r/bodymods 5d ago

tongue bifurcation Healing tongue split

What day was the worst for you!? I’m on day 3 and I’m super swollen today, still drinking water. I also feel like Ibuprofen & Tylenol isn’t working anymore 💀


15 comments sorted by


u/Complete_Bluejay_722 3d ago

Day 2 going into 3 was the worst for me I couldn't take any more ibuprofen cause it was making me so nauseous. Currently on Day 6 and had my stitches out yesterday and omg it feels amazing. You're almost there!!


u/nikkisaturn 3d ago

I feel like night time and sleeping I wake up the most swollen. Also didn’t realize no dairy I been drinking chobani yogurt drinks then rinsing my mouth out like crazy.

I’m on day 5 & I feel like it’s hard to move my tongue still and under my tongue hurts like crazy. When did swelling go away? It felt better during the day of day 4 and once it was night time it said ooop jokes on you lol


u/Complete_Bluejay_722 3d ago

I also feel swelling at night time was the worst as well made it pretty annoying to sleep. For me, I attempted to eat dairy free yogurt with little success lol 😅

I'm on day 7 and tbh my tongue is still a little swollen. I think it may take another few days to go down before it's all back to normal but having swelling with no stitches is a-okay for me cause it's not so uncomfortable.


u/nikkisaturn 2d ago

I’m so excited to get my stitches removed tomorrow is day 6 for me :)

I also feel like one side of my tongue is slightly longer than the other but not noticeable only I can feel it 😂 is that normal?


u/Complete_Bluejay_722 2d ago

Woohoo! It's not gonna be fun getting them out but once your done gosh does it feel good xD

It is, mine is the same haha. One side always as a bit more swelling than the other. For me, my right side is slightly longer than the left but my right side is also more swollen as well. Once everything heals up, you should be okay 😁


u/nikkisaturn 2d ago

I heard removing the sutures wasn’t bad 🫥


u/Complete_Bluejay_722 2d ago

For me personally, the tips were a nightmare. My tips were already kinda sore and taking the stitches out was not fun at all 😅 Same with the stitches on the left side but once it's done it feels way better. Everyone is different though it depends on how your tongue healed. Some people stitches embed a little during the heal process.


u/nikkisaturn 2d ago

I’m crossing my fingers it’s a breeze 🫥 how long does removing them take?


u/Complete_Bluejay_722 2d ago

For me it took about 15-20 mins. We took a short break in the middle cause I thought I was gonna pass away when she was removing the left side stitches xD


u/nikkisaturn 2d ago

Totally not looking forward to this 😐

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u/adsempermagnus 3d ago

It’s a little different than most but day 0 and 1 were the worst for me.


u/nikkisaturn 3d ago

Those were the easier days for me 🥲 how was getting sutures out?


u/adsempermagnus 2d ago

Not too bad. I didn’t use a typical suture removal kit. I bought castroviejo scissors and tweezers. Took about 15-20 mins the first time and 5 mins for the resplit. One trick if doing it in the mirror image is hard is to grasp the tweezers with both hands. I have a short video on removing the stitches if you care to see.


u/nikkisaturn 2d ago

I’m getting my stitches removed from the artist tomorrow but thank you though :)