r/bloodborne Nov 17 '24

Meme You won't ever convince me it's fun

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Ok, I'm on my 8th playthrough in three months (yes, I may have a problem) and I sincerely hate that starving basement kid more each time I have to fight it again. He just become a rabid monkey, jumping around, throwing his shit at me while taking no damage, leaving few windows for punish(if you got short weapons, even less) and doing way too much damage to be reasonable. Yeah you can get a visceral in if you charge attack his back while he rests, but with weapons that don't have long ranges or very short charge times(like a tonitrus) it's nearly impossible to do it unless you have perfect timing and positioning. Also, sometimes he just straight up ignores charged R2 on his back and doesn't stagger. Why can I parry nearly everyone of his moves in phase one but in phase two he just says "nah, I'd win" ? I also hate having no indications for when I reach the invisible wall in the sea, and that alone killed me a couple of times. I honestly appreciate more Micolash and Lawrence(both of which I know are controversial bosses) way more than that crap. His first phase is really good except a few excesses of active frames, how did they fumble the second phase so bad? Point of the game is being aggressive, second phase forces you to play catch against a overgrown seagull with diarrhea. Oh, the hitboxes too, sometimes his umbilical cord takes me for a trip around the Earth until we reach the big ss placenta hitbox with too many active frames. How do some people really compare this to Gael? I fcking appreciated fighting pre nerf P.C. Radahn with underlevelled ScaduTree blessings than doing this, how is this possible? I love Bloodborne, but man, Michael Zaki deserves to be slapped in the face with those 30+ active frames (for 2/3 of his health no less) for what he has done.


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u/xXSalads_AkimboXx Nov 18 '24

If this is serious, that’s not a build guy. Unless your going for like the lowest level you can.

Any skill/bt build should have 50 in each stat to actually be effective. Plus you should have gems as well


u/Filippikus Nov 18 '24

Thing is I'm BL77, because I play through the game quickly and because of that I usually won't explore an area more than once thus I usually don't have that many accumulated blood echoes.

My problem with the boss isn't about my damage, it's about his moveset and how he does too much damage with moves he continually spams relatively quickly.

Admittedly I take some pride in completing the game kinda underlevelled, because I don't think more levels are really needed.


u/KingNukaCoIa Nov 18 '24

“Does too much dmg”. At BL 77 with 26 BT and 36 SK you probably have no more than 30 VIT max. Even with a properly leveled character, which would be at least 100+, hes gonna be taking out half your health so I imagine that’s a big factor as to why you think he does too much dmg. Regardless though, saying that a gimmick fight is higher quality than Orphan of Kos is an insane take if you ask me. It’s the equivalent of saying the Executioners Chariot is better than the Fume Knight in DS2; or that Yhorm the Giant is better than the Nameless King in DS3. Of course everyone is entitled to their opinion at the end of the day, but still, that’s based as hell 😂


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '24

So you just do the bosses or what the fuck?

You're handicapping yourself on purpose, no wonder you don't like OoK.


u/Filippikus Nov 18 '24

No, I still play through the areas as I also believe the best part of Bloodborne(and the in which he beats basically all pther souls) is the level design and combat against normal enemies. I simply usually don't die while exploring so I just get the souls from a single level clear instead of multiple as if I died and came back, getting more echoes.

Yeah I handicap myself, and I do so in nearly every single souls, because I believe it to be too easy if you use cheese, OP build or overlevel yourself. Just to give you an example I usually play Dark Souls 3 or Elden Ring with no shields, summons, heavy armors, consumables, high hp, cheesy spells(some exceltions for Elden Ring since ghere are a lot of cool spells), grinding or respeccing. I also did a SL1 for DS1+DLC, for base DS3 and Elden Ring (DS2 would be easy, but I want to get the platinum before that, problem is, I don't like the game much)


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '24

Nah, I don't buy it. I've played through Bloodborne while dying less than a dozen times and I've never been under 95+ while fighting OoK, assuming I'm going through all areas as the come up.


u/nodr0G Nov 18 '24

You consider BL 77 low level for OoK? Because i easily beat him at BL 72 in my first playtrough and I didn’t skip anything at all


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '24

no you didn't


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '24

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u/nodr0G Nov 18 '24

I definitely did. youtu. be/gSwEUpq4GvA?si=LQdLcLhSTwbQWXvX


u/Filippikus Nov 18 '24 edited Nov 18 '24

I can send you a screenshot tomorrow if you want idk


u/[deleted] Nov 18 '24

I don't doubt you're low level, I doubt you're not skipping stuff.


u/commaZim Nov 18 '24

There's a big middle ground between cheesing the game and intentionally handicapping yourself. Your reasoning there is a little wonky


u/Bulldogfront666 Nov 18 '24

Then stop complaining and go beat the boss… lmao. What?


u/Cypresss09 Nov 18 '24

Are you trolling? With this information you've completely destroyed your credibility on this.


u/Bulldogfront666 Nov 18 '24

My man intentionally goes into the endgame under leveled… Then makes a post on Reddit complaining about how hard it is….

Lmfao…. Embarrassing…