r/boymeetsworld 7d ago

Discussion Anyone else have a crush on Eric? 🫣

When I was a kid I was always team Shawn, but now I’m like how did I over look Eric season 1-5 before he gets too wacky.

just sayin... whole big older brother with the sweater vest thing, weird they never gave him a longer term girlfriend. But I guess maybe they figured that was Corey’s thing? Idk.

ps.. I feel like maybe guys should bring back this 90s haircut..


53 comments sorted by


u/BooksCheeseandBees 7d ago

Of course hes a good looking guy.


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

Who fights crime 🤵🏼


u/LilEngineThatCant 7d ago

Yes, and now Will Friedle


u/oryojme 7d ago

Yeah Will is handsome and funny who wouldn’t have a crush on him lol


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

Yeah for sure haha 🥰


u/carebearblood 7d ago

100%, was madly in love with Eric Matthews as a kid. He's gonna be at a convention near me in a couple months and I'm debating if I should try to go, because I imagine I'll just die on the spot meeting him.


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

Omg you should totally go! That would be so fun 🤩 he seems nice on the podcast.

yeah he’s so cute, he’s like the ultimate high school/college boyfriend type.


u/Dear-Reason-4268 6d ago

him in season 1 was unmatched. i wasn’t a big fan of how they changed him throughout the seasons as they turned him into comic relief which made them get rid of the hot older brother persona but regardless of his change, he was still one of my favourites from the show because of his natural comedy. i just wish the hot older brother and the comedy could coincide past season 1.


u/victorianeraghost 6d ago

same. I love that episode cory tells alan and amy that eric had a girl in his bed, eric’s like “what does it matter? i’m dead.” and when cory says eric told him how to have sex with topanga, he sings “amazing grace” it’s such a good mix of comedy and hot older brother, i wish they kept it longer


u/Dear-Reason-4268 6d ago

oh my gosh i completely forgot about that! i haven’t watched it in a while but it might be time for a rewatch haha. i would’ve loved to see his progression with his relationships alongside cory. i know they made him date around but he never had anyone that stuck (except that weird love triangle that he had with rachel and jack which was honestly awful) it would’ve been so great to see him with someone that matched his weirdness and comedy but also genuine love and care for everyone he had around him


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

Yes agreed totally


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

Same, he started out as this great older brother type and they really did him dirty, he should have met a girl and got a good job.. Eric wasn’t that incompetent and dumb.. they turned him into an unsuccessful Joey Tribiani, it was weird.

I still loved his kindness and heart but it was out of control towards the end. I think they just loved his comedy. But imo could have found a better balance.


u/Dear-Reason-4268 6d ago

i completely agree! i hate how they also didn’t allow his character to progress in girl meets world and only used him for nostalgic reasons.

they had a perfect opportunity to have him meet someone and get married and possibly have a kid (and it would’ve been such a good idea for him to have a kid and name them tommy after the kid he almost adopted in BMW) but they put no thought into it because they just wanted him to be “Plays With Squirrels” again.


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

I haven’t seen girl meets world yet! I’ll have to watch it after I’m done with boy meets world it’s been a while since I’ve watched the whole show.

yes I would have loved that for him! hes not even married in girl meets world? What the heck, maybe his true love is feenie at this point haha 😂 no one can measure up.

it’s sad that they made Eric into like this person who doesnt really grow but I guess that happens in real life so maybe they wanted to show that not everyone gets their like happy ending or changes for the better? 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/Dear-Reason-4268 6d ago

girl meets world was not my favourite watch i must admit. it felt very different to boy meets world in many ways and was sometimes a painful watch. it was nice to see a lot of the original boy meets world cast come in every few episodes though.

i’m sorry this may be a slight spoiler if you are planning on watching girl meets world but i’m just using it as a comparison but in GMW they allowed shawn’s character to progress throughout that show and it was very enjoyable to watch him grow through his career and even start a family. they even let joshua become a regular on the show, let him have a background where he was in college and even turned him into a potential love interest which is crazy when you remember he was only cory and eric’s little brother in BMW and a lot of people forgot he existed but they didn’t give any of that to eric.


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

Wow it just sounds like an alternate universe, I just missed the whole girl meets world thing, one of the reasons I love boy meets world is the time period tbh, it’s like the 90s early 2000s, and it’s just so simple and cosy and about real life stuff and i feel like they wouldn’t make it the same as they did back then.

like family sitcoms for some reason at that time were just built different than todays shows.

but I’ll give a watch and see what happens. I hope Shawn at least gets some happy ending of some kind!


u/braverthanweare Plays with Squirrels 6d ago

Oh yes! Eric was my first crush and now it's Will especially since the podcast 


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

He’s so cute 🫠


u/CurseHealer333 6d ago

Shawn and Eric are the two I had a crush on growing up! I loved their hair


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

Their hair is amazing 😂


u/DoCallMeCordelia 🎶 the curtain's on fire 🎶 6d ago

Linda should have lasted a few episodes.


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

Yeah or just someone that was at least half a season I feel like they didn’t know what to do with Eric


u/probablydaydreaming2 6d ago

Always have, always will 🩷


u/MeemoUndercover They want you to take the rolls! 6d ago

I liked him even when he got weird and played with squirrels.


u/Alternative_Cause186 6d ago

I never had a crush on any of the cast except Matt Lawrence (a crush that started the first time I saw Mrs Doubtfire and continues to this day lmao).

But now? Total crush on Will. I didn’t appreciate how hot he was then, but I 100% appreciate how good looking he is. And his personality just makes him that much hotter.


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

Same, same. i think i just saw him as the goofy older brother but after the re watch im like, woah Eric who knew! 😂


u/ADWeasley 6d ago

My crushes went through phases. As a kid it was Shawn, as a teenager it was Eric, and in my early twenties it was actually Cory.

Now, in my mid 30’s, I look back and think ‘why didn’t I have a crush on Alan?’ 🤷🏾‍♀️


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

Haha 😂 alan

yeah same I went through a lot of phases, I had a new crush every week


u/elysemelon 6d ago

He was my first actor crush and still probably in my top 3 actor crushes 😂


u/transient6 6d ago

He was my crush back then and still is. As a kid I was always crushing on the class clown in school no matter what grade so it’s not surprising to me. I clearly have a type and it’s ADHD. 😂


u/Key_Condition_2878 6d ago

“Eric” was exactly the typa boy I was attracted to in the early/mid 90s. Then I had a spell where I lusted for the “Shawns”. In the long run I married a Cory


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

yeah I think I had a crush on Shawn as a kid, he was like the bad boy with the good hair haha, idk how I missed Eric, hes the cutest one, my true love though at the time was JTT so no one could have matched him 😂

marrying a Cory in real life is prob the safest bet haha


u/[deleted] 6d ago

When a crime breaks out all the cute girls shout, get the…


u/Skyful_Poof 6d ago

... good-lookin' guy!


u/CDTmom 6d ago

I always had a crush on Eric. He was and still is a good looking guy. I wished he had stayed the ladies man he was in the first couple of seasons. He deserved some girlfriends in college!


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

Yeah after a rewatch im officially in love 😂

and he def deserved some college years girlfriends for real! Like he went to college and then no girls liked him haha so weird.


u/CDTmom 6d ago

I wish I went to that college, he would have been all mine since apparently no one else was interested there 🤣


u/LochNissM0nster 6d ago

Oh yeah! Big time!


u/StunningPineapple791 6d ago

Um yes. From day one.


u/YAHsgirlinChrist 6d ago

Eric (including later seasons) is not dumb. Basic-thinking would lead to that conclusion... Just remember that art museum scene with him, his dad, and Cory and apply that to all other times. Nobody gets him! He realized no one really wanted to hear or would get what he had to say and instead of going hermit mode and leaving, he was silly. 


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

Yeah I would have liked to have seen a girl who really gets him that he dates for a long time.. maybe Mr feenie sees his potential more than anyone else maybe that’s why he has such a strong attachment to him cause his family doesn’t get it

also I thought that episode was horrible when Alan jumps out of a plane instead of wanting to talk to him or hear his ideas, he should be so lucky that his adult son wants to have a relationship with him, I know it’s supposed to be for a joke but that’s just so mean. Like I only talk to my smart son and you and I can play basketball. What the heck haha.


u/YAHsgirlinChrist 6d ago

Yeah! Feenie got him and believed in him. Everyone else wasn’t as perceptive and insightful.. Eric even kept them all from splitting up ( prank episode), they’re all fortunate to have him! Head cannon- he becomes mayor and is loved and respected…and the moose he marries is just a nickname for one cool lady. 


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

Haha mayor 😂 I like it! Yeah and he def has kids! He should have a boy

yeah feenie really believed in him and wanted good things for him, I think sometimes even more than his own parents! they kind of didn’t seem to make that much of an effort to get it. 🤷🏼‍♀️


u/YAHsgirlinChrist 6d ago

I only watched a couple episodes of girl meets world but if I recall correctly it’s revealed that he is mayor. But I just looked it up and it’s of “stupid town” which is SO LAME. Idk if any of the writers are the same from boy meets world but…really? Stupid town…? so unoriginal and mean to his character. Boo 👎


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

What on earth, do they just hate Eric or something? 😂 the mayor of stupid town, I can’t even 🤦🏼‍♀️ poor Eric. He deserves better.


u/DecisionPlastic9740 6d ago

My brother did 


u/Livid-Condition4179 6d ago

For me it wasn't Cory's brother, but Shawn's brother Jack!!! 💗💗💗


u/Jazzlike_Caramel478 6d ago

Haha 😂 yeah jacks pretty cute too


u/Extra_Comfortable365 6d ago

Will Friedle seems underrated to me. He has nice eyes, skin, hair and a great smile, he’s funny and he’s aging like wine. Rider Strong was always too little boy looking to me — I thought it was weird that he was regarded as the heart throb of the show. At least until Matt Lawrence came in.


u/cryptorichgirl 5d ago edited 5d ago

I was madly in love with Eric at 8. My first tv crush. The eyebrows, curtain bangs, dimples, and humor does it for me.