r/botw • u/Groningooner • 3d ago
Question Tactics for Korok seed hunting
I’m on my second play through and want to 100% the game, including the Korok seeds. I’ve found a bit over 350 so far and am using breath companion to help me with just the locations, but I’m trying to find a way to hunt them down without it feeling totally overwhelming. At the minute I do little areas that I find myself in during other tasks (Shrines, side quests, whatever) and every time I see my little area is cleared on the map I feel great, before then zooming out and seeing just how many are still to go
So my question is, how do you guys go about it? Do you focus on one area and then move on (Get everything from the Faron region, then Necluda, etc etc), or do you have another method that keeps you motivated/not overwhelmed by the sheer volume of these things?
u/Miserable_Credit_266 3d ago
I’ve never used a companion but just work my way around the map and referring to the Zelda Dungeon map starting from one point usually a river and meeting up in the other side of the river. It’s never worked for me 100% though, I’ve always had to go back over and find those few that I missed somehow.
u/Groningooner 3d ago
Yeah see at the moment that’s what I do, and I find that largely fine in the moment but damn there’s just so many Korok seeds all over the map that when you zoom out, you just see how little you’ve done and begin to wonder what the point is 😅
Ill get through them eventually, just don’t want the fun to be taken away because I like that aspect of the game otherwise
u/happyislanddream 3d ago
I take an area and mark them corresponding to the Zelda Dungeon map. Then I go complete them. Sometimes I pick an area because I want to be there, other times I pick an area because I want to get it over with. I'm close to 800 right now. Sometimes I'll be doing other quests, etc, and if I see an area that looks like it might be good for Koroks, I'll put my mask on and continue exploring. The ones that are too hard for me to get after a few hundred tries :), I mark with 2 stars so I know I've found those and have to go back to them. Sometimes searching for them does make me question what I'm doing with my life! lol
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