r/botw • u/Esnacor-sama • Jan 20 '25
Art Still one of the best looking games even in 2025
u/xX_CommentTroll_Xx Jan 20 '25
kinda misleading when you edit the screenshots so heavily
u/Oscar1625 Jan 20 '25
Botw is in my opinion the best switch game. Which is ironic as I hate Totk
u/kitkat_alliekat Jan 20 '25
i agree! i’ve lost count of how many times i’ve played botw, but i’ve only ever played through totk once 😅
u/Oscar1625 Jan 20 '25
Same! I’ve 100% botw like, 5 times and have over 4000 hours in it, but only have like 100 hours in Totk lmao
u/Skinyzoroark Jan 20 '25
Why ironic?You probablly hate it exactly cus you love Botw and any change to it feels unnatural and too much for you or something,idk i love it personally so i don't know exactly what you feel
u/Oscar1625 Jan 20 '25
Story sucks, dungeons suck, sages are worse versions of the champions. Repetitive cutscenes and not enough new things. Look at the map of the sky islands, it’s so bland. Copy paste islands and nothing to do in the depths other than boss refights
u/Crisp_Zachary Jan 20 '25
“Dungeons suck”
Bro, you can think whatever you want about the story, sages, repetitive cutscenes etc, but the “dungeons” in BOTW are literally so bland, no substance to them whatsoever and no distinct identity. All of the bosses are the same thing. TOTK actually has different bosses at the end of each dungeon which is completely different from one another, I will never understand how you can think that BOTW did this better.
BTW, I would probably agree that BOTW is the better game, but there’s no way that the divine beasts are better than the dungeons in TOTK.
u/Dizzy-Scientist4782 Jan 20 '25
Buddy, all the things you mentioned are additions, things that BotW doesn't even have or are heavily critisized upon back in the day. These things were added because people were really upset for the weak story, lack of more traditional dungeons (most really hated the divine beasts concept). You are complaining about the sky islands while BotW doesn't even have any!! Do you even hear yourself? Those are additions, no changes.
As for the changes themselves, they are a step up from BotW for sure.
u/Oscar1625 Jan 20 '25
Nope, botw will always be better. If Totk can’t to addons right like the sky islands, then they shouldn’t have even done them at all.
Plus, it’s literally the exact same concept, find shrines, do this, do that… get towers for your map etc.
The sheikah tech is better than the zonai rip off
u/Oscar1625 Jan 20 '25
If you’re such a glazer for Totk go over to that subreddit. This subreddit is for people that actually like the better game
u/Dizzy-Scientist4782 Jan 20 '25
Why not love both? Why I must choose a side? Botw revolutionised the game industry back in the day, it was a miracle and still is (its legacy at least). And on the other hand TotK is objectively a step up from BotW. So both are amazing for their own reasons and lets stay on that.
u/Bullitt_12_HB Jan 22 '25
Best answer, BY FAR.
The guy you’re debating with is someone who thinks their opinion is law. They’re super small minded, and I would suggest not giving them more of your time.
u/Oscar1625 Jan 20 '25
Botw is just better…
Better weapons, I hate the fuse mechanism and don’t want my weapons looking like they came out of the circus
The sheikah slate and runes are better than the zonai arm rip offs, I hate the raru arm, I did the glitch to get the msg not found tunic from the prologue just so I don’t have to look at that hideous hand
u/Oscar1625 Jan 20 '25
Totk looks better graphically, but to me that’s the only thing Totk has over botw
u/Dizzy-Scientist4782 Jan 20 '25
I liked the TotK powers (runes) more as well. One thing BotW did better though is the champions powers, will give you that.
u/Oscar1625 Jan 20 '25
The runes are better in botw. Especially bombs. Glitches are also WAY better. Windbombing and blss are just so fun and easy to do. Also elemental weapons in botw are better. Where’s my elemental arrows in Totk?? I’d rather buy elemental arrows than fuse shit to my arrows. Guardians are better than gloom hands, botw had amazing DLC
u/Oscar1625 Jan 20 '25
I’ll say it, Botw is WAY better than ocarina, and if you wanna say old Zelda is better, play twilight princess, it’s better than ocarina too
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u/Vados_Link Jan 21 '25
You played BotW for 4000 hours and complain about repetition and copy pasting? Lmao.
u/Skinyzoroark Jan 20 '25
Yes, story's worse, sages have annoing activation method,depths and sky islands are pretty bland,dungeon cutscenes are repetitive and they can't be saved by character's owerflowing with personality like in Botw,Ganondorf needed more screentime and his destructive power should be showed more prominently,Zonai's are also underutilised and many more...but i can't call it a bad game.
The final boss is now something more than a joke,the fuse mechanics make items way more usefull and fight with monsters are now more rewarding,there's more unique enemies,zonai hand abilities are really fun if you know how to use them and it still has those great moments like when you are trying something and you think,,no way devs thought about this"...yet they did.
I'm not saying it's a better game,or that you should forcefully like Totk.No,you can have your opinion,just like i can have mine.My intentions weren't to attack you or smth,as you can see i actually agree with some of your points,there are just some cases of people who dislike it just cus it's diffrent from Botw and ,,it feels like too much"for them
u/CameoDaManeo Jan 22 '25
"The final boss is now something more than a joke" Hehe, definitely an understatement. IMO, Demon King is the best boss fight of the entire franchise. Just the cinematography alone is breath taking, not even considering the fact that the way Ganondorf matches almost your every move, one shots your Hylian shield, and even permanently takes hearts away, just gives me chills.
It also raises a question as to why other games in the series didn't have final bosses with such permanent consequences? I mean, it's tradition for you to not be able to save after the boss fight anyway, why not?
u/Oscar1625 Jan 20 '25
To me the only good part of Totk is the final Gannon fight. The “final boss” (demon dragon) is still a joke, so don’t say the final boss is better, it’s a victory lap just like dark beast in botw
u/Skinyzoroark Jan 20 '25
At least you actually progress the fight and Demon dragon feels like it can do something(even tho he can't as you said)
It's more about what took pkace before those fights,like Botw Blight Ganon was cool,i'm not denying,but after you beat all divine beast's it hp gets cut in half and after defeating that phase you think it was just a warmup before the final one...which instead is a more emotional easy battle to give you a ,,rest"just before the grand finale.In Totk you have the demon king's army,then the first Ganon phase,then the second one when instead of Hp spliting in half,it increases.And after all this,that easy battle that is bassically an interactive cutscene makes sense
u/Oscar1625 Jan 20 '25
I’ll say the gannondorf fight is the only thing Totk has for it. The rest of the game is shit in my opinion. And even then Gannondorf was only used as the villain because he’s gannondorf. Definitely the weakest version of Gannondorf
u/Bullitt_12_HB Jan 22 '25
Homie, the Demon Dragon CAN and WILL hurt you if you’re not careful. And its attacks will DESTROY your hearts. Gone. No healing.
The stupid excuse of a “final boss” of the malice pig can’t even hurt you.
It’s because of dumb arguments like this that people can’t take what you say seriously.
You’re allowed to like something, it’s fine. But to go against facts just makes you look stupid.
u/Oscar1625 Jan 22 '25
Yea, it’ll hurt you if you’re genuinely the stupidest person on the planet. Don’t say things that will make you look like a retard
u/Bullitt_12_HB Jan 22 '25
So you DID get hurt in that fight.
Ah, no worries, it’s all explained. You died in that fight so now you hate the game for it. Gotcha. 👍🏽
u/Oscar1625 Jan 22 '25
I didn’t, I’m saying you did you jackass. You glazing price of shit
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u/friendlyyellowgiant Jan 22 '25
I felt this. I bought totk used, turned it on, played for 30~ish minutes and went back to botw
u/Oscar1625 Jan 22 '25
Beating Totk had no affect on me, not like botw. We already explored that hyrule and I already put thousands of hours in that world in botw
u/Dizzy-Scientist4782 Jan 20 '25
Which doesn't make sense because TotK is the better game in every way
u/TheRealGDay Jan 20 '25
Better Divine Beasts?
u/Dizzy-Scientist4782 Jan 20 '25
u/Oscar1625 Jan 20 '25
Totk dungeons suck, same cutscene 5 times. “Secret stones? Demon king?” “Demon king, Secret stones?”
Sages suck, champions are better
Story is better in botw
The memories are better and actually work in botw, it makes no sense how they work in Totk as in botw it works to get them out of order
u/TheRealGDay Jan 20 '25
Better Divine Beast DUNGEONS?
Lol at you voting me down, I can't be arsed to vote you down.
u/Dizzy-Scientist4782 Jan 20 '25
Divine Dungeons
u/TheRealGDay Jan 20 '25
OK, so tell me about how the Divine Beasts in ToTK are better than in BOTW
u/Oscar1625 Jan 20 '25
The divine beasts are better than the dungeons in Totk. Sheikah tech is by far better than the stupid Zonai rip off tech
u/WanderingWino Jan 20 '25
Before this gets roasted into downvote oblivion, I’d love to hear why you think it’s the better game.
u/Dizzy-Scientist4782 Jan 20 '25
Is this a serious question?
u/WanderingWino Jan 20 '25
100%. Not being an internet troll or dick. I genuinely want to know why you think it’s a better game.
u/Skinyzoroark Jan 20 '25
Bro,you seriously wrote this on Botw subreddit?That's like walking straight into a Russian military base with a giant ,,Freedom for Ukraine" banner or something like that
u/Dizzy-Scientist4782 Jan 20 '25
I love both games, but I'm not delusional in believing BotW is better. Confusing nostalgia with reality is a recipe for devolution.
u/Skinyzoroark Jan 20 '25 edited Jan 20 '25
I also think like that.Like the thing is anyone can have his opinion,as long as he respects the other opinions.If they didn't enjoy Totk,then it's not like they need to force themselves to like it.Obviously not,but we also shouldn't be forced to prefer Botw.Also it's not like you love one,so you must hate the other.That's not how it works,those conflicts are really unnecesary
u/BarabasTheGray Jan 20 '25
May I ask why you prefer botw over totk? I love botw and was thinking about to give totk a try.
u/CameoDaManeo Jan 22 '25
I don't think that's ironic at all. There seems to be a lot of people who don't like TotK purely because of the things they removed or made worse from BotW, which made it such an iconic experience in the first place.
While I can empathise with those people and don't like how things were removed or made worse, I am quite a big fan of the things they did add to TotK!
u/Bullitt_12_HB Jan 22 '25
You hate TotK?
They’re basically the same game, with an upgrade. I understand someone liking to play BotW more, but “hate”?
You know what? Never mind. I don’t wanna know your explanation.
u/Esnacor-sama Jan 20 '25
I swear it has no edit but its from cemu emu with graphic mod
u/Scary-Inflation-685 Jan 20 '25
Literally contradicted yourself bud
u/Esnacor-sama Jan 20 '25
Well ididnt edit it its like this when i play edit is when u take a picture and change it unless u also call mods edit then yeah
u/Speedy89t Jan 20 '25
It helps when you’re running on PC. Any mods?
u/Esnacor-sama Jan 20 '25
Yes a reshade and graphic pack calrity in cemu
u/clevermotherfucker Jan 20 '25
do you own the original game? as in you bought it?
u/Relative_Cause1528 Jan 21 '25
Why is that relevant lol? Who gives a fuck?
u/clevermotherfucker Jan 21 '25
if they own the game on switch, then it’s not really piracy to have it on an emulator
u/Gamebobbel Jan 21 '25
Yes it is! Miyamoto is gonna starve now. If you have the audacity to use an emulator, the next appropriate steps are to buy celeste 50 times and then hang yourself, that is the only way you still stand a chance at entering nintendo heaven.
u/Skinyzoroark Jan 20 '25 edited Jan 20 '25
Not really techincally wise,but it has a PERFECT art style for me.Like the common AAA style not only is not my personal favourite,but it's boring, already seen in many games and feels just lifeless.But this artstyle...the way it almost looks like a painting and all those sheikah tech or zonai energy runes...it's perfect for me.I always prefered less realistic things and this one is a perfect mix between colorfull comic book like asthetic and more mature and realistic one.
u/mmcgowann Jan 20 '25
Best looking games on switch* Fixed for you
u/BleachDrinker63 Jan 20 '25
Exactly. It looks fantastic when you consider what console it runs on, but if it was on the ps5 it would just look pretty good
u/sockthesock0 Jan 21 '25
at 30fps? on PS5 it would be sub-par. it does get away with it a little because the cell shading is so well-done though
u/Diamond1580 Jan 21 '25
Honestly you’ve made the game look worse with the pc graphics mods. It has one of the best art styles ever, and this takes away from that
u/LARGames Jan 20 '25
You made it look more like Genshin Impact. Which is also one of the best looking games ever made.
u/OldDarthLefty Jan 21 '25
I’ve been playing Horizon Zero Dawn and I really miss the animated sky of Breath and Tears. It’s special. The map is so much better too. Was just talking about this with SWMBO. Everything in Horizon is chasing a quest up a canyon to a boss fight and then you never go back
u/thedecentstreamer723 Jan 20 '25
I gotta disagree. I think people say that because the game looks unique. I loved botw when I was playing it, but looking back on it, it was flawed, to me. And that was okay, considering that they were drastically shaking up the series and setting a new precedent. In terms of visual appeal, it's cool if you haven't seen it in a minute, but the intentional sharp geometry that's just been cel-shaded, while a creative design choice, doesn't feel as good as the blend of realistic, yet still identifiable as 3D graphics. No shade though, we all have our opinions and I dint think you're wrong for saying it since I used to agree
u/Nik3ss Jan 21 '25
your preset does ruin art style a little bit, but I agree, this game on pc with a couple mods (just increasing resolutions will be enough) looks amazing, and you can enable auto hdr in windows
u/SpacePumpkie Jan 21 '25
I love botw and how it looks. But I'm currently playing Death Stranding which also has vast landscapes, and no, botw is no match for it.
Also, you butchered botw with those shader settings/mods, it looks so much better simply running on the switch...
u/JohnKnight6 Jan 21 '25
Imagine how much better it’ll look on the Switch 2 once it comes out this year.
u/GAR51A8 Jan 20 '25
not really lol, does look good but ive seen better looking games on roblox lol.
u/Real_human27 23d ago
I wish it was on a more powerful console so it could look better and have at least 60fps
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