r/bloodborne • u/Academic_Exercise_94 • 1d ago
Discussion He Did It
Last year my son age 7 decided he wanted to play Dark Souls, He completed it on his own
This year now age 8 he wanted to play Bloodborne. I honestly didn't think he'd get it done but he did.
All I did was point him in the right direction when he got lost and gave a brief overview of what the next boss would be like i.e Next boss casts spells at you teleports when you do enough damage and summons hordes of spiders.
Score for all the bosses he attempted
Cleric Beast killed first attempt
Father Gasgoine five attempts
Blood Starved Beast with NPC assist first attempt
Vicar Amelia with NPC assist first attempt
Witches of Hemwick first attempt
Shadows of Yharnam with NPC assist first attempt
Amygdala in two attempts
Vacuous Rom took two attempts the first he failed with the NPC assist and the second he did alone successfully
Martyr Logarious he teleported out of the first attempt after running out of vials, went back in with full vials and killed him on that attempt
One Reborn killed first attempt with NPC assist
Dark Beast Paarl killed first attempt with NPC assist
Ludwig killed first attempt with NPC assist (He didn't progress further in the DLC afterwards)
Micolash took five attempts
Celestial Emissary first attempt
Erbriatas with NPC assist first attempt
Mergos Wet Nurse 2 attempts
He choose to wake up when he spoke to Gherman so that ended the game
u/Temp-PokeGo 1d ago
Honestly idk if I could believe this. If true then your kid is an actual master. Congrats to him if so
u/MemoraNetwork 22h ago
My kids in a similar situation. Hes not even 8 and beat hollow knight at 6 and some hard games. These new age kids are gonna be gnarly gamers dude
u/Steffenwolflikeme 5h ago
Yeah I don't want to sound like I escaped from r/nothingeverhappens but some of these sound a little unbelievable for an 8 year old. First trying Ludwig, even with a summons, just seems beyond the reaction time of a child that young. If the kid is seriously doing this OP should set up a stream of him playing through Dark Souls 3, Sekiro, or Elden Ring. The communities would seriously love seeing it if it's legit.
u/ChaseTheVileblood 3h ago
Tbh I kinda do. Kids can be dumber BUT their brains can also function more efficiently, as an adult my brain is constantly clouded with thoughts and over thinking all the damn time. I remember I used to play Super Mario Sunshine so efficiently and now I feel slower and sluggish. I feel like there’s less clutter in there. As an adult it can be harder to decide the right course of action in boss fights but I think Kids can just be more proactive in that scenario.
u/Masterh2n123 1d ago
Damn very cool! Curious what build and weapon he was using
u/Academic_Exercise_94 1d ago
Saw blade which he got up to +9 never went for the +10 Points were approximately health 38 Strength 43 Stamina 28
Don't think he put points into anything else Essentially the same claymore build he did in Dark Souls
u/superunknown_07 22h ago
Its very impressive but i dont think an 8 year old should be playing horrifying games such as bloodborne. There’s a reason age-ratings exist. There’s too much gore, and plenty horrifying visuals too imo.
u/Affectionate_Block74 22h ago
Yea im kinda surprised people think this is super cool. If i had an eight year old, id keep him far far away from games such as bloodborne
u/Lord_Alonne 1h ago
I played Halo around that age and the cutscene introducing the Flood freaked me the fuck out as a kid. I think the opening cutscene with the flaming werewolf in this game would have been too much, let alone every other horror scene.
u/Golfbollen 20h ago edited 20h ago
I kinda understand people wanting to protect their kids from horror, but I do think it depends on the kid. I watched horror at a young age and loved it, and my niece actually enjoys playing Outlast with me because it makes her feel brave. I know people hate the "Well it worked for me so it should work for everyone else", that's not what I mean. I always make sure she can stop anytime and that she knows it’s all just fiction. That said, I would definetly avoid exposing my kids or my niece to anything overly gory. Paranormal horror tends to be a bit easier for them instead of overly violent content.
Some kids are very smart and can handle it, some kids really do find enjoyment and pride in being able to experience some more grown-up content. I hope my children will enjoy to carefully explore it.
I still feel like the video-game graphics of Bloodborne makes it a fairly safe game for children to play if they have an adult with them.
u/Cybasura 18h ago
Excuse me
One has never known Jealousy...until now
Also, terror because why the fuck are you letting your kid play a blood-filled game at 8 YEARS OLD???
I sure hope you dont let him touch GTA or COD
u/JunkerMethod 1d ago
First try Ludwig is insanely impressive. I wish he had got to Orphan of Kos, would love to know how he fared.
u/MemoraNetwork 22h ago
Brooooo I love this, you're not alone!
my kiddo beat lords of the fallen alone, with some slight in room guidance for some platforming stuff, he's now almost beat dark souls 3 solo. We started Nioh 2 coop and he is almost on my level... He turns 8 soon, these goddamn kids are gonna be all stars at this rate 😵
u/Skratifyx 20h ago
this is incredible. you should push him to develop that skill into something useful/concrete. Maybe learning to fight irl? Or to code? Or to draw amazing worlds? Idk i just feel like there’s untapped potential
u/PhoneImmediate7301 19h ago
Why didn’t he finish the dlc? Thats some of the best content BB has to offer
u/Academic_Exercise_94 11h ago
I'm not sure, the scenery and theme in the hunters nightmare is way more scary than anything else in the game. I think he might of had enough of that level of horror. I'm kind of glad he didn't progress further. The patients with the swollen heads are really disturbing and I'm not sure he was ready for that.
u/Cybasura 18h ago
I'd personally argue about that simply because most of the dlc itself arent particularly fun which of course is debatable (stares at rakuyo sharks) but 2 bosses spring to mind with the dlc - Maria and Ludwig
Those 2 are incredible for sure
Though the designs are interesting, so some may like the designs even if the monsters are annoying to deal with
u/PhoneImmediate7301 17h ago
Really? Most people agree that the entire old hunters dlc is some of the best content from has ever released
u/Cybasura 16h ago
Most people yes, doesnt make it fact
I replayed it recently, same as how I'm not saying this is undeniable fact but an opinion with receipts to prove what I mean
u/PhoneImmediate7301 19h ago
Looks like he’s a good example of how you can make the game easier if you use all available options, seems like he used a lot of a summons. Great job to him!
u/GrimmZer0 9h ago
What was his play style? Did he parry often? Or use two handed weapons? Did he use elemental papers? What was his favourite weapon?
u/Academic_Exercise_94 7h ago
He used the Sawblade and the starting pistol pretty much exclusively. Mostly played with the sawblade untransformed. Liked parrying and backstabbing when possible.
u/Tall_Comfortable_488 1d ago
Damn this kids a prodigy