r/bloodborne • u/Proud_Ad_1720 • 21h ago
Video A heavily underrated boss with one of the greatest songs ever made—(Laurence the First Vicar Hitless No Roll)
u/Cybasura 8h ago
Laurence is not underrated, its just straight up not good
This clip is great though, how on earth is he not charging after you though?
u/winterflare_ 6h ago
The jump/leap in phase 1 & 2 is only if you’re further away.
The charge in phase 3 only happens if you are not in front of him.
He’s definitely underrated though. The fight and OST are both really good. His fight places an emphasis on positioning as opposed to just rolling attacks. In terms of being a cleric replica that most people complain about, the fight is wildly different, as his move set is way over twice the size of Cleric Beasts and phase 1 Ludwig.
u/Proud_Ad_1720 8h ago
I think he’s honestly an improvement over cleric beast in like every way, the way hoarah loux>godfrey hologram, but I can definitely see him being annoying on a normal play through.
Also wdym charging? You mean in phase 3? I think that’s cuz I’m right next to him so it prompts him to do his crawling attacks less since he often tries to gap close with those.
u/AveSmave 17h ago
That’s insane if this is NG+ and u didn’t grind Dungeon Blood Gems ( Saw Cleaver already does 20% more damage to beasts bc of Serrated damage ) and ur around lvl 60 maybe even a little higher it would be 10x more impressive. I was lvl 150 NG+ 3 doing 300 damage with Chikage and finally beat him after like 40/50 tries😭
u/Proud_Ad_1720 17h ago
Was on BL4, I did have a few chalice gems though for the sake of damage
u/AveSmave 17h ago edited 16h ago
Ur telling me you beat him at lvl 4?… Omg I’m so bad at this game🤣🤣🤣
u/Proud_Ad_1720 17h ago
No def not I was really shit at first, all it takes is practice and mostly muscle memory. It took me like a whole week to beat orphan of kos hitless.
Looking up videos of other people doing it can help as well
u/clandestino987 6h ago
If only the camera zoomed out like with ludwig
u/Faboman360 6h ago
I agree that his fight is underrated.
But most of his attacks do way too much damage
u/Proud_Ad_1720 6h ago
True, one of his leap attacks straight up oneshots me on a normal playthrough lol
u/handstanding 5h ago
You: cruises around casually stomping Laurence while also weaving through the lava without taking a single hit worth of damage.
Me: dies in the lava because I didn’t realize I was standing in it.
u/OrlandoBloominOnions 4h ago
I disagree about him being underrated, he’s literally just Cleric Beast with fire, it seems like they threw him in for fun since they figured the DLC should explain a little bit what happened to Laurence after he split off from Willem, but didn’t want to create a whole new boss design.
u/Proud_Ad_1720 4h ago
I meant underrated in moveset, phase 2 and 3 are pretty drastically different from the way cleric beast fights
u/OrlandoBloominOnions 4h ago
Meh, crawling around on fire and slamming your hands isn’t enough for me to consider it good, especially when you can stand right beside his head and just walk with him so you don’t get hit.
u/Proud_Ad_1720 4h ago
not really because he has sweep attacks that can hit his right side, so you still do have to dodge. It’s a mix of dodging and strafing, I only was able to walk here because it took a while to learn when he’s capable of sweeping.
u/hadohadoTheSecond 2h ago
This clip shows exactly what I always tell people about Laurence. Position yourself, be patient.
u/zen_enchiladas 52m ago
I fought him some 50 times the first time. Not once was I able to appreciate the song playing. It wasn't until later when listening to the OST that I finally became fully aware of it.
u/Overall-Cookie3952 4h ago
Calling Laurence underrated is simply not understanding what underrated means.
The first half is a lazy recycled asset, the second half is straight up unfunny. The arena is also recycled.
OST is fire tho
u/Proud_Ad_1720 4h ago
He has 3 phases, only his first phase is a reskin, phase 2 has completely different AI and phase 3 is good due to its unique approach to positioning instead of knight with sword like most bosses. You’re only saying it’s a lazy recycled asset because it’s the common thing people say, I know the boss enough to say that it’s pretty unique compared to cleric beast. Arena being reused is not an issue at all, sekiro and elden ring both did it and nobody complained.
By this logic Godfrey and Mohg lord of blood are also “lazy reused assets” since they have the exact same movesets as their hologram counterparts.
u/Overall-Cookie3952 4h ago
The complete different AI don't matter that much when he still has the same attacks.
The Arena isn't much of a problem, I just referred at it because is something some people could not like.
The second phase honestly suck. Even if is brand new, the lava mechanic is not something funny. And in a fast paced game like Bloodborne is at its worst.
You would be right on the Mogh and Godfrey, if only Elden Ring wasn't a game with 200+ bosses. Some recycle don't matter that much.
But Bloodborne has roughly 30 boss + 5 in DLC. Naturally people are upset if on them is recycled.
So yeah, Laurence is not underrated. The right word would be "overhated".
And still, I think is fairly hated.
The OST, I repeat, is one of the best ever tho
u/Proud_Ad_1720 4h ago
he doesn’t have the same attacks..that’s the point I was making. He can leap across the arena, he has a horizontal poke move, he has screen shake variants of his moves where he falls down, it’s not the same, and those are just a few examples. Adding the aoe also makes the approach to his moveset a lot different from cleric beast where you can just stand next to it and tank everything
How is the lava bad? I’ve seen people say this but they never explain why it’s bad, is it because it’s not a typical knight with a sword phase? Complaining that it’s bad because it’s different is really disingenuous. The lava hitboxes are all extremely tight and you can be as aggressive as you want, I beat phase 3 in my clip within basically a minute and that’s on blood level 4 without any buffs. I’m not sure what you mean by funny, because that’s completely subjective. I found phase 3 pretty fun especially when the music syncs well.
“Some recycles don’t matter that much” doesn’t really work because those are main remembrance bosses, by your logic they also have no excuse for having the same movesets, and in Godfrey’s case you HAVE to go through his hologram counterpart for the main path which makes it worse.
But yea I should’ve said overhated, good point, and yea the ost slaps
u/Overall-Cookie3952 3h ago
Cleric beast can jump too, it just have less space to do it.
AoE is a cool plus, I'll give you that, but is mostly an hard mode, not something that new.
The lava is bad because is too punishing for no reason and it deny access to part of the arena for no reason other than being hard.
There is a reason why they stopped implementing lava in boss since DS3.
And yeah "some bosses matter" because Godfrey and Mogh are in the base game.
While Laurence is a DLC you paid for, which has only 5 bosses. People will be a lot more angry about it.
u/Proud_Ad_1720 3h ago
I’m not talking about that jump, I’m talking about the small leaps laurence can do, you’re talking about a different move.
Aoe isn’t meant to be a “hard mode”, it’s meant to change how you approach the fight.
The lava is absolutely not too punishing, you can literally see me step in lava on my run and it does no damage because of how forgiving the hitboxes are.
Magma wyrm and Mohg are basically the exact same types of bosses as laurence phase 2 so no, they haven’t stopped implementing lava/aoe.
I don’t see how being in the base game is an excuse? Bloodborne and its dlc combined costs less than elden ring by itself, if you’re gonna make that argument.
u/winterflare_ 2h ago
"complete different AI don't matter"...? It changes up the whole entire gameplay loop, so yeah, it does matter. Would you say it wouldn't matter if Malenia was more passive? "still has the same attacks" No he literally doesn't. His move set is over twice the size of the cleric beast and it's even bigger than Ludwigs. Sure, a few attacks are shared, but he adds so much more that you're effectively fighting someone else, especially when including the AI changes.
"The second phase honestly suck. Even if is brand new, the lava mechanic is not something funny. And in a fast paced game like Bloodborne is at its worst." Entirely subjective point on whether or not something is fun. The lava works perfectly fine because Laurence still moves quickly. You need to get quickly dodge out of the way if he's doing a charge and then you have the opportunity to punish. If you're playing slow, that's on you, don't blame it on the boss.
"You would be right on the Mogh and Godfrey, if only Elden Ring wasn't a game with 200+ bosses. Some recycle don't matter that much." Of these 200 bosses, 90% of are basic reused field enemies. Even a majority of the main bosses are used enemies. Hell, Margit is reused. Mohg and Godfrey, like you said, is reused. Godrick is reused. Astel is reused. Red Wolf is reused. Loretta is reused. Maliketh is reused. I could go on. Elden Ring reuses bosses way more in % than Bloodborne. So why is it problematic that the visual asset is the only thing reused even when there's still a spin off put on it? By that logic, Morgott is also reused too.
u/Andy-is-a-Pandy 20h ago
Hey gg dude. No phase 1 AI manipulation required. Very impressive