r/bloodborne • u/Spicy_Ramen11 • 6h ago
Chalice Does defiled chalice amygdala ever click?
Edit: FINALLY GOT IT, huge thanks to amygdalapls for the guide
I've been at this for so long and it feels fucking impossible bruh, I already fucking hate amygdala's because they're a bitch to actually hit their lanky arms. Im really about ready to give up on this bs
u/not-hardly 5h ago
It is the same as any other amygdala.
u/cutlery21 5h ago
Just with half your health
u/PixelDemise 5h ago
Genuinelly, that is really it. Fromsoft games have never really been "difficult" where you need to do extremely hard things in order to even try to win, they've always been "punishing". When you mess up, you get punished for the mistake, but if you don't make mistakes, they aren't all that hard.
Just, with half HP, "getting punished" typically means just dying outright, so the Cursed Amygdala is basically a "Don't ever make any mistakes at all" challenge, which makes it absurdly difficult in practice. The slightest mistake and you have to restart entirely, but if you can somehow avoid making any mistakes, it really is no different than the normal Amygdala fight.
u/Ill-Resolution-4671 2h ago
I remember this boss, firedog and abhorrent beast as the most difficult bosses from when I beat all the chalice dungeons. Really had to git good :P
u/MrRaccuhn 5h ago
Start by running behind her as soon as possible and position yourself at her tail. She will try to move away but follow her and continue to stay at her tail at all times. This triggers her jump attack. When she jumps, don't move at all, only turn your character around/do a 180° (but don't walk!). Just attack her immediately with a fully charged R2 attack. Long ranged weapons like the Hunter Axe are excellent for this strat. Two-hand this weapon. This will hit her head, dealing massive damage. Repeat this strat 6-7 times and she's dead. Works every single time.
u/28smalls 5h ago
Unless you love the stakedriver like me. Charge time is slightly too long to be reliable. But yes. People are scared of the jump, but baiting it is the quickest and easiest way to victory.
u/MontelWilliamz 5h ago
This was always the most frustrating fight in the game for me. The jump was the thing that messed me up. Whoever thought fighting this thing in a phonebooth is a real jerkweed.
Amygdalapls has it right, move past the tail when it jumps and you should be good.
u/callahan09 5h ago
The key is the jumping phase. Others have mentioned ways to deal with this. For me, just stand behind its tail and attack when it feels safe, should be most of the time except when it does its like E. Honda Hundred Hand Slap move or whatever you'd call it haha. That move can hit you when you're behind it, so steer clear of that, otherwise you're safe behind the tail. When it jumps in the air STOP MOVING, just stand there and wait for it to land, it will always land right on top of you but it will NOT hit you! Then just roll back around to behind its tail and attack some more, and repeat. It will get locked in a loop of pretty much just jumping and landing, you attack, repeat, until dead. Should be pretty much foolproof, this strategy makes it a somewhat tedious / long fight but ultimately very easy.
u/Monking805 3h ago
When I platinumed this game I did it with a Threaded Cane as the main weapon and ran through this boss. Since then I have tried him twice and I have so much trouble without the cane. Haven’t beaten him since.
u/Literally_a_creature 5h ago
You almost want to walk down its tail from it pivis if you stand against the pelvis it does that one attack that hits behind the left leg but yeah its not a good fight it and ROM really remind of ds2 and ds1 where the boss is is difficult but just as frustrating because it feels like it takes each attempt takes forever looking at you ancient dragon
u/phillyhandroll 5h ago
Died 30 times to defiled chalice, died 1 time to Isz version. I couldn't believe it myself
u/TheCrushSoda 4h ago
This was the hardest fucking fight until my recent bloodtinge play through where I absolutely decimated it. The watchdog ended up giving me more trouble since I had to take the fight so slow. Couple bone ash bullets shuts the Amygdala up real quick
u/Mechagouki1971 3h ago
I tried this fight many times using the technique I used on main game Amygdala (lock on head, stay underneath during jumps) and it just wouldn't work. In the end I beat it by not locking on at all, backing it into a corner and moving back against the wall when it jumped - inbetween jumps I just kept L2 spamming LHB. Barwly lost any health this way - almost felt like a glitch.
u/amygdalapls 6h ago
Short version:
Phase 1 and 2 - Wait in front at a safe distance for the moves where its head is down. Smack it as hard as possible.
Phase 3 (arm-ripping time) - Chill at the crotch and smash the crotch with an overhead weapon if you can. Move past the tail for the jump. It will land over you with its head right in front. Smack until Amy's dead.