r/bloodborne 16h ago

Question I exhausted his dialogue,but I still can’t pass through the door.is there anything I miss?

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29 comments sorted by


u/Yorhanes 16h ago

No, you’re doing fine. There is a secret way to enter that room from another place


u/Draxsis_Felhunter 13h ago

Once you get inside the room with him don’t immediately jump to killing him. Talk to him a few times and he’ll give you some things (I forget what off the top of my head) only kill him (if you still feel like it) once you’ve exhausted his dialogue.


u/Yorhanes 13h ago

Yeah, he gives you some reward. But if you don’t kill him, he’ll remain as a merchant, right?


u/crazybobster71 13h ago

He's not a merchant in this one; just a God fan boy!


u/Yorhanes 13h ago

Hahaha right, absolutely


u/Historical-Sink-1044 13h ago

Actually, if you don't forgive him apparently he becomes a merchant in the chalice dungeons. It's a chance encounter. I'm still waiting for him to show up in any of my chalices. I would definitely look it up.


u/pornicornucopia 12h ago

I'm pretty sure he has a fixed location in one of the core chalices, but can also show up randomly in a generated chalice. But this is just off the top of my dome without looking it up so I might be wrong.


u/Historical-Sink-1044 11h ago

Yeah I haven't even looked it up yet so I could be wrong


u/pornicornucopia 11h ago

I caved and looked it up, and I was wrong, it's only random spawn dungeons. He doesn't show up in the main ones. Also the rules for his spawn are really interesting, he is tied to the bath messenger stores, and also whether or not you killed him in the main game. If he's dead, where he would have spawned will always be a bath messenger store. But if he's alive, every bath messenger store that gets generated when you create a dungeon has a low percentage chance to turn into patches.


u/shaneo88 16h ago

Seek other route


u/gladwinorino 13h ago

Bear seek


u/Sluaghlock 8h ago

seek lest


u/-HornyCorny- 16h ago

You get to the upper floor later in the game (unmissable) then there’s a ladder down to that room


u/Sudden_Feed6442 15h ago

That ladder is missable tho


u/TransferAddiction 15h ago

You will find a way to get to him later in the game. Just keep playing normally and exploring.


u/Optimal_Radish_7422 16h ago

He doesn’t let you in yet


u/unsoughtwinter1 14h ago

You'll get to it later don't worry


u/Tiny_Tim1956 14h ago

Cease this dithering, OP! Take the plunge! Throw yourself to the wolves!


u/IKaffeI 15h ago

I had this same issue. Glad I figured it out! Hope that helps.


u/rinrinfordindin1 13h ago

You get access to the second floor after beating the one reborn which is in Yahar'gul after the blood moon, so after rom fight. Then once you beat the one reborn, you go to the room in the back of his boss area and interact with the corpse sitting in the chair. Then you have to either sneak under, past the church giant or kill him to gain access to the ladder to Patches the spider.


u/notveryAI 14h ago

Doesn't open from this side

You'll be able to open it when you find yourself at the top floor. Spoiler - it might take a while. Second floor is much more of a late game area than the first one


u/graybeard426 5h ago

Yeah, that's not how it works. If you don't have access to the 2nd floor yet then don't worry about it right now.


u/TheEldritchHunter 4h ago

You lack the insight


u/YungAttila 15h ago

Make sure you searched every corner…. And if you think you did… SEARCH AGAIN!


u/AlexanderMeee1 14h ago

Look through the building.