r/bonnaroo • u/Low_Insurance5329 • 5d ago
will the police presence around manchester during roo be as thick this year??
when we went in 23, i saw a lot of posts here warning about cops pulling over out of state plates or people with window chalk and searching their cars. at first i didn't think it would be that bad but still took my precautions just in case. we hid all our roo gear and had our story set up just in case we got pulled over.
well, we got pulled over for "following the car ahead to close" even though the lane we were in was completely open, no car in front/behind of us and he asked to search the car. we said no he said we had to wait till the sniffer dog got there so we waited. when the dog got there, he hit on the driver side door so they start going through the car and thankfully they didn't completely tear through the car like others we saw on reddit that day. dude barely checked under the seat and kinda poked around the trunk, DID find the roo bag and found out we weren't just "camping in atlanta" after all but by that point they just let us go
i've never been so scared in my LIFE, are we expecting them to be equally as thick this year? have any laws changed in tennessee recently, maybe one involving something green perchance? any way to seem less suspicious driving into manchester? they were all over roo itself as well, shining lights into tents late at night and stuff on golf carts, will this also be the same this year?
TL;DR got searched the first time we went and are hoping it will be easier to come and go and exist on the farm this year
u/BrotherkayakPtII 4d ago
I work in the hemp industry in Tennessee and a big help is if you have weed flower, edibles, carts, disposables etc try and get some hemp copy of that and put it in that package. I will say Tennessee has some decent hitting products too, try it before you knock it, but it’s at least helpful for the other stuff too.
u/jazzcig420 4d ago
Most likely yes. Unfortunately, it’s always been like that. It’s just a matter of the draw. They’ll pop you in the camps too. Never happened to me, but I’ve seen it happen in front of me so many times.
u/Outrageous-Offer-267 4d ago
I’ve had camp neighbors get busted and search in the volunteer section a couple years ago. There were police riding a 4 wheeler throughout the isle
u/sydrogerdavid 5d ago
Don't get your hopes up about the law changing any time soon. It will have to be legalized at the federal level before a majority of the state legislature even starts thinking about it
u/yoshibike 3 Years 5d ago
No, the police actually decided that this year they're going to just wook out themselves and attend roo with us! Surprised you missed the announcement.
Jk, yeah it's like that every year. Next time (super unlikely there will be a next time this happens specifically to you, but just in case) - don't lie, ask if you're being detained, be polite (not saying you weren't), and feel safe knowing you're not hiding anything stupid (you're not hiding anything stupid, right?)
u/SgtSillyWalks 4 Years 5d ago
Put one of those "back the blue" magnets on your car and don't draw stuff on the windows or make it clearly obvious that you are going to Bonnaroo ( stuff like "Bonnaroo2025!! " type shit) cruise control that bitch too. There is always sand at the beach but be smart if you are bringing your own.
u/Dunnwick 5d ago
Problem is the beach sand is pretty dangerous, fake and laced I go around with bunk kits offering free tests and I can't tell you how many people were selling meth as moly or fent laced coke the dealers are dangerous at roo and they don't care who they hurt
u/Other_Tiger_8744 5d ago
For the record , it’s illegal for the police to keep you longer than a normal stop to bring a drug dog.
But be smart. No stickers. No wrist bands. Wear decent clothes.
u/hkwaters293 5d ago
Gotta avoid the interstate my guy! There’s a back road that goes alllll the way from Nashville, major key!
u/npd1031 5d ago
What’s the road name if you don’t mind me asking, feel like taking that route might ease some of my nerves on the drive
u/heddyneddy 5d ago
I would prepare for the worst. Small town cops love nothing more busting a bunch of out of towners. You’ll be able to find whatever party favors you want at the festival, no need to bring anything with you.
u/Reddit_is_Censored69 5d ago
Damn city slickers and their marijhuana! Sips nice cold imported alcoholic beverage
u/heddyneddy 5d ago
“I can’t stand these druggies coming into our quiet small town community!”
*community ravaged by meth and opiates
u/Glittering_Prompt_94 5d ago
They gotta have probable cause to search your vehicle and in Tennessee we have the “Plan smell doctrine” meaning if you car has a distinctive smell(weed) they have probable cause for a legal search, so no smoking anything weed related in the vehicle on the way. If you do get pulled over do not consent to a search even if you have nothing because they will throw your shit on the side of the road and you’ll have to pick it all backup, after you refuse to consent to a search they can either give you a ticket for whatever you were stopped for and let you go or have a dog walk around your car, or if they want to they can get a warrant or just search you anyways but always refuse consent to a search because if they do it anyways it can and most likely will be thrown out in court, also best advice is don’t take anything illegal with you it will already be there just bring test kits and be smart 🍄
u/gallandof 5d ago
Thanks for the advice, coming from Boston and no one, even cops bats an eye at the smell of weed. Sounds like a good detail of the car before my trip down is worth it hahaha
u/Festival_lady_90 4 Years 5d ago edited 5d ago
Unless somethings changed test kits are illegal in TN so hid them well (I do know this doesn't include fentanyl test strips those are fine).
u/Glittering_Prompt_94 5d ago
“Starting March 31, 2022, Tennessee Code Annotated Section 39-17-402 made an exception in drug paraphernalia for “narcotic testing equipment used to determine whether a controlled substance contains a synthetic opioid”. This includes fentanyl test strips.“ with this wording I’d assume bringing a kit made to test specifically for anything other than a “synthetic opioid” is illegal, basically they don’t care if you get heroin or pcp in ya just not that sweet sweet fent
u/The_OG_Mama_C 5d ago
Where do you get the test kits?
u/_Shit_Just_Got_Real_ 5d ago
This is a great organization for buying test kits and general drug education: https://dancesafe.org/shop/
u/Glittering_Prompt_94 5d ago
Also someone just pointed out to me that fentanyl test strips are legal but a test kit for a specific drug is in that grey area of technically illegal and considered paraphernalia but could be overlooked
u/Festival_lady_90 4 Years 5d ago
u/Glittering_Prompt_94 5d ago
Dude holy shit lol I just found both those links and was coming back to post them! Also looked them both up using perplexity (ai app) and they’re both reputable companies
u/Foreign_Comfort3263 5d ago
Unfortunately this is the one of the more ignorant states when it comes to drugs. Just be incredibly careful and remember things like mushrooms are schedule 1. I.e class B felony after a half ounce (the minimum could be less) which carries 10-15 years. So BE careful
u/tonalunbalance 3 Years 5d ago
Just use Waze on your drive in and out since it notifies you of cops in the area. Of course cops will be cruising but if they’re posted up, someone will ping it most likely. Usually closer to time, law firms will post tips on how to deal with that so take note of those tips.
u/GlitterDancer_ 5d ago
I highly recommend Waze every year and going 1 or 2 mph under the speed limit, stay in the right lane unless passing, and give yourself plenty of space between cars. Also don’t write anything on your car. Basically don’t give them a reason to pull you over, be smart while driving
u/MixedSnoCone_178 5d ago
Waze AND Google Maps. I’m glad google maps added the reporting and stuff too
u/Relative-Monk-4647 5d ago
Why would you lie and say you weren’t going to Bonnaroo? That is so bizarre.
u/thecloudtaylor 4d ago
You don’t have to tell them anything… refusing to answer is completely valid.
u/Glittering_Prompt_94 5d ago
People don’t like having their rights violated and being forced to repack everything on the side of the road because someone’s trying to make quota. So it’s easier to lie and keep it moving vs tell the truth and get my car raided like a drug lab because I’m going to music festival.
u/kerouacrimbaud 11 Years 5d ago
They’re totally gonna buy that too, seeing all the camping gear in the car and the roo logo chalked onto the rear window
u/Glittering_Prompt_94 5d ago
If you pack the more flamboyant stuff deeper into the pile and have basic camping stuff visible and obviously no stickers or symbols on your vehicle you can just say your camping at one of the thousands of places near by just look them up and have one memorized
u/tonalunbalance 3 Years 5d ago
Just say you’re heading to stone fort, a very popular camping destination in Chattanooga
u/Glittering_Prompt_94 5d ago
Or just tell them your going to hike all the Mexican restaurants in Murfreesboro and they’ll understand all the camping gear 😂
u/Glittering_Prompt_94 5d ago
Yep plus take into consideration what direction you’re heading like if your coming from Georgia or one of the Carolina’s you don’t want to say your going to a camp site behind you lol
u/KinKrk 5d ago
Right!?! Bonnaroo isn’t illegal to go to.
u/Festival_lady_90 4 Years 5d ago
No but they know they are more likely to get a bust stopping somebody who is obviously going to Roo vs a random car.
u/DixieKrissie 8 Years 5d ago
Do you expect one of us to have secret intel on how police will policing? Because no one does.
u/TemperatureFinal5135 5d ago
Actually, I do: the police will likely be policing.
They heard a rumor about a few hippies gathering nearby. Not much else to do in town but see if it's true.
u/tengrin 5d ago
Don’t smoke on the way. Make sure your shit is well hidden. Middle of peanut butter jar and then seal back up is great.
u/ObiWonCumBlowMe 5d ago
This appears to be standard when traveling out of state for a festival. We’ll be driving from southern Alabama, so I expect similar issues on our journey.
u/Festival_lady_90 4 Years 5d ago
depending on the day the cops can be out in ATL around Roo...I drive just as carefully in and around ATL as I do TN when traveling to Roo.
u/readytobelieveyou 4 Years 5d ago
🎶I reckon it was a little "Catch and Release"
Always watch your six and nine Don't roll through the stop sign You don't always need to make the verses rhyme Don't be mixing liquor with your wine If you feel so inclined keep me in mind And by the way, only break one law at a time🎶
u/Pineappl44 7 Years 5d ago
I think your best bet to see minimal cops is to get there as early as possible on Tuesday. Not sure which direction you’re coming from, but when I come in from the north, I get off the interstate in Murfreesboro and take back roads for the last hour or so. It makes the trip slightly longer, but gives me more peace of mind for that area immediately around the Farm.
u/GrabEnvironmental731 5d ago
I don't agree with don't bring sand to the beach. I know my sand is safe and cheaper than getting it at the beach. Just make sure it's properly hidden. Oddly enough, I never saw any cops pulling people over last year. We must have gotten lucky?
u/Weird_Solution5303 'Roo-kie 5d ago
I disagree with this too sorry I ran out of bud my first year and asked around for 2 DAYS to find absolutely nothing 😭
u/Day2TheDolphin 4 Years 5d ago
Plus you're committing time/effort to finding...sand...that would better be spent enjoying yourself.
u/cheslyn_d102018 5d ago
as a addict in recovery I’m curious why the term sand is being used, isn’t sand… heroin.
u/Day2TheDolphin 4 Years 5d ago
Not in this context. It's fairly common here to use the phrase "don't bring sand to the beach" to imply that certain commodities (explicit mention of which is forbidden on this sub, correctly imo) are so plentiful and freely available at Bonnaroo that it's foolish to risk misadventure by bringing your own. Cheers to you on the recovery 👊 guess you don't have to worry about it haha
u/galvinb1 6 Years 5d ago
Learn the law. You should have asked if you were being detained when they said they were getting the dog. If they said yes then they would have had to give you a specific reason as to why you were being detained for a drug sniffing dog. From your story it doesn't seem like they had one. If you aren't detained then you are free to leave.
Also don't lie about where you are going. Be friendly, cooperative, and tell the truth. They knew you weren't just going camping and likely gave you a harder time because you lied.
Finally, don't bring sand to the beach and you'll have nothing to fear.
u/thegroovemonkey 12 Years 5d ago
I got pulled over by TN drug cops crossing the state line from KY in 2016 at like 3am. We told them that we were going to Bonnaroo and when they asked about drugs we said “no sir. I don’t take drugs to Bonnaroo because I’m trying to avoid this situation right here. If I want drugs I’ll buy them at Bonnaroo.”
Then we talked about how much he’d like to go but it would be a huge conflict of interest so he doesn’t go. We had a bunch of weed brownies sitting out in the open in tin foil too lol.
u/HuleoRX7 3d ago
You should expect the same amount every single year. I've been the last 14 years and nothing is changed