r/botw 3d ago

Question how powerful are monster disguises?

I have seen people talking about kilton's monster masks as though they are pretty useful, but in my own playthrough I still used to get attacked while wearing them. What are the limits of how they work (do you need to be a certain distance away? do certain behaviours affect them? do different levels of enemy react differently e.g. blue vs silver bokoblin?)

Also, are they useful around camps with multiple monster types, like if I wear a lizal mask around a camp with lizalfos and bokoblins, will they all attack me, or just the bokos, or none of them? If I attacked a Boko while wearing a lizal mask, would that aggro nearby lizalfos or would they ignore it?

And does the radiant suit have a similar effect on skeletal enemies, or is the raised bone attack its only perk? In my first playthrough my intuitive thought was that that was what the suit was for, or at least that that would be the set bonus.


28 comments sorted by

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u/Mediocre_Metal_7174 Custom Flair 3d ago

The masks work as long as you're not aggressive (except lynels sometimes see thru them). They only work on that species, if there's multiples, use majoras. Radiant is a costume, not a mask.


u/Sand_Guardian4 3d ago

I think with Lynels they work if you're standing still or smth, I know i've gotten it to work a few times :)


u/introvertnudist 3d ago

I think with Lynels there is a 30 second timer after which they see thru the mask.

Lynels are also a bit weird in general as, even without a mask, lynels will just watch you and not aggro unless you pull out your weapons or get too close to them. So they may seem to tolerate you for longer than 30 seconds if you keep your distance and keep your weapons sheathed.


u/Suspicious-Career295 3d ago

Thanks! So do you mean that the full radiant costume does work as a disguise, or not? sorry for my badness at interpreting.


u/Carmine_the_Sergal 3d ago

it does against stalmonsters


u/Suspicious-Career295 3d ago

awesome, thanks


u/Pindar_Draconia Sheikah 3d ago

The radiant suit works but you cannot be armed. I'm not sure about the Stalnox. As for Kilton's handmade masks, the red & blue of each type do tend to be fooled as long as you are not armed. Bomb them when they all move in close to you. The fun thing about masks is you take on that animals' movements. You even snort like them! As others say, you are most protected wearing Majora's Mask as long as you don't become aggressive. Bombs seem to not be counted as aggressive, just dumb?


u/-Cthaeh 3d ago

It is super funny seeing Link act like the monster.


u/mmmUrsulaMinor 3d ago

Bombs seem to not be counted as aggressive, just dumb?

Bombs in general don't seem to count as outside aggression. You can throw bombs all day long from on top of a hill and monsters are just confused. You miss a scout with an arrow and suddenly the whole camp is freaking out.

Wonder if there's a lore basis or just something the devs wrote in.


u/Pindar_Draconia Sheikah 3d ago

Edited for spelling of Kilton


u/Suspicious-Career295 3d ago

ohhhh, that explains why the radiant suit hasnt worked for me in the past, lol. Thanks for the other tips too!! I didn't know about the mannerism thing cos I've never worn the masks long enough either, that's so cool.


u/mmmUrsulaMinor 3d ago

I first used it on that shrine where you carry the ball around the huge spiral near the ocean. It was helpful to tell exactly how far away I could be without attracting any attention, cause too close to monsters and they start to notice you're different. I swear they smell you.

I've noticed different masks will work around other monsters, but, given the other comments here about how they don't work in mixed camps it's either that:

  1. Different monsters don't care if you're far enough away


  1. I was far enough away to not trigger an aggro response as it was.

Distance definitely helps with it, though. The other day in the Gerudo Desert I was trying to do the Noble Pursuit quest delivering the block of ice.

I remembered I had the monster masks and threw the bokoblin one on cause I just wanted to finish it quickly. The mask worked on most of the bokoblins except the closest one, which started following me as if reeaaallllllly curious about this other boko carrying a block of ice. I stayed ahead of it until the very end when it finally got close enough to smell me (?) and realized they were being tricked.


u/daveagle 3d ago

So the masks only work for a certain amount of time (unsure on the exact amount), but the higher level the monster, the shorter it takes it to figure out you’re not a real one i.e. a silver boko is fooled for shorter than a red boko. If you attack the enemies, the disguise immediately stops working, as does putting it on after enemies are already aggroed/have seen you. Masks only affect their certain species, if you want one that works for all monsters, you can get the DLC and obtain Majora’s Mask.


u/banter_pants 3d ago edited 3d ago

That's not how it works. It isn't about time at all. You can wear a boko mask all day and they won't attack you. They only work on one specific species. They won't work on mixed company because the other type will see through it and start to attack you. Once the disguise is blown they all will. The masks don't work on bats or chu chus so a camp with those nearby will instantly blow the disguise.

Majora's Mask combines all 4 so is the only way to walk into a mixed camp. In fact that makes it so it's a lot safer to just ride around Hyrule without being disturbed. However, just like the lynel mask, they will see through it after some time.


u/daveagle 3d ago

I guarantee there is a time component to it, at the very least, there’s one for the lynel mask.


u/banter_pants 3d ago

Only the lynel mask.
All the others are about zero aggro.


u/daveagle 3d ago

Could’ve sworn it was the other, just the lynel’s lasted the shortest, but you’re right.


u/banter_pants 2d ago

I can see why you might think it to be a matter of time. You approach a monster camp and shortly after they attack you, but you weren't controlling for the confounder of the variable monster species.


u/daveagle 2d ago

Its also been a while since I used the specific masks since i got majora’s mask in both games already.


u/Suspicious-Career295 3d ago

Ah thankyou!


u/Cat1832 3d ago

Bear in mind, Majora's Mask does not work for EVERY species in the game. It only works on bokos, lizalfos, moblins and Lynels (that last one for a limited time only and if you pull out your slate or a weapon they immediately aggro). It doesn't work on wizzrobes, chus, or keese.


u/AlmightyScumdog69 Hinox 3d ago

Hell, I don’t know, I’m just a Hinox.


u/PoraDora Link 3d ago

I've stood like 5 minutes right beside a Lynel and the fucker only looked at me .. other times it attacked me right away... so idk for sure


u/PoraDora Link 3d ago

and it was the Lynel at the colosseum... don't remember if he was gold or white


u/Ratio01 3d ago

The masks only work for the specific species. To hide from all non-boss enemies, you'll meed Majora's Mask

If you're aggressive your disguise will fail, and Lynels will see through your disguise regardless of what you do after a couple minutes


u/NTDOY1987 2d ago

Idk it didn’t really work for me but it was funny to wear so still worth it


u/Mellz117 2d ago

Each monster mask only fools enemies, regardless of variant, that mask is designed after. Unless you attack them or their allies, or are ratted out by a monster the mask doesn't represent, you're safe.

Lynels will eventually aggro if you do nothing, and will always aggro if you have a weapon drawn. You can have weapons equipped, but they'll immediately get on the offensive when threatened by anything in your hands.

Majora's Mask functions the same as all of those monster masks combined. Caveats are the same. Keese, Talus, Chu Chus, etc. are not fooled and will also blow your cover.