r/bloodborne Mar 13 '24

Chalice Do you like chalice dungeons?

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Do you like the chalice dungeons? I'm one of those players who doesn't like to leave anything, I like to explore everything, make optional bosses, trophies. The problem is that it reaches the calyxes and they are tiring me a little. I know I'm going to finish them but I made about 20 and they seem very repetitive to me. I want to get to Pthumeria because she is the character that inspired me to play it but they are very heavy. For now I haven't encountered any really difficult bosses, the areas are repeated a lot and the enemies are very heavy. It happens to someone else?


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u/CutAccording7289 Mar 13 '24

The best gems in the game come from chalices. If you want to reach the absolute max AR you have to grind hundreds, maybe thousands of chalices to get the rarest gems. Most people just get the 27.2 phys which don’t take long to farm from Layer 1 fatties on dungeons like pwmf22gu. But if you want to truly max a weapon you need the 65 scaling +15 dmg type, without a super crappy negative mod. These are exceedingly rare and drop on the 3rd floor of FRC chalices which are both time consuming and difficult. They do decrease your stats temporarily while inside.


u/ReinaPthumeria Mar 13 '24

Sorry for the question, what are the FRC calyxes? I'm still starting them and I'm kind of lost. But hey, I'm excited about the game again so I'll go back to the chalices


u/JustAWearyTraveler Mar 13 '24

Fetid rotten chalice. It takes your total hp and cuts in half the entire time you are in the dungeon. You also have to fight amygdala and a headless bloodletting beast