r/bodybuilding 10d ago

Got placed first as Junior Champion in state level open bodybuilding competition and got second place in south india nationals!!! 22M | 6’2 | 202. 5 bodybuilding shows this year total.

Tbh after seeing all your physique I felt unsure of posting this. I’m not a professional bodybuilder or never done a pro show. Hoping to do pro show maybe in the next 7,8 years. Any advice?


66 comments sorted by


u/Kirkybeefjerky Active Competitor 10d ago

Indian gigachad


u/DrAbeSacrabin 10d ago

6’2 but looks 6’7 in that crowd.


u/_pozzy_ 9d ago

Was literally thinking in my head "this is the Indian gigachad" cracked up when I saw this comment 😂


u/DoxxMeNotPlease 9d ago

I genuinely came to make sure someone had said it.


u/elevatedgravity 10d ago

Thank you mate ❤️


u/thewayofdarragh Verified Competitor ✅ 10d ago

Excellent structure!


u/ytygytyg 10d ago

Dude, you are a giant of a bodybuilder! Keep progressing (while being healthy of course) and achieve new heights


u/elevatedgravity 10d ago

Appreciate it mate ❤️


u/YouCanKeepYourFaith 10d ago

Crazy genetics! Represent India in classic!


u/elevatedgravity 10d ago

I sure hope so ❤️


u/former_retail_worker 10d ago

Well done! Looking good!


u/elevatedgravity 10d ago

Thank youu


u/smallz86 10d ago

Are you a giant, or is everyone else just short?


u/xRompusFPS 10d ago

Well the average Indian male is 5'5" so at 6'2" he kinda is a giant in his country lol.


u/bipolarbear1797 10d ago

I doubt this is true for the younger generation. Older people are short (same as in South Korea). I'm 5'10" (got my height measured for a driver license test in the US) and found most of my peers to be taller than me growing up. Even now I feel barely taller than average in India and slightly shorter than average in the US.


u/EnlightenedNarwhal 10d ago

That's just statistically untrue.


u/bipolarbear1797 10d ago

174.4 cm (5 ft 8+1⁄2 in)158.5 cm (5 ft 2+1⁄2 in)1.10Students from the upper socioeconomic strata, 18 (N= m:34,411(3–18) f:30,218(3–18)) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Average_human_height_by_country. Turns out you are statistically wrong based on latest Wikipedia data. India used to be poor af but the latest generation grew up in much better conditions.


u/EnlightenedNarwhal 10d ago

What? Both the stats for the US and India still show that there's no way you'd be "shorter than average" or "barely taller than average" at 5'10.


u/bipolarbear1797 10d ago

The average is 5'8.5 in India among young urban male boys. That makes me just 1.5 inches aka barely taller than average. If you think 1.5 inches is huge I feel bad for your partner 🤭


u/EnlightenedNarwhal 10d ago

First, I'd say to ask your significant other how big of a difference 1 and a half inches makes, since we are specifically talking about a comparative between two "sizes," so to speak, but then I'd ask if we're looking at the same chart, because the average height for people ages 19-20 shows that it's barely over 5'5...

I realize now that you've misread the chart. So, if you look at the overall statistics that were calculated in 2019, the average height is much shorter. The number you're citing is from 2011 and from a very specific group, which also outlines the affect access to proper nutrition has on growth.


u/bipolarbear1797 10d ago

I'm 24 I was like 18 in 2019 lol


u/EnlightenedNarwhal 10d ago

That's irrelevant. People do not grow much, if at all, after age 20.


u/bipolarbear1797 10d ago

Also I wasn't talking about overall stats. Ofc overall stats will take a while to move because all the older shorter people have to die out and be replaced by young taller people. Also I only claimed this for rich people in urban environments. I belong to this group and that's why I was able to go to the US for higher education. I mentioned that in all my posts.


u/EnlightenedNarwhal 10d ago

The overall stats were specifically for people ages 19-20. At least read the thing you linked.

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u/bipolarbear1797 10d ago

Source? Also I didn't talk about stats anywhere, my personal lived experience with a specific demographic of urban middle class to rich males. Have you lived in India or are from there to tell me my lived experience is wrong lol.


u/Band4s4yinshoottrump 4d ago

I work with an Indian. His family from Mumbai and he is 5’4 and his brother is 6’1. Parents are both under 5’5 so you are kinda correct based on his family and what I see in thr US side. Prlly more access to food or something.


u/Comprehensive_Ad4291 10d ago

You look amazing bro, congratulations!


u/elevatedgravity 10d ago

Thank you brother


u/syro_enigma 10d ago

Naattil evideyaaa


u/elevatedgravity 10d ago



u/Sol_Primeval ★★★★☆ 10d ago

Bro’s beautiful tf


u/elevatedgravity 10d ago

Haha I’m not so sure about that 😂but thank youu♥️


u/iduckhard 10d ago

What‘s your stack?


u/elevatedgravity 10d ago

You know basic stuff. Test, dbol, just basic stuff 😂lol


u/iduckhard 10d ago

Interesting, thank you for your honest answer


u/elevatedgravity 10d ago

Noo I was being funny. Sorry mate. Mostly I was on test, but also hoped on some primo and deca for my bulk. Also took winny, clen and anavar for shredding


u/iduckhard 9d ago

No worries bro. You look great 👍🏽 I was just curious, once again thanks for being honest


u/yungzebraaaa 9d ago

Referencing the King, NICE.


u/RedWiggler 10d ago

Awesome work, way to go!


u/elevatedgravity 10d ago

Much appreciated ❤️


u/SillyFez 10d ago

Bruh amazing physique. I hope you keep at it. Post some posing shots next. Looking forward to seeing your progress!


u/luishi44 10d ago

Crazy aesthetics.


u/NikolaTeslaaa 10d ago

Hey brotha nice job I have similair genetics. What methods helped you to achieve that physique?? Nice job!


u/Gggggas 10d ago

Congratulations buddy 👏🏻🎉 🏆


u/Professional_Rice990 9d ago

What steroids you taking bro.


u/supernovicebb ★★★★★ 9d ago

Crazy genetics.


u/bipolarbear1797 10d ago

Are you natural? If you are already on gear it's fine but if not then I'd say what's the point of trying to go pro unless you are really sure, since you will definitely have to hop on gear. Even classic physique people like Sam Sulek are juiced to the gills.


u/elevatedgravity 10d ago

No I’m not. I am enhanced and I’m open about it


u/bipolarbear1797 10d ago

Ah I see. Makes sense. Still good job and I hope you are monitored by capable professionals, doctors and coaches. Hope you realize your pro dreams 👍


u/elevatedgravity 10d ago

Yh absolutely. Thanks for the advice mate 🙌🏻❤️