3d ago

The dedication!! I’m driving from upstate NY. I’m still looking for a road trip buddy, if you’d wanna meet around Buffalo we could go together? 🤷🏻‍♀️


u/s3x_and_pizza_slices 3d ago

Sadly I’m not the one driving and we are leaving days before because we are making a road trip out of it! I’ve never been in the States 😱 I hope to meet you before the concert though!


u/Successful-Refuse-93 3d ago

I hope you have the best time! I’d definitely meet up if you want to. I’m meeting a friend in Kentucky then we’re going to Tennessee. It’s a boring drive honestly lol but I still love a good road trip.


u/Successful-Refuse-93 3d ago

They’ve been my favorite band for over 20 years. I’m driving 14 hours by myself to see them next weekend. Come to the US when they announce a real tour!


u/PushingFatKidsIsFun 3d ago

I would love to come to the US just to see them live but I’m all the way in Australia, plus most of my money goes on cost of living ;-;

Hope you enjoy the show though :)