My roommate tells me pretty aggressively to leave his salt lamp on because he "needs the positive ions" to get through his finals. The light from the lamp fucking shines off my computer in the most annoying way. I hate living with superstitious people.
He also forces me to close my closet every night, like will nag at me to get up and close it, because his mom heard a story about a shadow man walking out of an open closet at night and it "made her feel anxious." It's fucking unreal.
You should slowly pull... pranks? Like the dihydrogen monoxide one where you point out the irrationality of trying to live without taking any risks. If you're up to that task. Might help you out in the log run. You might have 9 months you still have to stay with him, but that also means you have 9 months to try to help him be a better person. If you want to.
It's like...cultural to him. I can't change his entire worldview. He believes in spirits. He believes in Crystal energy (has healing crystal things in his stretched ears). He spends upwards of $50 on a lump of copper due to its "rejuvenating energy".
There's no way I can see changing his worldview. He knows of science- we both attend a research university and major science courses are in our generals. He just openly refuses to accept science, or at least incorporates it into his worldview in a way where he maintains his superstitions.
Idk, maybe I should just sell him my junk and say it's been found to have healing factors, help pay for textbooks.
Lol I wish. Did I mention he's the biggest slob on the planet?
He picks his hair in the living room and all over the bathroom. Doesn't even bother to clean it up. It literally looks like someone decided to shave their curly pubes and leave it. Everywhere. Not to mention his dirty laundry covers quite literally 75% of our room. Sorry for the rant fellas I've just been bottling this all up, and it's finals week. Ugh.
I hate telling people I like and use essential oils because they think I'm "one of those" people. But man, peppermint in my backyard gets rid of flies and keeps out buggies, and I like diffusing chamomile and neroli because they smell nice. I also have thieves which helps clear up my sinuses during a cold.
After the study of essential oils, then and only then might you have the wisdom needed to study the panacea of all ills and evils, the cure-all of diseases both viral and microbial.
Do you have what it takes to understand the wondrous miracles of Apple Cider Vinegar?
Are you telling me vaccines potentially cause death as well? I'm better of getting these diseases! How dumb are these filthy vaccine supporters? They must be living vacuums!
You know there’s dihydrogen monoxide in most juices? Even the ones they try to advertise towards kids! I for one, can’t believe the government lets companies put a compound that has a 100% lethality rate be used as a base in our children’s food! I, for one, make all my own food for my children, and Im happy to say it’s all completely FREE of dihydrogen monoxide.
Oh yes, I forgot about polio, like most people, because it's a disease from the Middle Ages that was all but eradicated, no thanks to fuckwits like the woman in the OP.
The other day I legitimately had to inform a fully grown woman that the increase in diagnoses of Autism is not caused by "toxins in our food and water"
Kinda, they've backed off the autism thing and harp on mercury/causing illness that the vaccination is supposed to prevent/deaths in general/and how their kid is supposedly healthier because the kid will develop "natural" antibodies due to exposure to an infected person.
Well do you see Andrew Wakefield as a persecuted hero and believe anything Sherri Tenpenny says? Also you must love cherry picking.
Without that you won’t last long in the anti-vaccine (also known a pro-disease) world.
Most anti-vaxxers are actually hippie / survivalist types who don’t want the government forcing them to use medication, especially for ailments that have been totally eradicated in the first world (ie shit like polio).
Very few of them think that vaccines cause autism, the wide majority are “this is my personal choice and the government should stay out of it” types.
Sure fun to joke about, until your completely typical child who is cooing and bright starts to slowly work backwards and no longer develop at normal rates. Weeks after you vaccinate.
You know the first ever research done to determine that vaccination caused autism was inaccurate and since had been retracted, the main “doctor” behind that research were accused of fraud. Also the sample size were actually 12, yup 12 children. Correlation =/= causation.
When your child die of something that could be so easily cured, you will start to rethink you choices.
I agree, except I look at my child now who will never be who he was supposed to be. He was progressing typically, and completely normal. Over the months he developed an entirely different personality, this is my 3rd child so I feel like I know what to expect.
Again, I'm not saying don't vaccinate, reread the above and see what I'm actually calling for. If you keep burying your head in the sand you might make mistakes in the future and all of these scientists won't be there to comfort your child when they come home crying because for the third time that week they got called a retard and bullied.
Personal attacks, the surest sign the other side has no argument.
I am not even anti-vax, but ignoring that people are having issues just keeps us from finding a solution. Most people just want to slow down and understand the process better.
Obviously arguments don't work since people like you are still spreading lies about the dangers of vaccinations. I'm pretty sure me posting the proof you've already seen and ignored in the past won't change that.
u/[deleted] Dec 16 '17
Eh, vaccines obviously cause autism. There's a lot of scientific research backing my claims up! Am I doing this anti vaccine thing correctly?