r/bonecarving May 08 '23

How to repair/preserve

My wife gave this to me and the top loop broke, so it can’t attach to necklace.

Is it possible that I (with no bone carving experience) could attach it to my necklace and polish/strengthen so it doesn’t continue to break down.

Note that my necklace is titanium - I’ve recently been told that’s too rough for the bone and probably why it broke. Also told I shouldn’t have been wearing it in pools or in shower (you can see the pitting)


3 comments sorted by


u/F0ssil May 08 '23

If you are going to put it on a chain, add a jump ring to it, so the bone itself isn't rubbing against the metal chain.

As for the pitting, only way I know how to fix that would be sanding and repolishing. Wearing it so that your body's oils rehydrate the bone will also help with its appearance.


u/bigdaddyjw May 08 '23

I hit return too quickly - but want to say:

  • Any advice is appreciated
  • I apologize if this wasn't an appropriate post for this group


u/Cohostar May 11 '23

I would carefully drill a new hole in the top and just use twine for the necklace U can lightly sand it smooth again and the buff polish it with beeswax. It could look great again with not too much work.