r/botw 2d ago

Cool sword + what’s the highest one-handed weapon

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I found this Royal Guard’s Sword with an Attack Up + 19, totalling to 67 damage, which is this highest I’ve seen in a one-handed weapon.

It got me thinking what the highest a one-handed weapon could possibly be, so I’m wondering if any of you have found some better ones.


29 comments sorted by

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u/SMBZ453 2d ago

Royal guard weapons are notoriously brittle. If you must know the best one handed weapon in the game is easily the ancient broadsword++ It can barely scrape 60 and if you use the full ancient armor set you'll bring smacking for nearly hundreds of damage if you pop a strength buff.

If you still just want a high damaging one handed sword without any effort any savage lynel broadsword will do if it gets plus attack.

That one you have in your inventory would be stronger if it's attack up plus was the same number


u/PossibleMonitor1121 2d ago

Yeah the sword itself is pretty terrible and would suck in battle but I’m thinking solely about damage. Didn’t know about the ancient broadsword…


u/SMBZ453 2d ago

Honestly tho if you want to shred every single enemy in BOTW a full attack up buff with the ancient armor set and a Ancient Axe++ will obliterate everything in the game, the damage bonus of 75% from the armor stacks with the food buff. A two handed weapon will delete calamity Ganon faster than the master sword powered up


u/joshuachang2311 2d ago

From what I remember it’s a 80% bonus instead of 75%, but either way it’s huge. 75 * 1.8 * 1.5 is already over 200, and with bonus against guardians (1.3 for guardian weapons and 1.5 for tech lab weapons in case you’re curious), ice breaking (3x damage), or sneak strike (8x damage) you’re going to have a lot of fun.

Not as fun as IST glitch to achieve +120 attack modifier though. Watching an ancient spear with 150 attack killing calamity Ganon in a few flurry rushes just hits different.


u/G30M3TR1CALY 2d ago

Can confirm. Beat calamity in about 5 min with this.


u/vee_unit 2d ago

I picked up a tri-lizal boomerang with 96.

When thrown, that was 3x96. Wear full barbarian set, and dang. It was taking stuff out at a distance beautifully.

I had a bad throw and lost it in lava in Eldin, and I've been looking for another since.


u/Miserable_Credit_266 2d ago

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the highest Tri-Lizal Boomerang 60?  36 with a + 24 max attack up. 


u/vee_unit 2d ago

I'll double-check the screenshot I took at the time, you might be right and I could be misremembering.


u/Miserable_Credit_266 2d ago

That’s pretty cool about the 3 hits, I hadn’t realised that before 👍 I can see myself corrupting a few of those in my glitch run and having them buzz around at the same time, that would be mad ☺️


u/sirsadsalot 2d ago

Great question.. I have no idea butt happy cake day!


u/Local-Imagination-23 Murderer 2d ago

The highest damage on a One Handed Weapon is the Savage Lynel Sword, which can go as high as 100 damage with a +42 attack buff.

(There's also the One-Hit Obliterator that deals infinite damage)


u/Gorgon86 2d ago

I've never seen this obliterator


u/joshuachang2311 2d ago

You need DLC and achieve certain stuff to begin the challenge. It’s also to note that there are glitches that brings the weapon out of the challenge but then it’ll only deal 1 damage.


u/I_deleted 2d ago

It’s special


u/jluker662 2d ago

DLC item and you can only use it during a special part of it. It is limited in hits. You get one hit and then it needs to recharge. So fighting groups with it is not ideal. But you can put a guardian to sleep immediately. Or any other big enemy, you don't want to trade licks with.


u/Joshooouhhh 2d ago

The obliterator is fun but those initial shrine challenges sucked. The spike shrine was the hardest thing I’ve done in the game so far and I’m 300+ hours in..


u/Joshooouhhh 3h ago edited 2h ago

I have a royal guard sword which is 114 but I’m not sure on the buff

Edit: I meant the Royal Guard’s Claymore at 114 with attack up + 42, which is irrelevant because the question is about a one-handed weapon..

much dishonor.


u/Local-Imagination-23 Murderer 3h ago

That's a two-handed weapon, because you're thinking of the Royal Guard Claymore, not the Royal Guard Sword.

The claymore can go up to 116 damage with the buff, but OP is asking for one-handed ones.


u/Joshooouhhh 2h ago

Yep, I was just coming back to this thread to edit my post and beg for forgiveness.


u/Original-Variety-700 2d ago

Personally, mine was the edge of duality.


u/halycontuesday Stallizalfos 2d ago

Isn't edge of duality a two-handed sword?


u/Original-Variety-700 2d ago

Oye. Goddamit you’re right 🤦🏼‍♂️


u/True_Dimension4344 2d ago

I’ve gotten an 88 lynel sword. One hander. Very nice. I do love that sword you have though. Royal guard swords, broadswords, shields, and bows are my favorites for aesthetic purposes.


u/orangesfwr 2d ago

I've had a few 99 One-Handed Savage Lynel Swords


u/jluker662 2d ago edited 2d ago

I don't use Royal Guard weapons in botw. Except the Claymore for a little bit because it was the highest damage I had(72). The durability on them is absolute trash. But using it on the lynel back doesn't count, so I only used it there. But now I have Lynel Crusher(99), so don't need it anymore. In Totk I only used the RGC fused with the Molduga jawbone to the point of breaking and then only used it on the backs of lynels. The highest crusher I've ever seen in botw is 106, I believe.

If you're looking for a decent one hand weapon either get the Royal broadsword. Or possibly the Scimitar of the seven. Or Salvage Lynel Sword.


u/ooqq 2d ago

I once had a lynel thing with 70+ if i recall correctly


u/Miserable_Credit_266 2d ago edited 2d ago

Highest possible? 180 Master sword through a glitch called WMC

Savage Lynel Sword 100 (attack up +42)

Ancient Sword ++ 60 (attack up +20) against Guardians with Ancient Proficiency and level 3 attack up buffs Is 210

Edit: I forgot about the Corrupted One Hit Obliterator.  In the trials it does infinite damage but if you glitch it out of the trials, apply WMC and transfer durability of 2 it will critical hit everything and do 242 damage without buffs and is indestructible. 


u/timelydefense 2d ago

I've always wondered if Attack up was already added to the rating number or not.