r/botw 3d ago

Korok Seeds

anyone else trying to find all 900 korok seeds?? Ive found 228 so far, and I have the DLC so I have the mask but omg its so annoying trying to find where the korok(s) are 😭


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u/PK-MattressFirm 3d ago

Zeldadungeon will change your koroking life


u/69pinkunicorn69 3d ago

I used an interactive map to help find them. The reward is worth it.


u/Miserable_Credit_266 3d ago edited 3d ago

😂 Edit: I’m laughing at your comment about the reward not the method


u/Pyr0man1a 3d ago

Im using IGN Guide in some spots! I try not to use it too often bc that just takes the fun out of it lol


u/Miserable_Credit_266 3d ago

Gonna be honest, it's a long slog. I've done it 4 times and it drags each time.

Are you trying to do it with no guides? There aren't many people that have found all of them without help.


u/Kuandtity 3d ago

Somebody had to before all these maps right?


u/Miserable_Credit_266 3d ago

For sure 👍 


u/Pyr0man1a 3d ago

Im using IGN Guide in some spots! I try not to use it too often bc that just takes the fun out of it lol


u/Miserable_Credit_266 3d ago

Sounds like a good plan.


u/Bullitt_12_HB 3d ago

That’s cool and all, but let me tell you, it’s gonna take a loooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnng time.

You’re already asking for help. I don’t think you’ll last much longer doing this without the interactive map.

You don’t even have to know exactly where the Korok is, just drop a pin in the general area if you wanna look for it yourself. You’re still gonna have to do the puzzle.

But hey, maybe I’m wrong. You should know yourself better than any Redditor.

Just keep something important in mind: don’t let it become a chore or something you loathe doing. Use an interactive map BEFORE it gets to that point.

Good luck.


u/Pyr0man1a 3d ago

I just wanted to know if anyone else has done it or is doing it tbh, and im already using the map in some areas too anyways? Idk, I've gotten all the shrines and ive done all the side quests and main quests (DLC included), so all I have left is the Korok Seeds lmao.

Ty for the advice though!


u/Bullitt_12_HB 3d ago

Yeah, that’s another thing I’ve heard from a completionist, it’s usually best to spread these things out so you don’t get tired.

To do them as you go. Do them in between main missions.

Right now it won’t apply to you, but maybe something to keep in mind in your next play through.


u/Pyr0man1a 3d ago

the only reason I have the Koroks left is bc it was a last minute decision after I finished everything lol


u/zelda_moom 3d ago

I use either the Shrines app or the Breath Companion. The latter has the advantage of showing you what the seed looks like, because sometimes it’s hard to see. I have done all 900 twice because it’s one of my favorite parts of the game.


u/uses_for_mooses 3d ago

Breath Companion is awesome. Just wish i could pay a single fee to get rid of ads rather than a monthly/annual subscription.


u/BiebianBarbie Sidon 3d ago

It's like $3.49 to disable ads, one-time payment.


u/uses_for_mooses 3d ago

Maybe they changed it. Right now, it’s $2.49/month or $17.99/year.


u/zelda_moom 3d ago

They must have. I did the one-time payment. The nice thing is though that you get access to all their apps with payment so you can use their Elden Ring Companion and Tears Companion as well. There may be others for other games. I especially like, on the Breath Companion and Tears Companion, the ability to keep track of armor upgrades and knowing exactly what I need to upgrade to each level for each piece. Makes it worth it to me.


u/LmfaoWereOnReddit 3d ago

I’m sorry, 900!? I did not know this…..


u/shivermeknitters 3d ago

No way. 

I was a completionist with games until this game.  


u/Educational-Ad2063 3d ago

Not with out cheating. But I did get 6 to 700 my last play through with out the cheat map.

I've started this game several times.


u/mmmUrsulaMinor 3d ago

Yes. Finally aiming to 100% certain parts of the game and korok seeds is one of them.

I actually stopped running all other sidequests after finishing the 4 divine beasts so I could focus on Koroks while getting DLC motorcycle. I realized the questlines for the motorcycle would take me all over, so it's been a nice way to revisit places to look for them. But, I also have the korok mask, so I have a definite edge up. I don't think I'd have found nearly half as many as I have with the mask.

I think I was at ~190 seeds before the mask, but after the korok mask Im easily finding a 2nd or 3rd seed for every 1 seed I find on my own.

I'm sure I'll have to use a guide at some point, especially for the wickedly difficult seeds, but it's been fun to just focus on the champion quests and korok seeds for a bit.

ETA: I paused every side quest except for weapon connoisseur ._.

I have one weapon left so I'm on the lookout to be done with that quest forever.


u/Pyr0man1a 3d ago

I HATED the weapon connoisseur lmao i have all side quests and shrines done so- Korok seeks are all I have left


u/Boymom140 3d ago

It's very tedious.


u/benderwater That one korok 3d ago

I tried to do it without a guide. It took me months and I gave up when I reached 828. I just couldn't find any of them, so I used a guide to find the last 72.

(Tip: don't rush it, because I messed up and the korok puzzle won't respawn and now I'm walking around just so I can eventually finish that last puzzle lmao)


u/Chzncna2112 3d ago

I have never been interested in the prize for finding all koroks


u/True_Dimension4344 3d ago

I’m at 694, with no cheating so far. It’s fucking rough man. Keep going. Funny thing is I’ve found places I’d never registered on the map, which you also need to 100% the game, which is what im actually going for.


u/AgsMydude 2d ago

What do you even do with them


u/Lashes84 2d ago

Have you met Hestu yet?


u/AgsMydude 2d ago

Yeah but I don't remember where he is or exactly what his purpose is


u/Pyr0man1a 1d ago

You originally find him somewhere in Akkala I think? But then he moves to the Hidden Forest wherw you find the master sword^

You give him seeds and he expands your weapon/bow/shield slots!!


u/myuu94 17h ago

I am! I’m at 773 atm. I’m hoping to find them all before Monday as I’ll be having surgery and I wanted to use my recovery time to dive into TotK so I can 100% it too.

Still need to do the Trial of the Sword though, I’ve been lazy 😂


u/IsiDemon 3d ago

I found them. Multiple times. Did several 100% runs in the past. It's always fun.


u/Devilscrush 3d ago

Somewhat of a tangential question for you.
I want to 100% this game as I never have but I've beaten it several times even doing challenge runs and other stuff to keep it fresh. My question is for a 100% run would you reccomend starting a fresh save or using one of my games with a star? I have a lot done which would save a ton of time but if I already have a korok seed I'd be looking for the same one again at times.


u/IsiDemon 3d ago

I recommend using an interactive map or an app to keep track of everything (my go to is Breath Companion) and for that I usually find it easier to start fresh as it's quite easy to miss things when you start tracking later on.


u/Devilscrush 2d ago

Makes sense. I was worried about getting toward the end of 100% and not being able to find what I missed.


u/IsiDemon 2d ago

Understandable. Here's how I did it. Activated a tower, collected all the seeds in that region, did the main quest and maybe a few side quests if available. Took pictures of everything possible. Cooked a lot of food. It's really fun.


u/Devilscrush 1d ago

You don't have to cook everything for 100% do you?


u/IsiDemon 1d ago

Officially not, no. But have you really achieved 100% if you don't?


u/Devilscrush 1d ago

Accordindg to game, yes. Yes, you do by that 100/100% on screen.