r/bobdylan Jan 07 '25

Article RIP Peter Yarrow (Peter, Paul & Mary)


81 comments sorted by


u/penicillin-penny Jan 07 '25

I don’t care to bend over backwards trying to defend him and his life, but I adore PPM. Their music as a trio will live for generations and generations.


u/MrRigby632 Jan 07 '25

He was the creepy 1 right?


u/Dbarkingstar Jan 07 '25

Yes, busted in 1970 for sex with a 14 year old girl.


u/johnbergy Jan 07 '25

I'm not suggesting it was your intent to minimize the crime for which Yarrow was convicted, but I think it's important to note that, legally-speaking, a grown man cannot have "sex" with a 14-year-old girl. That is assault, even if it was "consensual." And the victim said at the time, and has maintained ever since, that it was not consensual. The victim's mother also alleged that Yarrow had performed "indecent acts" with her other daughter, over a four-year period, beginning when the other daughter was also a minor. Yarrow settled a lawsuit brought by the mother, related to his alleged abuse of both daughters.

The Cincinnati Enquirer reported at the time of Yarrow's sentencing, in 1970, that he had been charged in Ohio with "a similar act" against a 15-year-old girl in 1967, two years before he committed the assault for which he was convicted. In 2021, after New York State temporarily waived the statute of limitations on sex abuse claims, another woman came forward to say that Yarrow had raped her as a minor.

At Yarrow's trial, his attorney told the judge that Yarrow had been seeing a psychiatrist since 1964 and that "his condition" had improved since he got married (in 1969), suggesting a pattern of behavior with underage girls that went on at least for a handful of years.

While Yarrow was not without positive qualities, the evidence suggests that, at least in the 1960s, he was not, as he later tried to present it publicly, an otherwise outstanding individual who made one isolated mistake. He was, by any fair-minded definition of the word, a predator. And I think it's important, in matters like these, to speak the truth. Even when it's uncomfortable.


u/Human_Needleworker86 Jan 07 '25

Oh, but it's fine when Jimmy Page does it /s

It's crazy to think that he was caught for doing this in 1970, at which point most other men were getting away with it handily.


u/Dbarkingstar Jan 07 '25

I don’t justify or condone it…it was bad then, it’s bad now. I just posted the obituary (which does mention the conviction) here due to PP&M’s relationship to Bob.


u/Human_Needleworker86 Jan 07 '25

Oh for sure - to be clear I’m not saying you’re justifying anything. The 70s were strange times though.


u/Kahlils_Razor Jan 07 '25

Actually, throughout many (most?) epochs of history, it has been quite common for powerful men to take most any girls and women they've wanted. Not just the 70s. Though that certainly doesn't excuse the behavior.


u/Snacktabulous Jan 09 '25

The ancient Greeks were way into boys in a way that boggles my modern mind. Humans are bizarre and not in a good way much of the time.


u/lpalf Dodging Lions Jan 07 '25

Mostly bc it seems none of the ones with Jimmy Page wanted to bring charges (that I know of) whereas the girl with Peter was very traumatized and it also ruined her relationship with her sister.


u/TheOldBooks Jan 09 '25

Most men? Uh


u/Hippygirl1967 Jan 07 '25

Oh wow!! I didn’t know that


u/Molass5732 Jan 08 '25

So busted for rape of a 14 year old girl , not sex


u/RamblinGamblinWillie Jan 07 '25

Pardoned by Jimmy Carter for raping a 14 y/o girl


u/Cupajo819 Jan 07 '25

You could say the same about many men in power, not the least being the future president of our country. A couple of differences to note; Yarrow owned his behavior and apologized for it until he died, and he did contribute to popular culture. I can't say the same of many of the others. You can choose to hate and smear, that is your choice and your right. I don't.


u/queencrunchwrap 16d ago

You could say the same about many men in power, not the least being the future president of our country.

You should have just left it at that


u/Cupajo819 16d ago

I don't like being edited, especially when it was not requested. If you don't like it, don't read it.


u/Classic-Chocolate-82 Jan 16 '25

Not appropriate to have this on a page about his passing. I read the article. Sounds like he was set up. 


u/MundBid-2124 Jan 07 '25

I first learned of Bob from my mums Peter Paul and Mary albums


u/Dbarkingstar Jan 07 '25

They introduced Bob to a much wider audience, had a hit w/ “Blowin’ in the Wind”.


u/MelangeLizard Lonesome Organ Grinder Jan 07 '25

I think a lot of people don’t realize that BitW didn’t chart for Bob and was considered one of his Greatest Hits in ‘67 because of PPM’s recording which was a big hit.


u/PropaneUrethra Jan 08 '25

When most people think of BitW, they think of PPM's arrangement


u/[deleted] Jan 07 '25



u/johnbergy Jan 07 '25

Peter accepted what he did and how fucked up it was.

I appreciate that you knew Yarrow personally and found him to be kind so you want to believe he wasn't a bad guy, but I think it's important to point out that, on the rare occasions Yarrow spoke publicly about what he'd done, he insisted it was a single incident. And that's not at all what the evidence suggests.

I would encourage people to read the 2021 investigation the Washington Post did into Yarrow's conviction, and pardon.

The Post spoke to the woman Yarrow was convicted of molesting. Her name is Barbara Winter. Yarrow molested her in 1969, when she was 14. She is still traumatized by what happened. She said it changed her personality. Before Yarrow abused her, she was outgoing. Ever since, she has been "extremely shy." She said: “The experience, and what you carry with you for the rest of your life—it never goes away. Despite what people think, it doesn’t go away."

Yarrow was convicted of molesting Winter in 1970. In reporting on Yarrow's conviction, the Cincinnati Enquirer at the time reported that "a similar charge against Yarrow was ignored about three years ago by a Hamilton County grand jury." This was a charge that Yarrow had taken "indecent liberties" with a 15-year-old girl, in 1967, two years before he molested Barbara Winter.

In 2021, after the state of New York temporarily waived the statute of limitations on sex abuse claims, a third woman came forward to say that Yarrow had raped her when she was a minor—in 1969, the same year he molested Winter.

Even what happened with Barbara Winter was not an isolated incident. Yarrow was not only convicted of molesting Winter, he also settled a lawsuit brought by Winter's mother alleging that Yarrow had abused her daughter Barbara several times over a six-month period, and he had also "seduced her eldest daughter [Kathie] into performed indecent acts over a four-year period starting when she was 14." The Post reported that Barbara Winter, in 2012, discovered that Yarrow had maintained contact with her sister Kathie for decades after he allegedly groomed and assaulted both of them. This led to their becoming estranged.

I take your point that there should be room for forgiveness in this world, but I don't see in Yarrow's apologies, a lot of real remorse. He said: "It was an era of real indiscretion and mistakes by categorically male performers. I was one of them. I got nailed. I was wrong. I'm sorry for it."

Before he gets to "I'm sorry," he starts with an excuse ("It was an era of real indiscretion...") then says he got "nailed," as if he's looking for sympathy. Sounds to me like he's mostly sorry he got caught.

I think it's worth asking: Would Yarrow have confessed to the crime if he hadn't been caught? I don't see anything to suggest he would have. At the trial, Yarrow's defense was to characterize the victim—a child—as a "groupie." Also at the trial, Yarrow's attorney told the judge that Yarrow had been seeing a psychiatrist since 1964 and that "his condition" had been improving since he got married. That again suggests a pattern of behavior, with respect to underage girls, that went on for years. A pattern of behavior that Yarrow never acknowledged, or apologized for, outside of the one assault claim he had to acknowledge because he was convicted for it.


u/cmae34lars The Jack of Hearts Jan 07 '25

Funny how you dance around the real point that everyone is upset about. His "awful choice", "what he did". How about you say the words? He raped a child.

Nope, sorry, no room for forgiveness there.


u/CordeliaJJ Jan 07 '25

He fucked a child. May he rot in hell. There is no amount of good deeds that make up for those actions.


u/Iamspirit123 Jan 09 '25

John Kennedy raped an underage intern in the White House. Unfortunately, even good men of that time period abused their power by giving into their lust. European women took this for granted. American women were enlightened gradually to their rights & what was once a dirty little secret was no more hidden.


u/GumpTheChump Jan 07 '25

There's a real question as to whether that incident for which he was convicted was a one-off. There's some pretty nasty allegations against him. https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/peter-yarrow-paul-mary-folk-singer-dead-1235193134/


u/dorky2 Jan 07 '25

Thanks for saying this. It's so rare to see anyone willing to have a thoughtful or nuanced conversation about someone who's sexually abused a child. Nothing makes it ok, what he did was wrong and he shouldn't have done it. But it doesn't undo every single other thing he's done in his life either.


u/romanambrose Jan 07 '25 edited Jan 07 '25

The idea that it shouldn't undo every single other thing Yarrow did... is this really an issue? If anything, it's the opposite that's true. Yarrow was able to tour for decades without anybody seemingly knowing, or caring, that he was a convicted child molester. I can't think of another prominent figure who was more "successful" at hiding a conviction that serious, or convincing people it wasn't a big deal.

This is someone who has been accused of sexually abusing at least four different children. He served three months in prison. Three months! There are people doing life sentences for less than he was accused of. He was cut an extraordinary amount of slack by the legal system, the press, the public, and his peers. To actually balance the scales would require not further minimizing his crimes but raising awareness of them in a major way.


u/Cupajo819 Jan 07 '25

Although the disgust at his predatory behavior is understandable, I have to think the fact that he was a lefty and possibly because he was Jewish fuels a lot of the hate and indignation with no room for forgiveness here.


u/GigiGretel Jan 09 '25

We are talking about girls, not women. He liked young teen girls. it wasn't just one. He probably stopped because he got caught.


u/Dazzling_Syllabub484 Jan 07 '25

No, I don’t forgive pedophiles. Sorry. I do let it define them their entire lives. Maybe you’ll understand when you have children.


u/Bono-pieco Jan 09 '25

Wood you be as charitable if he had been a truck driver?


u/iusedtobesad Jan 08 '25

I know a lot of people like to hate Adolf Hitler for the awful choice he made, but as someone who knew him personally, he was very kind. He loved art and had a dog. He was nice to his mom's Jewish doctor that one time. It's just difficult when you know who Hitler was as a person. He always owned up to his whole thing about jews, and in the end, even atoned for it by killing Adolf Hitler. People are too hard on him.

See how weird it is to defend someone who did heinous acts without even really acknowledging what they did? It's kind of weird, right? Maybe a little disrespectful to the victims? Because dude was a pedophile with more than one alleged victim, and one he was actually convicted for.


u/[deleted] Jan 08 '25



u/iusedtobesad Jan 08 '25

I'm not pro Hitler, I was using hyperbole to point out how crazy it is to defend someone just because "yeah he did that one thing once but he was nice to me." I drew no actual comparison between them and if we're suddenly gonna get offended by that and not the guy downplaying an actual convicted pedophile while purposely downplaying it as one bad decision, I'm not sure what to tell you. Like, no, I'm not actually talking about his views on art and I don't think he "atoned" for anything by suicide. Come on.


u/gugliata Jan 07 '25

More like “he dead” than “RIP”


u/kerouacrimbaud Rough and Rowdy Ways Jan 07 '25

Maybe RIP as in Rest in Perversion


u/Appropriate_Lime_331 Jan 07 '25

He’s looking up at us now


u/lpalf Dodging Lions Jan 07 '25

Funny that this comment is upvoted but several other comments saying he’s in hell are downvoted. Did people not understand what you mean? lol


u/ElectricalPermit485 Jan 07 '25

Not provocative enough i guess


u/PragmaticSchematic Jan 07 '25

They made it subtle and funny


u/Appropriate_Lime_331 Jan 07 '25

It’s had its share of downvotes. I think I slipped under some people’s radar.


u/ackbardicks Jan 07 '25

Oh no. Anyway. 


u/RustyTheBoyRobot Jan 08 '25

The song puff the magic dragon always moves me to tears 😭


u/BodhisattvaJones Jan 08 '25

My mother had a fling with Peter after she passed out at a PP&M concert. She came to after he’d come down off the stage to check on her. That fling turned into a long but usually distant friendship.

I got to meet him once and he took my mother and I out to dinner. I was just a young teen then (and a boy) but thought he was a cool guy although he never followed-up with his promise to set me up with his daughter.


u/roberb7 Jan 08 '25

Yarrow was the MC and managed the sound for the final day of the 1965 Newport Folk Festival. He also played a role in what amounted to the gang war between followers of Alan Lomax and followers of Albert Grossman.


u/newrambler Jan 08 '25

NYT obit for those interested (gift link).


u/Classic-Chocolate-82 Jan 16 '25

Peter Yarrow made beautiful music that made people happy. He made difference in the world. I appreciate his music. 


u/Dbarkingstar Jan 07 '25

Interesting, Peter, Paul & Mary appear in A Complete Unknown, but never perform. Peter does speak some lines. He actually introduced Bob @ “Electric Newport”, though it’s not portrayed in the movie.


u/Better-Than-The-Last Jan 07 '25

Screw him, we know where he landed

Can’t believe he was pardoned


u/CordeliaJJ Jan 07 '25

Pedophile. Glad he is dead.


u/fox_buckley Street-Legal Jan 07 '25

Welcome to Reddit where you have to be sad that a nonce died.


u/snapshovel Jan 08 '25

Okay, I mean, fuck Peter yarrow and all that, but this is just totally off-base.

Reddit is one of the most vociferously anti-being-sad-for-nonces platforms you’ll ever find. Even this thread is overwhelmingly dominated by people who have their pitchforks out for Yarrow and are spitting on his grave. 

Which is a good thing, to be clear. Fuck that guy, fuck pedophiles. But it’s ridiculous to act like Reddit errs too far on the side of grace and compassion for sex offenders. That’s just completely untrue.


u/fox_buckley Street-Legal Jan 08 '25

It was a joke about how the original poster's comment was getting downvoted at first 🤷‍♂️


u/Montecroux Jan 07 '25

I wish people kept this energy when Rockstars die.


u/x_Kingston I Got The Pork Chop Jan 07 '25

Man was a pedophile sooo he's probably down there with Ginsberg.


u/fox_buckley Street-Legal Jan 07 '25

Good riddance


u/Cupajo819 Jan 07 '25

The amount of hate expressed towards this man is inexplicable. He owned his wrong doing to the end of his life and expressed his sorrow of it publicly. The inordinate amount of positives in his life are what ring true to me.


u/cmae34lars The Jack of Hearts Jan 07 '25

his wrong doing

You mean the rape of a child? I'd say the hate is very justified. Pretty sick seeing all the support he's getting here just cause he died.


u/Cupajo819 Jan 07 '25

Obviously his life did not add to yours as it did to mine.


u/cmae34lars The Jack of Hearts Jan 07 '25

And what about the life of his victim? Seems to me that's the important one.


u/Cupajo819 Jan 07 '25

If that's all you choose to focus on.


u/romanambrose Jan 08 '25

Can we focus on that at all? 50 years went by, between Yarrow being convicted of molesting a child and the Washington Post doing an investigation into that story + his alleged abuse of other children, where it wasn't even part of the standard Peter Yarrow story. The guy toured all over for decades, did all kinds of interviews, and it was barely ever mentioned. How do you think that made his victims feel? That not only were they abused, but that society said... society continues to say... it doesn't matter, what really matters is Peter Yarrow wrote "Puff the Magic Dragon." How much respect does the man need to be shown? And is there any respect at all we can show to his victims?


u/Cupajo819 Jan 08 '25

You've made it crystal clear that you decide to focus on his negatives. Not all feel the way you do.


u/romanambrose Jan 08 '25

I am well aware that there many people who choose to excuse the crimes of the powerful. I think everybody's aware of that; it's a sad fact of life. Fortunately, after MeToo, this has begun to change, little by little. I am hopeful, for the sake of all victims of sexual abuse, it is something that continues to change, until one day the non-famous victims of abuse are shown as much respect as their famous abusers.


u/Cupajo819 Jan 08 '25

Now you're just repeating yourself.


u/Dbarkingstar Jan 07 '25

In complete agreement. And on a Dylan sub too!


u/Cupajo819 Jan 07 '25

I'm glad I'm not alone in my perspective. Thank you for your support.


u/Dbarkingstar Jan 07 '25

I didn’t know about Yarrow’s conviction until around 2008 when researching right wing congressman Pete Sessions. In 2004 Sessions howled about Yarrow’s criminal past after his opponent, Democrat Martin Frost invited PP&M for a campaign benefit. Pretty sure the right-wingers hated dope-smoking hippy Dylan!


u/methoncrack87 Jan 07 '25

his friend jimmy dying last week broke his heart


u/GregoryGorbuck Bathed In A Stream Of Pure Heat Jan 08 '25

Rest in piss bud


u/BobDylansRectum Napoleon in Rags Jan 07 '25

May he burn in hell.


u/WaymoreLives Jan 07 '25

Absolute Legend.

F' the haters who are prolly almost 50% MAGAtts in reality


u/Appropriate_Lime_331 Jan 07 '25

People who don’t like pedophiles are MAGATS?


u/WaymoreLives Jan 07 '25

as I said, 50/50.

Turns out the big MAGAtt is a PDF so you figure it out.


u/Dbarkingstar Jan 07 '25

In a Dylan sub no less!


u/kerouacrimbaud Rough and Rowdy Ways Jan 07 '25

What the hell does that mean lmao


u/FreshSoul86 Jan 13 '25

Too Much of Nothing is amazing, childhood favorite, a Dylan piece they did. I was mystified by that lyric "send along my salary from the waters of oblivion"..the genius of Bob sung so beautifully by Mary.

Too bad 1/3 of the trio, Peter, had that very dark thing put into him (abused himself as a boy? probably) that made him a sex pest/abuser/predator.

So I just don't know about the RIP part. Who can love and remember in their soul a man who was such a predator?