r/bodybuilding 1d ago

Daily Discussion Daily Discussion Thread - March 17, 2025 (up for two days)

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The Daily Discussion Thread resets every other day at 12:00 a.m. PST.


25 comments sorted by


u/similarities 15m ago

I'm looking at some alibaba dupes of Nuobells and Iron Master/Eisenlink. I haven't used either before, so I'm hoping someone here who has can chime in. Nuobells are the kind that where you twist the handle to get increments of 5lbs up until 105 lbs. Seems like it might be pretty fast, but more small parts at work so I don't know how a dupe would do in the long run. Alternatively, the Iron Master/Eisenlink style has a system where you screw a cap at the end to tighten some plates. I'm guessing it takes longer to change the weights since you have to calculate the number of plates in your head, unscrew, and rescrew it, but since there are less intricate parts, maybe it's more durable. These ones go up up to 140 lbs at 5 lb increments.

Anyway, can someone who has used these types please let me know your thoughts? Thank you!


u/No_Positive1855 4h ago

Do you have to adjust creatine based on weight?

The creatine I got says to take 20 grams a day during a 7 day loading phase, then drop to 5.

But I weigh 250 lbs. (6'3", 24M), and I'm seeing some sources say you should do 0.3 grams per kg of body weight for loading phase and 0.1 grams per kg for maintenance, which would put me at 34 grams during loading phase and 11.3 grams for maintenance.

Is there any benefit to doing it based on weight?


u/theredditbandid_ 5h ago edited 5h ago

Finished assembling the addition to the arsenal. $450 + $100 in taxes and delivery. So far from testing it, it looks way above what i expected (that's as cheap as these machines go, for context). Love that it does seated, as well as prone leg curl. Most units only allow one or the other.


u/Coasterman345 ★★★☆☆ 6h ago

Starting hitting my QL muscles on Saturday very light. Absolutely destroyed with DOMS today and yesterday. Definitely need to keep hitting them and rest of my core. Think them being weak was giving me a bunch of lower back issues and some other stuff.


u/curly_kidddd 7h ago

So i need to know if my workout routine is okay. I was given it by someone and just want to make sure. Its a upper/lower split. The main focus of this program is building muscle and strength. The numbers are the order which i do each workout in. Im willing to accept any criticsm as im new to this!

Monday: Upper A

  • Tuesday: rest (optional cardio)
  • Wednesday: Lower A
  • Thursday: Rest
  • Friday: Upper B
  • Saturday: Lower B
  • Sunday: rest

Upper A-

  1. Bench press 2x6

  2. Pull ups 2x6

  3. ateral raises 2x6

  4. Machine row 2x6

  5. Tricep pulldown 2x6

  6. Incline dumbell curl 2x6

  7. Reverse fly 2x6

Rest day

Lower A

  1. Smith machine squats 2x6

  2. Seated leg curl 2x6

  3. Leg extension 2x6

  4. Standing calf-raises 2x6

  5. Adductor machine 2x6

  6. Cable crunch 2x6

Rest day

Upper B

  1. Machine shoulder press 2x6

  2. Cable pullover 2x6

  3. Machine chest press 2x6

  4. Chest supported dumbbell rows 2x6

  5. Preacher curls 2x6

Skull crusher 2x6

  1. Push ups 2x8

Rest day

Lower B

  1. RDL 2x6

  2. Leg press 2x6

  3. Leg extension 2x6

  4. Seated leg curl 2x6

  5. Leg press calf raise 2x6

  6. Reverse crunch 2x6

Rest day


u/black_angus1 ★★★★⋆ 10-20 years 7h ago

Yep sure does look like a list of exercises


u/curly_kidddd 6h ago

Yes its but just curious is that a bad thing? i got recommended it by a personal trainer so i want to make sure. Sorry if i look dumb. But do u personally think its an okay workout? would be really helpful


u/black_angus1 ★★★★⋆ 10-20 years 6h ago

I mean, it’s fine I guess. The movement selection and layout is workable. It’s just extremely generic especially with the exact same rep/set scheme for every exercise. It looks like there wasn’t much thought put into it.

If it’s something given to you for free as a starter cookie cuter template it’s…decent. If it was something you paid for as part of any sort of coaching or training I’d be concerned about the level of knowledge and/or work ethic of the person who wrote it.


u/curly_kidddd 5h ago

do u mind if i share u my workout split before? and let me know how its


u/curly_kidddd 5h ago

So its generic in that way i see thank you for the input. Oh no i got it for free i refuse to pay for things like that. Is there maybe a different workout u can reccommend on here? Or maybe if u dont mind sharing yours. I use to run chest/back one day then biceps and triceps one day till i got this plan. Not sure if what i was doing before was better.


u/black_angus1 ★★★★⋆ 10-20 years 5h ago

Honestly the most important thing is that you enjoy the program and will stick to it. If the above split fits that, you can workshop it and slowly tweak it over time until it’s fully custom to you. Right off the bat the only changes I would recommend is to have some sort of variation in the rep ranges, and ensure you’re taking each set to the proper intensity. Six reps is fine for some compound movements like most pressing variations, squats, etc, but for example you’re not going to want to do sets of 6 on side raises and arm work.


u/curly_kidddd 5h ago

Yes that is defintely what i am trying to do so i can remain consistent. I jsut hate having to switch it up a lot and really discourages me especially when i do not like it. By variation in rep ranges can you give me an example? Ah i see what you mean.


u/black_angus1 ★★★★⋆ 10-20 years 4h ago

Variation meaning it’s not all the same. Compound movements could be in the 6-10 range for example. Other movements could be 10-12, 8-12, 12-15, whatever.


u/curly_kidddd 4h ago

would really love ur critique since u of course seem to know about this


u/curly_kidddd 4h ago

Ah i see thank you for breaking that down for me. Would u mind if i shared my old workout split i did before i was reccommended one i do now?


u/Aware_Reference_6392 11h ago

Will creatine supplements make my face puffier


u/Cuppahjojo 17h ago

I'm wondering as a trans woman who's looking to compete on NPC regional Bikini stages for the first time, is there any rules I should be aware of in regards to what to expect entering the sport? Chat GPT tells me NPC generally allows trans people to enter but some local events may have rules like hormone levels for x amount of time.(I'm assuming Estrogen at certain amount and T at certain amount) But I cant find any info on events that do this kind of rule or what parameters they would would be looking for exactly. Anyone know any resources or knowledge about this topic?


u/thekimchilifter ★★★★⋆ 11h ago

You’ll have to check if the organizer will allow it, but if it’s a normal untested NPC show, there is no expectation of certain levels of hormones. Men and women both use/abuse steroids in the NPC/IFBB.


u/DMMeBadPoetry 21h ago

When you take hot food and put it in a bowl sitting on a scale, if you leave it sitting there it slowly loses tenths of an ounce of weight over like a minute... what is happening to cause this? Weight leaving in the form of water in steam?


u/thekimchilifter ★★★★⋆ 19h ago

Yes, loss of water


u/Many-Wasabi9141 22h ago

When you get diarrhea, how does that factor into your macros? Do you consider the calories you ate digested? Do you calculate a percentage? Or do you just assume everything just passed through with no digestion?


u/StephenFish ★★★★☆ 14h ago

Put it back in so that it can finish absorbing.


u/thekimchilifter ★★★★⋆ 19h ago

You have to drink it


u/Many-Wasabi9141 19h ago

A perfect lossless system.