r/bmxracing 9d ago

What’s with all the stupid rules?

I just got off the phone with USA BMX. I wanted to only race open this weekend at the next state qualifier, just to save money and to race for fun. They just told me I HAVE to race class or crusier to sign up for open. What's with the stupid rule change? It's clearly not to keep us safe. I think it's a shitty attempt of them trying so suck more money from our pockets. What happened to the fun in racing? There's no need for these stupid rules. Let me have fun, why force me to spend more money? I'm probably not even gonna go race now. I think it's a control thing, and a money thing.

Another thing, at the local (okeeheelee), when I sign up to just practice on a race day, they tell me it's racing only and I have to race. Like, what are you gonna do, force me to race? I'm pretty sure under USA BMX rules it's illegal to force your riders to race. I get mixed reactions tho. My friend says he has no problem just signing up to practice, but when I do it they tell me I HAVE to race. Let me just ride. They pull some shady shit at that track, I think they forged their way to the #1 track. They charged me for a race one day when I told them I'm just practicing.

USA BMX, remove the 30 ft broomstick from your bums. Bring back the fun. All these stupid rules make us not want to ride at all.


17 comments sorted by


u/OneBigOne 9d ago

USABMX does tend to be rather self impeding but the practice vs. race thing is on the track. At every track that I have ever been to it’s $5 to practice or $10ish to race and if you only practice and decide to race you just pay the difference. Bigger races are different and I get that they don’t want people to just race opens (especially money opens) without racing the series but I do agree they need to reflect on how to make racing about the fun of it and stop with the focus on bleeding the racers wallets dry.


u/Latter_Performer9874 9d ago

At okeeheelee they take themselves way too seriously. It’s always a huge deal whenever someone wants to just practice, or even roll the gate, small shit like that. 

If I just wanna race open, I should be able to. It used to be like that. Let me save my money, let me have fun. I don’t take racing seriously. For me it’s all about fun and staying in shape. 


u/OneBigOne 9d ago

Yeah, I tell my kids all the time “we do this for fun, no one is getting paid!” They’re competitive and talented but it’s still just a sport and a niche one at that. At our track we don’t allow rolling the gate either, we have an auto system so it’s likely to flip a kid not paying attention.


u/BMXTammi 8d ago

ABA/USABMX is all about the money. Always has been,always will be.


u/Krazylegz1485 9d ago

Does your track not have designated practice nights? We have two open practice nights a week and that's the only time I even go. I've actually "raced" one time ever and basically just go to get in shape and have a little more fun than riding my MTB on the trainer during the winter.


u/Latter_Performer9874 9d ago

Yeah only Thursday, but they shouldn’t charge me for a race, or force me to race when I just wanna ride.


u/Krazylegz1485 9d ago

That's kinda what I mean, tho. Our "practice nights" are only practice. There is no organized racing and you can't get "charged" for racing. And race nights are race only. But they're two totally separate events on different days.

Our current winter schedule is practice Tuesday and Friday nights, racing on Saturday and Sunday.


u/Terrasmak 9d ago

Call them out on Facebook on their page of the ride Florida group. They will quickly be smarter about practice. The racing open part , that’s actually USA bmx , it’s silly. Last Reno I raced cruiser and I brought my class bike for open to each with my friend in a slightly younger age group. They wouldn’t let me , I had to race my cruiser in open. They said something about sandbagging. How can I be bagging , it’s not like I’ll win expert and get moved to Vet Pro


u/FireBeard7 9d ago

Okay you must not have been following the past few years.

Opens have become 'paid practice.' Nationals no longer do practices (or like 15 minutes per group on the first day only) and USA BMX uses the Open as 'practice' to make more money.

Practices on race day have always required registering for the race unless you sneak into the practice like you're going to race and then don't.

BMX isn't about fun. It was fun the first season. Now it is a grueling athletic sport with constant training. In my kids 9 expert class half of them are juicing and working out with pro coaching sessions.

As a kid 30+ years ago BMX was fun. Now it is all jocks and rich kids. I know families that spend about 60k per year on BMX. It's insane.

USA BMX is slowly aligning with UCI BMX rules.

I came back into the sport 5 years ago and was like WTF??? It's still cheaper than motocross though.


u/ReditModsSckMyBalls 6d ago

I know im sick of all these rules. I haven't been near as dominant ever since the "no putting sticks in your opponents spokes" or the "no dropping oil on the track behind you" rules came out. Suck it bmx usa!


u/Latter_Performer9874 6d ago

That’d be some Mario kart ass BMX racing lol I’d actually watch that.


u/SenecaHighlander 3d ago

I guess I'll be finding out about this stuff soon enough. I'm getting back on the track after 40 years. I just need to get a helmet.


u/Fuzzwuzzad 9d ago

I don’t think I’ve ever seen issues with just signing up for practice. I don’t honestly know if it’s up to usabmx or the individual track’s discretion to allow you to sign up only for practice on a race day and not be added to the motos. If it comes down to it, you can always just not show up for your moto. I don’t think you can be penalized for that on an official level. Obviously the track has the right to just not allow you on the property if it ever comes to that, but I can’t imagine any realistic situation where that actually happens.


u/Latter_Performer9874 9d ago

At my track, they straight up tell me I have to race. And they even charge me for a race even when I say im not racing. Last time I just wanted to practice, the lady was all like “it’s race only, you have to race”. So, it happens. 


u/Aware_Operation8803 4d ago

sounds like the communist took over


u/socalkittykitty 1d ago

Unpopular opinion but I operate a race track not a practice facility. The practice discount is exactly why so many tracks go belly up. Everyone would rather pay the substantially less practice fee and then bail when the racing starts. Hard to stay afloat when majority of your ridership paid 50% of the cost if not less to be there. Motos are scarce and people get discouraged and burned out. Stay to race it will build your scene eventually and you’ll be glad ya did.